Home > $20K Challenge

$20K Challenge

July 5th, 2014 at 03:57 am

Still tracking joint savings for now, but started dividing some of it and tracking that below.

Current Balance $32,360.00
+$19.13 ING Interest
+$33.87 Even Out Amount
-$200.00 to ROTH IRA
-$200.00 to ROTH IRA
-$28.00 to ROTH IRA
-$3600.00 Closed HSBC
+$3605.00 to ING
-$8005.00 to My Savings
-$8005.00 to XH Savings
+$75.00 to ING
Balance $16,055.00

ING $16,055.00
Total = $16,055.00

So we still have $16K left to split up. In the meantime I have started tracking my own savings.

My Savings

Local Savings
+$50.00 Opening Deposit
+$250.00 Casino Win
Balance $300.00

ING Savings
+$5.00 Opening Deposit
+$8000.00 Dividing Savings
+$.82 ING Interest
+$4.18 Even Up Amount
Balance $8010.00

Local Savings $300.00
ING Savings $8010.00
Total Savings $8310.00

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