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$20K Update

May 16th, 2013 at 02:41 pm

The Anniversary Cruise Fund is back over $2K! I wish we could hit $30K...that would be S W E E T! But Vegas is only a month and a half away...and DH gets his last school paycheck till Sept on May 31. So gonna be crawling along.

Found another $10 discrepancy in my ING totals...what is up with this lately....

Current Balance $28,795.00
+$100.00 Anniversary Cruise
-$10.00 ING Total
New Balance $28,885.00

ING $25,760.00 ($5620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1050.00
HSBC $2075.00
Total = $28,885.00

$20K Update - $29K!!

May 7th, 2013 at 07:43 pm

May only be for a short time, but soooo excited to be at $29K!!

Current Balance $28,795.00
-$112.00 to Roth IRA
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
+$100.00 Retirement Hold Account
+$250.00 Home Improvements
New Balance $29,035.00

ING $25,760.00 ($5620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1300.00
HSBC $1975.00
Total = $29,035.00

$20K Update - ING Interest

May 1st, 2013 at 11:42 pm

Sadly I must have made an addition mistake at some time, because my ING total on here is $25 higher then the actual total on INGs website. Hmmm. So dang, that sucked up most of the amount that it went up for interest/even out amounts. Oh well, $20 higher then before.

Current Balance $28,775.00
+$15.23 Interest
+$29.77 Even Out Amount
-$25.00 Math Mistake
New Balance $28,795.00

ING $25,770.00 ($5620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1050.00
HSBC $1975.00
Total = $28,795.00

$20K Update - Car Maintenance

April 26th, 2013 at 11:42 pm

Had to get new brake pads etc....I did have a coupon that gave me $50 off my total, so that was awesome!

Current Balance $28,625.00
-$300.00 Car Maintenance
+$100.00 to Retirement Hold Account
+$350.00 Escrow Account
New Balance $28,775.00

ING $25,750.00 ($5620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1050.00
HSBC $1975.00
Total = $28,775.00

$20K Update - Payday!

April 11th, 2013 at 07:49 pm

Another good update. Smile However, the checking account is going to be pretty bare after this, between all the savings deposits, the extra payment on the mortgage and a seriously too high monthly Discover bill.....we are scraping the bottom of checking. Need to really focus on reigning in the overspending, eating out is OUT OF CONTROL. Gonna talk to DH tonight about not eating out for the next 2 weeks to get us back on track.

Current Balance $27,975.00
+$100.00 HSBC Anniversary Cruise
+$100.00 ING Retirement Hold Account
+$200.00 ING Las Vegas
+$250.00 Home Improvements
New Balance $28,625.00

ING $25,300.00 ($5620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1350.00
HSBC $1975.00
Total = $28,625.00

$20K Update

April 8th, 2013 at 02:48 pm

Just a little change...also I noticed this morning my Roth IRA hit $7K! Smile

Current Balance $28,045.00
-$112.00 to Roth IRA
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
+$40.00 to LT EF to keep ING above $25K
New Balance $27,975.00

ING $25,000.00 ($5620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1100.00
HSBC $1875.00
Total = $27,975.00

$20K Update - Vegas Flights

April 3rd, 2013 at 12:47 am

Current Balance $28,600.00
+$15.21 ING Interest
+$29.79 ING Even Out Amount
-$600.00 Vegas Flights
New Balance $28,045.00

ING $25,070.00 ($5620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1100.00
HSBC $1875.00
Total = $28,045.00

$20K Update - Home Improvements Goal Met!

March 27th, 2013 at 06:10 pm

Another one bites the dust! So excited to be doing so well on our goal list so early in the year! I asked DH what he would like to do with the $250 per paycheck that we had been putting towards the Home Improvements, and he said he would like to keep it going to Home Improvements even though our yearly goal is met. This is money from his Track/Cross Country Coach pay, so I am leaving this up to him. He wants to replace our patio door and also put in underground sprinklers this year, and as other home owners out there know, there is always something to be upgraded or fixed, so I think that is a good idea to keep adding to that pot.

The next 3 goals on the list (Anniversary Cruise, Cushion, and HSA) are on autodeposits that will meet those goals for the year. So for now I am going to be adding to our Vegas fund (trip is in July) to give us a little extra fun money for being so good on our savings this year. After that I am hoping to put the Long Term EF up to $2K (I know this is still small, but we really have all of our ING savings as an EF if it was needed) and then make some GOOD extra payments on the house for Sept-Dec. For now we will keep going with our $400-$600 extra payments per month.

Current Focus = Home Improvements $7,115/$7,000 – Goal Met!

Current Balance $27,725.00
-$28.00 to Roth IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
+$100.00 Retirement Hold Account
+$200.00 ING Las Vegas
+$250.00 Home Improvements
+$350.00 April 2013 Escrow Amount
New Balance $28,600.00

ING $25,625.00 ($5620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1100.00
HSBC $1875.00
Total = $28,600.00

$20K Update! New Car Goal - MET!

March 13th, 2013 at 03:07 pm

Yeah we met our New Car Goal!! Next payday will meet the Home Improvements Goal for the year as well! Smile After that we will be bulking up for a little extra fun money for our Vegas trip in July, and then hitting the Long Term EF hard along with the MORTGAGE!

Current Focus = Home Improvements $6,865/$7,000
Current Focus = New Car $10,055/$10,000 - Goal Met!!

Current Balance $27,070.00
+$5.00 Even Out Amount to get ING to $25K, LT EF
+$100.00 HSBC Anniversary Cruise
+$100.00 Retirement Hold Account
+$200.00 ING New Car
+$250.00 Home Improvements
New Balance $27,725.00

ING $25,000.00 ($5620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$850.00
HSBC $1875.00
Total = $27,725.00

$20K Update

March 8th, 2013 at 04:42 pm

Current Focus = Home Improvements $6,615/$7,000
Current Focus = New Car $9,855/$10,000

Current Balance $27,170.00
-$112.00 to ROTH IRA
+$12.00 Even Out Amount
New Balance $27,070.00

ING $24,695.00 ($5620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$600.00
HSBC $1775.00
Total = $27,070.00

$20K Update

March 3rd, 2013 at 06:07 pm

Moved $1000 from the cash for Home Improvements to the ING Home Improvements.

Current Focus = Home Improvements $6,610/$7,000
Current Focus = New Car $9,855/$10,000

Current Balance $27,170.00
-$1000.00 Home Improvements (cash)
+$1000.00 ING Home Improvements
New Balance $27,170.00

ING $24,795.00 ($4620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$600.00
HSBC $1775.00
Total = $27,170.00

$20K Update - ING Interest

March 2nd, 2013 at 05:18 pm

Current Focus = Home Improvements $6,610/$7,000
Current Focus = New Car $9,855/$10,000

Current Balance $27,120.00
+$12.59 ING Interest
+$37.41 Even Out Amount
New Balance $27,170.00

ING $23,795.00 ($4620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1600.00
HSBC $1775.00
Total = $27,170.00

$20K Update - $27K!

February 28th, 2013 at 04:08 pm

Wowsa we are really moving up lately! $27K will be very short lived as DH is booking our Vegas trip tomorrow, but still fun while it lasts. Smile

Current Focus = Home Improvements $6,610/$7,000
Current Focus = New Car $9,845/$10,000

Current Balance $26,245.00
-$28.00 to Roth IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
+$100.00 to ING Retirement Hold Account
+$200.00 to ING New Car
+$250.00 to Home Improvements
+$350.00 to ING Escrow for March 2013
New Balance $27,120.00

ING $23,745.00 ($4620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1600.00
HSBC $1775.00
Total = $27,120.00

$20K Update - $26K!

February 16th, 2013 at 03:49 pm

Wow this is the highest we have ever been! I requested my Escrow be closed on Wednesday and got the check for it in the mail on Friday, so fast!

Current Focus = Home Improvements $6,360/$7,000
Current Focus = New Car $9,645/$10,000

Current Balance $25,445.00
+$788.33 Escrow Funds
+$11.67 Even Out Amount
New Balance $26,245.00

ING $23,120.00 ($4620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1350.00
HSBC $1775.00
Total = $26,245.00

$20K Update - $25K AGAIN!

February 15th, 2013 at 02:05 pm

Current Focus = Home Improvements $6,360/$7,000
Current Focus = New Car $9,645/$10,000

Current Balance $24,795.00
+$200.00 to ING New Car
+$100.00 to ING Retirement Account
+$100.00 to HSBC Anniversary Cruise
+$250.00 to Home Improvements
New Balance $25,445.00

ING $22,320.00 ($4620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1350.00
HSBC $1775.00
Total = $25,445.00

$20K Update - Done with Bingo Money

February 9th, 2013 at 01:56 am

I moved the last of the Bingo Money from at home to the ING account. One less money "bucket" to keep track of.

Current Focus = Home Improvements $6,110/$7,000
Current Focus = New Car $9,445/$10,000

Current Balance $24,795.00
-$1000.00 from Bingo Money (cash)
+$1000.00 to ING New Car
New Balance $24,795.00

ING $22,020.00 ($4620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1100.00
HSBC $1675.00
Total = $24,795.00

Two more savings goals met!

February 7th, 2013 at 05:24 pm

I moved some funds around since we got the Federal tax return and met 2 more goals! Now on to the Home Improvements and New Car Goals.  Home Improvements – DH puts $250 per paycheck in there, so that will be met in about 2 months. New Car – I will be transferring the last of the Bingo Money ($1000) to that account soon. I also cancelled the auto-deposits that I had set up ($100 bi-weekly to LT EF and $100 bi-weekly to Sept 2013) and started a new auto-deposit of $200 bi-weekly to New Car. So that goal will also be met within the next 2 months. Making some serious progress!

Current Focus = Long Term EF $1,000/$1,000 – Goal Met!
Current Focus = September 2013 $1,800/$1,800 – Goal Met!
Current Focus = Home Improvements $6,110/$7,000
Current Focus = New Car $8,445/$10,000

Current Balance $24,795.00
*No changes
New Balance $24,795.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1000.00
ING $21,020.00 ($4620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1100.00
HSBC $1675.00
Total = $24,795.00

$20K Update - State Tax Return!

February 5th, 2013 at 06:07 pm

Got my State Tax Return today! YEAH! Put it in savings until DH's BD trip.

Current Focus = Long Term EF $640/$1000

Current Balance $24,540.00
+$115.00 State Tax Return to LT EF
+$250.00 Cross Country Pay to Home Improvements
-$112.00 ROTH IRA
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
New Balance $24,795.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1000.00
ING $21,020.00 ($4620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1100.00
HSBC $1675.00
Total = $24,795.00

$20K Update - ING Interest

February 2nd, 2013 at 05:09 pm

Current Focus = Long Term EF $525/$1000

Current Balance $24,500.00
+$13.08 ING Interest
+$26.92 Even Out Amount
New Balance $24,540.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1000.00
ING $21,015.00 ($4620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$850.00
HSBC $1675.00
Total = $24,540.00

$20K Update - $24K....AGAIN

January 30th, 2013 at 06:45 pm

Nice little jump here! Plus we finally got our last W2 today! YEAH!

Current Focus = Long Term EF $520/$1000

Current Balance $23,950.00
+$100.00 to Long Term EF
+$100.00 to Sept 2013
+$100.00 to Retirement Hold Account
+$250.00 to Home Improvements
New Balance $24,500.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1000.00
ING $20,975.00 ($4620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$850.00
HSBC $1675.00
Total = $24,500.00

$20K Update

January 24th, 2013 at 03:51 pm

Well the $24K was short lived. Hopefully our last W2 will get here soon so we can get our taxes done and get a nice big bump up to savings!

Current Focus = Long Term EF $420/$1000

Current Balance $24,175.00
-$200.00 To checking to help cover Christmas
-$28.00 To ROTH IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
New Balance $23,950.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1000.00
ING $20,675.00 ($4620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$600.00
HSBC $1675.00
Total = $23,950.00

$20K Update - $24K!

January 16th, 2013 at 04:19 pm

Current Focus = Long Term EF $620/$1000

*ETA - Had to go back and add in another $20 to the ING accounts, guess I forgot to add a $20 somewhere.

Current Balance $23,755.00
+$100.00 Anniversary Crusie
+$100.00 ING Sept 2013
+$100.00 ING Long Term EF
+$100.00 Retirement Hold Account
+$20.00 Addition Mistake
New Balance $24,175.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1000.00
ING $20,900.00 ($4620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$600.00
HSBC $1675.00
Total = $24,175.00

$20K Update

January 3rd, 2013 at 04:01 pm

I had $20 leftover from a previous Biggest Loser, so I threw that in the EF, then added another $5 of my own to get it to an even $500.00. Tomorrow is payday for me, my checks have been sweet with OT pay, but not making any additional transfers right now as the extra pay is going to the Christmas bills.

Current Focus = Long Term EF $500/$1000

Current Balance $23,740.00
+$20.00 from Biggest Loser to LT EF
+$5.00 to LT EF
+$100.00 to Retirement Hold Account
-$112.00 to Roth IRA
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
New Balance $23,755.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1000.00
ING $20,580.00 ($4620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$600.00
HSBC $1575.00
Total = $23,755.00

Happy New Year! $20K Update!

January 1st, 2013 at 06:47 pm

Happy New Year everyone! DH brought home $300 in Christmas money from the in-laws. He is keeping $50 for fun money and the other $250 I put towards the Long Term EF. We are already almost half way to that goal! Also added in our ING Interest.

Current Focus = Long Term EF $475/$1000

Current Balance $23,455.00
+$250.00 Christmas gifts to Long Term EF
+$12.02 ING Interest
+$22.98 Even Out Amount
New Balance $23,740.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1000.00
ING $20,565.00 ($4620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$600.00
HSBC $1575.00
Total = $23,740.00

$20K Challenge - Sold a giftcard

December 30th, 2012 at 04:01 am

I had a $20 giftcard from Lowes that I got in December 2010. Lowes gave it to us when they messed up on our delivery of our washer and dryer. We normally don't shop there, so haven't used it after 2 years. A friend needed a Lowes giftcard for a Christmas present for a gift exchange, so I sold them mine, and added that $20 to the Long Term EF.
I also moved money from the at home Bingo money to the ING New Car Account.

Current Balance $23,435.00
-$620.00 from Bingo Money
+$620.00 to ING New Car
+$20.00 Sold GC to LT EF
New Balance $23,455.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1000.00
ING $20,280.00 ($4620.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$600.00
HSBC $1575.00
Total = $23,455.00

Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93

Time to get down to business

December 28th, 2012 at 10:30 pm

I was just looking back at the balance for the $20K Challenge and I see we have been going up and down in the $23K - $24K range for a few months already. I wanna get out of this area and move ahead with savings. I think by the time school gets out in May we should be able to be at $27K.

$20K Update - DH Payday

December 28th, 2012 at 05:43 pm

Current Balance $23,000.00
-$28.00 to Roth IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
+$10.00 to Long Term EF
+$100.00 to Long Term EF
+$100.00 to Sept 2013
+$250.00 to Home Improvements
New Balance $23,435.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $19,640.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$600.00
HSBC $1575.00
Total = $23,435.00

Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93

$20K Update, back to $23K

December 24th, 2012 at 05:35 pm

Current Balance $22,910.00
+$85.00 ING ROTH IRA
+$5.00 to EF
New Balance $23,000.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $19,455.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$350.00
HSBC $1575.00
Total = $23,000.00

Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93

$20K Update

December 18th, 2012 at 05:59 pm

Feeling very 1 step forward, 2 steps back right now.......

Current Balance $23,355.00
+$100.00 Anniversary Crusie
+$250.00 Home Improvements
-$795.00 Deadwood Trip
New Balance $22,910.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $19,365.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$350.00
HSBC $1575.00
Total = $22,910.00

Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93

$20K Update

December 12th, 2012 at 02:23 am

Got a rebate for $24, so chucked another $25 into the EF.

Current Balance $23,330.00
+$25.00 Caulk Rebate
New Balance $23,355.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $20,160.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$100.00
HSBC $1475.00
Total = $23,355.00

Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93

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