Viewing the '$20K challenge' Category
December 13th, 2011 at 03:54 am
Current Balance $14,550.00
+$90.00 to Bingo Tips
New Balance $14,640.00
Bingo Money $1845.00
ING $7870.00
Home Improvements(cash) $515.00
HSBC $4410.00
Total = $14,640.00
Added $90.78 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $691.76
Wage total - $1157.15
Total Bingo Money - $1848.91
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
December 12th, 2011 at 01:58 am
I got 2 checks in the mail, one for me and one for DH. Both checks were for $18.04 from Currency Conversion Fee Anitrust Litigation. I vaguely remember sending something in for this a looooooooong time ago.....the check is actually in my maiden name and we have been married for almost 5 years...so a looooong time ago.. So the total is $36.08, I rounded up to $40 and put it in the Vegas savings account. We thought we had enough for our trip, but it looks like the flights are going to cost us a lot more then they had in the past, so we need to put some more in there before we go in March.
Current Balance $14,535.00
+$40.00 to Vegas fund
-$112.00 to ROTH IRA
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
+$85.00 to Retirement Hold account
New Balance $14,550.00
Bingo Money $1755.00
ING $7870.00
Home Improvements(cash) $515.00
HSBC $4410.00
Total = $14,550.00
Added $250.76 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $600.98
Wage total - $1157.15
Total Bingo Money - $1758.13
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 11th, 2011 at 07:21 pm
Current Balance $14,285.00
+$250.00 Bingo Payday
New Balance $14,535.00
Bingo Money $1755.00
ING $7855.00
Home Improvements(cash) $515.00
HSBC $4410.00
Total = $14,535.00
Added $250.76 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $600.98
Wage total - $1157.15
Total Bingo Money - $1758.13
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
December 6th, 2011 at 03:58 am
Got my rebate from Prevacid for $15.99, so I rounded it up and added $20 to the EF. Also got my Bingo Tips for the week, reached $1500 in the Bingo Money!
Current Balance $14,210.00
+$55.00 Bingo Tips
+$20.00 Prevacid Rebate
New Balance $14,285.00
Bingo Money $1505.00
ING $7855.00
Home Improvements(cash) $515.00
HSBC $4410.00
Total = $14,285.00
Added $56.60 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $600.98
Wage total - $906.39
Total Bingo Money - $1507.37
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
December 4th, 2011 at 08:07 pm
Current Balance $14,040.00
+$130.00 from Cross Country Pay to New Patio Door Fund
+$5.00 HSBC Interest
+$5.22 ING Interest
+$29.78 Even Out Amount
New Balance $14,210.00
Bingo Money $1450.00
ING $7835.00
Home Improvements(cash) $515.00
HSBC $4410.00
Total = $14,210.00
Added $0 to Bingo
Tips total - $544.38
Wage total - $906.39
Total Bingo Money - $1450.77
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 30th, 2011 at 01:37 am
Current Balance $13,800.00
+$80.00 Bingo Tips
+$100.00 to Sept 2012 Savings
+$85.00 to Retirement Hold Account
-$28.00 to ROTH IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
New Balance $14,040.00
Bingo Money $1450.00
ING $7800.00
Home Improvements(cash) $385.00
HSBC $4405.00
Total = $14,040.00
Added $76.55 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $544.38
Wage total - $906.39
Total Bingo Money - $1450.77
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 24th, 2011 at 11:06 pm
Current Balance $13,520.00
+$55.00 Bingo Tips
+$225.00 Bingo Wages
New Balance $13,800.00
Bingo Money $1370.00
ING $7640.00
Home Improvements(cash) $385.00
HSBC $4405.00
Total = $13,800.00
Added $55.57 to Bingo Tips and $228.31 to Bingo Wages
Tips total - $467.83
Wage total - $906.39
Total Bingo Money - $1374.22
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
November 19th, 2011 at 07:21 pm
We paid off our laptop loan...it was 12 months at 0% interest, so it is time to pay it off now before the interest hits. That was the last 0% loan we had due. Now back down to just the mortgage again. Also had my Bingo tips for the week.
Current Balance $13,500.00
+$70.00 Bingo Tips
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise Savings
+$100.00 to Sept 2012 Savings
-$250.00 to pay off laptop loan
New Balance $13,520.00
Bingo Money $1090.00
ING $7640.00
Home Improvements(cash) $385.00
HSBC $4405.00
Total = $13,320.00
Added $67.76 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $412.26
Wage total - $678.08
Total Bingo Money - $1090.34
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
November 12th, 2011 at 04:47 pm
Current Balance $13,125.00
+$285.00 Bingo Wages
+$85.00 to Retirement Hold Account
+$5.00 Even Out Amount
New Balance $13,500.00
Bingo Money $1020.00
ING $7790.00
Home Improvements(cash) $385.00
HSBC $4305.00
Total = $13,500.00
Added $282.59 to Bingo Wages
Tips total - $344.50
Wage total - $678.08
Total Bingo Money - $1022.58
Bingo money is now over $1000!! YEAH!
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
November 9th, 2011 at 01:33 am
BeaWealthyWarrior asked:
Can u explain your $20K challenge? Thanks!
The $20K Challenge is my challenge for DH and I to get our liquid savings to $20K. This amount does not include any retirement savings, my HSA, or our checking cushion. Only funds that are specifically in savings and liquid. I picked $20K cause it seemed like a good spot where I would feel comfortable putting all of our extra funds toward the mortgage.
Thanks for asking!
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 8th, 2011 at 04:07 am
Current Balance $13,080.00
+$45.00 Bingo Tips
New Balance $13,125.00
Bingo Money $735.00
ING $7700.00
Home Improvements(cash) $385.00
HSBC $4305.00
Total = $13,125.00
Added $45.13 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $344.50
Wage total - $395.49
Total Bingo Money - $739.99
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
November 7th, 2011 at 12:47 am
DH had been saving his Cross Country pay and we took some of it to a mini trip to Deadwood this weekend. I was sick all weekend. Darn cold/flu crap that is going around. We agreed whatever we brought home, DH would get half for fun money and the other half would go to savings. We were hoping to bring home around $500....only brought home $250.....oh well it is better then nothing! So that is another $125 for savings.
Current Balance $13,055.00
+$125.00 Money from Deadwood to Home Improvements
-$112.00 To ROTH IRA
+$12.00 Even Out Amount
New Balance $13,080.00
Bingo Money $690.00
ING $7700.00
Home Improvements(cash) $385.00
HSBC $4305.00
Total = $13,080.00
Added -0- to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $299.37
Wage total - $395.49
Total Bingo Money - $694.86
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 1st, 2011 at 11:50 pm
Current Balance $13,005.00
+$5.00 HSBC Interest
+$5.86 ING Interest
+$34.14 Even Out Amount
+$3.00 Rebate from Menards
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
New Balance $13,055.00
Bingo Money $690.00
ING $7800.00
Home Improvements(cash) $260.00
HSBC $4305.00
Total = $13,055.00
Added -0- to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $299.37
Wage total - $395.49
Total Bingo Money - $694.86
Posted in
Saving Money,
$20K challenge
October 31st, 2011 at 10:45 pm
Current Balance $12,905.00
+$100.00 Bingo Tips
New Balance $13,005.00
Bingo Money $690.00
ING $7760.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4300.00
Total = $13,005.00
Added $101.75 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $299.37
Wage total - $395.49
Total Bingo Money - $694.86
Now that I have the bingo money coming in we should finally be able to get past the cursed $14K mark. Full steam ahead!
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
October 29th, 2011 at 05:27 pm
Current Balance $12,405.00
-$28.00 to ROTH IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
+$240.00 Bingo Wages
+$100.00 to EF
+$100.00 to Sept 2012
+$85.00 to Retirement Savings Account
New Balance $12,905.00
Bingo Money $590.00
ING $7760.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4300.00
Total = $12,905.00
Added $239.20 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $197.62
Wage total - $395.49
Total Bingo Money - $593.11
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
October 24th, 2011 at 04:21 am
Current Balance $12,335.00
+$55.00 Bingo Tips
+$15.00 Even Out Amount to ING EF
New Balance $12,405.00
Bingo Money $350.00
ING $7500.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4300.00
Total = $12,405.00
Added $58.67 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $197.62
Wage total - $156.29
Total Bingo Money - $353.91
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
October 17th, 2011 at 12:50 am
Current Balance $12,275.00
+$60.00 Bingo Tips
New Balance $12,335.00
Bingo Money $295.00
ING $7485.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4300.00
Total = $12,335.00
Added $59.94 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $138.95
Wage total - $156.29
Total Bingo Money - $295.24
Normally we don't get our tips till Monday, but someone called in sick today and they called me to see if they could come in. So I picked up about 5 hours, and while I was there I was able to get my tips. I was really excited about the total! I am almost to $300 already with Bingo Money!
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
October 14th, 2011 at 11:01 pm
Got my first paycheck from Bingo..I was hoping it would be $100, so I was very happy to find out it was $156.29! So that was a nice surprise!
I was planning to put a lot more in savings this paycheck, but we still seem to be playing catch up from this summer. Looking ahead I think it will be figured out withint he next 2-4 weeks. In the meantime we keep trying to keep our CC low for the month. We are at $700 and have 2 weeks left...trying to stay under $1300, so are pretty close to on track.
Current Balance $11,930.00
+$160.00 Bingo Paycheck
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
+$85.00 to Retirement Hold Account
New Balance $12,275.00
Bingo Money $235.00
ING $7485.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4300.00
Total = $12,275.00
Added $156.29 to Bingo Wages
Tips total - $79.01
Wage total - $156.29
Total Bingo Money - $235.30
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
October 10th, 2011 at 11:25 pm
Current Balance $11,910.00
+$20.00 Bingo Tips
New Balance $11,930.00
Bingo Money $75.00
ING $7400.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4200.00
Total = $11,930.00
Added $19.09 to Bingo Tips
Bingo Tips total
Tips total - $79.01
Wage total - $0
Total Bingo Money - $79.01
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
October 10th, 2011 at 12:48 am
Current Balance $12,000.00
-$112.00 to ROTH IRA
+$22.00 Even Out Amount
New Balance $11,910.00
Bingo Money $55.00
ING $7400.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4200.00
Total = $11,910.00
Bingo Tips total
Tips total - $59.92
Wage total - $0
Total Bingo Money - $59.92
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 3rd, 2011 at 11:12 pm
My tips for this week were $36.23. Added to the challenge plus a little even out amount to get us back to $12K!
Current Balance $11,940.00
+$35.00 Bingo Tips
+$25.00 Even Out Amount to EF
New Balance $12,000.00
Bingo Money $55.00
ING $7490.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4200.00
Total = $12,000.00
Added $36.23 to my Bingo Tips total
Tips total - $59.92
Wage total - $0
Total Bingo Money - $59.92
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
October 2nd, 2011 at 01:12 am
Current Balance $11,885.00
+$5.60 ING Interest
+$29.40 Even Out Amount
+$20.00 to Home Improvements
New Balance $11,940.00
Bingo Money $20.00
ING $7465.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4200.00
Total = $11,940.00.
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 29th, 2011 at 12:33 am
Well I only worked one shift for about 6 1/2 hours and I got to go pick my tips up on Monday. $23.69! Not bad! They are shared tips and then divided by the number of hours you work. With tips I am making a little over $11 an hour, which I am happy with for an easy part time job. So for now I am just going to save that money seperate till I decide for sure what I want to do with it. I am only going to add this to the $20K Challenge in $5 increments so that it doesn't get confusing, so I just added $20 to that instead of $23.69.
Tips total - $23.69
Wage total - $0
Total Bingo Money - $23.69
Still can't decide if I want to save this for a snowblower or to the EF, or the mortgage savings account.....hmmm......oh well no hurry on what to decide.
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
September 29th, 2011 at 12:17 am
Current Balance $11,620.00
-$178.00 to Roth IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
+$20.00 Bingo Tips
+$135.00 Cross Country Money
+$100.00 to September 2012 Savings
+$100.00 to EF
+$85.00 to Retirement Hold Account
New Balance $11,885.00
Bingo Money $20.00
ING $7430.00
Home Improvements(cash) $235.00
HSBC $4200.00
Total = $11,885.00.
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 16th, 2011 at 11:35 pm
Forgot to add this one on to the total yesterday.
Current Balance $11,535.00
+$85.00 to retirement hold account
New Balance $11,620.00
ING $7320.00
Home Improvements(cash) $100.00
HSBC $4200.00
Total = $11,620.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 16th, 2011 at 02:06 am
DH got his first paycheck for Cross Country. We thought that he would be getting it all at once, or at least in a few paychecks, but turns out it is spread out during the whole school year. So each paycheck it is an extra $275 per paycheck. I asked DH what he wants to do since it is his money. He wants to save 1/2 for home maintenance/improvements so we can get a new patio door, and 1/2 for saving for something fun. So the portion that is going to the new patio door I will show on the $20K Challenge, but the other half I am not going to track on here since it will be spent I suppose....but it's his extra work, so he gets to pick how it is done.
We also started the September 2012 savings account.
Current Balance $10,925.00
-$355.00 To checking
-$20.00 for new toilet sear and new shower handle
+$600.00 Rummage Sale Money
+$100.00 to September 2012 Savings Account
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
+$25.00 to Mortgage Payoff Account
+$25.00 to Home Maintenance
+$135.00 to Home Maintenance from CC pay
New Balance $11,535.00
ING $7235.00
Home Improvements(cash) $100.00
HSBC $4200.00
Total = $11,535.00
Also met 2 more goals!
Checking Cushion $1800
HSA $5000
I don't track those numbers towards the $20K Challenge since they are not funds we can use for whatever we want. Super happy with how we are doing on our goals for the year! We have to go back and re-meet the EF goal since that was where we pulled from during the paycheck shortage, but everything else is going very well!
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 9th, 2011 at 05:02 am
It's time to get really serious about meeting the $20K challenge and bringing us one step closer to paying off our mortgage. So I got a second job today!
I wanted something easy, non-stressful, flexible hours, close to my home, and I didn't want to dress up for work. Soooo.....I am going to be a cashier at a Bingo Hall. The pay is not great, but you do make tips so that will increase the hourly wage. Also we get to pick up the cash tips once a week, so that will be nice to see our total increasing everyweek. I am hoping to work about 20 hours a week. I figured while DH was gone with cross country this would be a good thing to keep me busy and help us meet our goals. EVERY PENNY IS GOING TO SAVINGS OR THE MORTGAGE! 
Tomorrow I have to go pick up my gaming license from the police station which will cost me $25, but if I stay at the job for 90 days I will get reimbursed that fee. My hours will normally be 5:30 - 9:00 when I work week nights. I think it will be easy and fun, and I am looking forward to hitting $20K!!
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
September 9th, 2011 at 04:44 am
Current Balance $12,765.00
-$1840.00 to checking to cover no paycheck for DH for a month
New Balance $10,925.00
ING $6705.00
Home Improvements(cash) $120.00
HSBC $4100.00
Total = $10,925.00
This should cover the gap from DH having no paycheck for a month....and believe me....I will be setting up an autodeposit this coming week when DH gets paid so that we never have that gap problem again!
We have our crazy rummage sale this weekend, DH and I both get paid this coming week, plus the cross country pay, and I got a bonus that will get paid out this week too. So we should be able to put a decent amount of that money back very soon!
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 3rd, 2011 at 02:22 am
Current Balance $12,675.00
-$28.00 To Roth IRA
+$85.00 to retirement hold account
+$6.38 ING Interest
+$26.62 Even Out Amount
New Balance $12,765.00
ING $8205.00
Home Improvements(cash) $160.00
Cash $300.00
HSBC $4100.00
Total = $12,765.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 23rd, 2011 at 12:54 am
Current Balance $12,660.00
+$15.00 Recycling
New Balance $12,675.00
ING $8115.00
Home Improvements(cash) $160.00
Cash $300.00
HSBC $4100.00
Total = $12,675.00
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Rummage Sales and Recycling