Viewing the '$20K challenge' Category
January 20th, 2020 at 10:02 pm
Added in FB Sales and some interest. Heading to vacation at the end of the week in Laughlin so will be taking out for that, but very happy with where we are at right now!
Current Balance $17,230.00
+$175.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 MO Payday (1/17)
+$11.59 Interest to Local Savings
+$8.41 Even Out Amount
Balance $17,475.00
Local Savings $8550.00
GC Savings $540.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2855.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$3180.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,475.00
52 Week Challenge
2020 Total = $0
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 13th, 2020 at 08:46 pm
Just a little bump from FB Sales.
Current Balance $17,135.00
+$95.00 FB Sales
Balance $17,230.00
Local Savings $8355.00
GC Savings $540.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2805.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$3180.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,230.00
52 Week Challenge
2020 Total = $0
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 10th, 2020 at 04:25 pm
Still hanging out around the $17K mark for now. We had our newest puppy spade last week so that was $500+, I also paid medical bills for us for $1500, and I have to fill a medication this week for $1700 (since it's a new year and new deductible started).
We also have not received rent yet from one of our renters ($850).
Just doing the best we can to stay up!
Current Balance $16,945.00
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (1/10)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (1/10)
+$40.00 Mortgage Savings
+.34 GC Savings Interest
+$9.66 GC Even Out Amount
+$3.45 Mom Loan Interest
+$1.55 Mom Loan Even Out Amount
+$2.88 Our Savings Interest
+$7.12 Our Savings Even Out Amount
Balance $17,135.00
Local Savings $8260.00
GC Savings $540.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2805.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$3180.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,135.00
52 Week Challenge
2020 Total = $0
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 6th, 2020 at 02:53 pm
I won another week of Football Picks! Total I won this year for football picks was $240.00!
Current Balance $16,780.00
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (1/3)
+$55.00 FB Sales (Week of 12/29)
+$60.00 Football Picks Winner
Balance $16,945.00
Local Savings $8260.00
GC Savings $490.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2745.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$3100.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $16,945.00
52 Week Challenge
2020 Total = $0
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 2nd, 2020 at 08:27 am
Current Balance $16,660.00
+$120.00 FB Sales (Week of 12/22)
Balance $16,780.00
Local Savings $8145.00
GC Savings $490.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2695.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$3100.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $16,780.00
52 Week Challenge
2020 Total = $0
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 28th, 2019 at 01:17 pm
Had to take out again for medical. It is what it is. Still have another $1500 or so in medical bills to go through so may be more coming out. I will get a deposit into my HSA at the beginning of the year, so I may just wait for that to help with the last of the 2019 bills.
Current Balance $17,065.00
+$440.00 FB Sales (Week of 12/15)
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (12/28)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (12/28)
+$30.00 Phone Savings
-$1000.00 Medical Bills
Balance $16,660.00
Local Savings $8025.00
GC Savings $490.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2695.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$3100.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $16,660.00
52 Week Challenge
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 20th, 2019 at 08:24 pm
We hit $17K!
Current Balance $16,495.00
+$520.00 FB Sales (Week of 12/8)
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (12/20)
Balance $17,065.00
Local Savings $7585.00
GC Savings $1460.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2645.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$3025.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,065.00
52 Week Challenge
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 11th, 2019 at 09:32 pm
We finished the 52 Week Challenge and added it to savings, as well as took in our coin jar. Really great update!
Current Balance $14,070.00
+$290.00 FB Sales (12/4)
+$195.00 FB Sales (12/11)
+$40.00 Mortgage Savings
+$325.00 Coin
+$1400.00 52 Week Challenge
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (12/6)
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (12/13)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (12/13)
Balance $16,495.00
Local Savings $7065.00
GC Savings $1460.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2595.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$3025.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $16,495.00
52 Week Challenge
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 27th, 2019 at 10:17 pm
I am off of work for this week and just spent 2 hrs working on medical bills. UGH. Looks like another $1000 or so due. Our Discover Card cuts today so I will wait until after the holiday to pay them so at least we have an extra 3 weeks of lag time, plus we get the cash back bonus on them.
Current Balance $13,725.00
+$160.00 FB Sales
+$60.00 Football Pics Winner
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (11/29)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (11/29)
Balance $14,070.00
Local Savings $4855.00
GC Savings $1420.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2495.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$2950.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $14,070.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $1138 (Weeks 1-29, 33-47, and 51-52 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 25th, 2019 at 02:18 am
Bummed to go down so much, but the bills just keep on coming! I got behind on detailing the subtractions so just did one lump sum for to get the total balanced out.
Current Balance $18,610.00
+$400.00 FB Sales
+$30.00 Cellphone Savings
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (11/22)
-$5365.00 Dehumidifier, Sub Pump, Medical Bills, Christmas Presents, 2 Trips out of town (lots of gas), display cabinet to keep the babies urn and mementos and general overspending
Balance $13,725.00
Local Savings $4635.00
GC Savings $1420.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2445.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$2875.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $13,725.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $1138 (Weeks 1-29, 33-47, and 51-52 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 15th, 2019 at 05:24 pm
Current Balance $18,300.00
+$185.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (11/15)
+$75.00 My Payday to Our Savings (11/15)
Balance $18,610.00
Local Savings $6635.00
GC Savings $1390.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5365.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$2870.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $18,610.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $1138 (Weeks 1-29, 33-47, and 51-52 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 12th, 2019 at 10:16 pm
I know I need to make some subtractions to this total, but I haven't balanced it out yet so just going to keep tracking deposits until I get the subtractions figured out.
Current Balance $18,080.00
+$130.00 FB Sales
+$40.00 Mortgage Savings
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (11/8)
Balance $18,300.00
Local Savings $6450.00
GC Savings $1390.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5315.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$2795.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $18,300.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $1138 (Weeks 1-29, 33-47, and 51-52 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 1st, 2019 at 08:55 pm
Today is the 1st of the month and one of our renters texted and let us know they are going to be late on part of their rent. Hopefully it won't turn into an issue, but we have a ton of medical bills and other bills plus overspending to cover, so most likely will need to take from savings to cover the different till she pays in full. But, in the meantime we did (just barely) pass $18K!
MO won football pics last week and other normal deposits.
Current Balance $17,785.00
+$60.00 Football Win
+$60.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (10/25)
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (11/1)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (11/1)
Balance $18,080.00
Local Savings $6320.00
GC Savings $1350.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5265.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$2795.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $18,080.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $1138 (Weeks 1-29, 33-47, and 51-52 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 23rd, 2019 at 10:12 pm
We had hail damage to the roof on Rental #2. Our home insurance covered it and sent us a check for $6994.45. We put it into savings, but since it is being held by the bank until we actually work on the roof, I am not adding it to the savings totals yet. We won't even think about doing the roof until next spring as we live in the Midwest and it is already cold and snowy.
I won football picks last week and won $60! MO won this week, but we haven't gotten his check yet, so I will add his once we get the check.
We also got our yearly dividend check from our local gas station and added that to savings.
Current Balance $17,370.00
+$30.00 Cell Phone Savings
+$60.00 Football Win
+$80.00 FB Sales
+$120.00 Dividend Check
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (10/18)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (10/18)
Balance $17,785.00
Local Savings $6200.00
GC Savings $1350.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5165.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$2720.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,785.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $1138 (Weeks 1-29, 33-47, and 51-52 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 16th, 2019 at 09:07 pm
A couple little deposits to keep us moving forward!
Current Balance $17,210.00
+$40.00 Mortgage Savings
+$70.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings
Balance $17,370.00
Local Savings $5940.00
GC Savings $1320.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5115.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$2645.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,370.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $1138 (Weeks 1-29, 33-47, and 51-52 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 9th, 2019 at 09:54 pm
While the blogs were down we had a really fun vacation to MN. We went to 2 MN Twins games, and also went to 3 casinos! MO had great luck and had two handpays so we came home way ahead. I planned on putting some of the money in savings, but it looks like it's going to be going to a bunch of bills instead, which in the long run is keeping us from taking money out of savings, so that is good. We had a $700 vet bill, 4 new tires on the old truck, poured a cement patio at one of our rentals and paid a bunch of medical bills. Thankful we have the funds to cover all of these expenses. We also caught up the 52 Week Challenge Bin.
Current Balance $17,120.00
+$90.00 FB Sales
Balance $17,210.00
Local Savings $5870.00
GC Savings $1280.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5065.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$2645.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,210.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $1138 (Weeks 1-29, 33-47, and 51-52 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 8th, 2019 at 08:05 pm
Nice little jump again in savings!
Current Balance $17,095.00
+$350.00 FB Sales
+$.04 GC Interest
+$4.96 GC Even Out Amount
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (4/5)
+$75.00 My Payday to My Loan Savings (4/5)
Balance $17,575.00
Local Savings $9040.00
GC Savings $850.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3720.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1615.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,575.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $300 (Weeks 1-24 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 2nd, 2019 at 08:36 pm
Added FB Sales and even out interest and rolling past the $17K mark!
Current Balance $16,800.00
+$280.00 FB Sales
+$3.52 Cap360 Feb Interest
+$4.21 Cap360 March Interest
+$7.27 Cap360 Even Out Amounts
Balance $17,095.00
Local Savings $8690.00
GC Savings $845.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3670.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1540.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,095.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $300 (Weeks 1-24 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
March 27th, 2019 at 09:01 pm
We are back from Laughlin! Had a lot of fun and didn't lose much at all. Since our hotels, flights and most food are free it was a very cheap vacation and was nice to get out in some sun. Had a hard time with thinking about the babies and why this happened to us, but I did my best to have fun.
Added what was left of our tax return to savings along with a bunch of savings snowflakes and we are well on our way to $17K!!
Current Balance $12,330.00
+$145.00 FB Sales
+$54.00 Better Homes and Gardens Rebate
+$18.00 Better Homes and Gardens Rebate
+$78.00 Dart Reimbursement
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (3/22)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (3/22)
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (3/29)
+$30.00 Phone Savings
+$3970.00 Federal Tax Return
Balance $16,800.00
Local Savings $8410.00
GC Savings $845.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3660.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1535.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $16,800.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $300 (Weeks 1-24 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
March 14th, 2019 at 06:48 pm
Just a quick update, love seeing the total go up!
Current Balance $12,090.00
+$150.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (3/15)
+$40.00 Mortgage Savings
Balance $12,330.00
Local Savings $4145.00
GC Savings $815.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3560.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1460.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $12,330.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $300 (Weeks 1-24 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
March 7th, 2019 at 05:04 pm
We received our State and Federal Tax Returns. The State Return was $263.00 and we put that as a principle payment towards one of our mortgages. The Federal Return we will disperse after we get back from vacation as we will be taking some with us, and MO is also using a chunk to pay for tickets to the March Madness Championship games in April. This is a Bucket List item for him, so I am excited that he gets to go!
Current Balance $11,920.00
+$45.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (3/8)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (3/8)
Balance $12,090.00
Local Savings $3995.00
GC Savings $775.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3510.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1460.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $12,090.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $300 (Weeks 1-24 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 27th, 2019 at 03:45 pm
Getting close to $12K!
Current Balance $11,770.00
+$100.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (3/1)
Balance $11,920.00
Local Savings $3950.00
GC Savings $775.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3460.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1385.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $11,920.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $300 (Weeks 1-24 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 22nd, 2019 at 06:37 pm
Today is my due date. This week coming up to today has been so awful. Today I am doing my best to stay busy and not dwell on it. I just can't handle it overwhelming my whole day. It's too hard.
Some small good news, we took in our change bucket and had $305.00 so I put that into savings.
Our tax return was finally accepted so hopefully we will have our return before our vaca in mid March.
Also our mortgage payment went down $40 per month, so since we are used to paying that amount every month I have set up an auto deposit to have the $40 transferred to savings each month instead.
Current Balance $11,310.00
+$305.00 Change Bucket
+$30.00 Phone Savings
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings
Balance $11,770.00
Local Savings $3850.00
GC Savings $775.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3410.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1385.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $11,770.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $300 (Weeks 1-24 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 19th, 2019 at 07:19 pm
Just a little boost today from FB Sales.
Current Balance $11,120.00
+$190.00 FB Sales
Balance $11,310.00
Local Savings $3545.00
GC Savings $745.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3360.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1310.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $11,310.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $300 (Weeks 1-24 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 15th, 2019 at 08:39 pm
We normally have our tax return back by now, but we haven't even been able to file yet. We never received birth or death certificates in the mail for the twins. MO spent hours on the phone and at the SS office trying to get their info. He finally got the SSN for our daughter and then Turbo Tax rejected our return since they don't recognize her SSN since it's so new. UGH! So we are still trying to figure out how to file. Super frustrated especially when we have to keep explaining how we lost both of our children. 
Current Balance $10,915.00
+$149.79 FB Sales
+$5.21 Ebates Refund
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (2/15)
Balance $11,120.00
Local Savings $3355.00
GC Savings $745.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3360.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1310.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $11,120.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $300 (Weeks 1-24 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 7th, 2019 at 04:44 pm
We had to pay our property taxes, so that was a big hit to savings. We are still trying to get the paperwork for the twins and then we will be able to file our taxes to make up the property tax payment.
Current Balance $14,395.00
-$3875.00 Property Taxes for both rentals
+$86.27 FB Sales
+$113.73 Overpayment on Escrow Account
+$3.56 Cap360 Interest
+$11.54 Even Out Amount to Cap360
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (2/1)
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (2/8)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (2/8)
Balance $10,915.00
Local Savings $3200.00
GC Savings $745.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3310.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1310.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $10,915.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $300 (Weeks 1-24 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 28th, 2019 at 09:40 pm
Current Balance $14,115.00
+$125.00 FB Sales
+$30.00 Phone Savings
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (1/25)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (1/25)
Balance $14,395.00
Local Savings $6875.00
GC Savings $745.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3200.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1225.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $14,395.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $190 (Weeks 1-19 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 21st, 2019 at 05:09 pm
I had to transfer $300 from savings to checking from going out (we have had some awesome friends that are trying to get us out of the house more and trying to get back some normalcy) and to cover the Discover bill. Should be able to make that back up next payday.
Normally we have taxes filed by now, but we haven't received a Social Security Card or birth certificate for Ember yet, or death certificates for either of the twins yet. We were supposed to receive them within a few weeks, but it's been over 2 months and nothing has come yet. MO tried called the SS office many times already but after hrs of hold he has yet to get ahold of anyone. So we will have to drive over an hr away to the nearest office to try to get their info so we can file our taxes. Terrible that we have to go through that with all the emotions already.
Current Balance $14,345.00
+$20.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (1/18)
-$300.00 Temp transfer to checking to cover going out and Discover bill
Balance $14,115.00
Local Savings $6750.00
GC Savings $715.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3150.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1150.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $14,115.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $190 (Weeks 1-19 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 14th, 2019 at 07:23 pm
Current Balance $14,165.00
+$30.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (1/11)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (1/11)
+$23.25 Checkout51 Rebate Check
+$1.75 Even Out Amount
Balance $14,345.00
Local Savings $7030.00
GC Savings $715.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3100.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1150.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $14,345.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $190 (Weeks 1-19 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 8th, 2019 at 03:39 pm
We got rent for January and also added in FB sales. MO also won big at the casino and we came home $700 ahead! We put $500 of it into savings, $100 into the 52 Week Challenge and $50 each for fun money. We are already paid into May for the 52 Week Challenge!
Current Balance $13,045.00
+$95.00 FB Sales
+$400.00 January Rent
+$500.00 Casino Win
Balance $14,165.00
Local Savings $6975.00
GC Savings $715.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3050.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1075.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $14,165.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $190 (Weeks 1-19 are paid)
Posted in
$20K challenge