Viewing the '$20K challenge' Category
October 5th, 2016 at 10:24 pm
MO had to go pick up our puppies from his Mom's house since she was pet sitting while we were on vaca. She lived about 10 mins from a casino so MO stopped in there on his way and used only the freeplay they offer, he turned $40 in freeplay into $25 in real money!
MO also bet on a Vikings game while we were in Vegas and I mailed the winning ticket in today, once that gets here we will have another $38 for savings!
Current Balance $7,920.00
+$100.00 Leftover from Vegas
+$25.00 Freeplay win
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings
+$50.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings
Balance $8,145.00
Local Savings $2930.00
GC Savings $2295.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $1060.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$605.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $8,145.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 5th, 2016 at 01:40 am
We are back from our quicktrip to Vegas. We had a great time and 1 of the other couples we were with snuck off and had a surprise wedding! Just the 2 of them, then had it planned in secret for months apparently! So sweet!
We did awesome on gambling and after gambling straight for about 2 1/2 days we came out $350 ahead! We also earned enough points on our Total Rewards Players Card (Caesar Entertainment Properties like Harrahs, Caesars Palace, The Linq, etc.) to earn Platinum status for 2017 which means we will continue to get free flights, free rooms, free play money, free food, etc. for all of 2017! The benefits alone are worth thousands of dollars in comps to us, so to have them and get paid for doing it is sweet!
We used the $350 we came home ahead to payoff our only non-racing debt, we had borrowed about $1000 from our paid off HELOC when we bought the Jeep, and had been paying off about $100 a month on that. So we used the winnings plus a little extra to pay that off in full!
So excited that we came home ahead and were able to reimburse all gambling money to savings that we took out for the trip (flight, hotel, drinks and most food was comped).
Rummage Sale - Last weekend the rummage sale made $2056.10 total. The total for MO and I was $515.10 which we put into savings. This weekend when we were in Vegas my Mom came and opened the rummage sale while we were on vaca and made about another $1200, $220ish for me and MO, so about $735.00 total for us. Not bad considering we had crappy weather last weekend and again we only have about 3000 people in our small town. Also I didn't do any snacks, last year for snacks in my home town I made over $1000 just on the snacks (I am sure I wouldn't even break $100 here) so that was a big difference too. Overall I am happy for the extra $700 in savings and a lot less items in my rummage sale inventory!
We FINALLY got an email at work for some OT, after about 10 months of no OT. YES! Unfortunately I already had Monday off this week for Vegas, so most of my OT will only be paid at straight time, and not time and a half, but it's still extra money! I am not sure how long this will last so I am going to get in as many hours as I can. I am hoping to do 15 hrs next week.
Current Balance $7,320.00
+$600.00 Rental #2
Balance $7,920.00
Local Savings $2805.00
GC Savings $2295.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $1010.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$555.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $7,920.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 29th, 2016 at 05:13 pm
We had to take money out of savings for our propane bill, we saved about $60 by buying now for summer prices and got a 10% discount for paying cash.
I won football pics again! Between me and MO this is the 3rd week in a row! (I won 1st week, MO won the 2nd week and I won the 3rd week!) I told MO this week is his turn to win again!
we leave for Vegas tomorrow!
Current Balance $7,730.00
-$520.00 Propane
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings
+$60.00 Football Winner
Balance $7,320.00
Local Savings $2805.00
GC Savings $1695.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $1010.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$555.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $7,320.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 26th, 2016 at 06:52 pm
We were able to get a few more smaller zucchini from the garden and make 7 more bags to sell which were picked up the same day we harvested them and that made us another $14! I don't think we will be getting anymore from the garden before the cold sets in here.
I cashed out most of our dietbet money, over $400! I still have almost $100 in there for future dietbets.
We will be taking out money for Vegas in a few days.
Current Balance $6,745.00
+$14.00 Zucchini Sales
+$422.82 Cashed out DietBet Wins
+$2.18 Even Out Amount
+$30.00 Softball Tournament Reimbursements
+$106.00 Rummage Sale (9/23) to Local Savings
+$408.85 Rummage Sale (9/23) to GC Savings
+$1.15 Even Out Amount
Balance $7,730.00
Local Savings $2745.00
GC Savings $2215.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $960.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$555.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $7,730.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 24th, 2016 at 05:04 pm
Last week I won the football picks and this week MO won! Sweet! Hopefully we can keep that up!
6 days till Vegas!
Current Balance $6,585.00
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings
+$50.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings
+$60.00 MO Won Football Pool
Balance $6,745.00
Local Savings $2595.00
GC Savings $1380.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $960.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$555.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $6,745.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 19th, 2016 at 03:16 am
Rummage sale is this coming weekend. I have Wed, Thurs off to finish up getting setup and we open Friday morning so I have Friday off as well. I have been advertising a lot on FB and have generated a lot of interest. Bad news is it is supposed to rainy and cold Friday and Saturday. So we are trying to set up as much as we can inside the garage to prepare, fingers crossed it at least doesn't rain. Not even sure what to think for a goal with our new location?
Little snowflakes are really falling into place for savings lately. We cashed out our dietbet win money to Paypal, we have a little over $400 there so I will cash that out to savings this week. I won a football pool last week, $60. Sold a few items when we were cleaning out the garage for $20, and another $34 for my buy/resell items on FB. Took in our coin jar and had $70 in that. All of these went into savings.
Current Balance $6,305.00
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings
+$70.00 Coin
+$70.00 Zucchini Sales
+$30.00 FB Sales
+$60.00 Won Football Pool
Balance $6,585.00
Local Savings $2535.00
GC Savings $1380.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $910.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$505.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $6,585.00
We used some of the rent money from our basement guy to catch up our 52 Week Challenge money and now we only have 3 weeks left! Weeks left to pay are 43, 44, and 45.
52 Week Challenge
Week 42 (10/16) $903 + (Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343) Total = $1246
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 13th, 2016 at 10:49 pm
We got reimbursed for the last $30 for coed softball so tossing that back into savings. Last night I won the first week of our football pick-em pool so I will be receiving a check for $60 soon!
Current Balance $6,275.00
+$30.00 Softball Reimbursement
Balance $6,305.00
Local Savings $2305.00
GC Savings $1380.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $860.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$505.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $6,275.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 29 $406 + (Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343) $749
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 7th, 2016 at 06:16 pm
Current Balance $6,215.00
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (9/9)
+.64 Cap360 Interest
+$4.77 Even Out Amount Mom Loan
+$4.59 Even Out Amount Our Savings
Balance $6,275.00
Local Savings $2275.00
GC Savings $1380.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $860.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$505.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $6,275.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 29 $406 + (Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343) $749
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 31st, 2016 at 03:58 pm
We had our first night of fall coed on Monday night and we were paid everyone's fees, just missing $30 from one teammate who wasn't there that night. Once we get that we will toss that into savings as well. We also got rent from Rental #2 and put half of that into savings, the other half goes towards paying the mortgage for that house.
We have another $400 from the renter in our basement, but I think we are going to hang on to that for now as we have a large and in charge party next weekend at the cabin for an end of year softball jam for one of his men's teams and we will need money for booze and casino (food is already arranged). So rather then put it in savings now and taking it out next week I think we will just hang on to it and whatever we bring home can go into savings.
Current Balance $5,295.00
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (9/1)
+$600.00 Rent from Rental #2
+$270.00 Coed Softball Reimbursements
Balance $6,215.00
Local Savings $2275.00
GC Savings $1380.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $805.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$500.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $6,215.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 29 $406 + (Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343) $749
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 26th, 2016 at 10:02 pm
Today is payday for me and I have our regular deposits, plus a nice chunk from FB sales. We recently had to borrow from savings to cover some expenses and I think we can payback $650 to savings with this paycheck. We should be reimbursed for coed softball money next weekend and have another good chunk.
Current Balance $4,440.00
+$50.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (8/26)
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (8/26)
+$105.00 FB Sales
+$650.00 I think I can, I think I can!
Balance $5,295.00
Local Savings $1405.00
GC Savings $1380.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $755.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$500.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $5,295.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 29 $406 + (Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343) $749
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 22nd, 2016 at 01:50 am
Disappointed with this! A big chunk of us going down is because we had to front the $420 roster fee for our coed team. We will get all of that back (minus the $30 a piece for MO and I) but for now we had to pay it ourselves. As we get paid from our teammates we will put the money back into savings. Other then that just mainly overspending on laziness of not cooking and grabbing snacks at convenience stores. Gotta get back on the stick!
I should be able to put a chunk into savings when I get paid on Friday, and we will have rent again next week.
Current Balance $5,405.00
+$50.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (8/12)
+$50.00 MO Payday to Mom Loan Savings (8/19)
+.16 Interest to Mom Loan Savings
+$24.84 Even Out Amount to Mom Loan Savings
+$25.00 My Payday to Our Savings (8/12)
+$50.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (8/12)
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (8/19)
+$.30 Interest to Our Savings
+$4.70 Even Out Amount to Our Savings
-$420.00 From GC Savings for Coed Softball Fees
+$30.00 Coed Softball Fees
-$170.00 From GC Savings for Football Pool
-$295.00 Checking Deficit
-$315.00 Casino
Balance $4,440.00
Local Savings $1300.00
GC Savings $730.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $705.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$450.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $4,440.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 29 $406 + (Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343) $749
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 8th, 2016 at 02:39 pm
Whoo hoo, we are back over $5K! I don't think I ever want to be below that mark again in my life. It's just too stressful having savings that low. We have no plans to dip into savings except for a quick weekend trip to Vegas at the end of September, and we are pretty good at bringing home a good chunk of what we take with, so shouldn't be too much of a change (and hey maybe it will even go up!). So for the foreseeable months/years, I am hoping to just go up, up, up!
Current Balance $4,555.00
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (7/29)
+$800.00 Rent
Balance $5,405.00
Local Savings $1300.00
GC Savings $1900.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $625.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$325.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $5,405.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 29 $406 + (Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343) $749
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 28th, 2016 at 10:59 pm
Current Balance $4,260.00
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (7/29)
+$50.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (7/29)
+$70.00 June Property Management Hrs
+$124.50 FB Sales
+.50 Even Out Amount
Balance $4,505.00
Local Savings $1100.00
GC Savings $1300.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $575.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$325.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $4,555.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 29 $406 + (Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343) $749
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 25th, 2016 at 08:44 pm
Just a payday update. Should have rent for August soon as well as some FB sales to add to the pot!
Current Balance $4,235.00
+$25.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (7/22)
Balance $4,260.00
Local Savings $905.00
GC Savings $1300.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $525.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$275.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $4,260.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 29 $406 + (Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343) $749
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 21st, 2016 at 12:33 am
Our new puppy cost $600 we were able to only have to take $500 out for now.
Current Balance $4,685.00
+$25.00 My Payday to Our Savings (7/15)
+$25.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (7/15)
-$500.00 New Puppy
Balance $4,235.00
Local Savings $905.00
GC Savings $1300.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $500.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$275.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $4,235.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 29 $406 + (Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343) $749
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 6th, 2016 at 09:06 pm
Lots of little deposits adding up, plus rent = NICE UPDATE!
Current Balance $3,640.00
+$25.00 My Payday to Our Savings (7/1)
+$25.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (7/1)
+$25.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (7/8)
+$50.00 Sold an outside dog kennel we weren't using
+$3.80 Interest at our local bank
+$16.20 Even Out Amount
+$60.00 FB Sales
+$800.00 Rent (sent the other $200 to the Jeep)
+$4.00 McGillicuddy's Rebate
+$1.00 Even Out
+.33 Cap 360 Interest (SAD!)
+$29.67 Even Out
+.08 Interest on GC Savings
+$4.92 Even Out Amount
Balance $4,685.00
Local Savings $905.00
GC Savings $1800.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $475.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$250.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $4,685.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 13 $66 (total) + $12 +$13 (deposit)=$91
(Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343) Not exactly sure what week we are on, but I know we have $700+ in this right now.
Posted in
$20K challenge
June 23rd, 2016 at 10:15 pm
Savings seems to be crawling lately....July rent will go to finishing paying off the Jeep and after that we should be back to having $1000 a month in rent to put towards savings and start making some real progress again. I've also been working FB sales again, and had a $60 order picked up today (will be logged, posted to savings next week). So that will help to start nickel/diming savings again!
Current Balance $3,475.00
+$25.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (6/10)
+$25.00 My Payday to Our Savings (6/17)
+$25.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (6/17)
+$25.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (6/24)
+$25.00 Sold bag of dogfood
+$40.00 FB Sales
Balance $3,640.00
Local Savings $620.00
GC Savings $1145.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $405.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$215.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $3,640.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 13 $66 (total) + $12 +$13 (deposit)=$91
(Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343) Not exactly sure what week we are on, but I know we have $700+ in this right now.
Posted in
$20K challenge
June 7th, 2016 at 03:23 am
We have a great update! We sold our old fridge and a TV, as well as got some other deposits. Moving that total back up!
Current Balance $1,900.00
+.26 Cap360 Interest
+$9.74 Even Out Amount
+$25.00 My Payday to Our Savings
+$25.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings
+$800.00 Sold Fridge
+$350.00 Sold TV
+$240.00 April/May work on rentals
+$50.00 Coin
+$50.00 March Madness Win
+$25.00 Misc Deposit
Balance $3,475.00
Local Savings $555.00
GC Savings $1145.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $330.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$190.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $3,475.00
52 Week Challenge (I know we have more in this now, but I don't have it with me right now)
2016 - Week 13 $66 (total) + $12 +$13 (deposit)=$91
(Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343)
Posted in
$20K challenge
May 28th, 2016 at 04:30 am
Nothing too exciting here....just a payday update. We have had a few bites on selling our old fridge so hopefully that will pan out soon. That would be an extra $800!
Current Balance $1,900.00
+$25.00 MO Payday to Our Savings
Balance $1,925.00
Local Savings $105.00
GC Savings $105.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $300.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$160.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $1,925.00
52 Week Challenge (I know we have more in this now, but I don't have it with me right now)
2016 - Week 13 $66 (total) + $12 +$13 (deposit)=$91
(Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343)
Posted in
$20K challenge
May 23rd, 2016 at 09:02 pm
We took most of the money out of savings to pay for the Jeep Liberty. We will pay the last little amount on the Jeep once we receive rent for June.
I really hate having savings this low! Can't wait to get going back up!!
Current Balance $6,020.00
-$4200.00 Paying for Jeep Liberty
+$25.00 MO Payday to Our Savings
+$25.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Payoff
+$30.00 To GC Savings to keep minimum balance
Balance $1,900.00
Local Savings $105.00
GC Savings $105.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $275.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$160.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $1,900.00
52 Week Challenge (I know we have more in this now, but I don't have it with me right now)
2016 - Week 13 $66 (total) + $12 +$13 (deposit)=$91
(Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343)
Posted in
$20K challenge
May 18th, 2016 at 01:22 pm
Current Balance $5,395.00
+$600.00 Casino Wins
+$25.00 MO Payday to Our Savings
Balance $6,020.00
Local Savings $2305.00
GC Savings $2,075.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $250.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$135.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $6,020.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 13 $66 (total) + $12 +$13 (deposit)=$91
(Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343)
Posted in
$20K challenge
May 9th, 2016 at 05:39 pm
Here is the damage after paying off the Appliances Loan. I am super happy to still be over $5000. Now we should be able to just concentrate on savings for awhile and go to town on it. The next bug expense we have to pay for is a cruise we are going on in Sept. We will be paying for it in June, but on the Discover, so won't actually have to take out of savings until July. Hoping to be back over $10K by the end of the year! (By the way.....holy smokes this year is flying by already!)
Current Balance $8,710.00
+$160.00 Reimbursed for Garth Brooks Tickets
+$250.00 May Property Management Pay
+$.12 Cap 360 Interest
+$24.88 Even Out Amount
-$2950.00 Payoff Appliances
-$800.00 4 Weekends in a row out of town
Balance $5,395.00
Local Savings $2305.00
GC Savings $1,475.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $225.00
Capital 360 Savings (Appliances Payback Account)$135.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $5,395.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 13 $66 (total) + $12 +$13 (deposit)=$91
(Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343)
Posted in
$20K challenge
May 2nd, 2016 at 07:42 pm
Savings update is still skewed due to taking out large amounts to pay on the Appliances Loan. We should be paying that off in the next week or so, so then we can update savings with the total taken out.
Current Balance $8,310.00
+$400.00 Rent from extra guy in the basement..lol
Balance $8,710.00
Local Savings $1945.00
GC Savings $5,225.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $180.00
Capital 360 Savings (Appliances Payback Account)$105.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $8,710.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 13 $66 (total) + $12 +$13 (deposit)=$91
(Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343)
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 28th, 2016 at 02:41 pm
Yikes I haven't posted in ten days!
Things are good here, busy as always! There were 2 empty apts. at my parents rental so we have been working hard advertising, taking phone calls and showing the units. We now have someone moving into one of them as of May 1, and the other one as soon as it is ready as they are still finishing up some repairs and putting in new flooring. It has been quite a process so I am glad it is nearly done and everyone will be settled in soon.
MO and I went to my old house (rental #1) and did some serious yard work last weekend. Raking up leaves for hoouurrsss. The lawn there needs some serious TLC, lots of bare spots and we were hoping to put some lawn seed down last weekend, but it was too windy, and now we are at home an hr away, but besides that it has been rainy, windy and gloomy everyday. Hopefully we can get working on that more soon.
During the week we worked on getting our garage organized a little bit. I still have a lot of boxes in there from the move that I need to go through. But we at least got a lot of garbage taken out of there and some general organization started. Goal for next week will be to go through a chunk of the boxes and to get the old fridge washed out (FINALLY!) and up for sale.
We also bought a riding lawn mower! We knew we would need one as our yard at our new home is very large, and also for doing our Property Management work at my parents rental. We were lucky enough to find one on our local FB Sales Page for only $350!! What a steal! Of course it is used, but my husband looked up the same mower on line, and just the bins for the mower cost $300 new! So we are very excited about getting that deal! We are also looking to buy a tiller as I want to have a garden, that may be pushed back to next year since it is almost May now and we never seem to stop being busy, but I think it would be good for us to own a tiller as we have lots of properties/projects.
This savings update isn't entirely accurate as we have been siphoning off funds from savings to the Appliances Loan so we can pay it off quickly and be done with that. I will update savings with those withdrawals after next weekend. Next weekend we are going to a Garth Brooks concert and may be taking money out of savings for that as well, so then we will have a more accurate picture of where we stand with savings, and hopefully have the Appliances Loan gone!
Current Balance $7,570.00
+$25.00 My Payday to Appliances Loan Payoff
+$25.00 My Payday to Our Savings
+$25.00 MO Payday to Our Savings
+$65.00 Coin
+$600.00 Rent from Rental #1
Balance $8,310.00
Local Savings $1945.00
GC Savings $4,825.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $180.00
Capital 360 Savings (Appliances Payback Account)$105.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $8,310.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 13 $66 (total) + $12 +$13 (deposit)=$91
(Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343)
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 16th, 2016 at 07:31 pm
Here is the damage to savings after paying off my Mom and going on vaca. We were hoping to have about $2K left after both withdrawls, so we are super happy to still be over $7K!
I am still waiting to be paid from a March Madness Pool, so should have another $50 soon, and we will also get reimbursed $160 for concert tickets we paid for my cousin in a few weeks too. Plus our change cup is overflowing from vacation so we will take that in on Monday. Just keep chipping away!
Current Balance $19,470.00
+$25.00 MO Payday to Our Savings
-$12,700.00 Payoff Mom Loan
-$3,000.00 Money for Vacation
+$3,350.00 Brought home from Vacation
+$425.00 Feb/March Hrs for working on rentals
Balance $7,570.00
Local Savings $1880.00
GC Savings $4,225.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $130.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$80.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $7,570.00
52 Week Challenge
2016 - Week 13 $66 (total) + $12 +$13 (deposit)=$91
(Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343)
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 8th, 2016 at 08:32 pm
Today is payday and my last day of work before vacation! We leave Monday! Sadly MO's step-grandma passed away a few days ago so we will have a funeral tomorrow. MO works all weekend other then the funeral and I will be finishing up cleaning the house (almost done! I love having a clean house when you leave for vaca to come home to everything all nice and clean!) and also finishing up the packing. It's going to be a busy few days, I am so on vacation mode already! I will post the GIANT withdrawls probably Sunday for paying off the Mom Loan and vaca monies. I want a few more days where I'm not broke...lol!
Current Balance $19,370.00
+$25.00 My Payday to Our Savings
+$25.00 My Payday to Appliances Payoff
+$50.00 March Madness Win
Balance $19,470.00
Local Savings $1880.00
GC Savings $16,150.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $105.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$80.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $19,470.00
52 Week Challenge
2015 - Week 52 = $1378
2016 - Week 13 $66 (total) + $12 +$13 (deposit)=$91
(Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343)
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 4th, 2016 at 12:25 am
MO and I both have been ITCHING for vacation and made an impromptu trip to the casino Saturday night. Our room was comped so no cost there which was nice. I wasn't doing too great, but in the end came out $100 ahead! MO couldn't stop winning again and ended up $560 ahead! So $660 ahead again! I gave the $60 to MO for pocket money and put the $600 into savings. We also got rent, a small work bonus for MO, took in our piggy bank, and moved money around preparing for vacation and paying off the Mom Loan.
Things are looking great to payoff Mom, go on vaca, and still have a couple thousand left for us to start over when we get home!!
Current Balance $17,275.00
+$25.00 MO Payday to Our Savings
+$50.00 Coin
+$400.00 MO Bonus
+$600.00 Rent from Rental #2
+$400.00 Rent from basement
+$600.00 Casino Winning!
+$5.88 Cap 360 Interest
+$4.12 Even Out Amount
+.12 GC Savings Interest
+$4.88 Even Out Amount
+$5.00 Added Interest on our Rental Deposit Account
Balance $19,370.00
Local Savings $1830.00
GC Savings $16,150.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $80.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$55.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1255.00
Total Savings = $19,370.00
52 Week Challenge
2015 - Week 52 = $1378
2016 - Week 13 $66 (total) + $12 +$13 (deposit)=$91
(Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343)
Posted in
$20K challenge
March 29th, 2016 at 04:04 pm
For Easter Weekend we went to my MIL's house about 2 hours away.
Saturday my MIL tried to kill me with food. Homemade Indian Tacos for late breakfast, then a nap, then homemade deer stroganoff for lunch, almost immediately followed by pheasant stir-fry for dinner. SO STUFFED.
Sunday was Easter, we went to church and then back at the house we had an Easter Beer hunt that was very fun. My SILs buy 6 different beers/ for each person and then label them so you know which ones are yours. They hide them all over the yard, deck, vehicles etc. Somehow I wasn't able to find one of mine and no one can remember where they hid it...lol. MIL lives right on a lake so we are there all the time in the summer time and I am sure it will turn up! Then we played that saran wrap game where they made a huge saran wrap ball and hit prizes (candy, chap sticks, $1 bills, giftcards) in the ball and you race to unwrap it while the next person in line is rolling a dice. Every item you uncover in the saran wrap you get to keep and you keep unwrapping until the person with the dice gets doubles. Once they get doubles they grab the ball from you and they start unwrapping and the person after that tries roll doubles...etc. I had never played this before and it was so fun! We got a big pile of candy, about $5, $15 Subway GC and $25 Olive Garden GC! Sweet! Then we had sweet and sour pork for lunch and napped. In-between family fun we made a few trips to the casino that is 5 mins away and we just kept winning! We ended up $1700 ahead! We are full, happy, tired, and a little richer!
We had several great hits, but here is our biggest one! $911.29 on a $1.50 bet! (Plus another $39 for those other coins). We also had $450 hit, $302 and $250 and a few other $100+! So much fun!

We have a big electrician bill for rewiring our hot tub that we were getting ready to take money out of savings to pay, but now we were able to use this money and not have to take it out of savings, yeah! That was $1300. Then we also purchased 4 tickets to Garth Brooks concert in May and that was $320 (my cousin will reimburse us for 2 of the tickets), and we also paid a few more weeks on the 52 week challenge. We were also able to put $600 in savings as well from extra casino money and payday!
Current Balance $16,625.00
+$25.00 My Payday to Our Savings
+$25.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings
+$600.00 Casino Winning!
Balance $17,275.00
Local Savings $7180.00
GC Savings $2245.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2350.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$4250.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1250.00
Total Savings = $17,275.00
52 Week Challenge
2015 - Week 52 = $1378
2016 - Week 13 $66 (total) + $12 +$13 (deposit)=$91
(Weeks 46-52 are also paid already $343)
Posted in
$20K challenge
March 22nd, 2016 at 08:38 pm
Our credit card statement was now due with the cost of the survey to make sure we were not in the flood plain so we had to take out of savings for that.
We also took money out to cover the cost of the hotel at State Darts, but MO's team took 1st so he won enough to cover it! Once he gets his winnings we can put that back into savings.
Current Balance $18,055.00
+$25.00 MO Payday to Our Savings
+$10.00 Beer Rebate
+$35.00 FB Sales
-$140.00 State Darts Hotel Room
-$60.00 Experience Fee for Laughlin Trip
-$100.00 Vet bill
-$1200.00 Survey Fee
Balance $16,625.00
Local Savings $6580.00
GC Savings $2245.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2325.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$4225.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1250.00
Total Savings = $16,625.00
52 Week Challenge
2015 - Week 52 = $1378
2016 - Week 11 $55 (total) + $11 (deposit)=$66
(Weeks 48-52 are also paid already $250)
Posted in
$20K challenge
March 14th, 2016 at 06:23 pm
I haven't been on my blog much lately. I have been very busy trying to get through all of my clothes. I am done with underwear, socks, jeans, shorts and dress clothes except for skirts. Still a lot to get through!
I have also been getting in some good hrs at my parents rental, cleaning and painting. We are starting the job of property managers now so my parents paid us for 1/2 of March and all of April and we have been showing the units that are available working to find renters.
Excited to be over $18K!
Current Balance $17,580.00
+$25.00 My Payday to Our Savings
+$25.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings
+$375.00 March/April Property Manager Pay
+$35.00 Escrow Refund
+$12.25 FB Sales
+$2.75 Even Out Amount
Balance $18,055.00
Local Savings $6535.00
GC Savings $3745.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2300.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$4225.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1250.00
Total Savings = $18,055.00
52 Week Challenge
2015 - Week 52 = $1378
2016 - Week 11 $55 (total) + $11 (deposit)=$66
(Weeks 48-52 are also paid already $250)
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$20K challenge