Viewing the 'Extra Jobs and OT ' Category
December 11th, 2011 at 07:21 pm
Current Balance $14,285.00
+$250.00 Bingo Payday
New Balance $14,535.00
Bingo Money $1755.00
ING $7855.00
Home Improvements(cash) $515.00
HSBC $4410.00
Total = $14,535.00
Added $250.76 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $600.98
Wage total - $1157.15
Total Bingo Money - $1758.13
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
December 6th, 2011 at 03:58 am
Got my rebate from Prevacid for $15.99, so I rounded it up and added $20 to the EF. Also got my Bingo Tips for the week, reached $1500 in the Bingo Money!
Current Balance $14,210.00
+$55.00 Bingo Tips
+$20.00 Prevacid Rebate
New Balance $14,285.00
Bingo Money $1505.00
ING $7855.00
Home Improvements(cash) $515.00
HSBC $4410.00
Total = $14,285.00
Added $56.60 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $600.98
Wage total - $906.39
Total Bingo Money - $1507.37
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
November 24th, 2011 at 11:06 pm
Current Balance $13,520.00
+$55.00 Bingo Tips
+$225.00 Bingo Wages
New Balance $13,800.00
Bingo Money $1370.00
ING $7640.00
Home Improvements(cash) $385.00
HSBC $4405.00
Total = $13,800.00
Added $55.57 to Bingo Tips and $228.31 to Bingo Wages
Tips total - $467.83
Wage total - $906.39
Total Bingo Money - $1374.22
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
November 19th, 2011 at 07:21 pm
We paid off our laptop loan...it was 12 months at 0% interest, so it is time to pay it off now before the interest hits. That was the last 0% loan we had due. Now back down to just the mortgage again. Also had my Bingo tips for the week.
Current Balance $13,500.00
+$70.00 Bingo Tips
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise Savings
+$100.00 to Sept 2012 Savings
-$250.00 to pay off laptop loan
New Balance $13,520.00
Bingo Money $1090.00
ING $7640.00
Home Improvements(cash) $385.00
HSBC $4405.00
Total = $13,320.00
Added $67.76 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $412.26
Wage total - $678.08
Total Bingo Money - $1090.34
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
November 19th, 2011 at 04:19 pm
GusitaRenker asked:
Have you decided what you're doing with the bingo money?
No, I still haven't put a for sure answer on that.....right now I am leaning towards saving it for a new to us car when one of ours dies. One of our cars has over 140K miles and the other has over 110K miles. I am just always thinking how stupid I would feel if I put all this extra money towards the mortgage and then we had to get an autoloan. I would feel like an idiot! LOL So that is the though right now for the Bingo money.....for now I still just have it all at home. I plan to get some things moved around at ING soon to make a "Bingo" account.
Thanks for asking!
Posted in
Extra Jobs and OT
November 12th, 2011 at 04:47 pm
Current Balance $13,125.00
+$285.00 Bingo Wages
+$85.00 to Retirement Hold Account
+$5.00 Even Out Amount
New Balance $13,500.00
Bingo Money $1020.00
ING $7790.00
Home Improvements(cash) $385.00
HSBC $4305.00
Total = $13,500.00
Added $282.59 to Bingo Wages
Tips total - $344.50
Wage total - $678.08
Total Bingo Money - $1022.58
Bingo money is now over $1000!! YEAH!
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
November 8th, 2011 at 04:07 am
Current Balance $13,080.00
+$45.00 Bingo Tips
New Balance $13,125.00
Bingo Money $735.00
ING $7700.00
Home Improvements(cash) $385.00
HSBC $4305.00
Total = $13,125.00
Added $45.13 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $344.50
Wage total - $395.49
Total Bingo Money - $739.99
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
October 31st, 2011 at 10:45 pm
Current Balance $12,905.00
+$100.00 Bingo Tips
New Balance $13,005.00
Bingo Money $690.00
ING $7760.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4300.00
Total = $13,005.00
Added $101.75 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $299.37
Wage total - $395.49
Total Bingo Money - $694.86
Now that I have the bingo money coming in we should finally be able to get past the cursed $14K mark. Full steam ahead!
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
October 29th, 2011 at 05:27 pm
Current Balance $12,405.00
-$28.00 to ROTH IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
+$240.00 Bingo Wages
+$100.00 to EF
+$100.00 to Sept 2012
+$85.00 to Retirement Savings Account
New Balance $12,905.00
Bingo Money $590.00
ING $7760.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4300.00
Total = $12,905.00
Added $239.20 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $197.62
Wage total - $395.49
Total Bingo Money - $593.11
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
October 24th, 2011 at 04:21 am
Current Balance $12,335.00
+$55.00 Bingo Tips
+$15.00 Even Out Amount to ING EF
New Balance $12,405.00
Bingo Money $350.00
ING $7500.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4300.00
Total = $12,405.00
Added $58.67 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $197.62
Wage total - $156.29
Total Bingo Money - $353.91
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
October 17th, 2011 at 12:50 am
Current Balance $12,275.00
+$60.00 Bingo Tips
New Balance $12,335.00
Bingo Money $295.00
ING $7485.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4300.00
Total = $12,335.00
Added $59.94 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $138.95
Wage total - $156.29
Total Bingo Money - $295.24
Normally we don't get our tips till Monday, but someone called in sick today and they called me to see if they could come in. So I picked up about 5 hours, and while I was there I was able to get my tips. I was really excited about the total! I am almost to $300 already with Bingo Money!
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
October 14th, 2011 at 11:01 pm
Got my first paycheck from Bingo..I was hoping it would be $100, so I was very happy to find out it was $156.29! So that was a nice surprise!
I was planning to put a lot more in savings this paycheck, but we still seem to be playing catch up from this summer. Looking ahead I think it will be figured out withint he next 2-4 weeks. In the meantime we keep trying to keep our CC low for the month. We are at $700 and have 2 weeks left...trying to stay under $1300, so are pretty close to on track.
Current Balance $11,930.00
+$160.00 Bingo Paycheck
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
+$85.00 to Retirement Hold Account
New Balance $12,275.00
Bingo Money $235.00
ING $7485.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4300.00
Total = $12,275.00
Added $156.29 to Bingo Wages
Tips total - $79.01
Wage total - $156.29
Total Bingo Money - $235.30
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
October 10th, 2011 at 11:25 pm
Current Balance $11,910.00
+$20.00 Bingo Tips
New Balance $11,930.00
Bingo Money $75.00
ING $7400.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4200.00
Total = $11,930.00
Added $19.09 to Bingo Tips
Bingo Tips total
Tips total - $79.01
Wage total - $0
Total Bingo Money - $79.01
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
October 3rd, 2011 at 11:12 pm
My tips for this week were $36.23. Added to the challenge plus a little even out amount to get us back to $12K!
Current Balance $11,940.00
+$35.00 Bingo Tips
+$25.00 Even Out Amount to EF
New Balance $12,000.00
Bingo Money $55.00
ING $7490.00
Home Improvements(cash) $255.00
HSBC $4200.00
Total = $12,000.00
Added $36.23 to my Bingo Tips total
Tips total - $59.92
Wage total - $0
Total Bingo Money - $59.92
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
September 29th, 2011 at 12:33 am
Well I only worked one shift for about 6 1/2 hours and I got to go pick my tips up on Monday. $23.69! Not bad! They are shared tips and then divided by the number of hours you work. With tips I am making a little over $11 an hour, which I am happy with for an easy part time job. So for now I am just going to save that money seperate till I decide for sure what I want to do with it. I am only going to add this to the $20K Challenge in $5 increments so that it doesn't get confusing, so I just added $20 to that instead of $23.69.
Tips total - $23.69
Wage total - $0
Total Bingo Money - $23.69
Still can't decide if I want to save this for a snowblower or to the EF, or the mortgage savings account.....hmmm......oh well no hurry on what to decide.
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
September 26th, 2011 at 12:22 am
Yesterday was my first day at my second job at the Bingo hall. It was super fun! It is definitely a crazy enviroment and I was beat when I got home, but I think the job will be a good fit because I like a fast paced enviroment.
I caught on very quickly, though Bingo is a lot more confusing then I thought it would be.....lots of different kinds of games and different packages you can buy for different costs.
Tomorrow I can pick up my first set of tips, probably won't be much at all as it is shared tips and then divided by the number of hours you worked, and I only worked 7 hours this week....but something is better then nothing and I am still trying to decide exactly what savings I want this going towards....
Posted in
Extra Jobs and OT
September 9th, 2011 at 05:02 am
It's time to get really serious about meeting the $20K challenge and bringing us one step closer to paying off our mortgage. So I got a second job today!
I wanted something easy, non-stressful, flexible hours, close to my home, and I didn't want to dress up for work. Soooo.....I am going to be a cashier at a Bingo Hall. The pay is not great, but you do make tips so that will increase the hourly wage. Also we get to pick up the cash tips once a week, so that will be nice to see our total increasing everyweek. I am hoping to work about 20 hours a week. I figured while DH was gone with cross country this would be a good thing to keep me busy and help us meet our goals. EVERY PENNY IS GOING TO SAVINGS OR THE MORTGAGE! 
Tomorrow I have to go pick up my gaming license from the police station which will cost me $25, but if I stay at the job for 90 days I will get reimbursed that fee. My hours will normally be 5:30 - 9:00 when I work week nights. I think it will be easy and fun, and I am looking forward to hitting $20K!!
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT