Viewing the 'My Sales' Category
July 18th, 2014 at 08:14 pm
Sale #28 (SR) - $15.00
Rummage Sale Purchases
Fifty Shades of Grey Series - I paid $3.00
Sold for $15.00 = $12.00 Profit!!
Posted in
My Sales
July 9th, 2014 at 09:27 pm
FB Sales have been going great! I really haven't been posting too much on there, but when I do, I seem to get hits quickly! These are my sales from 6/16/14 through today.
When I went and stayed with MF over the 4th of July weekend he had to work so I brought some of my stuff with to work on while he was at work and found that the small town he lives in had a FB sale site, so I posted what I had with me (just some make-up) on there, and made a $20.50 Sale! I also had a 2nd sale set up for $28, but that buyer didn't show. So pretty excited that when I am up visiting him I have a new clientele! It is a very small town (less then 3000 people) and they have pretty limited options on the kinds of things (make-up, shampoo, conditioner, bodywash) that I sell. May be a nice little niche for me!
Sale #19 (LS) - $10.00
Free items from CVS
Herbal Essences Shampoo/Conditioner (2) - Money Maker of .49 per bottle when I purchased
Sold for $2.00 Each (2) = $4.98 Profit!!
Herbal Essences Shampoo/Conditioner (3) (Moms)
Sold for $2.00 Each (3)
Sale #20 (TS) - $46.00
Free items from Target
Pantene Shampoo/Conditioner - Large 29.2oz Bottles (9) – Money Maker of .66 per bottle when I purchased
Sold for $4.00 Each = $41.94 Profit!!
Discounted Items from CVS
Faith Hill Perfume (2) - I paid $2.34 Each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $5.00 Each (2) = $10.00 Profit!!
Sale #21 (JB) - $4.00
Free Curbside Items
Diego Potty Seat = $4.00 Profit
So far I have made $25.50 off the "garbage" my neighbors threw away!
Sale #22 (BB) - $3.00
Discounted Items from CVS
Maybelline Eyeshadow – I paid .99 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $3.00 = $3.00 Profit
Sale #23 (SB) - $12.50
Discounted Items from CVS
Almay Shadow Softies Eyeshadow (3) - Money Maker of .51 Each
Sold for $2.50 Each (3) = $9.03 Profit!!
Almay Lipgloss - Money Maker of .51 Each
Sold for $2.50 Each = $3.01 Profit!!
Almay Shadow Softies Eyeshadow (Moms)
Sold for $2.50 Each
Sale #24 (AB) - $2.00
Discounted Items from CVS
Colgate Spongebob Toothpaste – I paid .19 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $2.00 = $2.00 Profit!! (I was selling these for $1.50 each, but when she came and picked it up, she gave me $2.00 and when I said let me grab you change she said to keep it)
Sale #25 (BJ) - $10.00
Rummage Sale Purchases
Narnia 7 Book Set - I paid $2.00
Sold for $10.00 = $8.00 Profit!!
Sale #26 (KP) - $20.50
Free Items from CVS
Almay Shadow Softies Eyeshadow (2) - Money Maker of .51 Each
Sold for $2.50 Each (2) = $6.02 Profit!!
Almay Make-up Removers (2)
Sold for $3.00 each (2) = $6.00 Profit!!
Almay Shadow Softies Eyeshadow (2) (Moms)
Sold for $2.50 Each
Revlon Shadow Links Eyeshadow (3) (Moms)
Sold for $1.50 Each
Sale #27 (AA) - $3.00
Free Items from CVS
Revlon Shadow Links Eyeshadow - Money Maker of .76
Sold for $1.50 = $2.26 Profit!!
Revlon Shadow Links Eyeshadow (Moms)
Sold for $1.50
Posted in
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
My Sales
June 16th, 2014 at 03:32 am
I am trying to get back into selling items on FB. I am keeping this money for myself as this is something I am doing on my own and separate from my normal paychecks and DH. I will keep it to the side for now and once everything is done then I will put it towards the house. So far I have $31.50. I have a buyer for a bunch of make-up on Tuesday, if she buys everything she has said she wants it will be $35! So we will see!
Sale #16 (PRM) - $20.00
Discounted items from CVS
Dove Bodywash - I paid $3.00(Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $5.00 = $5.00 Profit
Right Guard Bodywash (2) - I paid $2.00 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $2.50 each = $5.00 Profit
Dial Bodywash (4) - I paid $1.50 each for 2 (Free on CVS GC) and .49 OOP for one, one was my Moms.
Sold in a 4 for $10 deal = $7.01 Profit! ($2.50 for Mom)
Total Profit on this sale for me was $17.01!
Sale #17 (RB) - $10.00
Free Curbside Items
Blue Playskool Rider $10.00 = $10.00 Profit
Sale #18 (MJ) - $1.50
Free Curbside Items
Elmo Socks $1.50 = $1.50 Profit
So far I have made $21.50 off the "garbage" my neighbors threw away!
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Free Stuff,
My Sales
April 27th, 2014 at 08:04 pm
Been doing well still with FB sales. Had 4 more sales and have 3 pending sales so far for this week! Also won $25 at blackjack last night and threw that in the mortgage payoff too.
Sale #12 (RM) - $2.50
Discounted items from CVS
Crest Be Inspired Toothpaste - I paid .74(Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $2.50 = $2.50 Profit
Sale #13 (AW) - $10.00
Discounted items from CVS
Softsoap Bodywash (4) - I paid $1.50 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $2.50 each (4 for $10 deal) = $10 Profit
Sale #14 (DH) - $10.00
Discounted items from CVS
Softsoap Bodywash (4) - I paid $1.50 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $2.50 each (4 for $10 deal) = $10 Profit
Sale #15 (TK) - $10.00
Curbside Items
Playskool Yellow Rider $10.00 = $10.00 Profit
Mortgage Checking Balance
$70.00 Balance
+$2.50 Sale #12
+$10.00 Sale #13
+$10.00 Sale #14
+$10.00 Sale #15
+$25.00 Blackjack Win
+$2.50 Even Out Amount
$130.00 New Balance
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Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
My Sales
April 17th, 2014 at 03:33 pm
Sale #11 - $6.00
Discounted items from CVS
Suave 12oz Bodywash - I paid .67 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold 4 for $1.50 each = $6.00 Profit
Mortgage Checking Balance
$60.00 Balance
+$6.00 Sale #1
+$4.00 Even Out Amount
$70.00 New Balance
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Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
My Sales
April 14th, 2014 at 12:58 am
Sale #9 (RM) - $11.50
Mom - Carmex Balm Set $1.50
Discounted items from CVS
Wet N Wild Nail Polish - I paid $1.25 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold 3 for $2.50 each (part of 4 for $10 deal) = $7.50 Profit
Discounted items from Claires
Sea Glass Manicure Sets - I paid $1.00
Sold for $2.50(part of 4 for $10 deal) = $1.50 Profit
Sale #10 (VT) - $3.00
Nicole by OPI Selena Gomez Nail Polish- I paid .79(Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $3.00 = $3.00 Profit
Mortgage Checking Balance
$45.00 Balance
+$11.50 Sale #1
+$3.00 Sale #2
+.50 Even Out Amount
$60.00 New Balance
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
My Sales
April 7th, 2014 at 03:21 am
The two girls I sold to before came to buy more from me! They each bought a few things and I also sold 1 item to a coworker. Things are going good with the lil side business!
Sale #6 (KW) - $20.00
Mom - Maybelline Nail Polish $2.00
Discounted items from CVS
Carmex Lip Gloss (2) - I paid .24 each
Sold 2 for $1.50 each = $2.52 Profit
Listerine Mouthwash 1 Liter - I paid $2.04 each (free on CVS GC)
Sold for $4.00 = $4.00 Profit
Glade Room Spray(4) I paid .67 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for 4 for $4.00 = $4.00 Profit
Venus Embrace Razor - I paid $1.49 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $7.00 = $7.00 Profit
Sale #7 (CB) - $15.00
Listerine Mouthwash 1 Liter - I paid $2.04 each (free on CVS GC)
Sold for $4.00 = $4.00 Profit
Glade Room Spray(4) I paid .67 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for 4 for $4.00 = $4.00 Profit
Venus Embrace Razor - I paid $1.49 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $7.00 = $7.00 Profit
Sale #8 (SS) - $3.00
Wet n Wild Nail Kit (I had bought this to keep for a gift, not to resell) - I paid .88
Sold for $3.00 = $2.12 profit
Mortgage Checking Balance
$350.00 Balance
-$345.00 April Mortgage Principle Payment
+$20.00 Sale #1
+$15.00 Sale #2
+$3.00 Sale #3
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
$45.00 New Balance
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
My Sales
March 24th, 2014 at 08:45 pm
I had two separate young ladies come shop my stockpile and 2 decent sales out of it! They both told me when I get new/more stuff to message them to come shop again!
Sale #4 - $20.00
Mom - Maybelline Nail Polish $2.00 x 2 = $4.00
Free Items from CVS
Maybelline Nailpolish - Sold for $2.00 = $2.00 Profit
Discounted items from CVS
Carmex Lip Gloss - I paid .24 each
Sold for $1.50 each = $1.26 Profit
Crest 3D White Toothpaste - I paid .99 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $2.50 = $2.50 Profit
Softsoap Bodywash 18oz (2) - I paid $1.50 each (Free on CVS GC)
Nivea Bodywash 16.9oz (2) - I paid $1.49 each (Free on CVS GC)
*Sold these as a package deal for 4 for $10.00 = $10.00 Profit
Sale #5 - $34.50
Mom - Cherry Carmex $1.00
Free Items from CVS
Maybelline Nailpolish - Sold for $2.00 = $2.00 Profit
Revlon Glitter File (MM of .73!) - Sold for $1.50 = $2.23 Profit!!
SpeedStick Deoderant (2) - I bought these to keep as this is the kind DH uses, but I threw some tags on them when the girls came over to shop and they ended up buying them, so why not?! Sold for $2.00 each = $4.00 Profit!!
Discounted items from CVS
Crest 3D White Toothpaste - I paid .99 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $2.50 = $2.50 Profit
Crest 3D White Brilliance - I paid .24 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $2.50 = $2.50 Profit
Crest Toothpaste 8oz - I bought this to keep, not sure when or where, but marked $3.00 when they came to shop. I assume I made money on this, but since I really have no record of it I am not sure and won't be marking down any profit for this. Sold for $3.00.
Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear Polish (6) - I paid $1.54 each (Free on CVS GC)
Essie Nail Polish (2) - I paid .83 each (One was free on GC, one I paid cash for)
*Sold these as a package deal for 4 for $10.00 x (2) = $19.17 Profit
Mortgage Checking Balance
$250.00 Balance
+$16.00 Sale #1
+$4.00 Even Out Amount
+$33.50 Sale #2
+$2.50 Even Out Amount
+$40.00 Coin
+$4.00 Even Out Amount
$350.00 New Balance!!
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
My Sales
March 20th, 2014 at 08:29 pm
I have been posting items on FB for sale, and a coworker recently saw my posts and asked me to bring her some items to buy. She told me a bunch of the brands she uses and asked me put together a box of things worth about $60-$80 for her to buy! I was super excited! I wasn't sure if I would have $60-$80 worth of stuff that she would want to buy, but I just packed up a box with a bunch of different items, mostly CVS purchases, a few things from my personal stockpile that I thought she might be interested in, and the movies that I just bought from someone else on FB.....she ended up buying $202 worth of merchandise!!! ($8.50 of it was items that my Mom and Bro had mixed with my rummage sale stuff) So in less then a week I have made $240.50!! I have 2 more potential buyers on bodywash I am waiting for pick up on!
The best part was that I sold all of the DVDs that I just bought this weekend and I made a $64 profit on those! Nice, quick turnaround! Selling on FB is turning into a nice little supplemental income for me! Now I just need to restock because my inventory is bare!!
Sale #3
Here is what I sold to my coworker:
Brother - Gillette Razor $4.00
Mom - Carmex Lime $1.00, Carmex Vanilla $1.00, Carmex Cherry $1.00, Carmex Balm and Cream Set $1.50 = Total $4.50
Free Items from CVS
Culturelle ProBiotic (2) - Sold 2 for $6.00 each = $12.00 Profit
Curel Lotion 1oz (6) - Sold for .50 each = $3.00 Profit
CVS Brand Pain Reliever (3) - Sold for $2.50 each = $7.50 Profit
St. Josephs Aspirin (2) (Money Maker of .25 each) sold for $3.00 each = $6.50 Profit
Revlon Nail Clipper (Money Maker of .31) Sold for $1.50 = $1.81 Profit
Themacare Heat Wrap - Sold for $3.00 = $3.00 Profit
Youtheory Collagen - Sold for $5.00 = $5.00 Profit
Discounted items from CVS
Carmex Lip Gloss (3) - I paid .24 each
Sold for $1.50 each = $3.78 Profit
Crest Prohealth Mouthwash - I paid .99 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $3.50 = $3.50 Profit
CVS Brand Lotion 3oz - I paid .12
Sold for $1.00 = .88 Profit
Olay Bodywash (I had bought this to keep for myself, not to resell) - I paid $2.99
Sold for $5.00 = $2.01 Profit
Softsoap Bodywash 18oz (5) - I paid $1.50 each (Free on CVS GC, except one when I ran out of GC, and paid .34 OOP as I ran out of GC that day)
Sold for $2.50 each since she bought more than 4 = $12.16 Profit
Venus Spa Breeze - I paid $2.99 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $6.00 = $6.00 Profit
Wet n Wild Nail Kit (I had bought this to keep for a gift, not to resell) - I paid .88
Sold for $3.00 = $2.12 profit
Discounted Items from JCPenney
Mens Flipflops - I paid .14
Sold for $3.00 = $2.86 Profit
Free Item from Grocery Store
Suave Lotion - Sold for $2.50 = $2.50 Profit
Free Items from Menards
Eyewear Care Kit - Sold for $2.50 = $2.50 Profit
Lint Rollers 3pk - Sold for $2.50 = $2.50 Profit
Free Items from Target
Gillette Fusion Proglide (Money Maker of $2.53) sold for $6.00 = $8.53 Profit
Venus Embrace Razor (Money Maker of $2.53) sold for $6.00 = $8.53 Profit
Discounted Items I bought from Facebook
28 DVDs - I paid $20 for the whole lot (.71 per DVD)
Sold for $3.00 each = $64.00 Profit!!
$50.00 Balance
+$193.50 Sales to coworker
+$6.50 Even Out Amount
$250.00 New Balance!!
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
My Sales
March 17th, 2014 at 12:42 am
A girl just came and bought 4 more bodywashes from me! She was super nice and asked how I got so much brand new stuff to sell, I told her I coupon and she thought that was so cool. Made me very happy! She told me I must be so smart and said she will probably see me on TV some day! Lil things make me smile! 
Sale #2
Softsoap Bodywash (Sold 4)
I paid $1.00 each for these ones (Free on CVS GC)
I had marked for $3.00 each for 4 for $10.00
Sold 4 for $10.00 = $10.00 Profit
$50.00 Balance
+$10.00 Sold 4 Softsoap
$60.00 New Balance
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
My Sales
March 16th, 2014 at 08:39 pm
I have shopped on a FB page for my local area that is a "rummage sale" type community, but never tried to sell anything till recently. Well I put some stuff up on there this weekend and have been selling like crazy!
Here is what I sold so far ($37.00 yesterday!), and I have 3 more sales pending pickup!
Sale #1 (PRN) - $37.00
Maybelline Color Show Fashion Prints Nail Stickers
I paid .83 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $3.00 = $3.00 Profit
Right Guard Bodywash 16oz (Sold 4)
I paid $1.00 each (Free on CVS GC)
I had marked $3.00 each or 4 for $10.00
Sold for 4 for $10.00 = $10.00 Profit
Crest Prohealth Mouthwash (Sold 2)
I paid .99 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold 1 for $3.00 and 1 for $3.50 = $6.50 Profit
Softsoap Bodywash (Sold 7)
I paid $1.50 each (.34 each OOP as I ran out of GC that day)
I had marked for $3.00 each for 4 for $10.00
Sold 7 for 4 for $10.00 in a deal with the Mouthwash, so (7 x $2.50 = $17.50) - $2.38 paid OOP = $15.12 Profit
$5.00 Balance
+$37.00 FB Sales
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
+$5.00 Nielsen Survery
$50.00 New Balance
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
My Sales