January 7th, 2019 at 06:12 pm
FB Sales for the week were $185.50!! That was 49 items sold!!
Sale #1105 (CB) $6.00
Plunge Chopper (Joint with my FIL) - We paid $3.20
Sold for $6.00 each
Profit = $2.80
Sale #1106 (DI) $6.00
Plunge Chopper (Joint with my FIL) - We paid $3.20
Sold for $6.00 each
Profit = $2.80
Sale #1107 (FMO) $4.00
Scented Crayons (Joint with my FIL) - We paid $2.66
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $1.34
Sale #1108 (DM) $20.00
NDSU Plastic Cups (10) (Joint with my FIL) - We paid .11 each
Sold for 2 sets of 5 cups for $4 per set
Profit = $6.90
NDSU Lanyards (3) (Joint with my FIL) - We paid $1.07 for 2 and one didn't get rang up so it was free
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $9.86
Sale #1109 (RD) $10.00
NDSU Pom Poms (5) (Joint with my FIL) - We paid .80 each
Sold for $2.00 each
Profit = $6.00
Sale #1110 (DH) $16.00
NDSU Stainless Steel Tumblers (2) - (Joint with my FIL) - We paid $3.22 each
Sold for $8.00 each
Profit = $9.56
Sale #1111 (JB) $16.00
NDSU Stainless Steel Tumblers (2) - (Joint with my FIL) - We paid $3.22 each
Sold for $8.00 each
Profit = $9.56
Sale #1112 (MG) $14.00
Girls Athletica Tennies(Joint with my FIL) - We paid $3.20 each
Sold for $8.00 each
Profit = $4.80
Pioneer Woman Kitchen Handtowel Set(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.63
Sold for $4.00
Profit = $3.37
Nugg Face Mask (Joint with my Mom - We paid $.70
Sold for $2.00
Profit = $1.30
Sale #1113 (JC) $27.50
EOS Single Pack Lip Balm (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.05 each
Sold for $2.50 each
Profit = $1.45
EOS Lip Balm 3pk(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $3.27 each
Sold for $7.00 each
Profit = $3.73
Chapstick Brand Holiday 3pk (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.33 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $1.67
Sterilite 2 Drawer (Joint with my FIL) - We paid $5.33
Sold for $15.00 each
Profit = $9.67
Sale #1114 (KW) $10.00
Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner (4) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.01 each
Sold for $2.50 each
Profit = $5.96
Sale #1115 (CC) $12.00
Conair Hair Dryer (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $5.65
Sold for $12.00 each
Profit = $6.35
Sale #1116 (AH) $48.00
OGX Shampoo and Conditioner (12) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.79 each
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $26.52
Posted in
My Sales
January 7th, 2019 at 03:28 pm
We are keeping it really simple this year for goals. Keep breathing, pay minimums on our current debts, and don't accrue any new debt (with our HSA fund pretty depleted we need to make sure we aren't acquiring any medical debt).
2019 Goals
-Pay in cash for Laughlin trip in March
-Keep savings at/above $5K by end of year
-Store Loan (From $4,078.11 to $978.74)
-Mom Loan #3 (From $36,541.06 to $30,012.24)
-Rental #1 Mortgage (From $81,458.91 to $79,178.91)
-Rental #2 Mortgage (From $145,550.00 to $141,550.00)
-Our House (From $241,855.85 to $236,820.33)
-STRETCH GOAL - No stretch goal this year. We just really need to focus on savings and staying out of new debt rather then paying extras on existing debt. I am excited that in 2020 the Store Loan will be paid off and then we can snowball that payment onto something else, but for now we will just keep trucking along. Total debt will go from $509,425.02 to $488,540.22, for a total debt reduction of $20,884.80.
-Continue contributing 6% to 401K
-Research and review allocations of ROTH and make appropriate adjustments
-Be positive and thankful for what I have
-Lose 40lbs by Laughlin trip in March (Currently down 22lbs)
Home Improvements and Rental Updates
-Pour cement patio at Rental #1
-Plant bigger/better garden at new house
-Get front and back yard under control
Posted in
January 4th, 2019 at 10:20 pm
Obviously our year didn't go as planned at all with losing the twins, but here is a check in on our financial goals. Considering all we have been through this year, I really think we did pretty darn good.
2018 Goals
-Pay in cash for Vegas trip - Goal met!
-Keep savings at/above $5K by end of year - Goal met! Savings was at $13K at the end of the year!
-Mom Loan #2 (From $17,327.47 to $10,410.84) - Goal not met as we purchased a new vehicle so we would have enough room for the babies and the dogs, we added the loan for the truck to the Mom Loan.
-Store Loan (From $7,116.12 to $4,078.11) - Goal met!
-Rental #1 Mortgage (From $83,740.75 to $81,520.75)- Goal met and exceeded by $61.84!
-Rental #2 Mortgage (From $149,980.00 to $146,380.00)- Goal met and exceeded by $830.00!
-Our House (From $246,688.21 to $241,855.85) - Goal met!
-STRETCH GOAL Total Debt Balance down to $474K or less. That would be if things go well and we could payoff the Mom Loan. That would put us down $30,852.55 for the year (Currently at $504,852.55). - Goal not met due to getting the new truck and saving for babies and not paying off any extra on debt
-Continue contributing 6% to 401K -Goal met!
-Research and review allocations of ROTH and make appropriate adjustments - Goal not met, just too much going on and it didn't get looked at.
-Be positive and thankful for what I have - Man I tried, but losing the babies really tanked me
-Lose 50lbs - Obviously with a twin pregnancy that was no longer a goal for the year, but I am down 10lbs from where I started last year.
Home Improvements and Rental Updates
-Complete minor repairs at Rental #1 (hole in wall)- Goal met, we got a lot of repairs done at Rental #1 when we had a new renter move in.
-Plant bigger/better garden at new house - Goal not met, just too much going on and it wasn't addressed.
Posted in
January 4th, 2019 at 04:16 pm
$657.16 paid off in the last 2 weeks!!!
Celebrations for this update:
-$657.16 paid off in the last 2 weeks!!
-Store Loan went under the next $1000 mark!
-Total Debt went under the next $1000 mark for the 4th update in a row!!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Best Buy $0
Store Loan $3,960.05
Mom Loan #2/#3 $36,001.96
MO Mortgage $81,400.00
My Mortgage $145,550.00
Our Mortgage $241,855.85
Total = $508,767.86
Down $657.16 in the last two weeks!
Starting total was $613,351.27
$104,583.41 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house and adding new truck loan)!!!!!
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
January 4th, 2019 at 01:36 am
Continuing to stay busy to try to keep myself sane. Lucky for me I like being busy and productive. I got my Christmas decorations down today which was good, it’s one of my least favorite jobs but MO was out of town coaching basketball so it was a good time to tackle it. Hoping to take a relaxing hot shower and go to bed early.
I cleaned my office on New Years Eve including dusting and sweeping. Purged a lot of paper and random junk that was cluttering my desk. I got my new calendar (Christmas gift) up, new planner filled out and got my new address book (Christmas gift) all filled out. I gave my old address book away on FB as it was a 3 ring binder style so I could just take out the used pages. In my office I had a huge plastic Coca-Cola piggy bank. I suppose it was about 2 - 2 1/2 feet tall. It was my grandmas and I wanted to fill it completely with pennies, I only had it about 1/5 of the way full, but it was getting pretty old and had cracked. Pennies were starting to fall out of the bottom. So when I cleaned my office I dumped the pennies into a bucket and took them to the bank. Good thing I did it now as the bottom started falling apart in pieces and that would have been almost 3000 pennies to clean off the floor! My total was $27.97. I put $25 into savings and the rest back in a different change jar for next time.
I’m hoping to work in the “store” room more soon and get my oldest inventory items out of there. I also want to clean out the bathroom cupboards as they are a mess and I know there is lots to toss in there. Maybe this weekend.
Today was Day 32 of P90X and I’m actually looking forward to my workouts and I try to do my best on each one. I’m down 22lbs since I gave birth and about 12lbs from last New Years. It’s one of the only things that ever keeps my mind off the babies.
Current Balance $13,020.00
+$25.00 Pennies
Balance $13,045.00
Local Savings $5255.00
GC Savings $1315.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3050.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1075.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $13,045.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $0
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 2nd, 2019 at 04:07 pm
Current Balance $12,895.00
+$125.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (1/4)
+$3.18 Cap360 Interest
+$56.82 Even Out Amount
+$6.22 Local Savings Interest
+$3.78 Even Out Amount
+.03 GC Interest
+$4.97 Even Out Amount
Balance $13,020.00
Local Savings $5230.00
GC Savings $1315.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3050.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1075.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $13,020.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $0
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 31st, 2018 at 09:23 pm
My FIL picked up a bunch of misc items for sale for us! It's hard to find the regular price for a lot of the stuff at Walmart as they don't print it on the receipt, but I did my best looking it up.

Camp Forks (Bought 10)
Regular Price $4.17
Our Price + Tax = $1.60 each
(Marked $3.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 4 for $3.00 each on FB on 3/25/19
Girls Athletica Tennies (Bought 12)
Regular Price $14.87
Our Price + Tax = $3.20 each
(Marked $8.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $8.00 on FB on 12/30/18
*ETA - Sold 1 for $8.00 on FB on 1/6/19
*ETA - Sold 1 for $8.00 on FB on 1/27/19
*ETA - Sold 1 for $8.00 on FB on 11/3/19
NDSU Binder (Bought 1)
Regular Price ?
Our Price + Tax = $1.07 each
(Marked $4.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $4.00 on FB on 1/13/19
Profit = $2.93
NDSU Lanyards (Bought 3)
Regular Price $8.99
Our Price + Tax = $1.07 each (One did not get rung up, so one was free)
(Marked $4.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 3 for $4.00 each on FB on 12/30/18
Profit = $9.86
NDSU Pencils 5pk (Bought 5)
Regular Price $3.97
Our Price + Tax = $.80 each
(Marked $2.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $2.00 on FB on 1/13/19
NDSU Pens 5pk (Bought 3)
Regular Price ?
Our Price + Tax = $1.61 each
(Marked $4.00 each for rummage sale)
NDSU Plastic Cups (Bought 10)
Regular Price ?
Our Price + Tax = $.11 each
(Marked $1.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 10 for $8.00 on FB on 12/30/18
Profit = $6.90
NDSU Pom Poms (Bought 5)
Regular Price ?
Our Price + Tax = $.80 each
(Marked $2.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 5 for $2.00 each on FB on 12/30/18
Profit = $6.00
NDSU Stainless Steel Tumblers (Bought 4)
Regular Price $14.48
Our Price + Tax = $3.22 each
(Marked $8.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 4 for $8.00 each on FB on 12/30/18
Profit = $19.12
Peeler Set 3pc (Bought 2)
Regular Price ?
Our Price + Tax = $1.07 each
(Marked $4.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $4.00 on FB on 1/20/19
*ETA - Sold 1 for $4.00 on FB on 10/13/19
Profit = $5.86
Pioneer Woman Placemats (Bought 23)
Regular Price $3.47
Our Price + Tax = $.27 each
(Marked $2.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 6 for $2.00 each on 2/25/19
Plunge Chopper (Bought 5)
Regular Price $12.00 (?)
Our Price + Tax = $3.20 each
(Marked $6.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $6.00 each on FB on 12/30/18
*ETA - Sold 1 for $6.00 on FB on 10/13/19
Pull Chopper (Bought 5)
Regular Price $9.00 (?)
Our Price + Tax = $3.20 each
(Marked $6.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $6.00 on FB on 10/13/19
Red Pens 12pk (Bought 18)
Regular Price $.97
Our Price + Tax = $.11 each
(Marked $1.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.00 on FB on 3/31/19
Scented Crayons (Bought 4)
Regular Price $6.86
Our Price + Tax = $2.66 each
(Marked $4.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $4.00 on FB on 12/30/18
*ETA - Sold 1 for $4.00 on FB on 1/27/19
*ETA - Sold 2 for $4.00 each on FB on 2/3/19
Profit = $5.36
Sterilite 2 Drawer (Bought 1)
Regular Price $29.97
Our Price + Tax = $5.33 each
(Marked $15.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $15.00 on 12/30/18
Profit = $9.67
Tommee Tippee Sippy Cups(Bought 4)
Regular Price $4.97
Our Price + Tax = $2.13 each
(Marked $4.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $4.00 each on FB on 1/27/19
*ETA - Sold 1 for $4.00 on FB on 2/10/19
Posted in
Rummage Sales and Recycling
December 31st, 2018 at 08:36 pm
It was a pretty slow week for sales with the Christmas holiday here. I still had 5 people pick up 8 items, for a total of $141.50!!
Sale #1100 (CC) $110.00
Beats Pill Speaker - I paid $84.73
Sold for $110.00
Profit = $25.27
Sale #1101 (JB) $15.00
Zumba Set (Joint with my FIL) - We paid $5.33
Sold for $15.00
Profit = $9.67
Sale #1102 (FMO) $8.00
Organic Face Mask (2) (Joint with my Mom) - Free After EB
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $8.00
Sale #1103 (DA) $4.50
Softsoap Handsoap (3) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.17 each
Sold for $1.50 each
Profit = $.99
Sale #1104 (BH) $4.00
Earbuds (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.33 each
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $2.67
Posted in
My Sales
December 28th, 2018 at 08:17 pm
Since I got home from the hospital we have been doing awesome on eating at home and have saved a ton of money! We charge everything on our Discover Card each month and pay it off in full each month, so it's easy to see how much our are spending on different categories like eating out. Our statement cut yesterday and the difference just in line items is staggering!
Since we have been eating at home I have been cleaning out the pantry and freezers to get stuff used up. We completely cleaned out our main freezer that is connected to our kitchen fridge and threw some things away, took everything out and washed it all out. Now it is nice and organized and I can actually see what we have in there. I still have two more chest freezers that I need to get cleaned out, but it's a good start.
We have been using up lots of deer sausage and brats from last year before they get too old. I also made pheasant stir fry which used up 2 bags of pheasant that MO shot last year, an entire bag of frozen broccoli, a bag of frozen rice that a friend dropped off for us with homemade eggrolls when I got home from the hospital, plus leftover carrots, onions, mushrooms, celery, spinach, and peapods from the fridge. All of the fresh veggies only had a day or two left of life in them so I was happy to get them all used up in a yummy dish and not waste them. I also used up two old packages of ramen noodles for MO as he doesn't like rice, so I ate the rice with mine and serviced his with ramen. Made a huge healthy pan and tons of leftovers too.
Hopefully we can keep up the minimal eating out into January and have another low credit card bill to start out the year.
Posted in
Saving Money
December 28th, 2018 at 08:02 pm
Current Balance $12,770.00
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (12/28)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (12/28)
Balance $12,895.00
Local Savings $5220.00
GC Savings $1310.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2905.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1110.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $12,895.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $0
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 26th, 2018 at 10:21 pm
$1099.02 paid off in the last 2 weeks!!!
Celebrations for this update:
-$1099.02 paid off in the last 2 weeks!!
-Our Mortgage went under the next $1000 mark!!
-Total debt went under the next $1000 mark for the 3rd update in a row!!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Best Buy $0
Store Loan $4,078.11
Mom Loan #2/#3 $36,541.06
MO Mortgage $81,400.00
My Mortgage $145,550.00
Our Mortgage $241,855.85
Total = $509,425.02
Down $1099.02 in the last two weeks!
Starting total was $613,351.27
$103,926.25 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house and adding new truck loan)!!!!!
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
December 26th, 2018 at 05:47 pm
We had a nice Christmas Day at my MIL's house and one the way home we stopped at the casino that is only about 5 mins from her house. We weren't there too long and we hit this awesome win for over $1000! We played a bit more and then headed home with our pockets full! The holidays have been really terrible missing our babies so it was nice to have a fun surprise and to not think about how sad we are for awhile. Most of our recent savings money went to our home insurance bills for our 2 rentals houses, but at least that is less that was taken out of savings in the long run. Our home insurance bill was actually about $2500 but we had some extra in checking to help cover it.

Current Balance $12,280.00
+$210.00 FB Sales
+$1378.00 52 Week Challenge
+$622.00 Casino Win/Even Out Amount
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (12/21)
+$30.00 Cell Phone Savings
-$1800.00 Home Insurance on two houses
Balance $12,770.00
Local Savings $5220.00
GC Savings $1310.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2855.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1035.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $12,770.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $0
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 24th, 2018 at 10:14 pm
Total sales for this week were $368.00 which I was very surprised by as I hadn't been posting as much since I got through all my Christmas and winter items. I also sold a lot this week for my Mom which is great to help her out too. 
Sale #1083 (FMO) $3.00
For my Mom: Kitchen Shears $3.00
Sale #1084 (TYP) $20.00
For my Mom: Victoria Secret Bras (2) @ $10.00 each
Sale #1085 (CB) $6.00
For my Mom: Boys Christmas Shirts (2) @ $3.00 each
Sale #1086 (KW) $3.00
For my Mom: Airwick Refill 2pk $3.00
Sale #1087 (SSB) $18.00
Bath & Body Lotions (3) - I paid $2.96 each
Sold for $6.00 each
Profit = $9.12
Sale #1088 (LC) $24.00
Bath & Body Lotions (4) - I paid $2.96 each
Sold for $6.00 each
Profit = $12.16
Sale #1089 (AN) $9.00
Book Lights (2) - Free After Rebate
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $6.00
For my Mom: Book Light $3.00
Sale #1090 (JSM) $7.00
EOS Lipbalm 3pk(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $3.27
Sold for $7.00
Profit = $3.73
Sale #1091 (DI) $20.00
Chapstick Holiday 3pks (2)(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.33 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $3.34
Nugg Facemask (2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid .70 each
Sold for $2.00 each
Profit = $2.60
Nivea Sample Sets(2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.60 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $2.80
Corkscrew (2) - Free After Rebate
Sold for $2.00 each
Profit = $4.00
Sale #1092 (SF) $8.00
Hello Kitty T-Shirt (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.05
Sold for $4.00
Profit = $2.95
Christmas T-Shirt (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.05
Sold for $4.00
Profit = $2.95
Sale #1093 (JZ) $15.00
Santa Cookie Plate (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.14
Sold for $3.00
Profit = $1.86
Pioneer Woman Punch Bowl - I paid $2.13
Sold for $12.00
Profit = $9.87
Sale #1094 (KHB) $16.00
Earbuds (4) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.33 each
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $10.68
Sale #1095 (LC) $20.00
Star Wars Death Star Hot Wheels Set(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $5.81
Sold for $20.00
Profit = $14.19
Sale #1096 (AVB) $15.00
Colgate Spin Brush(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.59
Sold for $5.00
Profit = $3.41
Avia Duffel Bag (Joint with my FIL) - We paid $3.20
Sold for $10.00
Profit = $6.80
Sale #1097 (DZ) $30.00
EOS Lipbalm 3pk (2)(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $3.27 each
Sold for $7.00 each
Profit = $7.46
Loreal Shampoo, Conditioner and Styler (3)(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.88 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $6.36
Whole Blends Leave-in Conditioner (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.99
Sold for $4.00
Profit = $2.01
Smile Set (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.51
Sold for $3.00
Profit = $2.49
Sale #1098 (HL) $81.00
Slim Books Lights (2)(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.42 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $5.16
Softsoap Handsoap (Joint with my Mom) - We paid .26
Sold for $1.00
Profit = .74
Earbuds (3) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.33 each
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $8.01
Red Copper Flipwich Duo - I paid $7.46 each
Sold for $15.00
Profit = $7.54
Shark Cordless Rechargeable Floor and Carpet Sweeper - I paid $7.46 each
Sold for $15.00
Profit = $7.54
Bed Bugs Game - I paid $4.26 each
Sold for $8.00
Profit = $3.74
Santa Slipper Socks (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.85 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $2.15
Kids Holiday Necklace (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.26 each
Sold for $1.00 each
Profit = $.74
Fox Winter Accessories Set (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $4.75 each
Sold for $10.00 each
Profit = $5.25
For my Mom: Kids PJ Set $4.00, Dishmatic $4.00
Sale #1099 (LS) $73.00
Eucerin Diabetic Lotion(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $3.45
Sold for $7.00 each
Profit = $3.55
Dove Bar Soap 6pk (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $2.09
Sold for $5.00 each
Profit = $2.91
Paint Brush Set - Free After Rebate
Sold for $6.00
Profit = $6.00
Pepsi Lip Balm (2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.22 each
Sold for $1.00 each
Profit = $1.56
Gillette Shave Set 3pc (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $5.31
Sold for $6.00
Profit = $.69
Gillette Shave Set 4pc (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.77
Sold for $10.00
Profit = $9.23
Amope Pedicure Perfect (2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.06 each
Sold for $5.00 each
Profit = $7.88
Pantene Shampoo/Conditioner (4)(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.01 each
Sold for $2.50 each
Profit = $5.96
For my Mom: Socks 10pk $5.00, Ring $1.00, Kitchen Towel 3pks 2 @ $3.00 each, Grime Boss Duster Set $2.00, Scarf $3.00.
Posted in
My Sales
December 18th, 2018 at 04:58 pm
I had bought these when I was still pregnant, obviously planning on using them for the twins. I have way more then I would ever need so going to move these to the rummage sale inventory and post them in the summer.

Pampers Little Splashers (Bought 18)
Regular Price $9.29
Clearance to $2.00 each
Final Price + Tax = $2.15 each
(Marked $5.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $4.00 on FB on 3/25/19
*ETA - Sold 1 for $5.00 on FB on 9/29/19
*ETA - Sold 1 for $5.00 on FB on 4/19/20
Posted in
Rummage Sales and Recycling
December 18th, 2018 at 03:19 pm
I placed an order online to replenish my B+B inventory. My Mom also picked some up for me locally as they were on sale for Buy 3, get 4 Free! I needed to get some other scents for my Stepmom for Christmas so I had her pick up one set there too.

Bath and Body Lotions and Shower Gels (Bought 15)
Regular Price $12.50 Each
-$9.55 Sale Price Each
+$5.99 Shipping and Handling
+$2.87 Tax
Final Price = $3.54 each
(Marked $6.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 5 for $6.00 each on FB on 6/16/19
*ETA - Sold 2 for $6.00 each on FB on 6/23/19
*ETA - Sold 2 for $6.00 each on FB on 7/7/19
*ETA - Sold 6 for $6.00 each on FB on 11/10/19
Profit = $36.90
Bath and Body Lotions and Shower Gels (Bought 7)
Regular Price $12.50 - $14.00 Each
-$50.00 Buy 3, get 4 Free
-$10.00 off of $30.00 Purchase
Final Price + Tax = $4.41 each
(Marked $6.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Gifted 3 to my Stepmom for Christmas
*ETA - Sold 1 for $6.00 each on FB on 11/10/19
*ETA - Sold 3 for $6.00 each on FB on 11/17/19
Profit = $6.36
Posted in
Christmas Shopping,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
December 17th, 2018 at 09:20 pm
Current Balance $11,910.00
+$245.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (12/14)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (12/14)
Balance $12,280.00
Local Savings $3010.00
GC Savings $3080.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2855.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$985.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $12,280.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 17th, 2018 at 07:51 pm
Another amazing week of FB Sales!! Total Sales this week were $424.50!! Sales will probably start slowing down now with Christmas almost here, but I am still trying to get last minute gift items posted and moving!
Sale #1056 (LS) $2.00
Small Christmas Signs (2) - Donated to me
Sold for $1.00 each
Profit = $2.00
Sale #1057 (AM) $8.00
Christmas Pajamas with matching Doll Pajamas (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $3.55
Sold for $8.00 each
Profit = $4.45
Sale #1058 (LB) $3.00
Santa Slipper Socks (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.85
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $2.15
Sale #1059 (KD) $3.00
Chapstick Brand Holiday 3pks (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.33
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $1.67
Sale #1060 (LQ) $11.00
Pedi Perfect (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.06
Sold for $5.00 each
Profit = $3.94
Crest Toothbrush Sets (2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.32 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $3.36
Sale #1061 (SM) $3.00
Star Wars Gift Bags (3) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.19 each
Sold for $1.00 each
Profit = $2.43
Sale #1062 (TB) $6.00
Christmas Wrapping Paper (2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.74 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $4.52
Sale #1063 (DA) $8.00
Hallmark Cookie Cutter Bundle (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.80
Sold for $8.00
Profit = $6.20
Sale #1064 (LO) $9.00
Smile Set (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.30
Sold for $3.00
Profit = $1.70
Crest Toothbrush Sets (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.32 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $1.68
Kids Bath Set (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.30
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $1.70
Sale #1065 (JS) $16.00
Rudolph Christmas Jammies (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $4.75
Sold for $12.00
Profit = $7.25
For my Mom: Peanuts Christmas Shirt $4.00
Sale #1066 (SR) $25.00
Play-Doh Shape and Learn Sets (2) - I paid $2.66 each
Sold for $6.00 each
Profit = $6.68
Contigo Shake Bottles (Joint with my FIL) - We paid $3.73
Sold for $7.00
Profit = $3.27
Pioneer Woman Poinsettia Table Runner (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.59
Sold for $6.00
Profit = $4.41
Sale #1067 (AH) $15.00
NDSU Slippers (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $6.63 each
Sold for $15.00
Profit = $8.37
[b]Sale #1068 (DZ) $15.00
Smile Set (2)(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.51 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $4.98
Crest Toothbrush Sets (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.32 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $1.68
Kids Bath Set (2)(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.30
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $3.40
Sale #1069 (DA) $7.00
Christmas Mail Puzzle - Donated to me
Sold for $1.00
Profit = $1.00
Chapstick Brand Holiday 3pks (2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.33
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $3.34
Sale #1070 (AVB) $2.50
Secret Spray Deodorant - I paid $1.07
Sold for $2.50
Profit = $1.43
Sale #1071 (DM) $7.00
Santa Footie Sleepers(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $3.20
Sold for $7.00 each
Profit = $3.80
Sale #1072 (DZ) $12.00
Pioneer Woman Punch Bowl Set - I paid $2.13
Sold for $12.00 each
Profit = $9.87
Sale #1073 (SS) $12.00
Pioneer Woman Punch Bowl Set - I paid $2.13
Sold for $12.00 each
Profit = $9.87
Pioneer Woman Crockpot (Joint with my FIL) - We paid $16.09
Sold for $30.00
Profit = $13.91
Sale #1074 (HHV) $12.00
Pioneer Woman Punch Bowl Set - I paid $2.13
Sold for $12.00 each
Profit = $9.87
Sale #1075 (DC) $39.00
OGX Shampoo/Conditioner (2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.79 each
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $4.42
Pioneer Woman Kitchen Christmas Hand Towel Set 2pk (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.63 each
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $3.37
Softsoap Bodywash (2) - I paid $1.11 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $3.78
Pioneer Woman Fall Hand Towel Set 4pk - I paid $3.20 each
Sold for $7.00 each
Profit = $3.80
Snowman Cookie Jar - Donated to me
Sold for $7.00
Profit = $7.00
Contigo Shake Bottles (Joint with my FIL) - We paid $3.73
Sold for $7.00
Profit = $3.27
Sale #1076 (SF) $4.00
For my Mom: Toy Story Christmas Shirt $4.00
Sale #1077 (BO) $20.00
Adult Coloring Books (5) (Joint with my Mom) – Free After Rebate
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $20.00
Sale #1078 (MNW) $40.00
TMNT Bike (Joint with my bro) - We paid $18.11
Sold for $40.00
Profit = $21.89
Sale #1079 (KP) $20.00
Black & Decker Blender (Joint with my FSIL) - We paid $9.59
Sold for $20.00
Profit = $10.41
Sale #1080 (SH) $9.00
Colgate Spin Brush (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.59 each
Sold for $5.00 each
Profit = $3.21
Pepsi Lip Balm (Joint with Mom) - We paid .22
Sold for $1.00
Profit = .78
Chapstick Brand Holiday Packs - We paid $1.33
Sold for $3.00
Profit = $1.67
Sale #1081 (NC) $46.00
TMNT Bike (Joint with my bro) - We paid $18.11
Sold for $35.00
Profit = $16.89
Pepsi Lip Balm 6pk (Joint with Mom) - We paid $1.31
Sold for $4.00
Profit = $2.69
Crest Toothbrush Sets (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.32 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $1.68
Santa Slipper Socks (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.85
Sold for $3.00
Profit = $2.15
Pinecone Ornaments - Donated to me
Sold for $1.00
Profit = $1.00
Sale #1082 (JF) $40.00
TMNT Bike (Joint with my bro) - We paid $18.11
Sold for $35.00
Profit = $16.89
Colgate Spin Brush (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.59 each
Sold for $5.00 each
Profit = $3.21
Posted in
My Sales
December 11th, 2018 at 10:29 pm
Current Balance $11,390.00
+$470.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (12/7)
Balance $11,910.00
Local Savings $2765.00
GC Savings $3080.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2805.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$910.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $11,390.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 11th, 2018 at 07:20 pm
Another crazy week of sales!! Total sales were $849.50!!! This is by far and away my biggest sales week ever!! Total number of items sold was 184!!
I had one customer that did all of her Christmas shopping with me last year, and she came and did that again this year, even with me giving her multiple discounts she still spent $340.00!! Also she buys lots of my older inventory which is great!!
Sale #1032 (JAW) $40.00
TMNT Bike (Joint with my bro) - We paid $18.11
Sold for $40.00
Profit = $21.89
Sale #1033 (MO) $20.00
Black and Decker Blender (Joint with my FSIL) - We paid $9.59
Sold for $20.00
Profit = $10.41
Sale #1034 (AP) $20.00
Black and Decker Blender (Joint with my FSIL) - We paid $9.59
Sold for $20.00
Profit = $10.41
Sale #1035 (MI) $5.00
Pioneer Woman Glass Water Bottle (Joint with my FIL) - We paid $2.66
Sold for $5.00
Profit = $2.34
Sale #1036 (MHM) $16.00
Baylis & Harding Medium Gift Sets (2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.05 each
Sold for $8.00 each
Profit = $13.90
Sale #1037 (JK) $6.00
Glade Candles (2) - I paid $1.30 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $3.40
Sale #1038 (KK) $12.00
Glade Candles (4) - I paid $1.30 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $6.80
Sale #1039 (FMC) $28.00
Salad Cup - I paid .27
Sold for $2.00
Profit = $1.73
Smile Set (Joint with my Mom) - We paid .51
Sold for $3.00
Profit = $2.49
Herbal Essences Bio Renew Shampoo/Conditioner (2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.86 each
Sold for $3.50 each
Profit = $3.28
Valentines Day Bar Soap (2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.52 each
Sold for $2.00 each
Profit = $2.96
Glade Candles - I paid $1.30 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $1.70
For my Mom: 3pk Kitchen Towels $3.00
Sale #1040 (DI) $8.00
Glade Candles - I paid $1.30 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $1.70
For my Mom's Friend: Cozy Socks (2) for $2.50 each
Sale #1041 (DI) $3.00
Christmas Socks (3) - Donated to me
Sold for $1.00 each
Profit = $3.00
Sale #1042 (JSM) $20.00
Bath and Body Foaming Hand Soap (5) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $2.16 each
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $9.20
Sale #1043 (KW) $6.00
Bath and Body Foaming Hand Soap(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $2.16 each
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $1.84
Christmas Foil Wall Art (2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid .39 each
Sold for $1.00 each
Profit = $1.22
Sale #1044 (LB) $7.00
Santa Footie Sleepers(Joint with my Mom) - We paid $3.20
Sold for $7.00 each
Profit = $3.80
Sale #1045 (SH) $13.00
Christmas Elf Slippers (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.84
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $2.16
Play-Doh Shape and Learn Sets - I paid $2.66
Sold for $6.00
Profit = $3.34
For my Mom: Dishmatic Scrubber $4.00
Sale #1046 (JF) $30.00
Play-Doh Shape and Learn Sets - I paid $2.66
Sold for $6.00
Profit = $3.34
Christmas Linens – Donated to me
Sold for $4.00
Profit = $4.00
Joy Carter’s Christmas Bibs (2) (Joint with my Mom) – We paid $.42 each
Sold for $2.00 each
Profit = $3.16
Bath and Body Foaming Hand Soap (4) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $2.16 each
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $7.36
Sale #1047 (AZ) $8.50
Cat & Jack PJ Set (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.84
Sold for $3.50
Profit = $2.66
Joy Carter’s Christmas Sleeper (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.95
Sold for $5.00
Profit = $4.05
Sale #1048 (MM) $5.00
Cookie Exchange Kit (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.07
Sold for $5.00
Profit = $3.93
Sale #1049 (BLB) $20.00
Adult Coloring Books (5) (Joint with my Mom) – Free After Rebate
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $20.00
Sale #1050 (BO) $36.00
Adult Coloring Books (9) (Joint with my Mom) – Free After Rebate
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $36.00
Sale #1051 (DA) $20.00
Boot Toppers (4) (Joint with my Mom) – We paid $1.37 each
Sold for $5.00 each
Profit = $14.52
Sale #1052 (NC) $51.00
Tasty Frying Pan – I paid $3.73
Sold for $10.00
Profit = $6.27
Bed Bugs Game – I paid $4.26
Sold for $8.00
Profit = $3.74
Christmas Wrapping Paper (3) (Joint with my Mom) – We paid $.80 each
Sold for $2.00 each
Profit = $3.60
Points of Light Projector (Joint with my Mom) – We paid $6.62
Sold for $15.00
Profit = $8.38
Bath and Body Foaming Hand Soap (3) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $2.16 each
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $5.52
Sale #1053 (MM) $135.00
Copper Chef Pizza Pan (Joint with my FIL) – We paid $5.34
Sold for $12.00
Profit = $6.66
Points of Light Projector (Joint with my Mom) – We paid $6.62
Sold for $15.00
Profit = $8.38
Laser Light Projector (Joint with my Mom) – We paid $5.29
Sold for $10.00
Profit = $4.71
Christmas Wrapping Paper (2) (Joint with my Mom) – We paid $.80 each
Sold for $2.00 each
Profit = $2.40
Herbal Essences Bio Renew Shampoo/Conditioner (2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.72 each
Sold for $3.50 each
Profit = $5.56
Formula 10.0.6 BE Face Mask (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.86 each
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $2.14
Christmas Foil Wall Art (2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.39 each
Sold for $1.00 each
Profit = $1.22
Pioneer Woman Kitchen Hand Towel Set (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.63 each
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $3.37
Rudolph Christmas PJs (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $4.75 each
Sold for $12.00 each
Profit = $7.25
Baylis & Harding Large Gift Sets (2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.05 each
Sold for $10.00 each
Profit = $17.90
Christmas Santa Outfit (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.00
Sold for $6.00
Profit = $5.00
For my Mom: 6pk Socks $5.00, Tanning Lotion $10.00, Snowman Outfit $9.00
Sale #1054 (DA) $90.00
Claire Burke Candles, Pumpkin Candle, Hummingbird Candle, Ladybug Candle – Donated to me
Sold for $15.00
Profit = $15.00
Old Navy PJ Pants (2) – I paid $2.13 each
Sold for $6.00 each
Profit = $7.74
NDSU Slippers (2) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $6.63 each
Sold for $13.00 each
Profit = $12.74
Bath Paint Sets (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.30 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $1.70
Puzzle Party Pack (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.33 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $1.67
Girls Marled Hat Set (3) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $2.77 each
Sold 2 for $6.00 each and 1 for $7.00
Profit = $10.69
Perfume 3pk (Joint with my Mom) - We paid ?
Sold for $2.00 each
Profit = ?
Valentines Make-up Bags (4) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.84
Sold for $2.50 each
Profit = $6.64
Sale #1055 (DA) $250.00
Tresemme Dry Shampoo (8) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.88 each
Sold for $2.00 each
Profit = $8.96
Pepsi Lip Balm 6pks (4) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.31 each
Sold for $2.00 each
Profit = $2.76
Softlips Lipcube (6) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.68 each
Sold for $2.00 each
Profit = $1.92
Beauty 360 Lip Balm (Joint with my Mom) - We paid .93 each
Sold for $2.00 each
Profit = $1.07
POP Mani Pedi Kit (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $2.63 each
Sold for $5.00 each
Profit = $2.37
Boot Toppers (4) (Joint with my Mom) – We paid $1.55 each
Sold for $5.00 each
Profit = $13.80
Purse Essential Glitter Hair Ties (3) (Joint with my Mom) – We paid $.25 each
Sold for $1.00 each
Profit = $2.25
Mini Bubble Bottles (5) – We paid .18 each
Sold for .50 each
Profit = $1.60
Kids Plastic Golf Sets (2) (Joint with my Mom) – We paid $2.12 each
Sold for $5.00 each
Profit = $5.76
Minecraft Steve Figurine (Joint with my Mom) – We paid $4.52 each
Sold for $8.00 each
Profit = $3.48
Arianna Grande Water Bottle and Short Set (Joint with my Mom) – We paid $1.00
Sold for $5.00
Profit = $4.00
Blue Merona Purse (Joint with my Mom) – We paid $3.00
Sold for $3.00 (We have had this for over a year with no interest, so when the shopper offered $3 I took it to get rid of stale inventory)
Profit = $0
Fox 3pc Winter Accessory Set (Joint with my Mom) – We paid $4.75
Sold for $10.00
Profit = $5.25
Finding Dory Creativity Sets (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $5.81
Sold for $10.00
Profit = $4.19
Elf Christmas Booties (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $.84
Sold for $3.00
Profit = $2.16
Bath and Body Shower Gel (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $4.74
Sold for $6.00
Profit = $1.26
Nivea Sample Sets (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.60
Sold for $3.00
Profit = $1.40
Wet’N’Wild Larger Make-up Sets (3) (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $2.64
Sold for $6.00
Profit = $10.08
Wet’N’Wild Eye Set (Joint with my Mom) - We paid $1.06
Sold for $4.00
Profit = $2.94
Physicians Formula Mascara (4) (Joint with my Mom) – Free After EB
Sold for $6.00 each
Profit = $24.00
Physicians Formula Mascara (2) (Joint with my Mom) – We paid .71
Sold for $6.00 each
Profit = $10.58
Picture Frame $4.00, Cinnamon Clove Candle $2.00, Snowman Cookie Jar $5.00 – Donated to me
Profit = $11.00
Nutra Nail Gel Perfect – I paid $1.39
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $1.61
Sally Hansen Nail Strips – I paid $2.49
Sold for $2.50
Profit = .01
Glade Candles (2) - I paid $1.30 each
Sold for $3.00 each
Profit = $3.40
Bath and Body Lotions (4) - I paid $2.96 each
Sold for $6.00 each
Profit = $12.16
For my Mom: Physicians Formula Mascara (2) @ $6.00 each, Folding Utility Knife $4.00
Posted in
My Sales
December 10th, 2018 at 08:35 pm
My brother, FIL and FSIL have all been grabbing deals for me so they make a little extra cash and so do I!

Shared with my SIL
Black and Decker Blenders (Bought 4)
Price + Tax = $9.59 each
(Marked $20.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $20.00 each on FB on 12/2/18
*ETA - Sold 1 for $20.00 each on FB on 12/9/18
Shared with my brother
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Bikes (Bought 5)
Price + Tax = $18.11 each
(Marked $35.00 for boxed and $40.00 for assembled for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $40.00 on FB on 12/2/18
*ETA - Sold 1 for $40.00 on FB on 12/9/18
*ETA - Sold 2 for $35.00 each on FB on 12/9/18
*ETA - Sold 1 for $40.00 on FB on 3/25/19
Profit = $99.45
Shared with my FIL
Better Homes and Gardens 23pc Kitchen Set(Bought 3)
Price + Tax = $10.68 each
*ETA - Sold 1 for $20.00 on FB on 3/3/19
*ETA - Sold 1 for $20.00 on FB on 1/26/20
*ETA - Sold 1 for $20.00 on FB on 2/23/20
Magic Bullet 7pc Set(Bought 7)
Price + Tax = $21.36 each
*ETA - Sold 1 for $30.00 on FB on 1/13/19
*ETA - Sold 1 for $30.00 on FB on 12/15/19
*ETA - Sold 1 for $30.00 on FB on 1/12/20
*ETA - Sold 1 for $30.00 on FB on 1/26/20
*ETA - Sold 1 for $30.00 on FB on 8/13/20
Pioneer Woman 5qt Crockpot(Bought 1)
Price + Tax = $16.09 each
(Marked $30.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $30.00 on FB on 12/9/18
Profit = $13.91
Rubbermaid Containers 50pc Set(Bought 10)
Price + Tax = $7.49 each
*ETA - Sold 2 for $10.00 each on FB on 3/25/19
Tasty 30pc Kitchen Set(Bought 2)
Price + Tax = $63.28 each
*ETA - Sold 1 for $100.00 on FB on 1/20/19
*ETA - Sold 1 for $100.00 on FB on 2/3/19
Profit = $73.44
Posted in
Rummage Sales and Recycling
December 10th, 2018 at 03:56 pm
$656.08 paid off in the last 2 weeks!!!
Celebrations for this update:
-$656.08 paid off in the last 2 weeks!!
-Mom Loan went under the next $1000 mark!!
-Total debt went under the next $1000 mark!!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Best Buy $0
Store Loan $4,196.08
Mom Loan #2/#3 $36,541.06
MO Mortgage $81,620.71
My Mortgage $145,900.00
Our Mortgage $242,266.19
Total = $510,524.04
Down $656.08 in the last two weeks!
Starting total was $613,351.27
$102,827.23 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house and adding new truck loan)!!!!!
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
December 6th, 2018 at 07:58 pm
My Mom stopped into CVS and found some 90% off Halloween Clearance! I have sold out of these pumpkin carving sets the last two years so I am glad we got some more!

Thanksgiving Cookie Cutters (Bought 1)
Regular Price $3.00
-$2.90 Clearance Price
Final Price + Tax = $.31
(Marked $1.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $1.00 on FB on 9/29/19
Profit = $.69
Pumpkin Carving Kit - Small Size (Bought 6)
Regular Price $5.99
-$5.40 Clearance Price
Final Price + Tax = $.63 each
(Marked $3.00 for rummage sale)
Pumpkin Carving Kits - Large Size (Bought 3)
Regular Price $9.99
-$9.00 Clearance Price
Final Price + Tax = $1.05 each
(Marked $5.00 for rummage sale)
Pumpkin Halloween Candy Bags (Bought 2)
Regular Price $2.99
-$2.70 Clearance Price
Final Price + Tax = $.31 each
(Marked $1.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $1.00 each on FB on 9/29/19
Profit = $1.38
Monster Halloween Candy Bags (Bought 1)
Regular Price $4.99
-$4.50 Clearance Price
Final Price + Tax = $.52 each
(Marked $2.50 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $2.50 on FB on 10/27/19
Profit = $1.98
Posted in
Rummage Sales and Recycling
December 6th, 2018 at 06:59 pm

I got a $10 off of $10 coupon in the mail from JCP, I love those! I looked around for some time and found these two items in the clearance section, total OOP for me was only $1.26!!
My JCP has moved all of the clearance for the entire store into just one section that is just a giant clearance area....I am not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand it is convenient of course to have all the clearance in one place. On the other hand for a reseller like me who is willing to snoop around to find the deals, it gives me a lot more competition because it's easy to find the deals when they are all in one place. So still undecided on if I like that set up or not.
Girls Arizona Heart Jean Shorts (Bought 1)
Regular Price $32.00
-27.21 Clearance Price
-$4.28 $10/$10 coupon
Final Price + Tax = .54!!
(Marked $10.00 for rummage sale)
Boys Arizona Sunset Swim Trunks (Bought 1)
Regular Price $32.00
-25.61 Clearance Price
-$5.72 $10/$10 coupon
Final Price + Tax = .71!!
(Marked $10.00 for rummage sale)
Posted in
Rummage Sales and Recycling
December 4th, 2018 at 04:45 pm
Current Balance $10,950.00
+$440.00 FB Sales
Balance $11,390.00
Local Savings $2295.00
GC Savings $3080.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2755.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$910.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $11,390.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 4th, 2018 at 04:02 pm
Sales this week were $521.00 This is my biggest week ever!!
Also the Roomba was my biggest profit item ever at $71.19 profit!!
Sale #1011 (BH) $10.00
Mainstays Sunflower Dishtowel Set - I paid $1.60 each
Sold for $4.00
Profit = $2.40
Play-Doh Shape and Learn Sets - I paid $2.66
Sold for $6.00
Profit = $3.34
Sale #1012 (MHM) $50.00
American Tourister 5pc Luggage Set - I paid $26.63
Sold for $50.00
Profit = $23.37
Sale #1013 (LQ) $10.00
Tasty Frying Pan - I paid $3.73
Sold for $10.00
Profit = $6.27
Sale #1014 (DI) $10.00
Tasty Frying Pan - I paid $3.73
Sold for $10.00
Profit = $6.27
Sale #1015 (KW) $150.00
Roomba 680 - I paid $78.81
Sold for $150.00
Profit = $71.19
Sale #1016 (JW) $14.00
Pioneer Woman Fall Towel Set 4pk (2) - I paid $3.20 each
Sold for $7.00 each
Profit = $7.60
Sale #1017 (DA) $15.00
Pioneer Woman Fall Towel Set 4pk - I paid $3.20
Sold for $7.00
Profit = $3.80
Mainstays Sunflower Dishtowel Set (2) - I paid $1.60 each
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $4.80
Sale #1018 (LS) $8.00
Mainstays Sunflower Dishtowel Set (2) - I paid $1.60 each
Sold for $4.00 each
Profit = $4.80
Sale #1019 (LH) $55.00
G-Boom Boomboxes - I paid $42.90
Sold for $55.00
Profit = $12.10
Sale #1020 (MG) $20.00
Christmas Throw Blanket - Donated to me
Sold for $3.00
Profit = $3.00
Gotham Crisper Tray (Joint with FIL) - We paid $9.59
Sold for $15.00
Profit = $5.41
Christmas Foil Wall Art (2) (Joint with Mom) - We paid .39 each
Sold for $1.00 each
Profit = $1.22
Sale #1021 (LQ) $10.00
Pioneer Woman Glass Water Bottles (2) (Joint with FIL) - We paid $2.66 each
Sold for $5.00 each
Profit = $4.68
Sale #1022 (JC) $38.00
Peanuts Sleep Set - I paid $2.12
Sold for $6.00
Profit = $3.88
Christmas Socks - Donated to me
Sold 2prs for $3.00
Profit = $3.00
Penguin Sock 2pk (Joint with Mom) - We paid $.50
Sold for $2.00
Profit = $1.50
Contigo Shake Bottles(2)(Joint with FIL) - We paid $3.73 each
Sold for $7.00 each
Profit = $6.54
Peanuts Nativity Set (Joint with Mom) - We paid $5.31
Sold for $12.00
Profit = $6.69
Sale #1023 (RR) $28.00
Contigo Shake Bottles(4)(Joint with FIL) - We paid $3.73 each
Sold for $7.00 each
Profit = $13.08
Sale #1024 (SF) $12.00
Rudolph PJs (Joint with Mom) - We paid $4.75 each
Sold for $12.00 each
Profit = $7.25
Sale #1025 (JSM) $15.00
Christmas Point of Light Projector (Joint with Mom) - We paid $6.62 each
Sold for $15.00 each
Profit = $8.38
Sale #1026 (TKS) $15.00
Christmas Point of Light Projector (Joint with Mom) - We paid $6.62 each
Sold for $15.00 each
Profit = $8.38
Sale #1027 (BB) $15.00
Christmas Point of Light Projector (Joint with Mom) - We paid $6.62 each
Sold for $15.00 each
Profit = $8.38
Sale #1028 (TB) $8.00
Christmas Wrapping Paper (4) (Joint with Mom) - We paid $.80 each
Sold for $2.00 each
Profit = $4.80
Sale #1029 (AS) $22.00
Christmas Wrapping Paper(Joint with Mom) - We paid $.80 each
Sold for $2.00 each
Profit = $1.20
Bed Bugs Game - I paid $4.26
Sold for $8.00
Profit = $3.74
Pioneer Woman Rolling Pin - I paid $3.20
Sold for $10.00
Profit = $6.80
Boys Footie PJs (Joint with Mom) - We paid .50
Sold for $2.00
Profit = $1.50
Sale #1030 (JZ) $11.00
Gillette Shave Set(Joint with Mom) - We paid $5.31 each
Sold for $6.00 each
Profit = $.69
Eyebrow Pencil Set (Joint with Mom) - We paid 2.49
Sold for $5.00
Profit = $2.51
Sale #1031 (AZ) $5.00
Christmas Towel Set 3pc - Donated to me
Sold for $2.00
Profit = $2.00
Glade Candle 2pks - I paid $1.30
Sold for $3.00
Profit = $1.70
Posted in
My Sales
December 3rd, 2018 at 08:15 pm
Just some small deposits, I had a ton of sales this last week, so should have a good deposit tomorrow or the next day to add to this.
Current Balance $10,810.00
+$9.06 Interest
+$5.94 Even Out Amount
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (11/30)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (11/30)
Balance $10,950.00
Local Savings $1855.00
GC Savings $3080.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2755.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$910.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $10,950.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 29th, 2018 at 09:49 pm
I had $10 in Kohl's cash to use and was able to get $104.08 in merchandise for just $1.28!!!! Most I will mark and pack up for summer sales.

Girls 2pc Elena of Avalor Outfit (this is a mismatched outfit, which is why it was so cheap) (Bought 1)
Regular Price $42.00 (this is price on tag, but since mismatched would not be accurate)
-$40.00 Clearance Price
-$1.00 Sale Price
-.90 Kohl's Cash
Final Price + Tax = .12!!
(Marked $5.00 for rummage sale)
Girls Red Studded SO Brand Shorts (Bought 1)
Regular Price $28.00
-$25.20 Clearance Price
-$2.51 Kohl's Cash
Final Price + Tax = .31!!
(Marked $10.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $10.00 on FB on 8/13/20
Profit = $9.69
Girls Aqua Mermaid SO Brand Bermudas (Bought 1)
Regular Price $20.00
-$18.00 Clearance Price
-$1.78 Kohl's Cash
Final Price + Tax = .24!!
(Marked $10.00 for rummage sale)
Girls White Carter's Shorts (Bought 1)
Regular Price $24.00
-$21.60 Clearance Price
-$2.14 Kohl's Cash
Final Price + Tax = .28!!
(Marked $10.00 for rummage sale)
Boys Carter's 2pc Octopus Outfit (Bought 1)
Regular Price $30.00
-$27.00 Clearance Price
-$2.67 Kohl's Cash
Final Price + Tax = .35!!
(Marked $10.00 for rummage sale)
Posted in
Rummage Sales and Recycling
November 29th, 2018 at 07:59 pm
While I was in the hospital I had a $5 FF reward that was going to expire. At that time I was just on bed rest and nothing was happening, just watching TV allllll day, so I sent MO out to use up the reward. He did great and found these cute boots for $8.00, so just $3.00 after the reward was used!

Rock & Candy Boots (Bought 1)
Regular Price $49.99
Clearance to $8.00
-$5.00 Famous Footwear Rewards
Final Price + Tax = $3.20 each
(Marked $20.00 each for rummage sale)
Posted in
Rummage Sales and Recycling
November 29th, 2018 at 07:37 pm
My FIL is retired and has a lot of time on his hands so he has been scoring some deals for us! I will split these 50/50 with him for cost and profits.

Avia Duffel Bag (Bought 1)
Regular Price $21.60
Clearance to $3.00 each
Final Price + Tax = $3.20 each
(Marked $5.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $10.00 on FB on 12/16/18
Profit = $6.80
Contigo Shake Bottles (Bought 9)
Regular Price $14.99
Clearance to $3.50 each
Final Price + Tax = $3.73 each
(Marked $7.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 6 for $7.00 each on FB on 11/25/18
*ETA - Sold 2 for $7.00 each on FB on 12/9/18
*ETA - Donated 1 to one of MO's Bball girls
Profit = $26.16
Copper Chef Pizza Pans - Not pictured (Bought 6)
Regular Price $21.88
Clearance to $5.00 each
Final Price + Tax = $5.34 each
(Marked $12.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $12.00 on FB on 12/2/18
Gotham Crisper Tray (Bought 1)
Regular Price $18.88
Clearance to $9.00 each
Final Price + Tax = $9.59 each
(Marked $15.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $15.00 on FB on 11/25/18
Profit = $5.41
Pioneer Woman Glass Water Bottles - Not pictured (Bought 3)
Regular Price $8.94
Clearance to $2.50 each
Final Price + Tax = $2.66 each
(Marked $5.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $5.00 each on FB on 11/25/18
*ETA - Sold 1 for $5.00 on FB on 12/2/18
Profit = $7.02
Reflective Vest (Bought 1)
Regular Price $9.96
Clearance to $5.00 each
Final Price + Tax = $5.33 each
(Marked $10.00 each for rummage sale)
Zumba Sets (Bought 2)
Regular Price $24.88
Clearance to $5.00 each
Final Price + Tax = $5.33 each
(Marked $12.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $15.00 on FB on 12/23/18
*ETA - Sold 1 for $15.00 on FB on 2/10/19
Profit = $19.34
Posted in
Rummage Sales and Recycling
November 28th, 2018 at 10:17 pm
I'm not going to try to figure out all the additions and subtractions from while I was in the hospital. But I did manage to get the totals figured out.
Local Savings $1855.00
GC Savings $3080.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2700.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$825.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $10,810.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge