Home > 2019 Goals Update

2019 Goals Update

December 26th, 2019 at 08:22 am

Overall I am super happy with how we did on our goals for 2019! Everyday that I am still breathing is a win for me, everything else is just gravy.

Here are our 2019 goals and how we did on them:

We are keeping it really simple for 2019 goals. Keep breathing, pay minimums on our current debts, and don't accrue any new debt (with our HSA fund pretty depleted we need to make sure we aren't acquiring any medical debt).

2019 Goals

-Pay in cash for Laughlin trip in March -Goal Met
-Keep savings at/above $5K by end of year-Goal Met, Savings is currently at $17,065.00

-Store Loan (From $4,078.11 to $978.74)Goal Met
-Mom Loan #3 (From $36,541.06 to $30,012.24)Goal Met
-Rental #1 Mortgage (From $81,458.91 to $79,178.91)Goal Met and Exceeded by $1678.91
-Rental #2 Mortgage (From $145,550.00 to $141,550.00)Goal Met and Exceeded by $500.00
-Our House (From $241,855.85 to $236,820.33)Goal Met

-STRETCH GOAL - No stretch goal this year. We just really need to focus on savings and staying out of new debt rather then paying extras on existing debt. I am excited that in 2020 the Store Loan will be paid off and then we can snowball that payment onto something else, but for now we will just keep trucking along. Total debt will go from $509,425.02 to $488,540.22, for a total debt reduction of $20,884.80. Total end of year debt Goal Met and Exceeded by $2228.91

-Continue contributing 6% to 401KGoal Met
-Research and review allocations of ROTH and make appropriate adjustmentsDid not do - Goal not met

-Be positive and thankful for what I have Everyday challenge
-Lose 40lbs by Laughlin trip in MarchGoal not met

Home Improvements and Rental Updates
-Pour cement patio at Rental #1Goal Met
-Plant bigger/better garden at new house Nope
-Get front and back yard under control Double Nope

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