Viewing the '$20K challenge' Category
July 5th, 2014 at 04:57 am
Still tracking joint savings for now, but started dividing some of it and tracking that below.
Current Balance $32,360.00
+$19.13 ING Interest
+$33.87 Even Out Amount
-$200.00 to ROTH IRA
-$200.00 to ROTH IRA
-$28.00 to ROTH IRA
-$3600.00 Closed HSBC
+$3605.00 to ING
-$8005.00 to My Savings
-$8005.00 to XH Savings
+$75.00 to ING
Balance $16,055.00
ING $16,055.00
Total = $16,055.00
So we still have $16K left to split up. In the meantime I have started tracking my own savings.
My Savings
Local Savings
+$50.00 Opening Deposit
+$250.00 Casino Win
Balance $300.00
ING Savings
+$5.00 Opening Deposit
+$8000.00 Dividing Savings
+$.82 ING Interest
+$4.18 Even Up Amount
Balance $8010.00
Local Savings $300.00
ING Savings $8010.00
Total Savings $8310.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
June 16th, 2014 at 02:46 pm
Apparently I never stopped the auto-deposit to the Anniversary Cruise Fund. Guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore at another thing I forgot to do....so anyways here is a deposit for that. I plan on closing that account as soon as that deposit clears.
I also moved the $440 I had in at home savings to ING. I want to get everything into ING for now for ease when seperating.
Current Balance $32,245.00
+$100.00 to HSBC Anniversary Cruise
-$440.00 from Home Improvements (Cash)
+$440.00 to ING
+$15.00 Even Out Amount
Balance $32,360.00
ING $28,760.00
HSBC $3600.00
Total = $32,360.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
June 10th, 2014 at 02:49 pm
I am starting to slowly get funds moved around to get ready for them to be separated. I had $95 in the Mortgage Checking Account, so I moved $90 of that to ING Savings. I also have the cash savings at home that I need to put in there, and I will be closing the HSBC savings into ING as well. Hoping to get all of those done this week. Then all of the savings is with ING and will be easily split.
Current Balance $32,345.00
+$90.00 From Mortgage Checking
+$8.00 Even Out Amount
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
-$200.00 to Roth IRA
Balance $32,245.00
ING $28,305.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3500.00
Total = $32,245.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
June 2nd, 2014 at 01:00 am
Current Balance $32,300.00
+$22.44 ING Interest
+$22.56 Even Out Amount
Balance $32,345.00
ING $28,405.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3500.00
Total = $32,345.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
May 30th, 2014 at 11:18 pm
New Focus = Home Maintenance $6105/$7000
Current Balance $32,320.00
-$28.00 to ROTH IRA
+$8.00 Even Out Amount
Balance $32,300.00
ING $28,360.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3500.00
Total = $32,300.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
May 17th, 2014 at 10:57 pm
Way behind....here is the ING interest and even out amounts for May.
New Focus = Home Maintenance $6105/$7000
Current Balance $32,345.00
+$19.44 ING Monthly Interest
+$67.56 Even Out Amount
-$112.00 to ROTH IRA
Balance $32,320.00
ING $28,380.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3500.00
Total = $32,320.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
May 12th, 2014 at 01:17 am
Let the savings bleed begin. I am hoping between OT, less eating out and just less spending in general that we can keep the withdrawls to a minimum. Hoping to stay above $30K, but we shall see.
I kept myself busy today with Pandora and Netflix. Did some cleaning and setting up of my new laptop. Feel bad, but doing better then I expected. Will be getting some library books this week, have 2 nights of softball and will be trying to get some cleaning and lawn work done. Holding up ok for now.
New Focus = Home Maintenance $6105/$7000
Current Balance $32,545.00
-$400.00 to Checking to cover DHs Apt Rent/Deposit
+$100.00 to Retirement Hold Account
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise (UGH)
Balance $32,345.00
ING $28,405.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3500.00
Total = $32,345.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 26th, 2014 at 05:03 am
New Focus = Home Maintenance $6505/$7000
Current Balance $32,120.00
-$28.00 To ROTH IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
+$100.00 to Retirement Hold Account
+$350.00 May 2014 Escrow Savings
Balance $32,545.00
ING $28,705.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3400.00
Total = $32,545.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 18th, 2014 at 08:21 pm
Made it to $32K! Love when we make over the next $1000 mark. 
Less then $500 left to meet the next savings goal. Hoping to make that next month before DHs school paychecks end.
New Focus = Home Maintenance $6505/$7000
Current Balance $31,870.00
+$250.00 to Home Improvements
Balance $32,120.00
ING $28,280.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3400.00
Total = $32,120.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 15th, 2014 at 08:09 pm
Next payday will get us over $32K, woot!
New Focus = Home Maintenance $6255/$7000
Current Balance $31,770.00
+$100.00 Anniversary Cruise
Balance $31,870.00
ING $28,030.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3400.00
Total = $31,870.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 11th, 2014 at 02:54 pm
Happy Friday everyone!
New Focus = Home Maintenance $6255/$7000
Current Balance $31,670.00
+$100.00 To Retirement Hold Account
Balance $31,770.00
ING $28,030.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3300.00
Total = $31,770.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 7th, 2014 at 01:51 am
Another casino trip to watch the Final Four in NCAA tournament....came home $250 ahead! Another drop in the savings bucket!
New Focus = Home Maintenance $6255/$7000
Current Balance $31,130.00
+$250.00 Casino Winning to HM
+$350.00 to Escrow Account
-$112.00 to Roth IRA
+$19.20 ING Interest
+$32.80 Even Out Amount
Balance $31,670.00
ING $27,930.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3300.00
Total = $31,670.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
March 28th, 2014 at 10:31 pm
Well my personal life might be rough lately, but I am still one lucky duck! Dh and I usually play bingo a few nights a week after work, it's just at the bar and cost $2 a card, takes about an hr to play 3 sets of games. It's a nice little unwind time after work (especially with all this OT) to relax and visit. I have just been on fire lately at bingo and on Wednesday night I won twice, about $80 total, and then last night we went to the casino to watch March Madness and I won $566 on a penny slot machine! I was only betting .60 so that a NICE SURPRISE!! (If I was betting max (which is scary) at $3.00 a spin that would have been about $2500....trying not to dwell on that...lol). So I was going to put $400 of that in savings, but I see that puts me only $75 away from $6000 in the Home Improvements Account, so I added another $75.00 to make it to $6K!
New Focus = Home Maintenance $6000/$7000
Current Balance $30,655.00
+$400.00 Casino Winning
+$75.00 Even Out Amount
Balance $31,130.00
ING $27,390.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3300.00
Total = $31,130.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
March 27th, 2014 at 05:21 pm
New Focus = Home Maintenance $5525/$7000
Current Balance $30,355.00
-$28.00 to Roth IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
+$100.00 to Retirment Hold Account
+$225.00 to Home Improvements
Balance $30,655.00
ING $26,915.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3300.00
Total = $30,655.00
Have a monster Discover Card billing coming in next month, have our bi-yearly car insurance bill ($345) and our yearly lawn care bill(get a discount for paying all at once $389), DHs BD present - Red Sox tickets ($375), plus TONS of overspending for eating out and drinks since we are both so depressed. I know eating out and drinking does not help that (not gonna feel better when I'm fat, broke and drunk...lol) but sometimes you just do what makes you happy for that minute to get by. We did go buy a lot of groceries this last week, so hopefully that will help curb it some, but we are just in a bad rut with that right now, much worse then normal. So will probably have to take some money out of savings next month to cover that large bill. I have been working a lot (about 10 hrs per week) of OT at work, so that will help some.
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$20K challenge
March 15th, 2014 at 02:08 am
Hard to note the deposit in the Anniversary Account with everything that is going on. But now is more important then ever to save. So might as well leave the auto deposits on and keep socking away until things are set..either way.
Today he was so nice....I mean he is always nice...but I could tell he was really making an extra effort to make me feel better. Offered to bring me lunch at work, take me to Red Lobster for dinner, cuddles after work (I love to nap and cuddle, he is not much of a napper at all), told me I am the skinniest since he has over known me (really getting out the big guns one the compliment train)....lol. But I'm not falling for the upside of the rollercoaster again...I can't...it hurts to bad when I realize I'm falling down the hill again. So I enjoyed the day, but am not looking at it as anything more then that...a nice day.
New Focus = Home Maintenance $5300/$7000
Current Balance $30,125.00
+$140.00 to Home Maintenance
-$112.00 to Roth IRA
+$100.00 to Retirement hold account
+$2.00 Even Out Amounts
+$100.00 Anniversary Cruise
Balance $30,355.00
ING $26,615.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3300.00
Total = $30,355.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
March 3rd, 2014 at 08:04 pm
New Focus = Home Maintenance $5150/$7000
Current Balance $30,075.00
+$17.01 ING Interest
+$32.99 Even Out Amounts
Balance $30,125.00
ING $26,485.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3200.00
Total = $30,125.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 26th, 2014 at 02:26 am
New Focus = Home Maintenance $5150/$7000
Current Balance $30,000.00
-$28.00 to Roth IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
+$100.00 to Retirement Hold Account
New Balance $30,075.00
ING $26,435.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3200.00
Total = $30,075.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 20th, 2014 at 04:34 pm
DH and I took $2000 of our tax refund to Deadwood....and came home with $2600!! YEAH! I gave $100 to DH for fun money and then I get to have my kind of fun with the rest! I wanted to put a large chunk of it towards the mortgage, but there are a few things up in the air in life right now, so until things are more in place, we decided to put it in savings. We can always take it out and make a large payment later when things are more secure. But for now YEAH for savings being FULL!
Met 2 of our savings goals for the year with this update!
New Focus = Short Term EF $1000/$1000 - Complete
New Focus = Long Term EF $2000/$2000 - Cpmplete
New Focus = Home Maintenance $5150/$7000
Current Balance $27,455.00
+$700.00 Tax Return/Deadwood to Escrow Account
+$530.00 Tax Return/Deadwood to Short Term EF
+$840.00 Tax Return/Deadwood to Long Term EF
+$430.00 Tax Return/Deadwood to Home Maintenance
+$45.00 to Home Maintenance to reach $30K!!!
New Balance $30,000.00!!!!!!!!!
ING $26,360.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3200.00
Total = $30,000.00!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 11th, 2014 at 03:39 pm
New Focus = Short Term EF $470/$1000
Current Balance $27,255.00
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
+$100.00 to Retirement Hold Account
New Balance $27,455.00
ING $23,815.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3200.00
Total = $27,455.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 10th, 2014 at 03:02 am
Our property taxes are due soon. We can make 2 partial payments through out the year, or pay the balance in full by Feb 15th to get a 5% discount ($97.76). So I am paying now to get the discount. I wanted to put the payment on our Discover card, that would give me another 45 days or so with the money in savings making interest, plus a nice amount towards our Cashback Rewards with Discover. I went on the website to pay, it said there would be a convenience free (I was thinking $5-$10), I got to the checkout, and the fee was $53.26!! WHAT?! Obviously that isn't my kind of convenient...boo! So I just transferred the money out of savings and we will pay by check instead. Taxes were $2113.97 after the discount was subtracteed, I transferred $2100.00 out of savings. What an absurd fee!
We were sooooo close to $30K....UGH!
New Focus = Short Term EF $470/$1000
Current Balance $29,355.00
-$2100.00 Property Taxes
New Balance $27,255.00
ING $23,715.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3100.00
Total = $27,255.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 8th, 2014 at 02:59 am
New Focus = Short Term EF $470/$1000
Current Balance $29,095.00
+$260.00 State Tax Return
New Balance $29,355.00
ING $25,815.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3100.00
Total = $29,355.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 6th, 2014 at 06:04 pm
Our Federal Return was received in our checking account this morning! YEAH! It was $2308.00....we are taking $2000 to Deadwood next weekend (not sure what we are doing with what we bring back yet). And I put the $308 into savings...I rounded up to meet the Sept 2014 Savings Goal. YIPEE!! Also hit $29K...it will only be for a min since we have to pay the Property Taxes next week, but if we bring home a decent amount from Deadwood we will still be right up there....been a long time that I have been sniffing at the door of $30K.... 
New Focus = Sept 2014 $1800/$1800 - Goal Met!!
New Focus = Short Term EF $210/$1000
Current Balance $28,720.00
+$308.00 From Federal Tax Return
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
+$65.00 To meet Sept 2014 Goal
New Balance $29,095.00
ING $25,555.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3100.00
Total = $29,095.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 4th, 2014 at 07:30 pm
New Focus = Sept 2014 $1425/$1800
Current Balance $28,785.00
+$17.86 ING Interest
+$27.14 Even Out Amount
-$112.00 to ING Roth IRA
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
New Balance $28,720.00
ING $25,180.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3100.00
Total = $28,720.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 31st, 2014 at 01:46 am
Feels like fooooorrreeevvvveeerrr since I got to put any money in savings! Been working lots of OT, and finally done with Christmas bills, so got to make a lil drop in the bucket. Also still doing good on eating out and casinoing!
New Focus = Sept 2014 $1415/$1800
Current Balance $28,210.00
+$350.00 to Escrow Savings
+$150.00 to Sept 2014 Savings
+$100.00 to ING Retirement Hold Account
-$28.00 to Roth IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
New Balance $28,785.00
ING $25,245.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3100.00
Total = $28,785.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 20th, 2014 at 09:30 pm
New Focus = Sept 2014 $1265/$1800
Current Balance $28,120.00
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
+$100.00 to ING Retirement Hold Account
-$112.00 to Roth IRA
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
New Balance $28,210.00
ING $24,670.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3100.00
Total = $28,210.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 1st, 2014 at 08:32 pm
New Focus = Sept 2014 $1265/$1800
Current Balance $27,975.00
+$18.16 ING Interest
+$26.84 Even Out Amount
+$100.00 to ING Retirement Hold Account
New Balance $28,120.00
ING $24,680.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3000.00
Total = $28,120.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 31st, 2013 at 01:24 am
I got $50 for Christmas from my Grandmother-in-law so stuck that into savings. DH got a bunch of cash from several relatives, he is still deciding if that will go to savings or be fun money for him.
New Focus = Sept 2014 $1265/$1800
Current Balance $27,925.00
+$50.00 Christmas Money to Sept 2014 Savings
New Balance $27,975.00
ING $24,535.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3000.00
Total = $27,975.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 24th, 2013 at 03:37 pm
New Focus = Sept 2014 $1215/$1800
Current Balance $28,550.00
+$100.00 to Retirement Hold Account
-$400.00 DH Continuing Education Classes
-$300.00 Christmas Shopping
-$28.00 to ROTH IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
New Balance $27,925.00
ING $24,485.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3000.00
Total = $27,925.00
I was sad to take this money out, but we just can't cover it out of checking right now with all the overspending we have been doing. I didn't have seperate savings accounts for these 2 items (Continuing Ed and Christmas Shopping) because normally we would be able to absorb those costs in the checking account, so I ended up taking it out of the Home Improvements Fund. We have talked a lot about how we need to reign this in for the new year and I excited about going back up in savings again!
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 16th, 2013 at 03:05 pm
YEAH! Met the Anniversary Cruise Goal for the year!!
New Focus = Sept 2014 $1215/$1800
Current Balance $28,450.00
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
New Balance $28,550.00
ING $25,110.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $3000.00
Total = $28,550.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 4th, 2013 at 07:35 pm
New Focus = Sept 2014 $1215/$1800
Current Balance $28,360.00
-$112.00 to ROTH IRA
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
+$100.00 to Retirement Hold Account
+$100.00 to Sept 2014
New Balance $28,450.00
ING $25,110.00
Home Improvements(cash)$440.00
HSBC $2900.00
Total = $28,450.00
Posted in
$20K challenge