Viewing the '$20K challenge' Category
November 14th, 2010 at 05:03 pm
Current Balance $10,355.00
+$75.00 to Retirement Hold Account
+$1.12 CD Monthly Interest
+$13.88 Even Out Amount
New Balance $10,445.00
My CD for our King Mattress has now matured. I transferred the balance into savings until the mattress bill is due in Feb 2011. We used to have several CDs, but that was the last one to mature so now we have none. Eventually I would like to do a CD ladder again for the EF. At one time we had 3 $1K CDs starting our CD ladder, but no longer. Once I have over $2K or $3K in the EF again I will try to get a CD ladder started again.
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$20K challenge
November 3rd, 2010 at 11:46 pm
Current Balance $10,445.00
-$112.00 to Roth IRA
+$2.00 Even out Amount
+$10.00 to EF
+$10.00 to Home Improvement Account
New Balance $10,355.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 2nd, 2010 at 12:46 am
Current Balance $10,400.00
+$5.00 HSBC Savings
+$4.28 ING Interest
+$35.72 Even Out Amount
New Balance $10,445.00
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$20K challenge
October 29th, 2010 at 11:24 pm
Current Balance $10,170.00
-$28.00 to Roth IRA
+$78.00 to Retirement Hold Account
+25.00 to Home Maintenance Account
+$155.00 to EF for Payday
New Balance $10,400.00
Trying to get far, far away from $10K so we don't ever have to go under it again. We have to pay for our 0% loan for our King Mattress soon. It is due in February 2011, so I will mail in the payment in January to make sure it gets all taken care of before the interest charges. That payment is $750, so need to get above $10,750.00 for sure!
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$20K challenge
October 18th, 2010 at 12:41 am
Current Balance $10,155.00
+$15.00 HSBC Interest
New Balance $10,170.00
I underestimated the interest in my HSBC account so adding that in now. Up up and away!
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 14th, 2010 at 11:50 pm
Current Balance $7,760.00
+$1.09 CD Interest
+$75.00 to Retirement Hold Account
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise Account
+$1987.20 Refund from New Mortgage
+17.49 Refund from Old Mortgage
+$214.22 Even Out Amount
New Balance $10,155.00
YEAH over $10K!!! So halfway to $20K and we are just gonna keep going up! I got the check for the $17.49 from my old mortgage company today......from what I can tell I should be getting a check for $1381.51...??? So I am hoping I am not all confused, cause I really thought we were supposed to get that refunded from our Escrow Account. I will call the bank tomorrow and find out what is going on with that.
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$20K challenge
October 7th, 2010 at 01:41 am
Current Balance $7,835.00
-$112.00 Transfer to Roth IRA
+$25.00 To New Car Account
+$12.00 to Retirement hold account
New Balance $7,760.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 3rd, 2010 at 08:49 pm
Wow how do I always get so behind on my $20K updates??
Current Balance $7,255.00
+$500.00 from October's mortgage payment
+$80.00 Interest and even out amounts for savings
New Balance $7,835.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 15th, 2010 at 12:51 am
Current Balance $6,805.00
+$50.00 to EF from DH's Paycheck
+$50.00 to Vacation Fund from DH's paycheck
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise Account
+$250.00 Rummage Sale Money to New Car Account
New Balance $7,255.00
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
September 14th, 2010 at 04:23 am
Current Balance $6,655.00
+$50.00 to EF from Paycheck
+$50.00 to Vacation Fund from paycheck
+$100.00 to Retirement Hold Account from paycheck
+$1.12 ING CD King mattress Interest
+$60.88 Even out Amounts
-$112.00 To 2010 Roth IRA
New Balance $6,805.00
As soon as I get my rummage sale money from my Mom I will add that. I also got a small bonus at work that will be in my paycheck on Friday, and if I can swing it I will add some of that too.
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$20K challenge
September 4th, 2010 at 11:13 pm
I though DH's pay would start on 8/31/10, but turns out he will not get his first paycheck till 9/15/10. So I had to transfer $1000 back out of savings to cover until he gets paid. Hopefully I won't have to transfer any more then that.
Current Balance $7,600.00
-$1000.00 To Checking account
+$5.23 ING Monthly Interest
+$49.77 Even out Amounts
New Balance $6,655.00
As soon as we see DH's first paycheck I am going to make a new, usuable budget! Savings needs to be the priority!
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$20K challenge
August 26th, 2010 at 01:23 am
Current Balance $7,500.00
+100.00 To Anniversary Cruise account
New Balance $7,600.00
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$20K challenge
August 25th, 2010 at 12:05 am
Current Balance $8,285.00
-$28.00 to ROTH IRA
-$2100.00 for Vegas
+$1000.00 to Vacation 2011 account
+$100.00 to EF
+$100.00 to retirement hold account
+$143.00 Even out amounts
New Balance $7,500.00
I am hoping to put the remaining $600 back to the vacation account soon, but right now I need to leave it in checking until DH gets paid. There is a lapse in pay between his summer job and the school year pay so we are a little low right now.
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$20K challenge
August 6th, 2010 at 01:55 am
Current Balance $8,155.00
+$50.00 to EF from paycheck (me)
+$50.00 to Vacation from paycheck (me)
+$50.00 to EF from paycheck (DH)
+$50.00 to Vacation from paycheck (DH)
+$4.68 ING Interest
+$37.32 Even Out Amount
-$112.00 to Roth IRA
New Balance $8,285.00
This will be the last going up update for now since we will be withdrawing our money for the Vegas trip very soon. But then no vacations till November, so should be good to up from Sept till the end of the year. Who knows, maybe we will come back with more then we left with!
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$20K challenge
July 30th, 2010 at 01:55 am
We went to the casino and came home $850 ahead!! Whoo hoo! I'm still so excited, it was awesome!
Current Balance $7,800.00
-$400.00 Plane tickets for Vegas
+$55.00 To EF
+$300.00 Finish Laptop Account
+$250.00 Finish Matron of Honor Account
+$150.00 FINALLY starting New Car Fund
New Balance $8,155.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 9th, 2010 at 02:35 am
Current Balance $7,680.00
-$112.00 Transfer to Roth IRA
+$32.00 Even Out Deposit
+$50.00 To EF from Paycheck
+$50.00 To Vacation from Paycheck
+$100.00 Retirement hold account
New Balance $7,800.00
Treading water here.........
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$20K challenge
July 2nd, 2010 at 11:27 pm
Our total for the rummage sale came out to $47, so I transferred $50 to ING. Also had interest from ING.
Current Balance $7,575.00
+$30.00 Random Deposit
+$3.45 ING Interest 
+$50.00 Rummage Sale
+$21.55 Even Out Amount
New Balance $7,680.00
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
June 29th, 2010 at 01:59 am
Current Balance $7,315.00
+$5.00 Birthday Money
+$50.00 Discover Cashback Reward
+150.00 Emergency Fund
+200.00 Vacation Fund
-$145.00 Transfer to ROTH IRA
New Balance $7,575.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
June 18th, 2010 at 01:38 am
Well the weekend was super fun. Friday night we drove to a casino about 1/3 of the way to Minneapolis. Unfortunatley we did not win, but we did have a lot of fun, and I did drink way too much! Then Saturday we drove the rest of the way to Minn and checked into our hotel and then drove to the game. I was really worried that the game would be cancelled because it was raining alllll day. But they did play so I sat in the rain for about 5 innings before it stopped. It was a really good game, very close and Braves won! We sat in left field. Then we were driving home and found a White Castle burger place! So we hopped in there to check it out, it was tasty and cheap! Then Sunday's game we sat by 3rd base and it was a blow out for awhile, Braves up 7-0....by the end of the game score was 7-4. So YEAH double win for Braves! Only sad part was my favorite player, Chipper Jones, did not play. I did get to see him do batting practice on Sunday. But was really hoping to see him play since he will probably be retiring within a year or so. Then Sunday we drove home after the game and stopped at a very nice resteraunt on the way home for our "official" anniversary dinner.
All in all a very fabulous, but expenseive weekend. Had to take some out of savings for now and may have to take some more out when out CC statement comes.
Current Balance $7,755.00
-640.00 Minn Trip
+100.00 Anniversary Cruise Fund
+100.00 Vacation Fund
New Balance $7,315.00
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$20K challenge
June 4th, 2010 at 04:13 am
Current Total = $8,065.00
New Total = $7,755.00
So not sure I could figure out the math right now since it has been at least 2 weeks since my last $20K count. We went on vaca for Memorial Day Weekend, so took some out for gas, hotel and entertainment. Also made a transfer from savings to my IRA. Then had regular paycheck deposits as well as interest and even out deposits. So glad I have my internet back so I can keep accurate track again!
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$20K challenge
May 14th, 2010 at 02:11 am
Current Total = $7,660.00
+1.03 King Mattress CD Interest
+3.97 Even out Amount
+$50.00 to EF (DH payday)
+$50.00 to vacation (DH payday)
+$50.00 to EF (My payday)
+$50.00 to vacation (DH payday)
+$100.00 to ROTH hold account
+$100.00 Anniversary Vacation Fund
New Total = $8,065.00
Into a new thousand bracket so that is exciting. We are going on vaca in 2 weeks, but only for Memorial Weekend so only 3 days should not be too much. Keep moving forward is all I ever hope for. DH is a teacher and receives his paycheck 9 months of the year. He does work in the summer, but it is about $600 less per month then during the school year. So I think we may have to pull back on something this summer. We really are not very comfortable with the amount we have in savings right now, so I imagine we will have to pay a little less towards the mortgage till school starts again starting next month. I do have 2 bonuses coming up though, so we will wait it our for now and see how it goes. I always want to "make" us have enough to do everything we want, put tons in savings and pay hundreds extra on the mortgage.....too bad it doesn't exactly work like that!
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$20K challenge
May 6th, 2010 at 03:01 am
Current Total = $7,430.00
-$112.00 to ROTH IRA
+$50.00 to EF (DH payday)
+$50.00 to vacation (DH payday)
+$50.00 to EF (My payday)
+$50.00 to vacation (DH payday)
+$100.00 to ROTH hold account
+$25.25 Even Out Amount
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
+$14.50 April Interest
New Total = $7,660.00
Kinda confused because I could have sworn I already posted this update.....but it is not showing up anywhere....huh??
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 30th, 2010 at 02:09 am
Current Total = $7,430.00
+$50.00 EF from paycheck (me)
+$50.00 Vacation from paycheck (me)
+$50.00 EF from paycheck (DH)
+$50.00 Vacation from paycheck (DH)
+$100.00 Retirement Hold Account
+$5.00 HSBC Interest
New Total = $7,735.00
I am SICK of this back and forth/up and down with the savings and I just want it to go up, up, up! We have a new game plan in life for the next few years at least and want to save as much as we can in the interim.
We did really, really well at not eating out in April. We did eat out just a few times, but only 3 and this was a vast improvement over any normal months. We are planning on doing the same thing again for May.
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$20K challenge
April 29th, 2010 at 02:11 am
Current Total = $9,655.00
-$28.00 To ROTH IRA
-$300.00 Casino (Emotional Spending)
-$1900.00 Checking
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
New Total = $7,430.00
UGH! Got some very upsetting news on the medical front yesterday. And to drown my sorrows DH and I went to the casino.....DUMB! Lost $300. So irritated at us. Besides that I have been consistently transferring money from savings to checking when it was needed, and then as soon as I got paid I would transfer it right back to savings......well this was going ok for awhile as I was always putting the money back into savings. But each paycheck the amount going back and forth kept getting bigger and bigger. And now it is almost $2K (which is about what our paychecks are combined) so that is not working and was never a good plan to begin with. I always transfer little amounts here and there to savings to even out accounts, or to get to milestones, and pay as much as we can to the mortgage, and if we go to the bar or the casino or whatever I always take it out of checking and I never compensate that amount from savings. So I keep digging this hole in the checking account. Err.....really the resolution to this is simple = BUDGET. I am just bad with coming to terms with "No you can not put $20 more in savings, you do not have $20 more in checking" or "I am putting $400 extra to the mortgage, but if I pay $500 that will get us to the next $1000 mark" so I just do it and don't think about "where" exactly the money is going to come from, until my checking is a blackhole! We are not overdrawn because our major bills (Discover that we put all of our expenses on and pay in full each month, and our mortgage) coinside with paydays, so at the bank it does not look bad....only in my checkbook register. I always think about how the next paycheck will cover this, and then the next one and the next one.....but it caught up to me now, so I had to transfer the $1900 to checking just to get caught up.....still not much breathing room though.
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$20K challenge
April 22nd, 2010 at 11:24 pm
Current Total = $9,630.00
+25.00 Home Improvement Fund
New Total = $9,655.00
Now that our TV is paid off we are moving the $25 a month we were paying to the TV to savings for Home Improvements. It's not a lot, but at least it's something.
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$20K challenge,
Home Improvements
April 17th, 2010 at 08:48 pm
Current Total = $9,925.00
-$300.00 Dumb overspending 
+$1.11 King Mattress CD Interest
+$3.89 Even out amount
New Total = $9,630.00
Unnecessary overspending went on this weekend. Normally I could cover $300 from checking.....but lately we have been more "cash poor" in our checking then usual. I tend to throw everything into savings or to the mortgage.....probably to a fault.....ok, not probably, it is to a fault. When ever we spend more then planned, whether it is a need or not, I always cover it from checking, and don't change our normal savings contributions.....this works ok for awhile, till it starts catching up with me and pretty soon we are scraping the bottom of the barrel in checking. I need to work on finding a happy medium between putting money to savings/mortgage and keeping enough in checking to not be stressed about it.
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$20K challenge
April 16th, 2010 at 02:46 am
Current Total = $9,755.00
-$230.00 Used for Bathroom Remodel
+$50.00 EF from paycheck (me)
+$50.00 Vacation from paycheck (me)
+$50.00 EF from paycheck (DH)
+$50.00 Vacation from paycheck (DH)
+$100.00 Anniversary Cruise account
+$100.00 Retirement Hold Account
New Total = $9,925.00
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$20K challenge
April 11th, 2010 at 04:17 am
We had gotten a new TV and TV Stand in 2008 for 18 months 0% interest. So we have been holding the money in savings until now to make a little interest. The 18 months is up in May so I am paying the bill now to make sure we don't get hit with the 18 months of interest.
Current Total = $10,230.00
-$475.00 Payoff TV and TV Stand
New Total = $9,755.00
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$20K challenge
April 7th, 2010 at 01:08 am
So I put $5 into a NCAA bracket pool and some how I won! I don't really even like basketball and don't know anything about the teams, but apparently I picked good cause I won the whole thing so I won $60! Yeah! I also got the remainder of our Mexico money back today. We only spent $350 out of the $600 we brought so had $250 left over. Stuck all of that in savings for now.
Current Total = $10,025.00
+$60.00 NCAA pool
+$250.00 Leftover Mexico money
-$112.00 Transferred to ROTH IRA
+$7.00 Even out amount
New Total = $10,230.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 3rd, 2010 at 03:36 am
Current Total = $9615.00
+$50.00 to EF from payday (DH)
+$50.00 to vacation from payday (DH)
+$50.00 to EF from payday (me)
+$50.00 to vacation from payday (me)
+$100.00 to ROTH IRA hold account
+$3.44 ING monthly interest 
+$106.56 Even Out deposit
New Total = $10,025.00
Made it back to $10K! Yeah! It sadly will be short lived as we will be paying off our TV in the next few weeks....that is $500 at 0% interest. It is due in May and the money is in savings so we will pay it off this month so that we don't have to pay the accrued interest. Also we are planning a trip to Deadwood at the end of May and that will come out of savings too. I am bummed that we will only be at $10K for a minute......but DH said it is better to be there for a minute then not at all! I will be happy once we get to $11K and then hopefully we will be far enough away from $10K to stay above for good!
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$20K challenge