March 19th, 2010 at 11:56 pm
Current Total = $9065
+$450 Bonus to Home Maintenance Fund
+$50.00 to EF from payday
+$50.00 to vacation from payday
New Total = $9615.00
Closing in on getting to 10K.....AGAIN!
Posted in
$20K challenge
March 16th, 2010 at 01:06 am
Current Total = $6860.00
+$1.00 King Mattress Interest
+$4.00 Even Out Amount
+$50.00 to EF from payday
+$50.00 to vacation from payday
+100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
+$2000.00 Casino Win!
New Total = $9065.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
March 4th, 2010 at 01:59 am
Current Total = $6600.00
+$3.90 February savings interest
+$116.10 Even Out Amount
-$112.00 Transfer to ROTH IRA
+$50.00 to EF from payday(3/5)
+$50.00 to vacation from payday(3/5)
+$100.00 to Roth IRA hold account
+$50.00 Discover Cash back reward
+$2.00 Even out Amount
New Total = $6860.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 26th, 2010 at 01:43 am
Current Total = $10250.00
+$3.97 EF CD Interest
+$1.03 Even out amount
+$45.00 To get to next $100 level
+$50.00 to EF from payday
+$50.00 to vacation from payday
-$140.00 to ROTH IRA
-$1500.00 Wisdom Teeth
-$1000.00 Cover larger then usual CC bill
-$1160.00 MN Trip
New Total = $6600.00
Soooooo suddenly the halfway mark is far away. Bummer!! Spending got out of control the last month and so we had a larger then usual CC bill (we pay our balance in full each month), and then of course the wisdom teeth. I took the money for the MN trip out already as well, but the trip is not for a few more weeks, just getting my ducks in a row for that. So full steam ahead again....hopefully this time we will be able to go up, up, up instead of up, up, down!
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 19th, 2010 at 01:24 am
Current Total = $10150.00
+$50.00 to EF from payday
+$50.00 to vacation from payday
New Total = $10250.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 17th, 2010 at 03:09 am
Current Total = $10530
+$50.00 to EF from payday
+$50.00 to vacation from payday
+100.00 to cruise account
+$1.11 King Mattress CD interest
+18.89 Even out deposit
-$600.00 MEXICO!
New Total = $10150.00
We don't leave for Mexico for another 4 weeks but I took the money out early because my Mom is actually going down to Mexico next week and she will take our money and exchange it at her bank in Mexico because you get a better exchange rate then at a US bank.
We are barely hanging above the $10K mark. Sadly we won't be above the $10K for long since we have our MN trip next month and that will be over $1000 coming out of savings....BUT we are hoping to bring some money home from both the Mexico and MN trips. Anything we bring back will go towards the EF, or towards the wisdom teeth depending on what shakes out with that.
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 6th, 2010 at 05:05 am
Current Total = $9430.00
+$1100.00 Federal Refund
New Total = $10530.00
YEAH! We are over $10K! Normally I would not update this twice in 2 days, but since we got our federal today I wanteed to celebrate! So happy to be over half way. It will be short lived since we are going on 2 vacations next month and the funds for both are in savings. But will try to keep the discretionary spending to a minimum. Anything that we bring home will be going right into the EF.
Posted in
Saving Money,
$20K challenge
February 5th, 2010 at 01:35 am
Current Total = $8915.00
+$4.55 January Savings Interest
+$35.45 Even Out Amounts
+$5.00 Random deposit
+$270.00 State Refund
+$50.00 to EF from paycheck
+$50.00 to Vacation Fund from paycheck
+$100.00 to ROTH IRA hold account
New Total = $9430.00
Got my state refund! WHoo hoo! Sooooo close to half way!
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 30th, 2010 at 01:35 am
Current Total = $8955.00
+$50.00 to EF from paycheck
+$50.00 to Vacation Fund from paycheck
-$140.00 to ROTH IRA
New Total = $8915.00
I have officially filed our taxes ($1774 federal and $270 state = $2044). Plus we are waiting for the refund check from our ecrow account ($528) which should be here in just a few days. So that is a total of $2572 coming our way! YEAH! We will put at least $1000 into savings.....after that I am still deciding. I want to put some towards the house and some into checking to give a little breathing room...and more into savings. Got to figure out the best way to stretch this.
I am hoping this will be a no spend or at least cheap weekend. I am going to the gym tonight and DH is having one of our friends over to drink some beer and pay some PS2. Staying out of trouble!
Posted in
Saving Money,
$20K challenge
January 24th, 2010 at 05:17 pm
Current Total = $8750.00
+$3.96 Monthly interest on EF CD
+$1.04 Even out amount for EF CD
+$50.00 to EF from paycheck
+$50.00 to Vacation Fund from paycheck
+$100.00 to Retirement hold account
New Total = $8955.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 15th, 2010 at 11:16 pm
Current Total = $8500.00
+$1.11 Monthly interest on Mattress CD
+$3.89 Even out amount for Mattress CD
+$50.00 to EF from paycheck
+$50.00 to Vacation Fund from paycheck
+$100.00 to HSBC Anniversary Cruise
+$20.00 to get EF to next $100 mark
+$25.00 Rebate from car repairs
New Total = $8750.00
It was a good week for the $20K challenge! We continue to move on up, I am excited that I we are getting closer to the 50% mark.
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 9th, 2010 at 05:06 pm
Current Total = $8300.00
+$50.00 to EF from paycheck
+$50.00 to Vacation Fund from paycheck
+$100.00 to ING retirement hold account
New Total = $8500.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 3rd, 2010 at 04:03 am
Current Total = $8275.00
+$3.52 Savings Interest (pathetic)
+$21.48 Even out amount
New Total = $8300.00
DH got some money for Christmas that I was hoping to put in savings as well, but we just have too many bills right now, and went out of town for the weekend so had to put it in checking for now.
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 29th, 2009 at 05:58 pm
Current Total = $8125.00
+$50.00 to the EF from DH payday
+$50.00 to Vacation fund from DH payday
+$50.00 Discover Card rewards
New Total = $8275.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 25th, 2009 at 06:32 pm
Current Total = $8060.00
+$50.00 to the EF from payday
+$50.00 to Vacation fund from payday
+$70.00 ING from payday
+$35.00 Even out deposit
-$140.00 Monthly ROTH IRA contribution
New Total = $8125.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 22nd, 2009 at 12:52 am
Current Total = $8040.00
+$3.82 EF CD Interest
+$16.18 Even out balance
New Total = $8060.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 20th, 2009 at 01:04 am
I like the idea of the $20 challenge though I don't really understand the $20 part of it.....but I would like to start my own challenge towards $20K in nonretirement savings.
Current = $7987.06
+10.00 Rebate from UV Vodka
+42.94 Even out balance
New Total = $8040.00
This is our total non retirement savings, including amounts that are already ear marked for purchases/ I know the balance will be going up and down, but hopefully an overall trend of UP! First I would like to get the total savings to $20K and then move to getting just the EF to $20K.
DH has a check from his great grandma for $200 for xmas.....I am trying to get him to let me put it in savings....but is his check so he can use it for what he wants, we will see what he decides!
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$20K challenge