Viewing the 'Free Stuff' Category
November 23rd, 2012 at 02:54 am
Happy Thanksgiving! I got up and did my CVS shopping them took a nap, then ate, then took another nap! 

Again I got most deals twice since I used my card and DH's card.
Milkyway Dark Candy Bars (Bought 6)
Regular Price $1.19
-.44 Sale Price each
-.75 Buy 2 get 1 Free Mars Bars (had 2 coupons)
*Received .75 EB on 4 of the candy bars
Final Price - 6 Candy Bars for FREE! (Keeping)
CVS AA Batteries 4pk (Bought 2)
Regular Price $4.39
-$.74 Sale Price
*Received $3.65 EB on each
Final Price - 2 Packs of batteries - FREE!
CVS Mint Flossers (Bought 4)
Regular Price $2.57
-.57 Sale Price
*Received $2.00 EB on each
Final Price - 4 Packs of flossers FREE!
(Marked for $1.50 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 6/15/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 3 for $1.50 at 8/23/13 rummage sale
Profit = $6.00
GUM 2pk Toothbrushes (Bought 4)
Regular Price $3.99
-$1.49 Sale Price
*Received $2.50 EB on each
Final Price - (4) 2pks of toothbrushes for FREE!
(Marked for $2.50 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $2.50 at 8/23/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 1 for $2.50 at 9/5/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 2 for $2.50 each at 9/4/14 rummage sale
Profit = $10.00
Phillips Earbuds (Bought 2)
Regular Price $9.99
-$3.00 Sale Price each
*Received $6.99 EB on each
Final Price - 2 sets of Earbuds for FREE! (Keeping)
Cheerios 8.9 oz box (Bought 2)
Regular Price $2.99
-.12 Sale Price each
-.50 Mfr coupon on each
*Received $2.00 EB per box
Final Price .37 per box!! (Keeping)
Wet N Wild Nail Polish Kit (Bought 2)
Regular Price $4.99
-$2.00 Sale Price each
*Received $2.00 EB each
Final Price - .99 each!!
(Marked for $3.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $3.00 each at 6/15/13 rummage sale
Profit = $4.02
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
November 21st, 2012 at 03:11 am
I picked up a few things for Thanksgiving dessert and went to use some coupons I got in the mail.
$10 off $10 purchase at JCP
-When I get these I usually try to find something for $10 so I get it for free, but after doing the clothes inventory of my room, I have sooooo much socks and gloves and things that would be $10 or so. I tried on a few shirts, and ended up finding some yoga capris. I go through these pretty frequently cause I wear them working out and can also wear them to work. I found a pair for $20, and then had my $10 coupon so that was a good price. Then when I checked out, they rang up on clearance for $14! So after my coupon got them for $4! YEAH!
I also had a coupon for a free sample of See's Candy. I went to the stand in the mall and got 2 for free, one for me and one for DH.
I needed a gift bag for my bro's BD present, so stopped at the Dollar Store and got 9 bags, 2 Wedding, 2 Baby, and 5 BD. That way I will be stocked up for awhile.
Posted in
Free Stuff
November 19th, 2012 at 12:31 am
It's my favorite week at CVS! Tons of Free stuff and even a few moneymakers! 60 items for Free or Money Makers! Plus I had 2, $10 off $50 coupons that I used. I got $261.79 worth of merchandise and came out $20.77 ahead! So I got paid $20.77 to take it all home!! 
Most things I got 2 of because I used my card and DHs card.

Thermacare Heatwraps (Bought 2)
Regular Price $3.99
-.50 Sale Price
*Received $3.49 EB
Final Price - 2 Boxes for FREE!
(Marked both for $3.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $3.00 each at 9/5/13 rummage sale
=$6.00 Profit on Heatwraps!!
PurAbsorb Iron Supplement (Bought 2)
Regular Price $19.99
-$3.00 Sale Price
-$10.00 CVS Coupon $10 off $50 purchase
*Received $16.99 EB
Final Price - 1 Box for FREE and 1 $6.99 Money Maker! (Keeping)
South Beach Diet Snack Bars (Bought 2)
Regular Price $5.99
-$1.00 Sale Price
*Received $4.99 EB
Final Price - 2 Boxes for FREE! (Keeping)
Nasal Ease Allergy Reliever (Bought 2)
Regular Price $13.29
-$3.30 Sale Price
*Received $9.99 EB
Final Price - 2 Boxes FREE!
(Marked $4.00 each for rummage sale)
Youtheory Collagen (Bought 2)
Regular Price $9.99
-.50 Sale Price
*Received $9.49 EB
Final Price - 2 Boxes FREE!
(Marked $5.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $5.00 at 6/15/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 1 for $5.00 on 3/17/14 to a coworker
=$10.00 Profit on Collagen
Scooby Doo Fruit Snacks 10pk (Bought 2)
Regular Price $3.29
-$1.29 Sale Price
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price - 2 Boxes FREE (Keeping)
Philips Universal Remote (Bought 2)
Regular Price $12.99
-$6.00 Sale Price
*Received $6.99 EB
Final price - 2 Remotes for FREE!
(Marked $5.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $5.00 at 9/4/14 rummage sale
1 left to sell
Nips Candy (Bought 2)
Regular Price $1.27
-.39 Sale Price
*Received .88 EB
Final Price - 2 Boxes FREE! (Keeping)
Kraft Mac & Cheese (Bought 2)
Regular Price $1.27
-.28 Sale Price
*Received .99 EB
Final Price - 2 Boxes for FREE! (Keeping)
Powerade 32oz (Bought 2)
Regular Price $1.49
-.49 Sale Price
*Received $1.00 EB
Final Price - 2 Bottles for FREE! (Keeping)
Easyfeet, feet cleaner thingy.. (Bought 2)
Regular Price $9.99
-$5.00 Sale Price
*Received $4.99 EB
Final Price - 2 for FREE!
(Marked for $4.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $4.00 at 6/15/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 1 for $4.00 at 9/5/13 rummage sale
=$8.00 Profit on Easyfeet!!
Starbucks Doubleshot Expresso (Bought 2)
Regular Price $1.37
-.38 Sale Price
*Received .99 EB
Final Price - 2 for FREE! (Keeping for my Moms Xmas)
Advil 10ct (Bought 2)
Regular Price 3.29
-.30 Sale Price
*Received $2.99 EB
Final Price - 2 for FREE!
(Marked $1.50 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 6/15/13 rummage sale
Children's Advil (Bought 2)
Regular Price $2.57
-.20 Sale Price
-$1.50 Mfr Coupon (Only had 1 coupon)
*Received $2.37 EB
Final Price - 1 for FREE, 1 $1.50 Money Maker!!
(Marked $1.50 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $1.50 each at rummage sale
Profit = $4.50
U by Kotex (Bought 1)
Regular Price $1.49
-.25 Mfr Coupon
*Received $1.00 EB
Final Price .24 - (Free on CVS GC)
(Marked for $1.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $1.00 at 8/23/13 rummage sale
Profit = $1.00
Coca Cola 1.25 Liter (Bought 2)
Regular Price .99
*Received .99 EB
Final Price - 2 Bottles for FREE! (Keeping)
SK Energy Shots (Bought 2)
Regular Price $4.99
-$1.00 Sale Price
*Received $3.99 EB
Final Price - FREE! (Gave to my Mom)
Bayer Contour Next EZ Meter
Regular Price $19.99
-$9.99 Sale Price
-$10.00 CVS Coupon ($10.00 off $50.00 Purchase)
*Received $10.00 EB
Final Price $10.00 Money Maker
(Marked for $7.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - This did not sell so I donated it on FB
Profit = $10.00
Carmex Chapstick (Bought 2)
Regular Price $1.67
-.67 Sale Price
*Received $1.00 EB
Final Price - 2 for FREE! (Keeping)
Cepacol Sensations (Bought 2)
Regular Price $1.00
*Received $1.00 EB
Final Price - 2 for FREE! (Keeping)
AirWick Scented Oil Warmer (Bought 2)
Regular Price $1.49
-.50 Sale Price
*Received .99 EB
Final Price - 2 for FREE!
(Marked for $1.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $1.00 each at 9/5/13 rummage sale
=$2.00 Profit on AirWick!!
Kleenex Slim Pack (Bought 2)
Regular Price $1.99
-.99 Sale Price
*Received $1.00 EB
Final Price - 2 for FREE! (Keeping)
Right Guard Deoderant (Bought 2)
Regular Price $4.59
-$1.60 Sale Price
-$2.00 off 2 Mfr Coupon
*Received $4.00 EB
Final Price .01 Money Maker! (Gave both to my Dad)
Charmin Basic Single Roll (Bought 2)
Regular Price $1.49
-.50 Sale Price
-.25 Mfr Coupon (Only had 1 coupon)
*Received .99 EB
Final Price - 1 Roll for FREE, 1 .25 Money Maker! (Keeping)
Glade Scented Oil Warmer (Bought 2)
Regular Price $2.37
-$1.12 Sale Price
-$1.00 Mfr Coupon (Only had 1 coupon)
*Received $1.25 EB
Final Price - 1 FREE and 1 $1.00 Money Maker
(Marked for $1.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $1.00 each at 9/5/13 rummage sale
=$2.00 Profit on Glade!!
Command Utility Hook (Bought 2)
Regular Price $1.99
-$1.00 Sale Price
-$1.00 Mfr Coupon (Only had 1 coupon)
*Received .99 EB
Final Price - 1 Free and 1 $1.00 Money Maker (Keeping)
Gillette Shave Fusion (Bought 2)
Regular Price $2.37
-$1.00 Mfr Coupon (Only had 1 coupon)
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price - 1 for .37 and 1 for .63 Money Maker
(Marked for $1.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $1.00 each at 9/5/13 rummage sale
=$2.26 Profit on Gillette!!
Somnapure Natural Sleep Aid (Bought 2)
Regular Price $1.99
*Received $1.99 EB
Final Price - 2 packs for FREE! (Keeping)
Play-Doh (Bought 1, they were sold out)
Regular Price $1.69
-.69 Sale Price
*Received $1.00 EB
Final Price - FREE!
(Marked for $1.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $1.00 each at 6/15/13 rummage sale
Profit = $1.00
Hot Wheels Cars (Bought 2)
Regular Price - $3.29
-$2.29 Sale Price
*Received $1.00 EB
Final Price - Both Free
*ETA - Sold 2 for $1.00 each at 6/15/13 rummage sale
Profit = $2.00
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
November 14th, 2012 at 05:30 pm
I didn't see much in the add that I had to have this week, but I had a $10 EB I needed to use up this week, so I did my best to make it stretch! I think I did a good job, got $35.51 in merchandise for my $10 EB!

Tampax Radiant Purse Packs (Bought 2)
Regular Price $1.99 each
Clearance Price .99 each
-$2.00 Always Radiant Mfr Coupon
Final Price .02 Money Maker!!
(Marked $1.25 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - These did not sell at the rummage sale so I moved them to my personal stockpile in May 2017.
V05 Shampoo and Conditioner (Bought 1 of each)
Regular Price $1.09 each
Marked down to .75 each
-$1.50 off any shampoo coupon from coupon machine
Final Price - Free for both bottles!!
(Marked for $1.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.00 at 8/23/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.00 at 9/4/14 rummage sale
Kellogs Crunchy Nut Cereal 14.1oz box (Bought 2)
Regular Price $3.99 each
-$1.49 Sale Price Each
-$1.00 off Mfr coupon
Final Price $2.00 per box
Honey Nut and Banana Nut Cheeries 12.2oz (Bought 3)
Regular Price $3.79 each
-$1.82 Sale Price Each
Final Price $1.97 per box
So I got 5 boxes of cereal, 1 bottle shampoo, 1 conditioner and 2 purse packs for my $10.00 EB. I had to pay .21 OOP for the tax. 
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
November 10th, 2012 at 06:15 pm

Mentos Gum 50pk (Limit 4)
Regular Price $2.99
-$2.00 Mail in Rebate
-$1.00 off 2 Mfr Coupons (Used 2)
Final Price .49 per container! Less then a penny per piece of gum!
I was really excited about this find because DH has to have gum when he plays sports, and basketball is starting soon. Usually pay around $1.89 for a 15 pack at Target. Great deal on this Mentos Gum!
Clear packing tape (Bought 3)
Regular Price ?
Sale Price 3/.99! Just .33 each!
Safety Glasses (Limit 2)
Regular Price $2.48
-$2.48 Mail in Rebate
Final Price - Free!
(Marked for $2.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $2.00 at 9/4/14 rummage sale
Safety Box Cutter (Limit 2)
Regular Price $1.98
-$1.98 Mail in rebate
Final Price - Free!
(Marked for $1.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.00 at 9/23/16 rummage sale
Tape Measure (Limit 2)
Regular Price ?
Sale Price $3.99
-$3.00 Mail in Rebate
Final Price .99 each!
(Marked for $4.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $4.00 each at 9/5/13 rummage sale
Profit = $6.02
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
October 29th, 2012 at 04:37 pm
10/9/12 Brunos Pizza - Free Calzone $6.99
10/9/12 Brunos Pizza - Free Pop $2.29
10/16/12 Pita Pit - BOGO Free Pita $6.79
10/24/12 Gloria Jeans - BOGO Free Drink $5.09
10/27/12 Bonanza - Discount on meal $3.00
10/27/12 Cold Stone Creamery - Discount on 2 $3.34
10/30/12 Brunos Pizza - Free Med Pizza $10.99
Total Saved $38.49
Posted in
Free Stuff
October 28th, 2012 at 08:30 pm
The free item in this weeks grocery add was Old Orchard Juice. I was able to get my hands on 20 coupons! I gave some to my Dad and bro and kept the rest. Ended up with 13 bottles of FREE juice!

Then on to CVS which was awesome this week!
Tampax Radiant 32ct
Regular Price $8.49
-$1.00 Sale Price
-$1.00 CVS Coupon
-$3.00 Mfr Coupon
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price $1.49! (Just .05 per tampon!)
Always/Tampax Radiant Trial Sets (Bought 3)
Regular Price $1.99
-$2.00 Always Radiant Mfr Coupon
Final Price .01 Money Maker per box!
(Marked for $1.25 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.25 at 8/23/13 rummage sale
Dawn Olay Hand Renewal (Bought 4)
Regular Price $1.99
-$1.00 Sale Price
-.75 Mfr Coupon on each
Final Price .24 each!
Revlon Nail Clipper (Bought 3, that was all they had)
Regular Price $3.19 each
*Receive $7.00 EB for every 2 you buy
Final Price .31 Money Maker for each clipper!!
(Marked for $1.50 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $1.50 each at 9/5/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 3/17/14 rummage sale
=$5.43 Profit on clippers!
Revlon 24 Compact Emory Boards (Bought 15)
Regular Price $3.59 each
*Receive $7.00 EB for every 2 you buy
Final Price .09 each! (Free CVS GC)
(Marked for $1.50 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 4 on FB for $1.00 each on 11/8/15
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 5/5/17 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.00 on FB on 7/30/18
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.00 on FB on 2/23/20
When I was checking out I had 2 more items that totaled $9.78 pre-tax, and I used $3.75 worth of coupons on the items. I ended up deciding not to get them, so the cashier deleted them from the transaction, but never took off the coupons, so I still got $3.75 off my total for items I didn't purchase. I also used a $10 off $50 purchase coupon from CVS....so I came out WAY ahead on actual out of pocket cost today.
Tampax(1) $1.49
Always/Tampax Set(3) +.03 Money Maker
Dawn(4) .96
Revlon Nail Clipper(3) +.93 Money Maker
Revlon Emory Boards(15) $1.35
Coupons for items not purchased +$3.75
$10.00 off $50.00 Purchase Coupon +$10.00
Total = $10.91 Profit on transaction!!!!!
Plus if I sell the Tampax kits and Revlon items I will make another $30.75!!! SCORE!
I definitely want to try to get more of the Revlon items. I will go in later this week and get a rain check since they didn't have many in store.
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
October 28th, 2012 at 08:08 pm

Dan's Supermarket
Suave Lotion on sale for $1.99
-$2.00 Mfr coupon
Final Price - Free!!
*ETA - I had planned on keeping this lotion, but I ended up selling it on 3/17/14 to a coworker for $2.50 = $2.50 Profit!
El Moterey Frozen Burritos (Bought 14)
$1.19 each
-$1.19 Mfr coupon (Had 14 coupons)
Final Price - 14 Free Burritos!
Posted in
Free Stuff
October 24th, 2012 at 10:06 pm
Whoo hoo! I used enough coupons to make my money back on the coupon book! Still have TONS to use and most are good until 6/30/13. I also went through the book and took out the ones I was sure I wouldn't use. I gave some coupons for Platos Closet and Once Upon a Child to coworkers, and gave my bro a coupon for a free fish for his aquarium. 
10/9/12 Brunos Pizza - Free Calzone $6.99
10/9/12 Brunos Pizza - Free Pop $2.29
10/16/12 Pita Pit - BOGO Free Pita $6.79
10/24/12 Gloria Jeans - BOGO Free Drink $5.09
Total Saved $21.16
Posted in
Saving Money,
Free Stuff
October 23rd, 2012 at 03:48 am

Lots of good deals and freebies at CVS this week! My Mom is out of town so I got to use my card, DH's card, Mom's card and her bf's card...so got to do a few deals 4 times.
I missed 2 deals cause they were sold out, they had a free pumpkin carving tool and also a good deal on Glade items, but I was too slow. 
I am doing another CVS Challenge to see how much I can get for a $50 CVS giftcard that I got for free from my Discover Rewards. Got a good start with all these deals.
Here is the breakdown of my loot:
Di-Gel Antacid 12oz (Bought 4)
Regular Price $8.29 each
-$3.29 Sale Price
-$2.00 Mfr Coupon
*Recieved $3.00 EB
Final Price - 4 bottles FREE!
(Marked $4.00 (?) each for rummage sale)
*ETA - These did not sell before they got close to expiration so I donated them to friends and family
St Joseph Aspirin 120 tablets (Bought 4)
Regular Price $6.49 each
-$1.49 Sale Price
-$2.25 Mfr Coupon
*Received $3.00 EB
Final Price =.25 profit per box, $1.00 profit on 4 bottles!
(Marked $3.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $3.00 at 8/23/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 1 for $3.00 at 9/5/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 2 for $3.00 each on 3/17/14 to coworker
=$10.00 Profit!!
American Greeting Cards (Bought 12)
Regular Price .99 each
*Sale - Buy 3, get $3.00 EB
Final Price = .03 profit for every 3 purchased
.12 profit on 12 cards!
Xtra Laundry Detergent 48oz bottle (Bought 6)
Regular Price $2.67 each
-$1.20 Sale Price
-$3.00 CVS Coupon off $15.00 Purchase
Final Price .97 each!!
Gain 9oz Dishsoap
Regular Price $1.67
-.68 Sale Price
-.25 Mfr Coupon
Final Price .76
Covergirl Lashblast Mascara
Regular Price $8.89
-.89 Sale Price
-$2.00 Mfr Coupon
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price $4.00 - Free on CVS GC
Had to get this to use the coupon below for the eyeshadow.
(Marked for $4.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $4.00 at 6/15/13 rummage sale
Profit = $4.00
Covergirl Eye-Enhancers Eyeshadow
Regular Price $3.99
-$3.25 Mfr Coupon(Buy mascara get eyeshadow free, up to $3.25)
Final Price .74! - Free on CVS GC
(Marked for $3.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $2.50 on FB on 9/27/14
Profit = $2.50
Zantac 150mg, 24 tablets
Regular Price $10.49
-$1.50 Sale Price
-$5.00 Mfr Coupon
-$2.00 CVS Coupon machine
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price - Free!!
(Marked $6.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $6.00 at 8/23/13 rummage sale
Tampax Radiant 32ct Tampons
Regular Price $8.49
-$1.50 Sale Price
-$3.00 Mfr Coupon
*Received $2.00 EB
Final price $1.99!!
(Got lots of great coupons again from this box!)
I also got this giant bottle of Purrell from Macs hardware.
Purrell Hand Sanitizer 20oz bottle
Regular Price $5.49
-$4.50 Sale Price
-$1.00 Mfr Coupon
Final Price - FREE!
(Marked $3.50 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $2.00 at 8/23/13 rummage sale, I had it marked for $3.50 originally but I marked it down because it was near it's expiration date.
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
October 17th, 2012 at 09:21 pm

I went to Target and the TP I got at CVS was $18.99 per pack! At CVS after EB and coupons it was only $3.07 per pack! Wow what a huge savings! So I went back and got some more on DH's card. I was going to get all of the same things as I did on Sunday on my card, but they were out of the Revlon beauty tools that I wanted, and I found a better deal on the Tampax, so I did this instead.
Charmin UltraSoft TP - 16 Double Rolls(Bought 3 packs)
Regular Price $15.99 per pack
-$6.00 Sale Price each
-.25 Mfr coupon (3 = .75 off)
-$10.00 off $50 purchase (I am taking this coupon of the TP, cause I wouldn't have used the coupon without purchasing the TP)
*Received $10.00 EB for spending $30 on select P&G
Final Price for 48 double rolls (96 regular rolls) = $9.22 ($3.07 per pack) or just .19 per double roll (.10 per reg roll)
Skintimate Shave Gel
Regular Price $3.99
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price $1.99
Tampax Radiant 32ct
Regular Price $8.49
-$1.50 Sale Price each
-$2.00 Mfr Coupon
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price $2.99 (.09 per tampon)
**If you get Tampax Radiant, make sure you get the boxed marked with "Coupons Inside". They have great coupons in theses! The smaller boxes have $2.00 off coupons, and the big boxes have $3.00 off coupons!**
Since I couldn't get the Revlon tools, I needed some filler items to get to the $50 purchase so I could use my $10 off coupon. So I got some Bowl Appetit meals that I use at work for lunch. They are really nice to keep in my desk since I don't have to keep in the fridge and all you have to do is add water. Great for a quick lunch in the winter. (These are not pictured cause they are already in my drawer at work).
Bowl Appetite Meals (Bought 8)
Regular Price $2.19
-$1.19 Sale Price
Final Price $1.00 each
Simply Asian Meals (Bought 2)
Regular Price $2.37
-$1.17 Sale Price
Final Price $1.00 each
Then after work I went to our other CVS and used my Mom's card. I used one of the $3.00 off coupons I got from the Tampax I purchased earlier.
Tampax Radiant 32ct
Regular Price $8.49
-$1.50 Sale Price
-$3.00 Mfr Coupon
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price $1.99 (.06 per tampon)
So now I have another $3.00 coupon to use next time they are on sale. I also have 2 coupons to use on those Tampax trial packs, so I can get 2 free. I will wait and get those on Sunday in case I can use another $10.00 off a $50.00 purchase coupon.
Then I went to Menards and got a few FREE items:
All Purpose Paint Brushes (2)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $2.50 each at 8/23/13 rummage sale
Profit = $5.00
Safety Glasses (2)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $2.00 at 9/4/14 rummage sale
Profit = $4.00
Safey Box Cutters (6)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.00 at 6/15/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 4 for $1.00 each at 9/5/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.00 at 9/4/14 rummage sale
Profit = $6.00
All of these items will go in the rummage sale. Not sure what I am marking them yet though, need to research. I never have to pay anything OOP when I go to Menards, I just keep using my rebates, then get more items that have rebates, then use those rebates to get more items that have rebates....and keeps going in a loop so I never actually have to pay anything other then the first time.
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
October 17th, 2012 at 04:01 pm
If I use one more coupon I should be able to already make back the money I spent on the booklet. I am also going through and taking out the coupons I know I won't use so I can see if my friends or coworkers can use them.
10/9/12 Brunos Pizza - Free Calzone $6.99
10/9/12 Brunos Pizza - Free Pop $2.29
10/16/12 Pita Pit - BOGO Free Pita $6.79
Total Saved $16.07
Posted in
Free Stuff
October 14th, 2012 at 08:10 pm
Loving the deals I got at CVS this morning!

Charmin UltraSoft TP - 16 Double Rolls(Bought 3 packs)
Regular Price $15.99 per pack
-$6.00 Sale Price each
-.25 Mfr coupon (3 = .75 off)
-$10.00 off $50 purchase (I am taking this coupon of the TP, cause I wouldn't have used the coupon without purchasing the TP)
*Received $10.00 EB for spending $30 on select P&G
Final Price for 48 double rolls (96 regular rolls) = $9.22 or just .19 per double roll (.10 per reg roll)
Skintimate Shave Gel
Regular Price $3.99
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price $1.99
Revlon Clippers (Bought 2)
Regular Price $3.19 each
*Received $5.00 EB for purchasing 2
Final Price .69 each
(Marked for $1.50 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 6/15/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 8/23/13 rummage sale
Profit = $1.62
Tampax Pearl 18ct - found bonus packs that each had 2 free tampons, so got 4 extra tampons free (Bought 2 boxes)
Regular Price $5.49 each
-$1.74 Sale Price each
-$2.50 off 2 Mfr Coupon
*Received $1.00 EB (Limit of 1 so only got one EB)
Final Price $4.00 ($2.00 per box)
This Tampax Radiant Set was the only thing I did not plan to buy today. I saw it on an endcap while I was shopping. It was $1.99 and I had a $2.00 off Tampax Radiant Product so it was Free! I had 2 of those coupons, but decided to just get one kit for now to see what was all included, it had:
1 Wristlet Carrying Bag
3 Tampax Radiant Tampons
1 Always Radiant Panty Liner
1 Always Radiant Infinity Pad
1 .50 off Tampax Radiant Coupon
1 .50 off Always Radiant Pads or Liners
Then on to the Peanut Butter! I had 8 coupons for FREE Peanut Butter from the local grocery store! So I got all 8, but we don't use a lot of pb, so will probably give some to my Mom, Dad and bro so that it doesn't expire.
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
October 13th, 2012 at 04:10 am
Did quite a little shopping this week and also got a good start on Halloween Candy.

Gillette Pro Glide Fusion
Regular Price $12.99
-$3.00 Sale Price
-$4.00 Mfr Coupon
*Received $5.00 EB
Final Price .99
(Marked for $6.00 for the rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $6.00 at 9/5/13 rummage sale
Mars Candy Deal - Spend $10 get $3 EB
Mars Candy Bags 11.18oz (Bought 3)
Regular Price $4.40 each
-$2.07 Sale Price each
-$1.50 off 3 coupon
Mars 6pk Candy Bars (Bought 3)
Regular Price $1.27 each
-.27 each Sale Price
*Received $3.00 EB
Final Price just .92 per item!!
(Did this deal twice, once on my card and once on DHs)
Crest Complete 4.0 oz
Regular Price $3.99
-$1.00 Sale Price
-$1.00 Coupon Machine coupon
-.50 Mfr Coupon
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price -.51! Money Maker!
Suave Naturals Shampoo/Conditioner (Bought 3)
Regular Price $1.77
-$1.00 Coupon Machine Coupon (3)
Final Price .77
(Marked $1.50 each for rummage sale) (Not Pictured)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 8/23/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 2 for $1.50 each at 9/4/14 rummage sale
Profit = $2.19
Asics Socks (4pr) - Free after rebate
Mars Candy Bags (Bought 4 bags)
Regular Price $2.39 each
-.49 Sale Price each
-$1.50 coupon off 3
-$1.00 coupon off 1
*Rebate of $1.00 per bag
Final Price just .77 per bag!!
Grocery Shopping - Cashwise Food
(Not everything is pictured)
Banquet Pot Pies .60 each (Bought 5)
Banquet Dinners .77 each (Bought 5)
Snack Pack Pudding .77
Health Choice Soups .77 each (Bought 5)
Ro-tel Diced Tomatoes .52 each (Bought 2)
Fiora TP 12pk - $2.00!! (17 cents per roll)
Used $7.00 worth of coupons!
Posted in
Free Stuff,
October 12th, 2012 at 04:18 pm
I bought a coupon book from a local elementary school student. It cost $20 and has coupons for numerous local businesses, mostly restaurants. After I purchased the booklet I noticed that 3 of the pages are for places that are no longer in business. Boooo!
But I still think the booklet will be a great deal. I am going to track what I save and see how much I actually saved by purchasing the booklet.
We already used it once at a local pizza place.
Brunos Pizza
10/9/12 Free Calzone $6.99
10/9/12 Free Pop $2.29
Total Saved $9.28
Posted in
Free Stuff
October 11th, 2012 at 08:52 pm
My parents own several rental properties, mostly duplexes. They had one trailer (this was actually their first home that they moved out of 26 years ago) and about a week ago it burned down. The cause of the fire was under investigation and I have not heard an update on it yet, but sounds like probably was a cigarette left unattended on the deck. Everyone got out ok and no injuries, but they did lose their cat.
The deck was where the fire began and the deck, living room and kitchen were affected the most. The fire did not spread to the bedrooms or bathroom, but of course everything was engulfed in smoke and soot.
My parents are obviously upset because their rentals are a big part of their retirement income. All of the rentals are paid off and the money goes into a joint account (my parents divorced amicably a few years ago). My Mom is 57 and she retired a few years ago. My Dad is 59 and will probably retire in the next 5 years or so. Not only do they lose the income from the property, but they also have to pay to have the trailer pulled out of the trailer court and disposed of, and to have the lot cleaned up so the trailer park can rent the spot to someone else. Luckily my parents are great at saving a buck (I LEARNED FROM THE BEST!) and they are doing what they can to soften the blow. They sold the shed for $50, they sold a separate room (my Dad had built on to the trailer 20+ years ago) for $100 (this also saved on the cost for pulling it out), they also sold the water heater (I think for $50?). Of course they have insurance on the building, so they will get that, but in the long run it doesn’t help much. They also took out the toilet, the kitchen sink, the washer and dryer, and a few other items that they could salvage and keep to use on their other rentals as needed.
So my Mom called the renter and told them to make sure they come and take everything they can before they pull the trailer out. The girl comes by and essentially tells my Mom she can’t save anything there and leaves. Yes, I feel bad about the fire, but if I had that happen to me and had nothing now, I would be on my hands and knees digging through the soot trying to save anything I could. She just doesn’t want to put any effort or elbow grease into it. So once she said she didn’t need want anything else in there my Mom went through and took anything worth value. She got 2 whole garbage bags of food, mostly canned goods, (the kitchen wasn’t actually one fire, but it is off the living room where the fire was), and also some boxed items, cereals, pastas and taco shells, all unopened, nothing burned, just has marks where the smoke was. What is wrong with them? NOTHING! She also got a blender, an electric griddle and over 200 DVDs! The DVDs were in the living room, and the cases on all of them are a little melted, but there are nothing wrong with the DVDs, she tried them in her DVD player and they work fine, so she is going to clean them off as best she can and see if she can get $1 a piece at the rummage sale. So at least they will get some money back from this loss…but I just can’t believe that girl left all that stuff there when she has nothing. She even left her daughter’s baby pictures there after my Mom specifically pointed them out and asked her if she wanted to take them.
My Mom gave me a bag of food as well, mostly boxed pasta and rice. I will go through that this weekend to make sure everything is ok and get it transferred into better containers.
Posted in
Free Stuff
October 8th, 2012 at 03:53 am
I had 2 rebates I have been waiting for, got both of them in the mail this last week.
P&G rebate - $5.00 for spending $30.00 on select P&G products. The nice thing about this rebate is you qualify with a "retail price" of $30.00....you don't have to actually spend $30.00. So I had got numerous items from CVS (Covergirl and Herbel Essences) that I had bought for cheap (some of them were items I sold for profit at the rummage sale). I was surprised when I got the rebate in the mail, it wasn't a check, it was actually a $5.00 Visa Pre-Paid Debit Card. Which is nice I guess, I can use it on a future CVS trip!
Cremo Cream Shave Rebate - This rebate was a TMF (Try Me Free) rebate. I got a check in the mail for $7.99, the full cost of the item, plus I also got 3 coupons to give to my friends so they can get it free also. I have not used this product yet, but my Mom did and she liked it, so once this can of shaving foam is gone I will try it to see if I like it.
Posted in
Free Stuff
September 30th, 2012 at 07:18 pm

Ok so here is the deal I was planning to do on the Pantene:
Pantene Shampoo/Conditioner 12.6oz
Regular Price $5.00 each (Buying 8 bottles)
Sale Price 2/$8 ($4.00 each, $32.00 total)
-$16.00 ($4.00 x 4) BOGO Free coupons
*Receive $10 EB for spending $30 on P&G Products
= .75 per bottle!
But here is the deal I acually ended up getting
Regular Price $5.00 each (Buying 8 bottles)
Sale Price 2/$8 ($4.00 each, $32.00 total)
-$27.96 ($6.99 x 4) BOGO Free coupons
*Receive $10 EB for spending $30 on P&G Products
= -5.96
So made $5.96 profit on this deal! The cashier was supposed to ring up my BOGO Free coupons for $4.00 each because that was the price they were on sale for, but she just scanned them instead of entering them, so it took off the "free up to $6.99" price!
I also got Dawn Dish soap for a great price:
Dawn Dish Soap 9oz
Regular Price $1.99
-$1.03 Sale Price
-.75 Coupon
Final Price .21!!
Posted in
Free Stuff,
September 28th, 2012 at 04:51 am

Plastic Mudd Pans (Limit 2)
$5.00 Sale Price - Free After Rebate
(Marked $3.00 each for rummage sale
Shop Towels (Limit 2)
$2.99 Sale Price - Free After Rebate
(Marked $1.50 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $1.50 each at 9/5/13 rummage sale
=$3.00 Profit on Shop Towels!!
Mini Storage Bins (Limit 10)
.50 Sale Price - Free After Rebate
(Marked $4.00 for set of ten for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold set of 10 for $4.00 at 9/4/14 rummage sale
Profit = $4.00
Broadloom Mat (Limit 3)
$1.50 Sale Price - Free After Rebate
(Marked $1.50 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 3 for $1.50 each at 6/15/13 rummage sale
Profit = $4.50
Utility Knife (Limit 2)
$7.88 Sale Price - Free After Rebate
(Marked $4.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $4.00 at 8/23/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 1 for $4.00 at 9/5/13 rummage sale
=$8.00 Profit on Utility Knives!!
Redi-Shine Cleaners (Limit 4)
.97 Sale Price - Free After Rebate
Keeping these
Maxide Dual Action Insect Killer (Limit 2)
$3.99 Sale Price - Free After Rebate
Keeping these
Huh....I was just looking back at this entry (2 months later!) and I realized I didn't list the hand sanitizer kits or the pink caulk....that's weird...
Hand Sanitizer (I think I bought 11?)
Clearance for .10 each
(Marked for $1.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $1.00 each at 9/4/14 rummage sale
9 left to sell
Pink Caulk (Limit 12)
Sale Price $2.00 each - Free after Mfr rebate
(Marked $2.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 9/5/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 2 for $1.50 each at 9/4/14 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 3 for $1.50 each on FB on 10/31/14
*ETA - The other 6 went to my Dad as he uses these
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
September 22nd, 2012 at 04:29 am
I got these 2 free contact solutions in the mail this last week. The one on the left I got by signing up for free samples from Target, it came with a $1.50 off coupon. The one on the right I have no idea why I got...lol, but it was from CVS and came with some coupons too...sweet. Keeping both of these since I wear contacts.
Posted in
Free Stuff,
September 22nd, 2012 at 04:13 am
All of this for .98 OOP! 

Saw Blade (Limit 2)
Regular Price $3.98
-.49 Sale Price
-$3.00 Rebate
Final Price - .49 each!
(Marked for $2.50 each for rummage sale. The last rummage sale I had 2 that were marked for $2.00 each and they sold super fast so I marked these up a little.)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $2.50 at 6/15/13 rummage sale
Profit = $4.02
Eyewear Care Kit (Limit 2)
Regular Price $3.86
-$3.86 Rebate
Final Price - $0!!
(Marked for $2.50 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $2.50 on 3/17/14 to coworker
*ETA - Sold 1 for $2.50 at 9/4/14 rummage sale
Profit = $5.00
3pk Lint Rollers (Limit 2)
Regular Price $3.99
-$3.99 Rebate
Final Price - $0!!
(Marked for $2.50 each for rummage sale. I had some of these 3pks in the last rummage sale for $3.00 and they didn't sell as good as the individual lint rollers sold, so I marked them down to $2.50)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $2.50 at 9/4/14 rummage sale
1 left to sell
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
September 12th, 2012 at 11:38 pm
Went to CVS to get some deals on DH's card and found a ton of bubbles on clearance for .99 per 6 pack. I think I can open the packs and sell each individual bottle for .50, that would be a profit of $2.00 per pack for 13 packs, so $26.00 ($38.50 since it was free on my CVS GC)!!

6pk Bubbles (Bought 13pks, 78 individual bottles)
Regular Price $3.99
-$3.00 Clearance Price
Final .99 per pack or .16 per bottle (Free on CVS GC)
(Marked .50 per bottle for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 47 bottles for .50 each at 6/15/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 28 bottles for .50 each at 8/23/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 2 bottles for .50 at 9/5/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Gave 1 bottle to my nephew
=$38.50 Profit on Bubbles!!
Suave Shampoo - Bonus Size Bottle
Regular Price $1.77
-$1.00 CVS Coupon from coupon machine
Final Price .77 (Free on CVS GC)
(Marked for $2.00 for rummage sale)
*Sold for $2.00 at 8/23/13 rummage sale
=$2.00 Profit on Shampoo!!
Right Guard Bodywash (Bought 2)
Regular Price $4.99
-$1.99 Sale Price Each
-$2.00 Mfr Coupon
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price $1.00 each (Free on CVS GC)
(Marked $2.50 each for rummage sale)
*Sold 2 for $2.50 each at 8/23/13 rummage sale
=$5.00 Profit on Bodywash!!
CVS Brand Lotion 3oz
Regular Price $1.49
-$1.49 CVS Coupon from coupon machine
Final Price - FREE!!
(Marked $1.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $1.00 at 8/23/13 rummage sale
=$1.00 Profit on Lotion!!
*As of 9/5/13 I sold everything from CVS in this entry and made a profit of $46.50!! Who knew bubbles would be such a MONEYMAKER! 
Also stopped by Family Dollar
Dawn Dishsoap
Regular Price $1.25
-.35 Sale Price
-.50 Mfr Coupon
Final Price .40!
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
September 10th, 2012 at 03:31 am

Hershey's Simple Pleasures
Bought 2, one on my card and one on DH's card
Regular Price .67
*Received .67 EB
Final Price - FREE!!
Right Guard Body Wash (Bought 2)
Regular Price $4.99
-$1.99 Sale Price Each
-$1.00 Mfr Coupon
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price $1.49 each (Free on CVS GC)
(Marked $2.50 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $2.50 at 6/15/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Gave 1 away
Profit = $2.50
Suave Natural Shampoo and Conditioner (Bought 2)
Regular Price $1.77
-$1.00 CVS Coupon Machine Coupon
-$1.00 CVS Coupon Machine Coupon
Final Price .77 each (Free on CVS GC)
(Marked for $1.50 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 6/15/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 8/23/13 rummage sale
Profit = $3.00
Accu Chek Nano Meter
(This was a rain check item from last month)
Regular Price $19.99
-$10.00 Sale Price
-$9.99 Mfr Coupon
Final Price $0!!
(Marked for $10.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - This expired before it sold so I donated it on FB.
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
September 4th, 2012 at 01:52 am
Rummage sale last weekend went well. DH and I made $375, rummage sale as a whole made about $2000. The items we bought to resell did really well. Snacks and the clothes I weeded out of my closet didn't go as well, but next weekend is the big city wide rummage sale and that is the one where I made $400 just in snacks last year, so I expect to make another $400 or so. I am really happy I am making a profit on the items I bought to resell. I put the whole $375 into the EF. Here is the breakdown of the sales.
$96.50 Misc Science supplies from DHs classroom
$3.50 Clothes a coworker didn't want to store/mark
$13.50 Clothes my step-mom didn't want to store/mark
$20.50 Clothes my Mom's friend didn't want to store/mark
$134.00 Total from FREE items that were donated to me!
Free Items from CVS
Advil 10pk sold for $1.50 = $1.50 profit
Oral B Electronic Toothbrush sold for $5.00 = $5.00 profit
Rice Krispy Bar .50 = .50 profit
Bayer Children’s Aspirin $1.50 = $1.50 profit
Discounted Items from CVS
Bag Holder - I paid $1.00
Sold for $2.50 each = $1.50 profit
Ivory Soap 3pk – I paid .49
Sold for $1.50 = $1.01 profit
Softsoap 4pk – I paid .29
Sold for $2.50 = $2.21 profit
Old Spice Bodywash (2) – I paid $1.25 each
Sold for $2.50 each = $2.50 profit
Venus and Olay Razor – I paid $1.99
Sold for $5.00 = $3.01 profit
Venus Embrace Razor – I paid $1.99
Sold for $5.00 = $3.01 profit
Suave Naturals Shampoo 22.5oz - I made +.23 for this purchase
Sold for $1.50 = $1.73 profit
V05 Shampoo and Conditioner (2) – I paid .13 each
Sold for $1.00 each = $1.74 profit
Oral B Toothbrush (2) – I paid .77 each
Sold for $1.50 each = $1.46 profit
Colgate Toothbrush w/paste – I made +.01 for this purchase
Sold for $2.00 = $2.01 profit
Crest Mouthwash 1L – I paid .74
Sold for $3.00 = $2.26 profit
Crest Mouthwash 1L – I paid .99
Sold for $3.00 = $2.01 profit
Covergirl Lashblast Mascara (2) – I paid $2.50 each
Sold for $4.00 each = $3.00 profit
Metamucil – I paid $1.49
Sold for $3.50 = $2.01 profit
Discounted Items from Target
File Folders (7) - I paid .30 each
Sold for $1.00 each = $4.90 profit
Marker Boards (1) – I paid .30
Sold for $1.00 = .70 profit
Dictionaries (4) – I paid .30 each
Sold for $1.00 each = $2.80 profit
Flashcard (4) – I paid .30 each
Sold for $1.00 each = $2.80 profit
Discounted Items from JCPenney
Flipflops (2) – I paid .14 each
Sold for $3.00 each = $5.72 profit
Discounted Items from Claire’s
Flower Headbands – I paid $1.00
Sold for $2.00 = $1.00 profit
Feather Earrings (3) – I paid $1.00 each
Sold for $2.00 each = $3.00 profit
Star Naval Ring – I paid $3.50
Sold for $5.00 = $1.50 profit
Gem 5pk Naval Ring – I paid $5.00
Sold for $7.00 = $2.00 profit
Free Items from Menards
The Planet Shampoo $3.00 = $3.00 profit
Folding Utility Knife $4.00 = $4.00 profit
Saw Blades (2) sold for $2.00 each = $4.00 profit
Furniture Sliders (2) sold for $3.00 = $6.00 profit
Cleaning Towels (4) sold for $2.00 each = $8.00 profit
Particule Mask (2) sold for $1.00 each = $2.00 profit
Pens 12pk (3) sold for $3.00 each = $3.00 profit
Disounted Items from Menards
Calculators (2) – I paid .39 each
Sold for $1.50 each = $2.22 profit
7 Pocket Expandable File (4) – I paid .69 each
Sold for $2.00 each = $5.24 profit
Notecards 100 pack (6) – I paid .19 each
Sold for .50 each = $1.89 profit
Magnetic Markerboard (6) – I paid .99 each
Sold for $2.50 each = $9.06 profit
Discounted Items from Staples
Roseart Crayons (2) – I paid .01 each
Sold for .50 each = .98 profit
Papermate Mechanical Pencils – I paid .25 each
Sold for $1.50 each = $2.00 profit
Bic Roundstick 5ct Pens – I paid .01
Sold for $1.00 = .99 profit
Sharpie 5pk Markers (2) – I paid $1.00 each
Sold for $3.00 each = $4.00 profit
Sharpie 5pk Highlighters (4) – I paid .50 each
Sold for $1.50 each = $4.00 profit
Pentel Hi-Polymer Erasers – I paid .25
Sold for $1.50 each = $1.25 profit
Staples Notebooks (2) – I paid .01 each
Sold for .25 each = .48 profit
Discount Items from Rummage Sales
Stephen King Book – I paid .14
Sold for .75 = .61 profit
Birdhouse Décor - I paid $2.00 for the whole box
Sold 3 of the 9 items for $3.50 - $2.50 profit
Total Profits
CVS $37.96
Target $11.20
JCP $5.72
Claire’s $7.50
Menards $48.41
Staples $13.70
Rummage Sale $3.11
Total Profit on items I bought to resell $127.60
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
August 30th, 2012 at 02:28 am
All of this for .16 OOP!! WOWOWOWOW! And if I sell everything I will make a profit of $21.34!!

Pencil Case(Limit 4)
Regular Price $1.00
-.99 Sale Price (With $5 Minimum Purchase)
Final Price .01!!
(Marked .75 for the rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 4 for .75 each at 9/7/12 rummage sale
Profit = $2.96
Cap Erasers 12pk (Limit 4)
Regular Price $1.29
-$1.28 Sale Price (With $5 Minimum Purchase)
Final Price .01!!
(Marked .50 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for .50 at 9/5/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 3 for .50 each at 9/4/14 rummage sale
Profit = $1.96
Wood Pencils 8pk (Limit 4)
Regular Price $1.00
-.99 Sale Price (With $5 Minimum Purchase)
Final Price .01!!
(Marked .50 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 4 for .50 each at 9/7/12 rummage sale
Profit = $1.96
Sharpie Highlighters 5pk (Limit 1)
Regular Price $4.00
-$4.00 Easy Rebate
Final Price $0!!
(Marked $1.50 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $1.50 at 9/7/12 rummage sale
Profit = $1.50
Bic Boxed Pens 12pk (Limit 1)
Regular Price $2.49
-$2.49 Easy Rebate
Final Price $0!!
(Marked $1.50 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $1.50 at 9/4/14 rummage sale
Profit = $1.50
HP Photo Paper 50ct (Limit 2)
Regular Price $9.99
-$1.00 Sale Price
-$8.99 Easy Rebate
Final Price $0!!
(Marked $5.00 for rummage sale)
Avery Notetabs (Limit 1)
Regular Price $3.99
-$3.99 Easy Rebate
Final Price $0!!
(Marked $1.50 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $1.50 at 8/23/13 rummage sale = $1.50 Profit
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
August 28th, 2012 at 02:21 am
Yeah finally got my new glasses!
Eye Exam - Covered 100% by insurance
Lenses $134.00 - Covered 100% by insurance
Frames $129.00 - Covered 100% by insurance
Final cost for me - $0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted in
Free Stuff,
August 10th, 2012 at 02:33 am
1) Went and got my FREE routine eye exam. Will go back soon to pick out eyewear (I have $150 towards lenses and $200 towards frames with my insurance).
2) Went to CVS and scanned my and DH's cards at the coupon machine. Got some good coupons on both (we seem to get some the same and a few different everytime) and DH's card even printed out a coupon for a FREE Unreal bar. So I got that right away.
3) Went to Staples as they had rung up 3 of an item I bought 2 of on Tuesday and I didn't see it on the receipt till I got home. I was prepared for a battle, but I went in and nicely explained what had happened and showed my receipt and the manager credited me back the $6.99 I was overcharged, no questions asked! Go Staples! Thank you for the great customer service!
4) Called and paid the big hospital bill ($2700!) for DH's knee injury, thus avoiding any late fees or interest.
5) When I got home I had a FREE sample of Woolite Dark in the mailbox along with a $1.00 off coupon for Woolite. I signed up for this FREE sample at http://samples.target.com. If you don't already use that site, it is great for freebies!
Oh and of course I worked 8 hrs too....lol. Happy with what I got done today. Now to relax in the hot tub with my book.
Posted in
Free Stuff,
August 8th, 2012 at 04:47 am

Staples Photo Plus 4x6 Gloss Paper 60ct (Limit 4)
Regular Price $9.99
-$8.99 Easy Rebate
Final Price $1.00
(Marked for $5.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $5.00 at 8/23/13 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 3 for $5.00 each at 9/5/13 rummage sale
=$16.00 Profit on Photo Paper!!
Pentel Hi-Polymer Erasers (Bought 2)
Regular Price $2.79
-$2.54 Sale Price
Final Price .25
(Marked $1.50 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 8/24/12 rummage sale, 1 left to sell
Avery White Shipping Labels
(Limit 1)
Regular Price $4.99
-$4.99 Easy Rebate
Final Price - FREE!!
(Marked for $2.50 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $2.50 at 8/23/13 rummage sale = $2.50 Profit
Staples Filler Paper 120 sheets (Limit 5)
Regular Price $.99 to $2.79
-$.98 to $2.78 Sale Price
Final Price .01
(Marked .50 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 3 for .50 each at 9/7/12 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 2 for .50 each at 6/15/13 rummage sale
Profit = $2.45
Hammermill 500sheet copy paper
Regular Price 6.99
-$5.99 Easy Rebate
Final Price $1.00
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
August 6th, 2012 at 04:40 am
One of our local grocery store gives a free item in the paper once a week. My Mom was nice enough to hoard some coupons for me that she scored. Got 9 (!!) FREE 1/2 gallons of Old Orchard Apple Juice!
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Free Stuff
August 3rd, 2012 at 03:40 am
Paper Mate Eagle Ballpoint Pens $0.94
-$1 off coupon from Target's website
Final price - FREE!
(Marked for $1.00 for the rummage sale)
ETA - Sold for $1.00 at 9/4/14 rummage sale
Profit = $1.00
Market Pantry Wheat Bread 24oz $1.29
-Used coupon for free loaf of bread, got this in the mail from Target
Final price - FREE!
Love going through the checkout without getting out my wallet!!
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Free Stuff