Viewing the 'Monthly Savings Updates' Category
September 3rd, 2012 at 04:37 pm
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $5625
Home Maintanence ING $3440
Mortgage Payoff Account (cash) $130
Cushion $2360
HSA $5640
New Patio Door(cash) $370
September 2012 $20
Emergency Fund $1930
New Car $5020 - Complete
Vacation - $2840 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $1175 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $28,550.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1320
Roth IRA $5810
Rollover IRA $890
401K $20,850
403B $17,560 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $46,430.00
Total Savings = $74,980.00
HSA went down $3000 when I paid DH's medical bills for his knee...so that was a big blow. But at least we had the money in the HSA to pay for it.
On the flip side we got DH's yearly retirement statement and it went up $3760 from my last estimate...so all in all the numbers came out ok.
After all that moving around we are up $95 for the month!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
August 2nd, 2012 at 02:35 am
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $5620
Home Maintanence ING $3435
Mortgage Payoff Account (cash) $130
Cushion $2320
HSA $8715
New Patio Door(cash) $370
September 2012 $1815
Emergency Fund $1925
New Car $5015 - Complete
Vacation - $2835 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $970 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $33,150.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1285
Roth IRA $5645
Rollover IRA $890
401K $20,115
403B $13,800 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $41,735.00
Total Savings = $74,885.00
Up $25 from last month...LOL. Well it was still up so I will take it! Summer is hard on our budget, but it is almost over and then we should see some fast upward movement!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
July 8th, 2012 at 11:45 pm
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $5620
Home Maintanence ING $3430
Mortgage Payoff Account (cash) $130
Cushion $2270
HSA $8400
New Patio Door(cash) $370
September 2012 $1810
Emergency Fund $3025
New Car $5010 - Complete
Vacation - $2830 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $870 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $33,765.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1735
Roth IRA $5600
Rollover IRA $890
401K $19,000
403B $13,800 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $41,025.00
Total Savings = $74,790.00
Up $2,050 from last month!! Pretty amazing considering we went on a 7 day cruise and a 4 day vacation to Nevada! YEAH!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
June 3rd, 2012 at 03:52 am
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $5620
Home Maintanence ING $2625
Mortgage Payoff Account (cash) $130
Cushion $2230
HSA $8020
New Patio Door(cash) $370
September 2012 $1765
Emergency Fund $1430
New Car $5000 - Complete
Vacation - $2825 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $2025 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $32,040.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1810
Roth IRA $5300
Rollover IRA $890
401K $19,000
403B $13,700 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $40,700.00
Total Savings = $72,740.00 Passed the $70K mark and up $3,450 from last month!!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
May 14th, 2012 at 03:56 am
May 2012 Savings Update
As of May 1, 2012:
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $4950
Home Maintanence $600
Mortgage Payoff Account (cash) $130
Cushion $2200
HSA $7750
New Patio Door(cash) $1620
September 2012 $1560
Emergency Fund $1355
New Car $3835 - Complete
Vacation - $2820 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $1910 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $28,730.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1770
Roth IRA $5300
Rollover IRA $890
401K $19,000
403B $13,600 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $40,560.00
Total Savings = $69,290! So close to the $70K mark!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
April 18th, 2012 at 12:42 am
Better late then never......
April 2012 Savings Update
As of April 1, 2012:
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $4380
Home Maintanence $610
Mortgage Payoff Account (cash) $130
Cushion $2120
HSA $7500
New Patio Door(cash) $1320
September 2012 $1355
Emergency Fund $1330
New Car $2065 - Complete
Vacation - $2405 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $4810 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $28,025.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1645.00
Roth IRA $5179.22
Rollover IRA $890
401K $18,948
403B $13,500 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $40,152.22
Total Savings = $68,177.22 Up $5,847.22 in the last 2 months! Should hit $70K this month!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
February 5th, 2012 at 06:10 pm
February 2012 Savings Update
As of February 1, 2012:
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $3320
Home Maintanence $605
Mortgage Payoff Account (cash) $130
Cushion $2050
HSA $7100
New Patio Door(cash) $945
September 2012 $945
Emergency Fund $270
New Car $2055 - Complete
Vacation - $2625 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $4610 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $24,655.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $715
Roth IRA $4870
Rollover IRA $890
401K $17,700
403B $13,500 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $37,675.00
Total Savings = $62,330.00
Up $4400 from last month!! YEAH!! Some good HSA deposits and bingo money really helped! Yeah for being over $60K!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
January 2nd, 2012 at 09:24 pm
January 2012 Savings Update
As of January 1, 2012:
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $2290
Home Maintanence $600
Mortgage Payoff Account (cash) $125
Cushion $2000
HSA $6120
New Patio Door(cash) $675
September 2012 $640
Emergency Fund $5
New Car $2050 - Complete
Vacation - $2620 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $4510 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $21,635.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $710
Roth IRA $4540
Rollover IRA $1385
401K $16,220
403B $13,400 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $36,255.00
Total Savings = $57,890.00
Up $565 from last month!!
Pretty amazing considering Christmas and car repairs....I haven't had to pay all of this bills yet, so we will see if we can stay ahead of it once the bills come in!
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Monthly Savings Updates
December 4th, 2011 at 07:59 pm
December 2011 Savings Update
As of December 1, 2011:
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $1450
Home Maintanence $585
Mortgage Payoff Account $115
Cushion $1930
HSA $5730
New Patio Door(cash) $515
September 2012 $530
Emergency Fund $465
New Car $2045 - Complete
Vacation - $2580 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $4410 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $20,355.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1500
Roth IRA $4490
Rollover IRA $1380
401K $16,300
403B $13,300 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $36,970.00
Total Savings = $57,325.00
Up $2050 from last month!!!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
November 1st, 2011 at 11:38 pm
November 2011 Savings Update
As of November 1, 2011:
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $690
Home Maintanence $580
Mortgage Payoff Account $110
Cushion $1860
HSA $5480
New Patio Door(cash) $255
September 2012 $325
Emergency Fund $690
New Car $2040 - Complete
Vacation - $2575 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $4305 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $18,910.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1460
Roth IRA $4225
Rollover IRA $1380
401K $16,000
403B $13,300 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $36,365.00
Total Savings = $55,275.00
Up $3200 (!!!!) from last month!!!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
October 2nd, 2011 at 01:26 am
October 2011 Savings update
As of October 1, 2011:
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $20
Home Maintanence $575
Mortgage Payoff Account $105
Cushion $1830
HSA $5130
New Patio Door(cash) $255
September 2012 $225
Emergency Fund $550
New Car $2035 - Complete
Vacation - $2570 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $4200 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $17,495.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1400
Roth IRA $4000
Rollover IRA $1380
401K $14,600
403B $13,200 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $34,580.00
Total Savings = $52,075.00
Down $1,060.00 from last month.
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
September 3rd, 2011 at 02:32 am
September 2011 Savings update
As of September 1, 2011:
Regular Savings:
Home Maintanence $410
Mortgage Payoff Account $70
Cushion $1750
HSA $4950
New Patio Door(cash) $160
Cash $300.00
Emergency Fund $1240
Laptop $520 - Complete
New Car $2030 - Complete
Vacation - $2565 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $4100 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $18,095.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1360
Roth IRA $3900
Rollover IRA $1380
401K $15,200
403B $13,200 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $35,040.00
Total Savings = $53,135.00
Up $1395.00 from last month, pretty much all due to getting an updated statement for DH's retirement. Hoping to stay close to even for Octobers update....but it's gonna be S C A R Y the next few weeks.
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
August 6th, 2011 at 02:41 am
August 2011 Savings update
As of August 1, 2011:
Regular Savings:
Home Maintanence $365
Mortgage Payoff Account $45
Cushion $1610
HSA $4700
New Patio Door(cash) $160
Cash $300.00
Laptop $515 - Complete
New Car $2025 - Complete
Vacation - $2560 - Complete
Emergency Fund $3035 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $4000 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $19,315.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1245
Roth IRA $3900
Rollover IRA $1380
401K $15,900
403B $10,000 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $32,425.00
Total Savings = $51,740.00
Up $835 from last month. 
We met our goal for the Anniversary Cruise this month and are very close to meeting the goal for the checking cushion and the HSA.
We also bought a new lawn mower and a new vacuum.
Just a few more weeks and school will be starting and the cash flow will be increasing again (sigh of relief!).
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
July 4th, 2011 at 02:24 am
July 2011 Savings update
As of July 1, 2011:
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $3030
Anniversary Cruise $3865
Home Maintanence $220
Mortgage Payoff Account $15
Cushion $1550
HSA $4565
New Car $2020 - Complete
New Lawn Mower (cash) $735 - Complete
Laptop $510 - Complete
Vacation - $2555 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $19,065.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1215
Roth IRA $3745
Rollover IRA $1380
401K $15,500
403B $10,000 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $31,840.00
Total Savings = $50,905.00
Up $2190.00 from last month! We hit $50K in total savings!!!! Y E E H A W!!!!!!
Happy Independence Day!!!!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
June 2nd, 2011 at 04:10 am
June 2011 Savings update
As of June 1, 2011:
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $2060
Anniversary Cruise $3740
Home Maintanence $180
Mortgage Payoff Account $10
Cushion $1510
HSA $4315
New Car $2015 - Complete
New Lawn Mower (cash) $700 - Complete
Laptop $505 - Complete
Vacation - $2550 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $17,585.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1180
Roth IRA $3600
Rollover IRA $1375
401K $14,975
403B $10,000 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $31,130.00
Total Savings = $48,715
Down $615 from last month. Not too bad considering we went on a trip to Nevada, made it through my friends wedding, and paid off our washer and dryer! The summer in general will not be easy since DH makes $600 less per month at his summer job, but we will try not to go down too much.
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
May 1st, 2011 at 04:51 pm
May 2011 Savings update
As of May 1, 2011:
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $2375
Anniversary Cruise $3640
Home Maintanence $150
Mortgage Payoff Account $5
Cushion $1470
HSA $4040
New Car $2010 - Complete
New Lawn Mower (cash) $800 - Complete
Laptop $405 - Complete
Washer and Dryer $1000 - Complete
Vacation - $2540 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $18,345.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1140
Roth IRA $3495
Rollover IRA $1375
401K $14,975
403B $10,000 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $30,985.00
Total Savings = $49,330
Up $1,620 from last month! Woot woot!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
April 4th, 2011 at 12:26 am
April 2011 Savings update
As of April 1, 2011:
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $1805
Anniversary Cruise $3530
Home Maintanence $120
Cushion $1420
HSA $3975
New Car $2005 - Complete
New Lawn Mower (cash) $600 - Complete
MOH $505 - Complete
Laptop $405 - Complete
Washer and Dryer $1000 - Complete
Vacation - $2535 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $17,900.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1100
Roth IRA $3320
Rollover IRA $1375
401K $14,015
403B $10,000 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $29,810.00
Total Savings = $47,710
Up $2,230 from last month! Woot woot!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
March 2nd, 2011 at 01:03 am
March 2011 Savings update
As of March 1, 2011:
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $1045
Anniversary Cruise $3430
Home Maintanence $90
Cushion $1380
HSA $3750
New Car $1205
New Lawn Mower (cash) $400 - Complete
MOH $515 - Complete
Laptop $605 - Complete
Washer and Dryer $1200 - Complete
Vacation - $2530 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $16,150.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $970
Roth IRA $3170
Rollover IRA $1375
401K $13,815
403B $10,000 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $29,330.00
Total Savings = $45,480.00
Up $2165 from last month. Wow it is amazing to think we could hit the $50K mark in just a few months! Feeling very proud of DH and I right now. 
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
February 4th, 2011 at 12:58 am
February 2011 Savings update
As of February 1, 2011:
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $1040
Anniversary Cruise $3330
Home Maintanence $60
New Lawn Mower (cash) $350
Cushion $1340
Car $760
HSA $3490
MOH $510 - Complete
Laptop $600 - Complete
Washer and Dryer $1200 - Complete
Vacation - $2525 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $15,205.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $900
Roth IRA $3140
Rollover IRA $1370
401K $12,700
403B $10,000
Total Retirement Savings = $28,110.00
Total Savings = $43,315.00
Up $1145 from last month. I am really excited that we were able to go up considering we took $750 out of savings to pay for our King Mattress, plus had a very large credit card bill for Christmas and overspending to handle as well. Closing in on $45K!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
January 1st, 2011 at 08:45 pm
As of January 1, 2011:
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $1030
Anniversary Cruise $3225
Home Maintanence $30
New Lawn Mower (cash) $235
Cushion $1300
Car $705
HSA $2640
MOH $505 - Complete
Laptop $600 - Complete
King Mattress $750 - Complete
Washer and Dryer $1170 - Complete
Vacation - $2520 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $14,710.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $885
Roth IRA $2850
Rollover IRA $1325
401K $12,400
403B $10,000
Total Retirement Savings = $27,460.00
Total Savings = $42,170
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
December 5th, 2010 at 11:07 pm
As of November 1, 2010:
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $1310
Anniversary Cruise $3125
Home Maintanence $505
New Lawn Mower (cash) $185
Cushion $1220
Car $605
HSA $2365
MOH $500 - Complete
Laptop $600 - Complete
King Mattress $750 - Complete
Vacation - $2510 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $13,675.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $745
Roth IRA $2800
Rollover IRA $1250
401K $11,700
403B $10,000
Total Retirement Savings = $26,495
Total Savings = $40,170
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
October 3rd, 2010 at 09:01 pm
The last time I did a savings update was in June...oops....need to be on top of this more!
As of October 1, 2010:
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $1005
Anniversary Cruise $2905
Home Maintanence $400
Cushion $1140
Vacation 2010 $350
Car $505
HSA $2150
MOH $500 - Complete
Laptop $600 - Complete
King Mattress $750 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $10,305.00
Retirement Savings:
Roth IRA $2440
Rollover IRA $1250
401K $10800
403B $9200
Total Retirement Savings = $23,690.00
Total Savings = $33,995
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
June 4th, 2010 at 04:31 am
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $700
Anniversary Cruise $2505
Home Maintanence $290
Cushion $950
Vacation 2010 $1945
HSA $300
MOH $70
Laptop $600 - Complete
King Mattress $750 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $8,110.00
Retirement Savings:
Roth IRA $2750
Rollover IRA $1450
401K $10200
403B $8700
Total Retirement Savings = $23,100.00
Total Savings = $31,210.00
Up $345.00 from last month. Hoping for the summer to just stay around $30K.....no big goals of going up till September.
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
May 6th, 2010 at 03:30 am
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $1620
Anniversary Cruise $2405
Home Maintanence $260
Cushion $920
Vacation 2010 $1740
HSA $100
MOH $65
King Mattress $750 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $7,860.00
Retirement Savings:
Roth IRA $2900
Rollover IRA $1425
401K $10100
403B $8400
Total Retirement Savings = $22,825.00
Total Savings = $30,685
Down $395 from last month....not happy about it, but the damage was not as bad as I thought it would be. We paid off our TV which was at 0% interest so that was a positive. We are also still working on our bathroom remodel and trying to take as little out of savings to get it done. We really need to focus on getting this EF met once and for all. We are going on a mini vaca to SD at the end of the month so hopefully we can keep the costs down on that.
Current Goal - EF $5000
Saved up and Spent:
$250 Bathroom Remodel
$475 Big Screen TV
$600 Mexico Trip
$1200 MN Trip
$1500 Wisdom Teeth
$1700 from HSA
Total Saved and Spent = $5,725
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
April 3rd, 2010 at 10:16 pm
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $3600
Anniversary Cruise $2300
Home Maintanence $260
Cushion $880
Vacation 2010 $1525
HSA $315
Big Screen TV $475
King Mattress $750 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $10,105.00
Retirement Savings:
Roth IRA $2400
Rollover IRA $1425
401K $8900
403B $8000
Total Retirement Savings = $20,725.00
Total Savings = $30,830
I accidentally erased this update when I made my May 2010 savings update....I tried to remember the number and recreate the best I could....darn I wish I didn't do that!
Current Goal - EF $5000
Saved up and Spent:
$600 Mexico Trip
$1200 MN Trip
$1500 Wisdom Teeth
$1700 from HSA
Total Saved and Spent = $5,000
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
February 26th, 2010 at 07:15 pm
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $1280
Anniversary Cruise $2200
Cushion $820
Vacation 2010 $1230
HSA $520
MN Trip $1200 - Complete
Mexico $600 - Complete
King Mattress $750 - Complete
Big Screen TV $425 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $9025
Retirement Savings:
Roth IRA $2010
Rollover IRA $1490
401K $8900
403B $7850
Total Retirement Savings = $20250
Total Savings = $29,275
Down $325 from last month due to medical/dental expenses.
Current Goal - EF $5000
$655 from HSA
$1500 Wisdom Teeth
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
February 1st, 2010 at 02:20 am
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $3140
Anniversary Cruise $2100
Cushion $780
Vacation 2010 $1075
HSA $660
MN Trip $120
Mexico $600 - Complete
King Mattress $750 - Complete
Big Screen TV $425 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $9650
Retirement Savings:
Roth IRA $1800
Rollover IRA $1600
401K $8900
403B $7650
Total Retirement Savings = $19950
Total Savings = $29,600
Up $1640 from last month
Current Goal - MN Trip $1000
Can't wait to get the tax return in our checking account and transferred to savings!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
January 3rd, 2010 at 04:53 am
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $2885
Anniversary Cruise $2000
Cushion $740
Vacation 2010 $820
HRA $0
MN Trip $50
Mexico $600 - Complete
King Mattress $750 - Complete
Big Screen TV $425 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $8270
Retirement Savings:
Roth IRA $1620
Rollover IRA $1720
401K $8900
403B $7450(had wrong est last month)
Total Retirement Savings = $19690
Total Savings = $27,960
Up $3520 from last month
Last months goal, Mexico, has been met!
Current Goal - MN Trip $1000
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
December 8th, 2009 at 02:15 am
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $2660
Anniversary Cruise $1900
Cushion $700
Vacation 2010 $665
Mexico $50
HRA $0
MN Trip $0 - Spent
King Mattress $750 - Complete
Big Screen TV $425 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $7150
Retirement Savings:
Roth IRA $1490
Rollover IRA $1700
401K $8100
403B $6000
Total Retirement Savings = $17290
Total Savings = $24,440
Up $1370 from last month
Current Goal - Mexico $800
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
November 7th, 2009 at 03:20 am
Regular Savings:
Emergency Fund $2255
Anniversary Cruise $1800
Cushion $660
Vacation 2010 $460
HRA $380
MN Trip $300
King Mattress $750 - Complete
Big Screen TV $425 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $7030
Retirement Savings:
Roth IRA $1340
Rollover IRA $1700
401K $7500
403B $5500
Total Retirement Savings = $16040
Total Savings = $23070
Right now we are working on our MN savings (going next month) and also the EF. We have saved and spent a LOT this year with paying for a new living room set and also for the closing costs for refinancing on our house. Now with medical it will be hard to get savings up, but keep trucking away!
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Monthly Savings Updates