Viewing the 'Mortgage/Debt Payoff' Category
May 28th, 2016 at 04:38 am
TGIF ladies and gents! Excited for a 3 day weekend, even though it probably won't be too relaxing, have a lot of house and yard work planned, and a Memorial Service on Monday. Hopefully we can get some things done that we have been putting off.
We will be working on getting everything moved into one of our extra rooms now that the extra roommate moved out. The room is very large and has wood floors so will be great for a workout room. We are moving our elliptical, weight machine, misc workout equipment and a TV into there tomorrow. It is also in our basement so will be nice and cool. I am re-dedicating myself to my health again on 6/1/16, starting a new dietbet, making a healthy dinner calendar and workout calendar, so I am excited to have an area dedicated to working out. I think this will also help MO a lot as he hates to workout in front of anyone and right now the elliptical is in our living room.
Very boring update, only down $284.42 in the last 2 weeks....but they can't all be whopper updates...and still going in the right direction! I can't wait to finish ONE of these races...
Our payments on the Mom Loan start 6/1 and then we will start seeing some serious progress again as the payments are $600 a month.
Celebrations for this update:
-Total debt went down $284.42 in the last 2 weeks!
-I just told MO "Ugh I don't even have any celebrations for this update" and his response "You can celebrate loving me" What a ham! So that is what we are celebrating this update! LOL
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Best Buy $0
Store Loan $11,785.20
Mom Loan #2 $28,000.00
MO Mortgage $87,196.11
My Mortgage $156,600.00
Our Mortgage $253,943.88
Total = $537,525.19
Down $284.42 in the last 2 weeks!!
Starting total was $587,351.27
$49,826.08 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house).
We have $160.00 in a savings account to pay off the Mom Loan, so the amount we still owe that is $27,840.00.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
May 19th, 2016 at 06:38 pm
Here is my update with the Appliances and the HELOC paid off! Even though the HELOC is just "moved" it still feels great to see it at $0!
Celebrations for this update:
-Total debt went down $2,563.86 in the last 2 weeks!
-Appliances Loan is paid off!
-HELOC is paid off!
-Store Loan went under the next $1000 mark!
-Our Mortgage went under the next $1000 mark!
-Total debt went under $540K!
We were in need of a tiller and were shopping around, my MIL had one that she said we could just have as she has a lot of medical issues and doesn't do much for gardening anymore. She owes MO $450 that she borrowed from him last year. I suggested that even though she was willing to give us the tiller for free, to just say that it was an even trade for the tiller to pay off the loan. So now we have a tiller and we don't have to worry about that loan anymore (she had only made one payment on it in the whole year and it was causing some anxiety/awkwardness, so I am glad we don't have to worry about it anymore). The tiller was only 2 yrs old and still had a tag on it for $750, so I think it was a good deal for all.
We plan on lumping our savings in our Cap360 Savings to make a big payoff to the new Mom Loan on 1-2 yrs. In the meantime we will just be making regular payments on everything for now
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Best Buy $0
Store Loan $11,897.25
Mom Loan #2 $28,000.00
MO Mortgage $87,368.48
My Mortgage $156,600.00
Our Mortgage $253,943.88
Total = $537,809.61
Down $2,563.86 in the last 2 weeks!!
Starting total was $587,351.27
$49,541.66 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house).
We have $135.00 in a savings account to pay off the Mom Loan, so the amount we still owe that is $27,865.00.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
May 9th, 2016 at 07:09 pm
Well we just paid my Mom Loan off last month which put us down to the Appliances Loan ($2K), Store Loan(12K), HELOC ($28K), and then 3 mortgages ($87K, $156K and $254K) (2 rentals and our primary home). We pulled money out of savings last week and paid off the Appliances! YEAH!!!!
We were deciding what to do next as the rest of the debts are quite large amounts. I was talking with my Mom about our options and what we were thinking for our next move towards eliminating this debt....and she offered...again....to loan us money at a low interest rate! This will help us to have the lower interest rate, and help my Mom by providing her a little bit of side income.
So she loaned us $28K at 2% interest for 4 years. Our payments will be $600 per month. I think we can pay it off early again like we did last time, I am thinking 2 years would be a good goal. MO went to the bank today and paid off the HELOC, which was at 3.5% so we will be seeing a little savings in interest overall.
Feels so good to have that HELOC paid off, even if it is just "moved". Now time to attack savings!
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
May 2nd, 2016 at 07:24 pm
We are making aggressive payments on the Appliances Loan (mostly taken out of savings) and we should have it paid off by next update! I also got our old fridge cleaned out and will hopefully have it posted for sale either today or tomorrow. We are asking $800 and that would be a great chunk for debt payoff or savings!!
Celebrations for this update:
-Total debt went down $1,332.66 in the last 2 weeks!
-Appliances Loan is now under $2K!
-HELOC went under the next $1000 mark!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Mom Loan $0
Best Buy $1950.00
Store Loan $12,009.22
HELOC $27,832.96
MO Mortgage $87,368.48
My Mortgage $156,900.00
Our Mortgage $254,312.81
Total = $540,373.47
Down $1,332.66 in the last 2 weeks!!
Starting total was $587,351.27
$46,977.80 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house).
We have $1350.00 in a savings account to pay off the appliances, so the amount we still owe that is $600.00.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
April 16th, 2016 at 07:11 pm
We are home from vacation.....and WE PAID OFF THE MOM LOAN!!!! WHOOO HOOO! We gave my Mom the check to pay her off on Sunday night and then left for vaca Monday evening. She was definitely super surprised when we gave her the check! The trip was a great way to reward ourselves for finishing the loan! It was a $15K loan for 4 years and we paid it off in only 9 months. So proud of us for working hard and being aggressive with paying that off!
Our next goal will be to pay off the Appliances. They are at 0% until June 2017, but it is our littlest debt by $10K, so we just want to get it done and out of the way. We have enough in savings to pay it off now, but we have to buy a riding lawn mower (our new house has a giant front and backyard and would take about 3-4hrs to mow by hand, plus we will be mowing at my parents rental since we are the property managers now) soon, so we are waiting to see what that will run us before we take a big chunk out of savings. We also have a cruise in September that we have to pay for in June so we don't want to drain savings again just yet. In the meantime, I have stopped the $300 auto-payments that we were making on the Mom Loan, and set up a new $300 auto-payment to Best Buy for the Appliances. So the Appliances snowball is now at $350 per month. I also changed the name of our Cap 360 Savings account from Mom Loan Payoff to Appliances Payoff. We will definitely be paying that off before the end of the year.
Celebrations for this update:
-Mom Loan is PAID OFF!!!
-Total debt went down $13,549.23 in the last 2 weeks!
-Total debt paid off passed $135K!!
-My Mortgage went under the next $1000 mark!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Mom Loan $0
Best Buy $2750.00
Store Loan $12,121.10
HELOC $28,082.02
MO Mortgage $87,540.20
My Mortgage $156,900.00
Our Mortgage $254,312.81
Total = $541,706.13
Down $13,549.23 in the last 2 weeks!!
Starting total was $587,351.27
$45,645.14 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house).
We have $105.00 in a savings account to pay off the appliances, so the amount we still owe that is $2645.00.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
April 4th, 2016 at 12:04 am
Update for 4/1/16.
Not too exciting of an update here, just a payment on the Store Loan and what we hope to be our LAST regular payment on the Mom Loan! We are hoping to pay it off in 10 days.....as of right now we have about a $600 leeway to pay if off which is awesome since this was a MAJOR stretch goal! So fingers crossed that nothing crazy happens in the next 10 days. We did have a minor plumbing emergency earlier this week, but I am sure the bill for that won't be here for awhile (providers here bill very behind for some reason). So here is the update and I cannot wait for vaca and our next update!!!
this last 2 weeks we paid off $368.45!!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Best Buy $2800.00
Loan from Mom $12,719.77
Store Loan $12,232.89
HELOC $28,082.02
MO Mortgage $87,540.20
My Mortgage $157,200.00
Our Mortgage $254,680.48
Total = $555,255.36
Down $368.45 in the last 2 weeks!!
Starting total was $587,351.27
$32,095.91 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house).
We have $4250.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $8,469.77.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
March 22nd, 2016 at 12:20 am
Oops look like I missed my debt update last payday so here is the last one and my most current.
3/4/16 Update!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Best Buy $2850.00
Loan from Mom $12,976.51
Store Loan $12,456.22
HELOC $28,335.76
MO Mortgage $87,711.28
My Mortgage $157,550.00
Our Mortgage $255,046.89
Total = $556,926.66
Down $367.43 in the last 2 weeks.
Starting total was $587,351.27
$30,424.61 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house).
We have $4185.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $8,791.51.
Update for 3/18/16, this last 2 weeks we paid off $1302.85!!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Best Buy $2850.00
Loan from Mom $12,976.51
Store Loan $12,344.60
HELOC $28,082.02
MO Mortgage $87,540.20
My Mortgage $157,200.00
Our Mortgage $254,680.48
Total = $555,623.81
Down $1302.85 in the last 2 weeks!!
Starting total was $587,351.27
$31,727.46 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house).
We have $4225.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $8,751.51.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
February 24th, 2016 at 10:06 pm
Excited about this update!
Celebrations for 2/19/16 update:
-Total debt went down $1651.02!
-Bad debt race went under the next $1000 mark!
-Total paid off for all debts passed another $1000 mark!
-We have renters in all of our places!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Best Buy $2850.00
Loan from Mom $13,232.40
Store Loan $12,567.76
HELOC $28,335.76
MO Mortgage $87,711.28
My Mortgage $157,550.00
Our Mortgage $255,046.89
Total = $557,294.09
Down $1651.02 in the last 2 weeks.
Starting total was $587,351.27
$30,057.18 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house).
We have $4160.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $9,072.40.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
February 8th, 2016 at 02:36 pm
Celebrations for 1/22/16 update:
-Total debt went down $366.41!
-Bad debt race went under the next $1000 mark!
-Total paid off for all debts passed another $1000 mark!
-We have renters in all of our places!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Best Buy $2900.00
Loan from Mom $13,232.40
Store Loan $12,679.21
HELOC $28,583.33
MO Mortgage $87,881.72
My Mortgage $157,890.00
Our Mortgage $255,412.04
Total = $558,578.70
Down $366.41 in the last 2 weeks.
Starting total was $587,351.27
$28,772.57 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house).
We have $4135.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $9,097.40.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
January 26th, 2016 at 05:37 pm
Shoot I just realized I didn't post my debt update numbers for 1/8/16, so here are the last 2 updates!
1/8/16 Update
Celebrations for 1/8/16 update:
-Total debt went down $365.39 this update
-Store Loan went under the next $1000 mark!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Loan from Mom $13,487.44
Store Loan $12,901.86
HELOC $28,830.17
MO Mortgage $88,051.53
My Mortgage $158,190.00
Our Mortgage $255,775.94
Total = $557,236.94
$365.39 paid off in the last 2 weeks!!
Starting total was $584,391.18.
$27,154.24 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house)
We have $4080.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $9,407.44.
1/22/16 Update
I added our new appliances with Best Buy. We got new stainless steel fridge, microwave, dishwasher and oven. They are so pretty! We have the money in savings to pay for them, but Best Buy was offering 0% for 18 months so we decided to do that and we will pay it off a month or 2 before it is due. I set up auto payments this morning of $50 a month to make sure there are no issues with that, the 0% is good until June 2017. The old fridge and microwave we will be selling. The old stove and dishwasher were junk so we had Best Buy haul them away for recycling at no charge when they brought the new appliances.
Celebrations for 1/22/16 update:
-All of our debts went down this update except for the Mom Loan!
-Rental #1 went under the next $1000 mark!
-Rental #2 went under the next $1000 mark!
-Total debt went under the next $1000 mark! (other then adding the appliances)
-Total debt went down $1191.83! (other then adding the appliances).
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Best Buy $2900.00
Loan from Mom $13,487.44
Store Loan $12,790.58
HELOC $28,583.33
MO Mortgage $87,881.72
My Mortgage $157,890.00
Our Mortgage $255,412.04
Total = $558,945.11
Up $1708.17 in the last 2 weeks since we added the appliances.
Starting total was $587,351.27
$28,406.16 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house)
We have $4105.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $9,382.44.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
December 28th, 2015 at 07:16 pm
Hope everyone had a great holiday! Here is my last debt update for 2015.
Celebrations for this update:
-Total debt went down $529.17 this update
-Total debt went under the next $1000 mark!
-HELOC went under the next $1000 mark!
-Race #3 went under the next $1000 mark!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Loan from Mom $13,741.64
Store Loan $13,013.05
HELOC $28,830.17
MO Mortgage $88,220.70
My Mortgage $158,190.00
Our Mortgage $255,775.94
Total = $557,602.33
$529.17 paid off in the last 2 weeks!!
Starting total was $584,391.18.
$26.788.85 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house)
We have $4025.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $9,716.64.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
December 14th, 2015 at 02:33 pm
Celebrations for this update:
-Total debt went down $1027.02 this update!
-Total debt went under the next $1000 mark!
-Bad Debt Race went under the next $1000 mark!
-Mom Loan is "technically" under $10K!
-Our Mortgage went under the next $1000 mark!
I am very excited for next update as lots of balances will be falling below the next $1000 marks!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Loan from Mom $13,741.64
Store Loan $13,124.16
HELOC $29,079.06
MO Mortgage $88,220.70
My Mortgage $158,190.00
Our Mortgage $255,775.94
Total = $558,131.50
$1027.02 paid off in the last 2 weeks!!
Starting total was $584,391.18.
$25,232.66 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house)
We have $4000.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $9,741.64.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
December 1st, 2015 at 02:14 pm
Celebrations for this update:
-Total debt went down over $500 in the last 2 weeks!
-Total payoff for all debt since I started in 2007 reached $115K!
-Total payoff since we combined our debt on 6/19/15 passed $25K! That's a payoff of $5K per month since June!!
I am very excited for next update as lots of balances will be falling below the next $1000 marks!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Loan from Mom $13,994.99
Store Loan $13,235.18
HELOC $29,079.06
MO Mortgage $88,220.70
My Mortgage $158,490.00
Our Mortgage $256,138.59
Total = $559,158.52
$567.03 paid off in the last 2 weeks.
Starting total was $584,391.18.
$25,232.66 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house)
We have $3555.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $10,439.99.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
November 17th, 2015 at 03:07 pm
Went hunting with hubby this weekend, walked about 3 hrs (yeah for burning calories!) and he got a grouse, a pheasant, and a buck! YEAH! Lots of meat for our freezer this winter! Pheasant and grouse are already prepared for cooking and in the freezer. The buck to the grocery store he manages to be processed into sausage, summer sausage and jerky.
Super happy with this update, went down over $1000 in the last 2 weeks!
Celebrations for this update:
-Total debt went down over $1000 in just 2 weeks!
-Total debt went under $560K!
-Total paid on Bad Debt Race passed $7K!
-Mom Loan went under $14K
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Loan from Mom $13,994.99
Store Loan $13,346.12
HELOC $29,366.61
MO Mortgage $88,389.24
My Mortgage $158,490.00
Our Mortgage $256,138.59
Total = $559.725.55
$1034.77 paid off in the last 2 weeks!!!
Starting total was $584,391.18.
$24,665.63 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house)
We have $3330.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $10,664.99
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
November 4th, 2015 at 03:38 pm
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Loan from Mom $14,247.50
Store Loan $13,456.97
HELOC $29,366.61
MO Mortgage $88,389.24
My Mortgage $158,800.00
Our Mortgage $256,500.00
Total = $560,760.32
$483.97 paid off in the last 2 weeks.
Starting total was $584,391.18.
$23,630.86 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house)
We have $3305.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $10,942.50.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
October 21st, 2015 at 05:53 pm
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Loan from Mom $14,247.50
Store Loan $13,567.74
HELOC $29,571.90
MO Mortgage $88,557.15
My Mortgage $158,800.00
Our Mortgage $256,500.00
Total = $561,244.29
$410.68 paid off in the last 2 weeks.
Starting total was $584,391.18.
$23,146.89 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house)
We have $2675.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $11,572.50.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
September 29th, 2015 at 03:03 pm
Posting our 2 week debt update a few days early since we will be in Denver on Friday. Very excited for the Vikings Game and some much needed TLC after wedding, house closing, cleaning, packing, moving, rummage sale.....ooofta!!! Can't wait to relax with a chelada!
MO and I are each bringing $1000 for spending money on the trip (food/drinks at the game, souvenirs, gambling, etc.) Whatever we bring home from our spending money we will put into the Mom Loan Savings. I really think we can have that paid off in a year or less!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Loan from Mom $14,247.50
Store Loan $13,678.42
HELOC $29,571.90
MO Mortgage $88,557.15
My Mortgage $159,100.00
Our Mortgage $256,500.00
Total = $561,654.97
$362.27 paid off in the last 2 weeks.
Starting total was $584,391.18.
$22,736.21 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house)
We have $1250.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $12,997.50.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
September 22nd, 2015 at 08:27 pm
Things are going good here, still SUUUUPER busy.....maybe after Christmas things will slow down??
This last weekend we had a coed softball tournament, we took 4th place.....4 games in one day is getting to be too much for this lady! Our coed team is 6-0 for the season, so if we keep this up we should get 1st place!
We have just 6 more days to finish packing/moving our belongings to the new house. We have moved over a good chunk of furniture and lots of boxes already, but prob still 40% left to move. We are hoping to finish moving everything other then my office by 9/24. Since I work from home we can't move my office until my business internet connection is set up at the new house, which is scheduled for 9/25. We need to be completely done moving by 9/28 as that is when the carpet cleaners are coming to the old house, renters move in 10/1.
In October we will have $2650 coming in for rental income, but only $1450 in mortgage payments (we don't have to pay on the new house until Nov 1) so we will be putting $1250.00 into savings as soon as we get the rent check. We also have a lot of "new house" bills that we are dealing with (previous owner left propane tank on ZERO...$700, new fan for my office, light bulbs, cleaning supplies, etc.) but we are budgeting it all in as best we can and won't be adding anything to debt or having to take out of savings.
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Loan from Mom $14,499.17
Store Loan $13,789.02
HELOC $29,571.90
MO Mortgage $88,557.15
My Mortgage $159,100.00
Our Mortgage $256,500.00
Total = $562,017.24
$810.01 paid off in the last 2 weeks.
Starting total was $584,391.18.
$22,373.94 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house)
We have $1025.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $13,474.17.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
September 15th, 2015 at 03:39 pm
Due to the house closing, wedding, and the BIG rummage sale I am late on posting this update. This is our update as of 9/4/15.
The BIG rummage sale went great, estimate of sales as of right now is $8500.00 (that is for the whole sale, not just for me). We made over $1000 just on snacks! I will post details on the sale once we have all of the sale sheets compiled.
Now onto cleaning the new house, moving in, and cleaning out the MO's old house for the rent moving in on Oct 1.....so that means we only have 2 weeks to get all of the moving and cleaning done!!
Celebrations for this update:
-The store loan is finally under $14K!
-We have opened a separate savings account to use for paying back the Mom Loan and we have over $1K in it!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Loan from Mom $14,499.17
Store Loan $13,899.53
HELOC $29,815.81
MO Mortgage $88,712.74
My Mortgage $159,400.00
Our Mortgage $256,500.00
Total = $562,827.25
Starting total was $584,391.18.
$21,563.93 paid off since 6/19/15 (including downpayment on house)
We have $1025.00 in a savings account to pay off my Mom, so the amount we still owe her is $13,474.17.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
September 9th, 2015 at 04:06 am
Here are the details for the new house and new home loan...I would put up pics if that ever starts working again....
The house is 3600 sq ft, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, an office, a canning room, separate laundry room, 2 stall garage, huge fenced backyard with gazebo and hot tub. I love it! It does (like any house) have some things we would like to change, but nothing that needs to be done immediately, Unfortunately the seller left it a mess (what's new?!) so we do need to do some extensive cleaning before we move in, and since this week is the BIG rummage sale, it will have to wait another week.
The renters for MO's house have signed the lease and will be paying their deposit on Friday, we have already set up a separate savings account for that money to sit in.
We won't have to make a payment on the new mortgage until 11/1, so that will be nice to have a little extra cash flow for October.
The house appraised at $275K, we paid $270K (My Dad says it is a $300K house, but he isn't an appraiser, lol)....after down payment and closing costs, our new loan is $256,500.00. We have a 30 yr loan at 4.125% and our monthly payment is $1668.16. We were expecting our payment to be $1700+ so this was good news! PMI is $89.78 so I can't wait to get rid of that, of course we have other fish to fry first!
Can't wait to move in!
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Mortgage/Debt Payoff
August 23rd, 2015 at 07:26 am
Well.....where to start!? Less then 2 weeks till the wedding! We are busting our butts to get everything done....my parents have offered to give us $500 to help with expenses so that is great, that will pretty much cover all of my clothing (dress, shoes, bra, undies, jeweled sash, and hair pins), so that is a huge help!
House Closing - STILL NOT DONE. The bank is being ridiculous....seriously every time we get them the giant pile of paperwork they asked for, then they ask for another big pile of paperwork. We have been working on this since mid June! They actually told us we needed to provide a signed and dated letter that said "Why we were moving down the street".....UM WHAT? We have to tell you WHY we are moving? So I typed a letter that said "I want a different house". So annoying! Lucky for the bank, DF has been handling 95% of dealing with them and he is less b*tchy then me...lol. But we are both pretty fed up. If this would have closed in a reasonable time frame, we could have been closed on the house 6 weeks before the wedding, and had time to get moved....as is we will probably close the week before or the week of the wedding, so we won't be able to work on moving, and the week after the wedding is the BIG rummage sale so we won't be able to move that week either, so instead of moving mid to late July, it will more likely be mid to late September! Grrr!
New Zeros - The bank also wanted us to make the numbers look a little better so they asked us to pay off the 2 cards we had balances on, David's Bridal ($400) and Ring - Iddeal ($2700). So we took money out of savings to pay those 2 off. It wasn't the way we wanted to do things, but it will be good to be rid of the ring payment ($213 per month). Yeah for 2 new zeros!!
New Goal - So now the next goal is paying off the loan from my Mom. Our payment is $300 per month, and interest is only 4%, so we should be able to pay it off relatively quickly, our goal is 1 year. Our plan is to just make our regular payments to her each month, and we will have a separate savings account that we will be putting any extra money into, once that savings account balance equals the balance we owe her, we will then make payment to her in full.
Celebrations for this update:
-2 new zeroes!
-Bad Debt race is under $30K!
-HELOC is under 30K!
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $0
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $0
Loan from Mom $14,750.00
Store Loan $14,009.96
HELOC $29,815.81
DF Mortgage $88,712.74
My Mortgage $159,400.00
Total = $306,688.51
Down $3918.39 in 2 weeks!
Starting total was $314,391.18, so we are down $7,702.67 since 6/19/15.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
August 8th, 2015 at 03:19 pm
Here is my 2 week update! We are down $450.20 in 2 weeks, and $3784.28 since 6/19/15. My David's Bridal card went up a little bit as I had a few more items to buy for the wedding, but that one is at 0% until next June, so not worried about that one.
We are taking a trip to Denver in October to watch the Vikings play, it's my wedding present to DF.....unfortunatley as someone who isn't too interested in football....I had NO IDEA football tickets were so expensive! So next few updates might not be so good as I am funneling money to paying for the trip. Also still paying for wedding food, cake, and some other small items....and a $400 boat repair, and $150 vet bill...all kinds of NEW bills for me, who has never had a boat or a dog.....lol. All I can do is make sure we are at least going DOWN every update.
For whatever reason I can't load any pictures right now....so I will just list out the debts for this update.
Student Loan $0
Payback Savings $0
David's Bridal $400
Scheel's Card $0
Total Rewards $0
LOC - US Bank $0
Ring Iddeal $2709.85
Loan from Mom $14,750.00
Store Loan $14,120.30
HELOC $30,059.00
DF Mortgage $88,867.75
My Mortgage $159,700.00
Total = $310,606.90
Starting total was $314,391.18, so we are down $3784.28 since 6/19/15.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
July 27th, 2015 at 03:59 pm
Wow another 2 weeks is gone by already?! Time flies when you have so much craziness!
This 2 weeks we went down $780.30, and $3334.08 since 6/19/15! All this while preparing for a wedding and buying a house!
Still continueing to pay minimums and sock it to savings until the house closes. We were told a week ago that they thought we should close by the end of the month.....but that is in 4 days and we haven't been given a closing date yet, so I am thinking that isn't going to be happening. We will call today and see what the status is.

Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
July 14th, 2015 at 03:00 pm
Whoo hoo down $2878.48 in just 2 weeks of paying down debt! The last $6K from my Mom cleared so we applied that to the Ring. So now the only bad interest we have is the Ring, about $3K at 9.99%. If all goes well with the closing of the new house, we hope to have the ring completely paid off by New Years!
P.S. I tried to use Paint as suggested, but I think I was missing something.....I got the spreadsheet pasted into Paint, but then couldn't really figure out where to go from there....the "crop" button was greyed out so I couldn't use it.
P.P.S The starting total/date doesn't look right because I put in my starting mortgage total....but I put in the date that DF and I started paying down debt together....how should I put it to make it look right and not like we paid off $100K in a few weeks...lol. Change the date or change the starting amount of my mortgage to the amount it was on 6/19/15? I am leaning towards amount and just personally knowing that it started a lot higher then that.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
July 3rd, 2015 at 06:33 am
Well I have an awesome mother. She offerered to loan me and DF $15,000 to payoff some of the high interest debt. WOW. She must love me or something!? I was completely surprised at her offer, and we are so grateful!! The loan is at 4% and we will be paying her $300 per month and planning to pay her off early.
$9000 of it has cleared, so we used it to payoff the Total Rewards Card and the LOC - US Bank. Also DF got rent from his renter so paid back the $400 to savings, and we took $630 out of savings, plus $300 from DFs paycheck to payoff the Scheel's Card. So already some HUGE progress! Once the other $6000 from my Mom clears the bank we will put that against the ring debt. Depending on how things go with the new house, maybe we can even pay the ring off before the New Year?? Then we will focus on paying back my Mom as the next priority, as at that time it would be our highest interest other then DF's mortgage at 4.5%.
I am not sure I like using a picture of my Excel Sheet, but I guess it's better then trying to format with the blog page.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
June 29th, 2015 at 05:02 am
I want to do updates to the debt every 2 weeks (DF's Paydays). I added to the list my David's Bridal Card (just using for a few wedding items, including my dress and shoes. It is 0% for 6 months and will be paid off before the due date) as well as my mortgage so we can see the whole picture.
**Does anyone know how I can add another column? I would like to list Original Amount, Last Update, and Current, but having trouble on how to make more columns beyond left/center/right. TIA!**
Debt Original (6/19/15) New Balance (6/28/15)
Student Loan $93.97 $0
Payback Banker Gurl $500.00 $400.00
David's Bridal $275.30 $250.00
Scheels Card $929.90 $929.90
Total Rewards $3955.66 $3955.66
LOC US Bank $4994.05 $4994.05
Ring Ideal $9334.87 $9334.87
Store Loan $14,560.82 $14,450.82
HELOC $30,324.70 $30,324.70
DF Mortgage $89,431.91 $89,431.91
My Mortgage $159,990.00 $159,990.00
Totals $314,391.18 $313,692.18
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
June 24th, 2015 at 08:47 pm
Oops I see I didn't get my June Mortgage payment posted, here it is! Under $160K!
June 2015 Mortgage Payment
Balance $160,550.00
+$484.99 Interest
-$768.45 Regular Payment
-$276.54 Principle Payment
New Balance $159,990.00
So this will be my last principle payment for a loooooong time, other then paying down to the next $10 mark (I still need to keep my # OCD in check...lol). So I am glad I made it under $160K before the extra payments slowed down.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
June 22nd, 2015 at 09:07 pm
Please read the entry before this one to see additional info on this topic! 
So here is DF's Debt, it is listed in the order that we plan to pay it off. We are also checking to see if he can condence any more debt into the store loan since that is at 2% interest.
Sorry I don't know how to insert a chart on this boards.
Creditor - Interest - Min Payment - Balance
Student Loan---?%---$50.00--$93.97
Banker Gurl----0%---$0------$500.00
Scheels Card--25.24%--$25.00-$929.70
LOC US Bank--21.9%--$123.66--$4994.05
Total Rewards Card--17.99%--$50.00--$3955.66
Ideal - My Ring-9.99%--$213.00--$9334.87
HELOC--under 4%-----$332.54--$30,324.70
Store Loan--2%--$121.20 per paycheck--$14560.82
Mortgage--under 4%---$682.96---$89431.91
Total Minimums = $1598.36 Total Debt $153625.68
How did he get here?
-He had to pay off his ex as they had a house together which he kept and had to pay her out for equity, that is how get got the HELOC.
-After his breakup he stopped caring for awhile (understandable to some degree) and spent what he wanted when he wanted and didn't worry about damage control.
-Many, many car, truck and boat repairs
-General overspending on me (taking me out to eat, trips, expensive gifts, wedding ring etc.) Had I known his actual financials I would have put a kabosh to that in a hurry. In no way did I want to contribute to his debt, but nothing we can do about the past.
We have discussed all the things that happened that caused him to get into debt, (including the fact that he had no money in savings to cover the unexpected expenses) so that they don't happen again.
And now, THE PLAN:
As of right now, we will be paying only minimums on all debts including my home loan. DF is paying off the student loan, and paying me back this week, so those 2 will be gone right away. We will then be putting every penny we can find into savings until after the closing on our new house. Between the closing costs, appraisals on 3 houses, and the down payment, I am going to be pretty close to tapped out. So we will put everything in savings until after the house closing. Once that (and the wedding!) are done, we will continue to put into savings until we get back to $5K (which should be immediatley after the closing). Once we are at $5K in savings, we will pay off the Scheels Card. After that we will have to have a pow-wow to decide if we are going to attack the next debt, or get savings up to $10K before we do the next debt. I am just really uncomfortable not having much in savings, so we will see where we are at that time.
The Snowball!
The good news is once we have renters in both of our houses, we can really roll threw this stuff quickly.
As of right now, including all 3 mortgages, and all monthly bills, mimimum payments on all debts, without new renters (just counting our current roomates), we already have a $500 overage each month to start our snowball (we made a very detailed budget with a lot of wiggle room to start with so we can make adjustments). So that is great news. Once we move into the new house, we will rent DF's house for between $1000-$1400 per month, I think we can get $1400, but we shall see. The current roomate that pays him $400 will most likely be moving with us, so we will have his $400 extra as well. There is also a possibility that our renters cousin will be moving with us, he has been staying here a few weeks due to work and just paying $50 a week as it was supposed to be temporary, but now it's been almost 2 months. If he is still needing a place when we move we have offered to him that he can move with us, but then would need to pay $400 a month as well. We should be able to rent his house within a month of moving out as there is only minor repairs and of course cleaning that needs to be done. Once we have my house ready (I would estimate 6 mths at least till that is ready) I should be able to get $1200-$1500 per month. My current roomate will still be living there until then and paying $600 that whole time.
So our snowball will be:
Start = $500
+$1000-$1400 Rent at H House
+$1200-$1500 Rent at B House
+My Overtime Pay
+My FB Sales
+DF Coaching Pay
+DF Extra Job Pay ($75 a month)
+Minimums as we get items paid off
Once we get rolling we will have this junk gone in no time! Our goal is going to be to have everything except for the HELOC, Store Loan, and mortgages paid off by our 1 yr anniversary.
Open to any comments and suggestions! 
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
May 26th, 2015 at 05:42 pm
Balance $161,150.00
-$600.00 Principle Payment
New Balance $160,550.00
My roommate/tenant has already given me his rent for June, so I put it against the principle on my mortgage! My regular payment for June will come out on the 10th and I will make an additional principle payment at that time as well to get under $160K!
DF and I have been talking extensively about what our paydown plan will be once we get married and combine finances. We will have my mortgage (roughly $158K at that time), his mortgage (roughly $88K at that time), his HELOC (roughly $29K at that time), and misc debts of his (ring loan, debt consolidations, roughly $10K at that time). At this time, we think we will tackle the misc debt first, and I think we can have that paid off within a year. Then the HELOC and I think we can have that paid off by the end of 2017. Then his mortgage (goal of 5 yrs), then mine (goal of 10 yrs). Things will definitely change in that game plan as we decide if we are comfortable being landlords, and also if (prayers!) we are able to have children. But for now that is a rough outline. We also know we would want to move to or build a new home within the next 5yrs or so. But we hope to keep both of our current homes as rental properties if we can.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
May 12th, 2015 at 03:00 pm
May 2015 Mortgage Payment
Balance $162,150.00
+$489.83 Interest
-$768.45 Regular Payment
-$721.38 Principle Payment
New Balance $161,150.00
Whoo hoo! I was able to go down a full $1000 in principle this month!!
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Mortgage/Debt Payoff