Viewing the 'Mortgage/Debt Payoff' Category
April 13th, 2015 at 04:36 pm
April 2015 Mortgage Payment
Balance $162,700.00
+$491.49 Interest
-$768.45 Regular Payment
-$273.04 Principle Payment
New Balance $162,150.00
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
March 22nd, 2015 at 08:48 pm
My roommate paid me $400 for the 2 1/2 weeks they were there in March and also paid $600 ahead of time for April! YEAH! I put it all against my mortgage. This month my mortgage went down $1800!! So excited!
Balance $163,700.00
-$1000.00 Roommate Rent
New Balance $162,700.00
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
March 15th, 2015 at 06:19 pm
March 2015 Mortgage Payment
Balance $164,500.00
+$496.93 Interest
-$768.45 Regular Payment
-$228.48 Principle Payment
-$300.00 Principle Payment (work bonus)
New Balance $163,700.00
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
February 10th, 2015 at 04:16 pm
February 2015 Mortgage Payment
Balance $165,000.00
+$501.46 Interest
-$768.45 Regular Payment
-$233.01 Principle Payment
New Balance $164,500.00
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
February 2nd, 2015 at 04:09 pm
This weekend BF and I went to visit his Mom, she lives about 2 hours away. The town she lives in had a casino so after lunch we stopped there for a few hrs. I had by far the best casino night of my life! I won $819 betting .90 on a penny machine! I was so excited! Since I then had a little seed money (that put my ahead about $600) I decided I could bet a little bit more....I bet $3.70 (max bet) for 2 spins....the 2nd spin I hit the bonus and won 330 free spins!! Very shortly into the free spins I retriggered the bonus for another 200 free spins!! I ended up at $2575!! I have never ever had a handpay in my life, I was ecstatic!
About 2 hrs later, I was playing a different game and got the bonus betting $3.00 and won $1511! WHAT?! I have never had a handpay before and then had 2 in 1 night!! Such a crazy night!! After playing for about 13hrs, tips and drinks, I went home up $3800. YEAH!!
I gave $800 to BF, $1000 to the mortgage and $2000 to savings since I have to pay my property taxes this week. So excited!!!
$20K Update
Current Balance $26,655.00
+$2000.00 Casino Winnings!!
Balance $28,655.00
Local Savings $3750.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,725.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1180.00
Total Savings = $28,655.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 5 $10(total) + $5(deposit) = $15
Mortgage Update
Principle Payment to Mortgage
Balance $166,000.00
-$1000.00 Principle Payment
New Balance $165,000.00
Very very excited about the progress of my mortgage paydown lately!!
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
$20K challenge
January 27th, 2015 at 02:56 pm
I tallied up my FB sales and I have $471 to dispurse!
Since my mortgage is at $166,350.00 I am going to put $350.00 towards that, and then the remaining $121.00 I will round up to $125.00 and put into savings.
Principle Payment to Mortgage
Balance $166,350.00
-$350.00 Principle Payment
New Balance $166,000.00
$20K Update
Current Balance $26,475.00
+$125.00 From FB Sales
+$5.00 to get Local Savings to next even $ amount
Balance $26,605.00
Local Savings $1750.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,700.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1155.00
Total Savings = $26,605.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 4 $6(total) + $4(deposit) = $10
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
$20K challenge
January 12th, 2015 at 02:53 pm
January 2015 Mortgage Payment
Balance $166,850.00
+$504.03 Interest
-$768.45 Regular Payment
-$235.58 Principle Payment
New Balance $166,350.00
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
December 19th, 2014 at 03:50 pm
I cashed in my piggy bank, $46.08. So I rounded it up to $50 and put that against the mortgage principle.
Balance $166,900.00
-$50.00 Principle Payment
New Balance $166,850.00
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
December 10th, 2014 at 03:29 pm
December 2014 Mortgage Payment
Balance $167,400.00
+$505.69 Interest
-$768.45 Regular Payment
-$237.24 Principle Payment
New Balance $166,900.00
Definitely not where I expected to be for my last payment of 2014. But it is what it is....and it IS going down...again...SIGH...
I am close to being back to over $25K in savings again, once there I really want to focus on putting all my extra funds, especially my FB sale money towards the mortgage balance.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
November 10th, 2014 at 09:20 pm
November 2014 Mortgage Payment
Balance $167,900.00
+$507.20 Interest
-$768.45 Regular Payment
-$238.75 Principle Payment
New Balance $167,400.00
Plugging along slowly.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
October 14th, 2014 at 03:11 pm
Previously I have always made my principle payments monthly when I make my normal monthly payment. But my bank makes it so easy to make principle payments at anytime online....so I thought I might as well take advantage of that and knock a little balance off here and there when I can. I had $88 sitting at home from FB sales that I was going to put in savings...I added a lil extra and paid it on the principle today.
For some reason my numbers were just slightly off when I made my last regular and principle payments to my balance was $167,999.27 instead of the $168,000.00 that I thought it would be. So I paid down to $167,900.00.
Balance $167,999.27
-$88.00 FB Sales
-$11.27 Even Out Amount
New Balance $167,900.00
Every little bit helps!!
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
September 28th, 2014 at 06:36 pm
October 2014 Mortgage Payment
Balance $168,500.00
+$509.01 Interest
-$768.45 Regular Payment
-$240.56 Principle Payment
New Balance $168,000.00
Here is my first mortgage payment on my own.
For now my plan is going to be to pay down to the next $500 mark each month. Gonna keep my focus on savings as much as possible, but want that balance to keep going down.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
August 1st, 2014 at 02:20 pm
Well I made it through the house closing. As expected it was pretty terrible. I made it through nearly all of it before I started crying....but once I started, man did I cry. Ugh how embarrassing. But at least it's done. This morning I dispersed the small amount we had remaining to split in savings. Now the only thing we have left to do is actually file, which I hope to do within the next 2 weeks.
So my loan is a 30 yr ARM. The first 10 years is fixed at 3.625%. After that I can refi or it can adjust up to 1.50% depending on the current rates for ARM.
My new balance is $168,500 (previously $88,700 ). My new payment is $768.45, this does not include Escrow as I pay this on my own. So I will need to make sure I am saving/accounting for that seperatley.
I received a $200 credit to my checking account for setting up automatic payments on the mortgage, so I transferred that to savings right away.
I will not have to make a payment until October 2014, so that gives me 2 months mortgage free which is nice. I will probably just put that money in savings for now until I feel out my expenditures with just one income. I will definitely continue to pay extra on the mortgage every month as I still intend to pay off as soon as I can, but realistically it will not be anywhere close to the kind of payoff I was working on before. Also if things continue to go well with BF who knows where I will be living in the upcoming years as we do not currently live in the same city....not trying to put the carriage before the horse, but just something to think about for the future. If I moved to live with him I would still keep my house as a rental property, so either way the balance going down down down is the plan of action.
Thanks for everyone's support here. This was a big hard piece of the divorce process and I am very glad it is over with. Cheers to happy and healthy days!
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
July 5th, 2014 at 06:36 pm
July 2014 Mortgage Payment
Balance $89,800.00
+$205.79 Interest
-$1218.88 Regular Payment
-$86.91 Principle Payment
New Balance $88,700.00
Only paying extra on the principle to keep things at nice even numbers.
The appraisal came in at $243K....$33K HIGHER then we estimated. We bought our house in 2007 for $160K....WOW! SUCKS cause we are in such a great position now with savings and the house value having gone up so much...but I am SO MUCH HAPPIER now.
My new man friend is wonderful, takes care of me, spoils me, makes me feel appreciated. I know it's very, very early, but for now I am just so happy and thankful to have someone in my life that wants me to be happy. My family, friends and coworkers have all been commenting so much on how nice it is to see me smiling again. And last week he sent me flowers... I haven't gotten flowers in 11 1/2 YEARS!
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
June 5th, 2014 at 06:02 pm
I have now switched from denial and sadness mode to "let's get this done with NOW" mode. I want to be done. I want the papers signed, I want his stuff out of the house. yesterday was major break down day again. I am SO SICK of it.
I went to the bank yesterday and went over my options for the house. Seems I should be able to afford it even better then I thought so that is good. Again that is without considering my OT pay, roommate, rummage sales etc as extra income.
My credit score was 796. Excellent. 
I am locked in for a 30 year ARM. The first 10 years are locked in at 3.625%. After that 10 years then I can refinance or it can adjust yearly to whatever the current rate is. I would imagine within 10 years I will be in a very different spot in my life and have no idea if I will still be in this house so I am happy with this option and low rate. My previous rate was 2.75%, but this is still good.
My payments will only be $684.08 per month (I pay Escrow on my own and that is about $300 per month). DH is currently paying $700 for a 2 bedroom apt in an extrememly sketchy apt building. Housing here is ridiculous. So for me to be able to stay in a 4 bedroom, 2 bath house, with 2 stall garage, parking pad, fenced back yard with deck, shed, hot tub and pay less then $700 is great. At least I will be building equity while I am living here. Of course the numbers could change some depending on what the house appraises at, but should be close to that. This was estimating its worth at $210K. I think that is close. 2 years ago it appraised at $195K. When we bought in 2007 it appraised at $160K.
It was a rough day knowing that basically my last 7 years of house payments were for nothing and my new loan is essentially the same amount as it was in 2007. UGH. But I am glad this is moving now and a step closer to getting out of this stage. I told DH to get papers together so we can finish this mess. He texted me back something about "I will try to do that soon so you can get me out of your life".....UMMMM remember how you are the one leaving??? Ugh, very surprised my phone is in piece today cause oh man did I want to throw it through the wall last night.
Breathe, breathe, breathe..........
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Mortgage/Debt Payoff
May 30th, 2014 at 10:22 pm

Took in our cans today. We get a lot of cans donated to us. Several of my coworkers give me their cans at work, plus between DH and I we have 3 softball teams that generate a LOT of cans after games. Took them in today, had 75lbs at .50 per lb totaled to $36.50 (they minus 2lbs for dirt, water and other misc that adds to your total).
Also took in my piggy bank to the bank had $56.14. Deposited $53.50 with the can money, so that totaled to $90.00. The other few dollars will go back into the pig for next time.
Normally I put all change and recycling money to the mortgage. For now I am just going to put that into the mortgage checking account and if things pan out then I will put it towards the mortgage later.
Mortgage Checking Balance = $5.00
+$36.50 Recycling
+$53.50 Change
New Balance = $90.00
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
May 29th, 2014 at 06:34 pm
June 2014 Mortgage Payment
Balance $90,875.00
+$208.26 Interest
-$1218.88 Regular Payment
-$64.38 Principle Payment
-$0 Mortgage Checking Principle Payment
New Balance $89,800.00
Would like to be excited to be under $90K....but obvi I can't be. Actually made my stomach hurt to write out such a tiny principle payment check. This is my 75th payment on the mortgage and the smallest principle payment we have ever made. Until everything is figured out with me and DH I am just going to pay down to the next hundred dollar mark to keep my numbers OCD in check. If things work themselves out later we can always make bigger payments down the line, but for now it's safest to keep more money in savings.
Mortgage Checking Balance = $5.00
Escrow Savings Account = $1430.00
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
April 27th, 2014 at 08:14 pm
May 2014 Mortgage Payment
Balance $92,500.00
+$211.98 Interest
-$1218.88 Regular Payment
-$493.10 Principle Payment
-$125.00 Mortgage Checking Principle Payment
New Balance $90,875.00
Mortgage Checking Balance
$130.00 Balance
-$125.00 May 2014 Mortgage Principle
$5.00 New Balance
Escrow Savings Account
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
April 27th, 2014 at 08:04 pm
Been doing well still with FB sales. Had 4 more sales and have 3 pending sales so far for this week! Also won $25 at blackjack last night and threw that in the mortgage payoff too.
Sale #12 (RM) - $2.50
Discounted items from CVS
Crest Be Inspired Toothpaste - I paid .74(Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $2.50 = $2.50 Profit
Sale #13 (AW) - $10.00
Discounted items from CVS
Softsoap Bodywash (4) - I paid $1.50 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $2.50 each (4 for $10 deal) = $10 Profit
Sale #14 (DH) - $10.00
Discounted items from CVS
Softsoap Bodywash (4) - I paid $1.50 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $2.50 each (4 for $10 deal) = $10 Profit
Sale #15 (TK) - $10.00
Curbside Items
Playskool Yellow Rider $10.00 = $10.00 Profit
Mortgage Checking Balance
$70.00 Balance
+$2.50 Sale #12
+$10.00 Sale #13
+$10.00 Sale #14
+$10.00 Sale #15
+$25.00 Blackjack Win
+$2.50 Even Out Amount
$130.00 New Balance
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
My Sales
April 17th, 2014 at 03:33 pm
Sale #11 - $6.00
Discounted items from CVS
Suave 12oz Bodywash - I paid .67 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold 4 for $1.50 each = $6.00 Profit
Mortgage Checking Balance
$60.00 Balance
+$6.00 Sale #1
+$4.00 Even Out Amount
$70.00 New Balance
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
My Sales
April 14th, 2014 at 12:58 am
Sale #9 (RM) - $11.50
Mom - Carmex Balm Set $1.50
Discounted items from CVS
Wet N Wild Nail Polish - I paid $1.25 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold 3 for $2.50 each (part of 4 for $10 deal) = $7.50 Profit
Discounted items from Claires
Sea Glass Manicure Sets - I paid $1.00
Sold for $2.50(part of 4 for $10 deal) = $1.50 Profit
Sale #10 (VT) - $3.00
Nicole by OPI Selena Gomez Nail Polish- I paid .79(Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $3.00 = $3.00 Profit
Mortgage Checking Balance
$45.00 Balance
+$11.50 Sale #1
+$3.00 Sale #2
+.50 Even Out Amount
$60.00 New Balance
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
My Sales
April 7th, 2014 at 03:21 am
The two girls I sold to before came to buy more from me! They each bought a few things and I also sold 1 item to a coworker. Things are going good with the lil side business!
Sale #6 (KW) - $20.00
Mom - Maybelline Nail Polish $2.00
Discounted items from CVS
Carmex Lip Gloss (2) - I paid .24 each
Sold 2 for $1.50 each = $2.52 Profit
Listerine Mouthwash 1 Liter - I paid $2.04 each (free on CVS GC)
Sold for $4.00 = $4.00 Profit
Glade Room Spray(4) I paid .67 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for 4 for $4.00 = $4.00 Profit
Venus Embrace Razor - I paid $1.49 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $7.00 = $7.00 Profit
Sale #7 (CB) - $15.00
Listerine Mouthwash 1 Liter - I paid $2.04 each (free on CVS GC)
Sold for $4.00 = $4.00 Profit
Glade Room Spray(4) I paid .67 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for 4 for $4.00 = $4.00 Profit
Venus Embrace Razor - I paid $1.49 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $7.00 = $7.00 Profit
Sale #8 (SS) - $3.00
Wet n Wild Nail Kit (I had bought this to keep for a gift, not to resell) - I paid .88
Sold for $3.00 = $2.12 profit
Mortgage Checking Balance
$350.00 Balance
-$345.00 April Mortgage Principle Payment
+$20.00 Sale #1
+$15.00 Sale #2
+$3.00 Sale #3
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
$45.00 New Balance
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
My Sales
March 30th, 2014 at 06:31 pm
April 2014 Mortgage Payment
Balance $94,000.00
+$215.42 Interest
-$1218.88 Regular Payment
-$151.54 Principle Payment
-$345.00 Mortgage Checking Principle Payment
New Balance $92,500.00
Escrow Savings Account
Trying to focus most extra money on savings for now, so only paid the $151.54 extra, but then had all the sale money from FB in the Mortgage Checking account, so still ended up with a great paydown for the month.
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
March 24th, 2014 at 08:45 pm
I had two separate young ladies come shop my stockpile and 2 decent sales out of it! They both told me when I get new/more stuff to message them to come shop again!
Sale #4 - $20.00
Mom - Maybelline Nail Polish $2.00 x 2 = $4.00
Free Items from CVS
Maybelline Nailpolish - Sold for $2.00 = $2.00 Profit
Discounted items from CVS
Carmex Lip Gloss - I paid .24 each
Sold for $1.50 each = $1.26 Profit
Crest 3D White Toothpaste - I paid .99 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $2.50 = $2.50 Profit
Softsoap Bodywash 18oz (2) - I paid $1.50 each (Free on CVS GC)
Nivea Bodywash 16.9oz (2) - I paid $1.49 each (Free on CVS GC)
*Sold these as a package deal for 4 for $10.00 = $10.00 Profit
Sale #5 - $34.50
Mom - Cherry Carmex $1.00
Free Items from CVS
Maybelline Nailpolish - Sold for $2.00 = $2.00 Profit
Revlon Glitter File (MM of .73!) - Sold for $1.50 = $2.23 Profit!!
SpeedStick Deoderant (2) - I bought these to keep as this is the kind DH uses, but I threw some tags on them when the girls came over to shop and they ended up buying them, so why not?! Sold for $2.00 each = $4.00 Profit!!
Discounted items from CVS
Crest 3D White Toothpaste - I paid .99 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $2.50 = $2.50 Profit
Crest 3D White Brilliance - I paid .24 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $2.50 = $2.50 Profit
Crest Toothpaste 8oz - I bought this to keep, not sure when or where, but marked $3.00 when they came to shop. I assume I made money on this, but since I really have no record of it I am not sure and won't be marking down any profit for this. Sold for $3.00.
Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear Polish (6) - I paid $1.54 each (Free on CVS GC)
Essie Nail Polish (2) - I paid .83 each (One was free on GC, one I paid cash for)
*Sold these as a package deal for 4 for $10.00 x (2) = $19.17 Profit
Mortgage Checking Balance
$250.00 Balance
+$16.00 Sale #1
+$4.00 Even Out Amount
+$33.50 Sale #2
+$2.50 Even Out Amount
+$40.00 Coin
+$4.00 Even Out Amount
$350.00 New Balance!!
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
My Sales
March 20th, 2014 at 08:29 pm
I have been posting items on FB for sale, and a coworker recently saw my posts and asked me to bring her some items to buy. She told me a bunch of the brands she uses and asked me put together a box of things worth about $60-$80 for her to buy! I was super excited! I wasn't sure if I would have $60-$80 worth of stuff that she would want to buy, but I just packed up a box with a bunch of different items, mostly CVS purchases, a few things from my personal stockpile that I thought she might be interested in, and the movies that I just bought from someone else on FB.....she ended up buying $202 worth of merchandise!!! ($8.50 of it was items that my Mom and Bro had mixed with my rummage sale stuff) So in less then a week I have made $240.50!! I have 2 more potential buyers on bodywash I am waiting for pick up on!
The best part was that I sold all of the DVDs that I just bought this weekend and I made a $64 profit on those! Nice, quick turnaround! Selling on FB is turning into a nice little supplemental income for me! Now I just need to restock because my inventory is bare!!
Sale #3
Here is what I sold to my coworker:
Brother - Gillette Razor $4.00
Mom - Carmex Lime $1.00, Carmex Vanilla $1.00, Carmex Cherry $1.00, Carmex Balm and Cream Set $1.50 = Total $4.50
Free Items from CVS
Culturelle ProBiotic (2) - Sold 2 for $6.00 each = $12.00 Profit
Curel Lotion 1oz (6) - Sold for .50 each = $3.00 Profit
CVS Brand Pain Reliever (3) - Sold for $2.50 each = $7.50 Profit
St. Josephs Aspirin (2) (Money Maker of .25 each) sold for $3.00 each = $6.50 Profit
Revlon Nail Clipper (Money Maker of .31) Sold for $1.50 = $1.81 Profit
Themacare Heat Wrap - Sold for $3.00 = $3.00 Profit
Youtheory Collagen - Sold for $5.00 = $5.00 Profit
Discounted items from CVS
Carmex Lip Gloss (3) - I paid .24 each
Sold for $1.50 each = $3.78 Profit
Crest Prohealth Mouthwash - I paid .99 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $3.50 = $3.50 Profit
CVS Brand Lotion 3oz - I paid .12
Sold for $1.00 = .88 Profit
Olay Bodywash (I had bought this to keep for myself, not to resell) - I paid $2.99
Sold for $5.00 = $2.01 Profit
Softsoap Bodywash 18oz (5) - I paid $1.50 each (Free on CVS GC, except one when I ran out of GC, and paid .34 OOP as I ran out of GC that day)
Sold for $2.50 each since she bought more than 4 = $12.16 Profit
Venus Spa Breeze - I paid $2.99 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $6.00 = $6.00 Profit
Wet n Wild Nail Kit (I had bought this to keep for a gift, not to resell) - I paid .88
Sold for $3.00 = $2.12 profit
Discounted Items from JCPenney
Mens Flipflops - I paid .14
Sold for $3.00 = $2.86 Profit
Free Item from Grocery Store
Suave Lotion - Sold for $2.50 = $2.50 Profit
Free Items from Menards
Eyewear Care Kit - Sold for $2.50 = $2.50 Profit
Lint Rollers 3pk - Sold for $2.50 = $2.50 Profit
Free Items from Target
Gillette Fusion Proglide (Money Maker of $2.53) sold for $6.00 = $8.53 Profit
Venus Embrace Razor (Money Maker of $2.53) sold for $6.00 = $8.53 Profit
Discounted Items I bought from Facebook
28 DVDs - I paid $20 for the whole lot (.71 per DVD)
Sold for $3.00 each = $64.00 Profit!!
$50.00 Balance
+$193.50 Sales to coworker
+$6.50 Even Out Amount
$250.00 New Balance!!
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
My Sales
March 17th, 2014 at 12:42 am
A girl just came and bought 4 more bodywashes from me! She was super nice and asked how I got so much brand new stuff to sell, I told her I coupon and she thought that was so cool. Made me very happy! She told me I must be so smart and said she will probably see me on TV some day! Lil things make me smile! 
Sale #2
Softsoap Bodywash (Sold 4)
I paid $1.00 each for these ones (Free on CVS GC)
I had marked for $3.00 each for 4 for $10.00
Sold 4 for $10.00 = $10.00 Profit
$50.00 Balance
+$10.00 Sold 4 Softsoap
$60.00 New Balance
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
My Sales
March 16th, 2014 at 08:39 pm
I have shopped on a FB page for my local area that is a "rummage sale" type community, but never tried to sell anything till recently. Well I put some stuff up on there this weekend and have been selling like crazy!
Here is what I sold so far ($37.00 yesterday!), and I have 3 more sales pending pickup!
Sale #1 (PRN) - $37.00
Maybelline Color Show Fashion Prints Nail Stickers
I paid .83 (Free on CVS GC)
Sold for $3.00 = $3.00 Profit
Right Guard Bodywash 16oz (Sold 4)
I paid $1.00 each (Free on CVS GC)
I had marked $3.00 each or 4 for $10.00
Sold for 4 for $10.00 = $10.00 Profit
Crest Prohealth Mouthwash (Sold 2)
I paid .99 each (Free on CVS GC)
Sold 1 for $3.00 and 1 for $3.50 = $6.50 Profit
Softsoap Bodywash (Sold 7)
I paid $1.50 each (.34 each OOP as I ran out of GC that day)
I had marked for $3.00 each for 4 for $10.00
Sold 7 for 4 for $10.00 in a deal with the Mouthwash, so (7 x $2.50 = $17.50) - $2.38 paid OOP = $15.12 Profit
$5.00 Balance
+$37.00 FB Sales
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
+$5.00 Nielsen Survery
$50.00 New Balance
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
My Sales
February 26th, 2014 at 02:21 am
Went a little heavy on the mortgage this month....I figured since I already put the monthly deposit in the escrow account from the tax refund I had a lil more flexyness with the mortgage payment. Full steam ahead!!
March 2014 Mortgage Payment
Balance $95,600.00
+$219.08 Interest
-$1218.88 Regular Payment
-$465.20 Principle Payment
-$135.00 Mortgage Checking Principle Payment
New Balance $94,000.00
Escrow Savings Account
+$350.00 Jan Escrow
+$350.00 Feb Escrow
+$350.00 March Escrow
-$2100.00 Property Taxes
+$10.00 Interest and Even Out Amounts
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
February 26th, 2014 at 02:05 am
Counted up my piggy bank today and added it to the mortgage checking.
$95.00 Balance
+$45.00 Coin
=$140.00 New Balance
$140.00 Balance
-$135.00 March 2014 Principle Payment
$5.00 New Balance
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff
February 9th, 2014 at 11:36 pm
This weekend I worked at an arm-wrestling tournament doing the weigh-ins and bracketing. I was doing this as a favor to my Dad, but I ended up making $50! So I put that into the mortgage checking for March's Principle Payment.
$45.00 Balance
+$50.00 Casino Win
=$95.00 New Balance
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Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
Extra Jobs and OT