Viewing the '$20K challenge' Category
October 26th, 2015 at 04:13 pm
We are chipping away at savings, but we have some monster bills coming up.....so I am pretty nervous! My home insurance and car insurance are due. Also we had a new AC put in Rental #2 (my old house) a month or two ago and haven't received the bill for that yet...plus wedding pictures...and we had a repair man out to hookup the hot tub at the new house, I'm sure that bill will be here soon. YIKES! Just gotta keep sockin away the dollars and pay the bills as they come!
Current Balance $11,085.00
+$40.00 Last Week FB Sales
+$10.00 This Weekend FB Sales
+$100.00 Belated Wedding Gift
Balance $11,235.00
Local Savings $1905.00
GC Savings $2550.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2830.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$2700.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1250.00
Total Savings = $11,235.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 39 $703(total) + $38 + $39(deposit) = $780
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 21st, 2015 at 03:46 pm
MO got his yearly dividend check from the local gas station, nice little boost! Then even out deposit and payday deposits! 
Current Balance $10,885.00
+$141.51 Dividend Check
+$8.49 Even Out Amount
+$25.00 Payday to Our Savings
+$25.00 Payday to Mom Loan Savings
Balance $11,085.00
Local Savings $1755.00
GC Savings $2550.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2830.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$2700.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1250.00
Total Savings = $11,085.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 39 $703(total) + $38 + $39(deposit) = $780
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 15th, 2015 at 08:49 pm
All of our little snowflakes to savings are adding up quickly! We had a few more rebates come in from beer purchased for the wedding. For coed softball we paid the players fees upfront back in August, and then the players reimbursed us. The last player reimbursed us this week, and since we already covered that cost months ago we were able to just put that $30 in savings. A few FB sales, MO's payday, and apparently I either added wrong or forgot to add in a few deposits, so I corrected the balance.
Current Balance $10,670.00
+$12.00 Budweiser Rebate
+$12.00 Coors Rebate
+$30.00 Softball Money
+$12.00 FB Sales
+$4.00 Even Out Amount
+$25.00 MO Payday
+$120.00 Missed Deposits
Balance $10,885.00
Local Savings $1605.00
GC Savings $2550.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2805.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$2675.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1250.00
Total Savings = $10,885.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 39 $703(total) + $38 + $39(deposit) = $780
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 11th, 2015 at 05:03 pm
MO mowed his cousin's property out at the lake this summer, and yesterday his cousin gave him a check for $500 for mowing! Sweet! We were only expecting about $300, so this was a great surprise! We also got a small rebate from beer that we had bought for the wedding.
MO and I have been talking about our current goal (paying off the money my Mom loaned us, balance is currently $14,247.50) and how long it would take us to pay her off. Now that we are done with all of the house, wedding, trips, we don't have anything planned for upcoming trips/events. We have been talking about taking a little group trip to Laughlin (we get free flights and free rooms there) with some of MO's family in March. And wouldn't it be nice to have my Mom paid off by then?? We talked it over and we think if we tried really hard we could make it, and that would be a lovely "prize" for paying her off. So are going to work hard to have enough in savings to pay her off, have money for the trip, and still have a little left in savings for EF, then when we get home, we will start over again on savings, and would only have HELOC, store loan, and mortgages left. We are going to cut eating out and gambling as much as we can. I went grocery shopping yesterday and stocked up the pantry some, and I plan on getting some crockpot meals, and maybe even some freezer meals lined up soon. The loan we originally set up with my Mom was for 4 years, so if we could pay it off in 9 months that would be amazing!
Current Balance $10,150.00
+$12.00 Budweiser Rebate
+$8.00 Even Out Amount
+$500.00 MO Lawn Mowing Money
Balance $10,670.00
Local Savings $1535.00
GC Savings $2550.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2755.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$2580.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1250.00
Total Savings = $10,670.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 39 $703(total) + $38 + $39(deposit) = $780
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 7th, 2015 at 05:03 pm
Current Balance $9,280.00
+$800.00 Money brought back from Denver
+$.58 CapOne Interest
+$4.42 Even Out Amount
+.33 CapOne Interest
+$4.67 Even Out Amount
+.10 Local Savings Interest
+$9.90 Even Out Amount
+$25.00 My Payday to Mom Payback Savings
+$25.00 My Payday to Our Savings
Balance $10,150.00
Local Savings $1515.00
GC Savings $2550.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2755.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$2080.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1250.00
Total Savings = $10,150.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 39 $703(total) + $38 + $39(deposit) = $780
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 1st, 2015 at 02:39 am
Whoo hoo we got the check for the first month of rent for MO's house! Since we don't have to pay the mortgage on the new house till November, this is all "bonus" money for us, so I put the whole thing in savings. We do have a lot of extra expenditures right now ($700 propane bill, $210 carpet cleaning) but I still think we can swing it.
I also got my first payment coupon for the new house, so I set up an account on their website and set up automatic payments so we don't have to worry about late fees or anything with that.
I also set up automatic payments from my checking account to my Mom's savings account to pay her the agreed $300 per month for the loan we are paying to her. The more things are automated the better!
We leave tomorrow for Denver YEAH!!
Current Balance $8,005.00
+$1250.00 Oct Rent at Rental #1
+$25.00 MO Payday
Balance $9,280.00
Local Savings $1515.00
GC Savings $2540.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2725.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$1250.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1250.00
Total Savings = $9,280.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 37 $561(total) + $34 + $35 + $36 + $37(deposit) = $703
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 25th, 2015 at 10:26 pm
I had a credit on my Chase card due to a return after I had already paid the balance on my card. Since that money was already "spent" I just requested a check and stuck it in savings to payback my Mom. I also took in our change cup...$37.78, so I put $35 in savings and put the $2.78 back in the cup for next time. Another drop in the savings bucket! Back over $8k!
Current Balance $7,745.00
+$225.00 Refund from Chase
+$35.00 Coin Jar
Balance $8,005.00
Local Savings $1515.00
GC Savings $2540.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $1450.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$1250.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1250.00
Total Savings = $8,005.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 37 $561(total) + $34 + $35 + $36 + $37(deposit) = $703
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 21st, 2015 at 02:57 pm
The BIG rummage sale was last weekend and as usual it was crazy! We had beautiful weather (after an initial rain shower) and a great turnout! I won't have the breakdown ready for awhile while we are working on moving (and next week going to Denver!) but I do have the totals. Rummage sale as a whole did $8800!! MO and I did $3080!! We made over $1000 just on snacks! So I will get the breakdown up as soon as I can, but since I already have the money I wanted to get that part squared away.
We made $3080, we round it up to $3100. We are putting $1100 into our savings and taking $1000 each as our spending money to Denver next week. That will cover food, drinks, gambling, tailgating costs, shopping, etc. Hotels, flights and rental car have already been paid for.
Anything we bring home will go into the Mom Loan Savings account.
Current Balance $6,645.00
+$1100.00 3rd of Rummage Sale Money
Balance $7,745.00
Local Savings $1480.00
GC Savings $2540.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $1450.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$1025.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1250.00
Total Savings = $7,745.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 37 $561(total) + $34 + $35 + $36 + $37(deposit) = $703
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$20K challenge
September 18th, 2015 at 10:31 pm
MO signed us both up for a football pick game, I don't know anything about football so I was pretty sketical, but seemed like fun. It cost $85 per person for the whole season.
You pick the winners of every game for each week. Whoever has the most correct at the end of the week wins $70! (Bigger payouts at the end of the year). If a tie at the end of the week then whoever picks closest to the total score of the Monday night game wins. So I just randimely picked teams and somehow ended up winning! SWEET! I put the $70 towards the "Mom pay back fund".
Current Balance $6,645.00
+$70.00 Football Pick-um Wins
Balance $6,715.00
Local Savings $1480.00
GC Savings $2540.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $350.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$1095.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1250.00
Total Savings = $6,715.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 37 $561(total) + $34 + $35 + $36 + $37(deposit) = $703
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 17th, 2015 at 03:13 pm
MO got the lease signed and the deposit check for his place (where we are currently living). YEAH! So now we are working hard to get everything packed, moved and old house cleaned. We only have until about 9/28/15 as we are leaving for Denver to go watch the Vikings play the Broncos on 10/1/15. So far packing is going pretty well, I am trying to purge as much as I can as I pack, but since most of the items here are MO's (most of my stuff is still at my house except for clothes/toiletries) it is hard for me to sort as much as I would like. But getting rid of some is better then getting rid of none!
I opened a separate savings account with Cap360 for the $1250.00 deposit and we will count it towards our savings total, but we won't touch that money it will just sit there for the renter. The people we are renting to are a young couple with no pets and no kids and I am hoping they will be here for a long time.
Things continue to fall into place! 
Current Balance $5,250.00
+$1250.00 Deposit for Rental
+$5.00 Addition Mistake on Local Savings Account
+$40.00 Closed out an old checking account
+$50.00 Sold MO's kitchen table (we will be using mine at the new house)
+$25.00 FB Sales
+$25.00 Payday Deposit (MO) to Our Savings
Balance $6,645.00
Local Savings $1480.00
GC Savings $2540.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $350.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$1025.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account) $1250.00
Total Savings = $6,645.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 37 $561(total) + $34 + $35 + $36 + $37(deposit) = $703
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 14th, 2015 at 03:00 pm
Ok here is the $20K update after we closed on the house and wedding gifts. We will now be focusing on our savings as well as saving up to payoff my Mom in a large chunk, hopefully by next September.
We had the BIG rummage sale this weekend and it went great! Once I have the totals from that I will have a big deposit to make to savings. 
Current Balance $25,000.00
+$865.00 Wedding gift deposit on 9/8/15 to local savings
+$180.00 Wedding gift deposit on 9/14/15 to local savings
+.29 Cap360 Interest Our Savings
+$4.71 Even Out Amount Our Savings
+$25.00 Payday Deposit (Me)to Our Savings
+.41 Cap 360 Interest Mom Payback Savings
+$4.59 Even Out Amount Mom Payback Savings
+$25.00 Payday Deposit (Me) to Our Savings
+$25.00 Payday Deposit (MO) to Our Savings
-$20,880.00 Down Payment/Closing Costs on New House
Balance $5,250.00
Local Savings $1400.00
GC Savings $2500.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $325.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Payback Account)$1025.00
Total Savings = $5,250.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 37 $561(total) + $34 + $35 + $36 + $37(deposit) = $703
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 1st, 2015 at 06:36 pm
DF had some free play from the casino, turned it into $80 in real money. Sweet! Added the $80 to savings, plus $75 from FB sales for the last few weeks.
We were told we were closing on the house today at 10am, then it moved to 4pm, now I have no idea....le sigh!
Current Balance $24,845.00
+$80.00 Casino Win
+$75.00 FB Sales
Balance $25,000.00
Local Savings $355.00
GC Savings $2500.00
Capital 360 Savings $1265.00
Holding Money for Down Payment $20,880.00
Total Savings = $25,000.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 27th, 2015 at 02:57 pm
My numbers may be a little bit off right now as the majority of my savings is in my checking account to pay for our down payment if we EVER get to close on this house! But here is my best estimate of where we are at for now.
Now the bank is telling us that closing is held up because they can't find a comparable home in the area to complete the appraisal. 
We also opened a new savings account together in the town where we live so we don't always have to wait till the next time we go somewhere to deposit cash.
We had a $200 check we received as a wedding gift that we put in there to start it out.
Current Balance $26,605.00
+$25.00 DF Payday to savings
+$50.00 My Payday to savings
+$15.00 Bud Light Rebate
+$200.00 Wedding Gift
-$400.00 Payoff David's Bridal Card
-$2530.00 Payoff Ring
-$1400.00 Football trip
+$1700.00 Payday
+$580.00 DF Payday
Balance $24,845.00
Local Savings $200.00
GC Savings $2500.00
Capital 360 Savings $1265.00
Holding Money for Down Payment $20,880.00
Total Savings = $24,845.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 33 $406(total) + $29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33(deposit) = $561
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 17th, 2015 at 03:10 pm
Current Balance $26,555.00
+$50.00 My Payday to savings
Balance $26,605.00
Local Savings $2500.00
Capital 360 Big Savings $20,475.00
Capitol 360 Little Savings $3630.00
Total Savings = $26,605.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 33 $406(total) + $29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33(deposit) = $561
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 8th, 2015 at 12:19 am
Current Balance $26,475.00
+$80.00 FB Sales from Week of 8/2/15
Balance $26,555.00
Local Savings $2500.00
Capital 360 Big Savings $20,450.00
Capitol 360 Little Savings $3605.00
Total Savings = $26,555.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 33 $406(total) + $29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33(deposit) = $561
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 6th, 2015 at 03:37 pm
Current Balance $26,380.00
+$25.00 DF Payday to Little Savings (Auto-Deposit)8/7
+$25.00 My Payday to Little Savings (Auto-Deposit)7/31
+$25.00 My Payday to Big Savings (Auto-Deposit)7/31
+$8.60 Interest on Big Savings
+$6.40 Even Out on Big Savings
+$2.27 Interest on Little Savings
+$2.73 Even Out on Little Savings
Balance $26,475.00
Local Savings $2420.00
Capital 360 Big Savings $20,450.00
Capitol 360 Little Savings $3605.00
Total Savings = $26,475.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 28 $378(total) + $28(deposit) = $406
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 29th, 2015 at 06:26 pm
Current Balance $26,225.00
+$25.00 DF Payday to Little Savings (Auto-Deposit)
+$70.00 FB Sales Week of 7/12/15
+$60.00 FB Sales Week of 7/19/15
Balance $26,380.00
Local Savings $2420.00
Capital 360 Big Savings $20,410.00
Capitol 360 Little Savings $3550.00
Total Savings = $26,380.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 28 $378(total) + $28(deposit) = $406
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 20th, 2015 at 07:51 pm
Whoo hoo, up almost $1000 on this update! We received notice that the house closing MAY be done before the end of the month! I would be super surprised by that, but if it happened that would be great!
Current Balance $25,320.00
+$25.00 Payday to Big Savings (Auto-Deposit)
+$25.00 Payday to Little Savings (Auto-Deposit)
+$780.00 Payday to Local Savings
+$75.00 FB Sales
Balance $26,225.00
Local Savings $2290.00
Capital 360 Big Savings $20,410.00
Capitol 360 Little Savings $3525.00
Total Savings = $26,225.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 28 $378(total) + $28(deposit) = $406
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 15th, 2015 at 11:02 pm
We are cruising in savings! Can't wait till house business is done and if we can keep this up but change to debt paydown instead of savings, we will be back down to only mortgages in no time!
DF's Mom borrowed $600 from him a few months ago and she was able to pay back $150 at this time, so we put that into savings along with my Lake Cabin sales.
Current Balance $25,070.00
+$150.00 Payback from DFs Mom
+$100.00 FB Sales at Lake Cabin
Balance $25,320.00
Local Savings $1435.00
Capital 360 Big Savings $20,385.00
Capitol 360 Little Savings $3500.00
Total Savings = $25,320.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 28 $378(total) + $28(deposit) = $406
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 13th, 2015 at 12:04 am
DF got paid and gave me an extra $545 to put in savings! So happy he is so on board with the savings plan.
Current Balance $24,500.00
+$25.00 DF Payday Reg Deposit
+$545.00 DF Payday Extra Deposit
Balance $25,070.00
Local Savings $1185.00
Capital 360 Big Savings $20,385.00
Capitol 360 Little Savings $3500.00
Total Savings = $25,070.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 7th, 2015 at 07:48 pm
Current Balance $24,415.00
+$75.00 FB Sales Week of 7/1/15
+$10.00 Even Out Amount
Balance $24,500.00
Local Savings $1185.00
Capital 360 Big Savings $20,385.00
Capitol 360 Little Savings $2930.00
Total Savings = $24,500.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 7th, 2015 at 05:13 am
Current Balance $24,215.00
+$200.00 FB Sales Week of 6/22/15
Balance $24,415.00
Local Savings $1100.00
Capital 360 Big Savings $20,385.00
Capitol 360 Little Savings $2930.00
Total Savings = $24,415.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 3rd, 2015 at 03:22 am
We are combined on savings now, but with all the things coming up (buying new house, wedding, moving) we will just call the savings BIG and LITTLE for now until we have goals for them.
Current Balance $25,420.00
+.06 Local Savings Interest
+$4.94 Local Savings Even Out Amount
+$11.91 Capital 360 Interest
+$3.09 Even Out Amount
+$1.69 Capital 360 Interest
+$3.31 Even Out Amount
-$630.00 Payoff Scheels Card
+$25.00 Payday to My Savings
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Savings
+$350.00 Bulk up savings/no principle payment on mortgage for July
-$1000.00 Earnest Money for new house
Balance $24,215.00
Local Savings $900.00
Capital 360 Big Savings $20,385.00
Capitol 360 Little Savings $2930.00
Total Savings = $24,215.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 27 $351(total) + $27(deposit) = $378
Posted in
$20K challenge
June 29th, 2015 at 04:30 am
Current Balance $25,195.00
+$25.00 DF Payday to Joint Savings
+$87.00 Coin Deposit to Joint Savings
+$73.00 DF Chip Money to Joint Savings
+$40.00 Just Because to Joint Savings
+/-$930.00 Moved from My Savings to Joint Savings
Balance $25,420.00
Local Savings $1895.00
Capital 360 Savings $19,995.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $3530.00
Total Savings = $25,420.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 26 $325(total) + $26(deposit) = $351
Posted in
$20K challenge
June 20th, 2015 at 02:45 am
Current Balance $24,100.00
+$25.00 DF Payday to Joint Savings(6/12)
+$50.00 Casino Joint Wins at Foxwoods
+$25.00 Payday to My Savings (6/19)
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Savings
+$20.00 to Joint Savings from FIL
+$750.00 Money left from 2 vacations (Started at $2K)
Balance $25,195.00
Local Savings $1895.00
Capital 360 Savings $20,925.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $2375.00
Total Savings = $25,195.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 24/25 $276(total) + $24(deposit) + $25(deposit) = $325
Posted in
$20K challenge
June 4th, 2015 at 11:06 pm
Current Balance $24,100.00
+$25.00 Payday to My Savings
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Savings
+$120.00 Casino Win to Joint Savings
+$13.68 Capital 360 Interest
+$6.32 Even Out Amount
+$1.12 Capital 360 Interest Joint
+$3.88 Even Out Amount
+$5.00 To get to next $100 Amount
Balance $24,300.00
Local Savings $1895.00
Capital 360 Savings $20,150.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $2255.00
Total Savings = $24,300.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 23 $253(total) + $23(deposit) = $276
Posted in
$20K challenge
May 30th, 2015 at 10:53 pm
Current Balance $24,010.00
+$25.00 DF Payday to Joint Savings
+$20.00 Casino Win
+$45.00 Piggy Bank
Balance $24,100.00
Local Savings $1895.00
Capital 360 Savings $20,100.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $2105.00
Total Savings = $24,100.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 22 $231(total) + $22(deposit) = $253
Posted in
$20K challenge
May 26th, 2015 at 09:47 pm
The $2K should be a temp transfer, not planning on spending that much on this trip, however we are going on another trip a week after we get back....so may need the funds for that trip.
Current Balance $25,950.00
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Savings
+$25.00 Payday to My Savings
-$2000.00 Laughlin/Vegas Trip
+$10.00 FB Sales for Joint Savings
Balance $24,010.00
Local Savings $1830.00
Capital 360 Savings $20,100.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $2080.00
Total Savings = $24,010.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 21 $210(total) + $21(deposit) = $231
Posted in
$20K challenge
May 18th, 2015 at 05:52 pm
We went up to the lake cabin this weekend where we are getting married to work on the yard/beach etc. and get it ready for the wedding. Unfortunately it rained all weekend, it's been pretty cold and miserable here. Since it rained the whole time we went up to the casino (about 10 mins from the cabin) to waste some time and relax.....DF was playing a Superman penny slot machine and ended up winning $3K! It was so exciting!! He gave me $200 to play with and then the rest of his winnings he will be using to take care of some car repairs that came up (new tires on both of his vehicles and new struts on his car). If anything is left after those then he will put it towards debts that he is trying to get paid down before the wedding.
Current Balance $25,525.00
+$25.00 BF Payday to Joint Savings
+$400.00 Joint Casino Winnings
Balance $25,950.00
Local Savings $1830.00
Capital 360 Savings $22,075.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $2045.00
Total Savings = $25,950.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 20 $190(total) + $20(deposit) = $210
Posted in
$20K challenge
May 13th, 2015 at 05:55 pm
Current Balance $25,325.00
+$160.00 FB Sales to My Savings
+$30.00 FB Sales to Joint Savings
+$10.00 Even Out Amount
Balance $25,525.00
Local Savings $1830.00
Capital 360 Savings $22,075.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1620.00
Total Savings = $25,525.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 19 $171(total) + $19(deposit) = $190
Posted in
$20K challenge