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SURPRISE - You made $40!!

November 30th, 2014 at 07:57 pm

I knew that you usually get a "referral bonus" when you refer someone to open a Capitol 360 account, but I thought it was usually $10...I was pleasantly surprised today to see my bonus for referring BF was $40!! Awesome!! Must have been part of their Black Friday sale! SWEET! So between his opening bonus and my referral bonus we made $140 in FREE money to add to savings!

Current Balance $24,935.00
+$40.00 Referral Bonus
+$25.00 To get to $25K!
Balance $25,000.00

Local Savings $1,125.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,500.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $375.00
Total Savings = $25,000.00

Excited to be back at $25K! I have a lot of bills coming up including Christmas so will need to take some out again soon. But I also have a lot of FB sales from this weekend and hopefully next weekend too!

Black Friday Sale at Capitol 360 Savings

November 28th, 2014 at 10:31 pm

BF and I have been planning on opening a savings account together for awhile, but hadn't gotten around to it yet, and had just been setting our money aside together in an envelope for now. We finally got it opened today, and what a good day to get around to it! They were having a Black Friday sale, $100 bonus for new savers! Since BF has never had a savings account with them he qualified! You do have to open it with a $1000 deposit to get that, but we just opened it with the $1000 and once it is available will transfer it back out. Our opening deposit was $235, + $100.00 bonus, so we already have $335! YEAH!

We also set up auto deposits on each of our paydays of $25. So our account will go up $100 a month. Smile

Current Balance $24,600.00
+$235.00 Opening Deposit for Joint Savings
+$100.00 Account Opening Deposit
Balance $24,935.00

Local Savings $1,100.00
ING Savings $23,500.00
Joint ING savings $335.00
Total Savings = $24,935.00

$20K Update

November 18th, 2014 at 02:32 pm

Alright, please don't flame me for this...but I decided to give BF $500 for his deductible for his truck. He did not ask me to, or hint at this in any way, it was my decision. My reasoning was he does so much for me (emotionally, financially, physically, everything!) and is always totally selfless. I am the one that hit the deer, I understand that could have happened to anyone, and that I am in no way obligated to pay his deductible, but it is what I want to do. I am also in a much better position financially then he is. The truck was his grandpa's (who passed away a few years ago) and it had a lot of sentimental value to him. We still don't know if the truck will be totaled out or not, but I feel good about this decision and if he decides to not accept it, or give it back after everything is figured out with the insurance then that is fine too, and I can just put it back in savings then. I gave him the check already, he said he didn't want me to do that, but I left it at his house so he can do what he wants to with it.

Current Balance $25,075.00
-$500.00 BF Auto Deductible
+$5.00 FB Sales
+$15.98 Dad owed me
+$4.02 Even Out Amount
Balance $24,600.00

Local Savings $1,100.00
ING Savings $23,500.00

$20K Update

November 3rd, 2014 at 05:42 pm

Current Balance $25,030.00
+$38.00 FB Sales
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
+$5.00 To get to next even $100 on ING
Balance $25,075.00

Local Savings $1575.00
ING Savings $23,500.00
My Total Savings $25,075.00

$20K Update - ING Interest

November 1st, 2014 at 08:44 pm

Current Balance $25,010.00
+$15.50 ING Interest
+$4.50 Even Out Amount
Balance $25,030.00

Local Savings $1575.00
ING Savings $23,455.00
My Total Savings $25,030.00

Sale to Coworker

October 24th, 2014 at 01:34 pm

FB Sales

Sale #57 (TS) - $8.00
Discounted Items from CVS
Renu Contact Solution 12oz(2) - I paid $1.89 each
Sold to coworker for $4.00 each
Profit = $4.22
$20K Update

Current Balance $25,000.00
+$8.00 FB Sale
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
Balance $25,010.00

Local Savings $1575.00
ING Savings $23,435.00
My Total Savings $25,010.00

Paid Home Insurance and Car Insurance

October 22nd, 2014 at 07:21 pm

I paid my home insurance for the year ($1335.00)and my car insurance which is bi-yearly ($165.55). I took the money for the home insurance out of savings. I am hoping I can swing the money for the car insurance out of checking. I still have another car repair I need to do ASAP, so may be going down more....but BF and his Dad were going to see if they could do the repair. That would certainly help me a lot!

Current Balance $26,325.00
-$1335.00 Yearly Home Insurance
+$10.00 to keep at $25K
Balance $25,000.00

Local Savings $1575.00
ING Savings $23,425.00
My Total Savings $25,000.00

Nexium - Bought and Sold in 10 mins

October 21st, 2014 at 06:22 pm

I bought some Nexium and sold it to my coworker on my lunch break...not a huge profit, but a nice turnaround for 10 mins! My Mom also got the same coupon from the coupon machine, so she sold hers to my coworker as well. We made $4.12 each and my coworker saved $33.98 off the retail price of 2 boxes!

Nexium 24hr 42ct (Bought 1)
Regular Price $28.99
-$5.11 Sale Price
-$1.00 Mfr Coupon
-$10.00 CVS CMC Coupon for Nexium
*Received $5.00 EB
Final Price = $7.88!
*ETA - Sold for $12.00 to coworker on same day
Profit = $4.12!
FB Sales

Sale #56 (DH) - $12.00
Discounted Items from CVS
Nexium 24hr 42ct - I paid $7.88
Sold to coworker for $12.00
Profit = $4.12
$20K Update

Current Balance $27,010.00
+$12.00 FB Sale
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
Balance $26,325.00

Local Savings $1575.00
ING Savings $24,750.00
My Total Savings $26,325.00

$20K Update - Car Repairs

October 20th, 2014 at 06:42 pm

Current Balance $27,010.00
-$700.00 Replace heater core in Malibu
Balance $26,310.00

Local Savings $1575.00
ING Savings $24,735.00
My Total Savings $26,310.00

I think I can swing paying for the hot tub cover ($300) without taking out of savings, but the car repair is too high, so had to take out for that....oh well, that is why we have savings! Smile

$20K Update

October 17th, 2014 at 08:43 pm

Current Balance $27,000.00
+$5.50 FB Sale
+$4.50 Even Out Amount
Balance $27,010.00

Local Savings $1575.00
ING Savings $25,435.00
My Total Savings $27,010.00

Back from Laughlin and $20K Update ($27K!!)

October 6th, 2014 at 02:51 pm

Back from Laughlin! Trip went good, had a lot of fun with BF, and this was our first big trip together so was good to see we travel well together. Smile Didn't come out ahead, but got to play a lot, go to the beach and eat at lots of yummy places I haven't eaten at before! (Checked the scale when I got home and only up 1 lb, yeah!!) Got to try IHOP, Outback Steakhouse, Panda Express, BLT Burger, In-N-Out Burger, and Bubba Gump Shrimp. Everything was super yummo!

Our hotel also had a private beach so we got to enjoy some sun and water time and wild life that walks in that area (ducks, racoons and skunks, oh my!).

We also drove to Vegas one day and met up with BF's sisters who were also on vaca and hung out there for the day and partied on Freemont Street. We didn't have a plan on where we were staying when we got to Vegas, but BF was able to get a room completely comped at Caesar's Palace, so that was awesome!

I ended up coming home with a little over $1400, so sticking that in savings (won't be there for long, paid for a car repair right before I left, $600 Frown ), as well as monthly interest and even out amounts. Can't believe I am at $27K! AWESOME!

Current Balance $25,500.00
+.05 Local Bank Interest
+$4.95 Even Out Amount
+$13.46 ING Interest
+$51.54 Even Out Amount
+$1400.00 Money from Laughlin
+$30.00 To get to $27K
Balance $27,000.00

Local Savings $1575.00
ING Savings $25,425.00
My Total Savings $27,000.00

$20K Update

September 23rd, 2014 at 09:56 pm

Added my latest FB sale to my local savings account, as well as $35 I had from previous FB sales.

Current Balance $25,070.00
+$20.00 FB Sale of DVD Player
+$35.00 Stowed away money
Balance $25,125.00

Local Savings $1570.00
ING Savings $23,555.00
My Total Savings $25,125.00

$20K Update

September 22nd, 2014 at 01:26 am

My local bank was offering a $5 deposit for every account you switch to online statements, normally I like paper statements, but for my checking and savings accounts I really only look at them online anyways, so I switched my 2 checking accounts and 1 savings to online only and made $15! I also got a check in the mail for a credit card that got overpaid a few months ago, and tossed that in savings as well.

Current Balance $25,000.00
+$5.00 Bank Promo
+$5.00 Bank Promo
+$5.00 Bank Promo
+$55.00 Credit Card Credit
Balance $25,070.00

Local Savings $1515.00
ING Savings $23,555.00
My Total Savings $25,070.00

$20K Update - $25K!!!!

September 19th, 2014 at 03:01 pm

I am still working on getting the rummage sale breakdown completed, but in the mean time I wanted to get this money in savings before I have to spend it on my car repairs. Normally I would put the rummage sale money against the mortgage, but October will be the first month I am paying all of the bills including the mortgage on my own, so I am more comfortable putting it in savings and seeing how this month goes. My rummage sale money was $2089.00, I kept $89.00 for myself for fun money and put the rest in savings.

Excited to be at $25K!!

Current Balance $23,000.00
+$2000.00 BIG rummage sale
Balance $25,000.00

Local Savings $1500.00
ING Savings $23,500.00
My Total Savings $25,000.00

$20K Update - $23K!!

September 12th, 2014 at 09:04 pm

Today was payday and I had some extra so tossed it into savings. I also got some bonus pay, a little over $400 after taxes, so I am keeping that amount out for our trip to Laughlin. Smile

Current Balance $22,750.00
+$250.00 Payday
Balance $23,000.00

Local Savings $1500.00
ING Savings $21,500.00
My Total Savings $23,000.00

$20K Update

September 10th, 2014 at 09:35 pm

Current Balance $22,715.00
+$12.00 Sold Nexium to coworker
+$23.00 Even Out Amount
Balance $22,750.00

Local Savings $1500.00
ING Savings $21,250.00
My Total Savings $22,750.00

$20K Update - ING Interest

September 3rd, 2014 at 03:02 pm

Current Balance $22,700.00
+$12.42 Interest
+$2.58 Even Out Amount
Balance $22,715.00

Local Savings $1465.00
ING Savings $21,250.00
My Total Savings $22,715.00

$20K Update - FB Sales

September 2nd, 2014 at 07:48 pm

Current Balance $22,615.00
+$78.00 FB Sales (Minus the $5.00 that was my Moms)
+$7.00 Even Out Amount
Balance $22,700.00

Local Savings $1465.00
ING Savings $21,235.00
My Total Savings $22,700.00

$20K Update

August 30th, 2014 at 06:25 pm

Yesterday was payday. Since I don't have to pay my mortgage till October I had a nice chunk extra to toss in savings.

Current Balance $22,215.00
+$400.00 Payday
Balance $22,615.00

Local Savings $1380.00
ING Savings $21,235.00
My Total Savings $22,615.00

$20K Update

August 19th, 2014 at 01:20 pm

Got a $12 rebate from UV Vodka that I submitted back in June. I tossed it in savings and added $3 to even it out. $15 more dollars towards my future! Smile

Current Balance $22,200.00
+$12.00 UV Rebate
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
Balance $22,215.00

Local Savings $1380.00
ING Savings $20,835.00
My Total Savings $22,215.00

$20K Update

August 18th, 2014 at 01:47 am

Only putting $100 out of this paycheck into savings. Pat Benatar concert is next weekend so keeping some out to play with, will probably put some more in savings after next weekend.

Current Balance $22,070.00
+$24.00 FB Sales
+$6.00 Even Out Amount
+$100.00 Payday
Balance $22,200.00

Local Savings $1380.00
ING Savings $20,820.00
My Total Savings $22,200.00

$20K Update

August 10th, 2014 at 12:45 am

Current Balance $22,030.00
+$40.00 Sold 4 Piggy Banks on FB
Balance $22,070.00

Local Savings $1350.00
ING Savings $20,720.00
My Total Savings $22,070.00

$20K Update - Deal on Pat Benatar Tickets!

August 8th, 2014 at 08:54 pm

BF and I, and his sister and her GF were all planning on going to a Pat Benatar concert at the end of August. Tickets were $40 reserved and $35 general admission. I was going to buy tickets for all 4 of us and the other 2 were paying me back for theirs. Well one of my coworkers ended up winning 2 tickets and she can't go so she said I could have them for free! Smile Sweet! I didn't feel right taking them from her for free, so I told her I would give her $20 a ticket for them, that way she makes $40 and I save $30 (they are general admission) by getting them from her instead of the venue! Didn't think there would be any way for me to save money on concert tickets, but I somehow found one!!

Tossed the $30 I saved into savings!

Current Balance $22,000.00
+$30.00 Savings on concert tickets
Balance $22,030.00

Local Savings $1310.00
ING Savings $20,720.00
My Total Savings $22,030.00

$20K Update - Goal Met!!!

August 6th, 2014 at 02:21 pm

When they redid my mortgage loan they overestimated by $2644.04, so that amount was deposited in my checking account today. I transferred it to savings and BOOM I am over $20K! YEAH!

So now I need to make a plan of action. I will definitely be paying extra every month on the mortgage and I have a number of home improvements that I have been putting off for too long and I will need to make a priority list and start on those soon. Should be back with a goal/plan soon!

Current Balance $19,360.00
+$2640.00 Overage on new mortgage loan
Balance $22,000.00

Local Savings $1310.00
ING Savings $20,690.00
My Total Savings $22,000.00

$20K Update - Joint Savings is now at $0

August 1st, 2014 at 01:48 pm

Joint Savings

Current Balance $6,055.00
-$3025.00 dispersed for my half of savings
-$2000.00 to me to pay for XH's half of mortgage closing costs
-$1030.00 dispersed to XH for his half of savings after he paid his half of closing costs
New Balance = $0

My Savings

Current Balance $13,620.00
+$6.21 ING Interest
+$8.79 Even Out Amount
+$3025.00 Disperse Savings
+$2000.00 XH Closing Costs
+$200.00 Bonus Incentive for setting up autopay on mortgage
+$500.00 Payday
Balance $19,360.00

Local Savings $1310.00
ING Savings $18,050.00
My Total Savings $19,360.00

$20K Update

July 30th, 2014 at 05:04 pm

My portion from the nailpolish sales was $47.50, I rounded it up to $55 and added that to My Savings. Should be able to put a large deposit in savings on the 8/1/14, since I don't have to pay my mortgage for August I should be able to put at least $500 into savings.

Joint Savings

Current Balance $6,055.00

ING $6,055.00
Total = $6,055.00

My Savings

Current Balance $13,565.00
+$55.00 FB Sales
Balance $13,620.00

Local Savings $610.00
ING Savings $13,010.00
My Total Savings $13,620.00

$20K Update

July 25th, 2014 at 11:03 pm

Joint Savings

Current Balance $6,055.00

ING $6,055.00
Total = $6,055.00

My Savings

Current Balance $13,510.00
+$55.00 FB Sales
Balance $13,565.00

Local Savings $555.00
ING Savings $13,010.00
My Total Savings $13,565.00

$20K Update - Continuing to disperse joint savings and Roomate Update

July 22nd, 2014 at 02:07 pm

I consolidated our 8 ING Savings accounts into 1 account. More progress towards getting things done. Dispersed another $5000 to me and $5000 to XH. So just $6055 left to divy up and we won't do that until the house closing is done and he will be paying me for his half of the refi costs.

Also finally heard back from the potential roomate and she is not moving in, which at this point is honestly a relief that she said no as she was seeming less and less reliable since she took so long to respond to my texts.

I have another friend that I know would be more reliable etc., my concern with asking her first is she has a small dog. I know she is very responsible with her animal and would be very careful that nothing happened to my house etc. because of her pet, but accidents happen with animals and I am NOT a dog person at all (childhood attack). But I think if we have rules in place right away then that would be fine. The roomate would essentially have the entire basement to themselves, so we could put a baby gate at the bottom of the steps so that when she isn't home the dog is contained to that area. I will be reaching out to her today to see if she is even interested at all.

*ETA - Went and added another $30 to My Savings to control my numbers OCD. Since I won't have to pay the mortgage for August I will have a little more wingle room for things like this for one month. Smile

Joint Savings

Current Balance $16,055.00
-$5,000.00 to My Savings
-$5,000.00 to Xh Savings
Balance $6,055.00

ING $6,055.00
Total = $6,055.00

My Savings

Current Balance $8,480.00
+$5,000.00 Dispersing Joint Savings
+$30.00 Numbers OCD
Balance $13,510.00

Local Savings $500.00
ING Savings $13,010.00
My Total Savings $13,510.00

$20K Update

July 21st, 2014 at 03:44 pm

Joint Savings

Current Balance $16,055.00
Balance $16,055.00

ING $16,055.00
Total = $16,055.00

My Savings

Local Savings
Current Balance $370.00
+$100.00 FB Sales
Balance $470.00

ING Savings
Balance $8010.00

Local Savings $470.00
ING Savings $8010.00
My Total Savings $8480.00

$20K Update - Biggest Loser Money

July 8th, 2014 at 01:45 pm

Now that I have my own savings set up I added my Biggest Loser Winnings. Once everything is split I should still have about $16K or more in savings. Crazy to think only a few years ago it seemed impossible to get to that number with 2 people working towards it and now I have that much on my own! Hoping once everything is done that I can keep moving forward somehow to get to $20K on my own.

Personally things are going ok. I really do like my new guy a lot, but still feel sad and cry often. He is obviously aware of the situation and that I am not in great working order right now. I just hope he is patient enough and can understand that it may be a long time before I can be fully functioning as someone else's GF.

Have a wedding out of state this weekend and am looking forward to getting away from everything a bit, however, not excited for my first wedding alone and my first wedding since the split.

Joint Savings

Current Balance $16,055.00
Balance $16,055.00

ING $16,055.00
Total = $16,055.00

My Savings

Local Savings
Current Balance $300.00
+$70.00 Biggest Loser Winnings
Balance $370.00

ING Savings
Balance $8010.00

Local Savings $370.00
ING Savings $8010.00
My Total Savings $8380.00

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