Viewing the '$20K challenge' Category
December 7th, 2012 at 08:43 pm
Current Balance $23,355.00
-$112.00 to ROTH IRA
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
+$85.00 to Retirement Hold Account
New Balance $23,330.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $20,135.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$100.00
HSBC $1475.00
Total = $23,330.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 3rd, 2012 at 02:30 am
Just realized today that we had way to much cash at home for the home improvements, so transferred it to ING. I love when my ING accounts are over $20K! 
Current Balance $23,355.00
-$1500.00 from Home Improvement Cash
+$1500.00 to ING Home Improvements
New Balance $23,355.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $20,160.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$100.00
HSBC $1475.00
Total = $23,355.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 3rd, 2012 at 01:19 am
Current Balance $23,150.00
+$100.00 to EF
+$100.00 to Sept 2013
+$13.74 ING Interest
+$21.26 ING Even Out Amount
-$30.00 to ING Roth IRA
New Balance $23,355.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $18,660.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1600.00
HSBC $1475.00
Total = $23,355.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 26th, 2012 at 02:53 am
Current Balance $23,065.00
+$85.00 to Retirement hold account
New Balance $23,150.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $18,455.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1600.00
HSBC $1475.00
Total = $23,150.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 20th, 2012 at 05:31 pm
I borrowed $1500 from my Mom about a month ago. It was only supposed to be till payday because I was short in checking and needed the money asap so that I wouldn't overdraw my checking when my credit card payment came out. It was my fault for not paying enough attention to the due date. So she borrowed me the money, payday came and went and I had not paid her back yet....thought I would have enough in checking to pay her back, but it's just not happening with Christmas presents etc, so had to come out of savings.
Current Balance $24,565.00
-$1500.00 Payback Mom
New Balance $23,065.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $18,370.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1600.00
HSBC $1475.00
Total = $23,065.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 15th, 2012 at 05:56 pm
Payday for Hubby!
Current Balance $24,015.00
+$100.00 to EF
+$100.00 to Sept 2013
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
+$250.00 to Home Improvements
New Balance $24,565.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $19,870.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1600.00
HSBC $1475.00
Total = $24,565.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 10th, 2012 at 04:21 am
Payday for me! Paycheck was sweet with OT! Just a normal deposit for now, but glad to have a little extra cushion in the checking account.
Current Balance $23,930.00
+$85.00 to Retirement Hold Account
New Balance $24,015.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $19,670.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1350.00
HSBC $1375.00
Total = $24,015.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 7th, 2012 at 05:31 pm
Threw $20 in the EF, just because.
Current Balance $23,910.00
+$20.00 to EF
New Balance $23,930.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $19,585.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1350.00
HSBC $1375.00
Total = $23,930.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 5th, 2012 at 05:30 pm
Current Balance $24,115.00
-$240.00 to Roth IRA
+$19.47 ING Interest
+$15.53 ING Even Out Amount
New Balance $23,910.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $19,565.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1350.00
HSBC $1375.00
Total = $23,910.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 31st, 2012 at 04:35 pm
Another car repair...blah! I had to have my catalic (sp) convertor replaced. My car is 10 years old and has 152K miles on it, so I guess it was time to replace that. My car could barely get up to speed in a 40mph zone. So the money stinks, but I am glad my car is back to being a safe vehicle! I think I am going to start a seperate EF, one for short term, one for long term. Otherwise it seems I will never get anywhere on that EF. It is my achilles!
Current Balance $24,580.00
-$1000.00 Car Repair and Overspending
+$85.00 to Retirement Hold Account
+$100.00 To EF
+$100.00 to Sept 2013 Savings
+$250.00 Cross Country Money to Home Improvements
New Balance $24,115.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $19,770.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1350.00
HSBC $1375.00
Total = $24,115.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 17th, 2012 at 04:07 pm
Current Balance $24,330.00
+$250.00 Cross Country Money to Home Improvements
New Balance $24,580.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $20,485.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$1100.00
HSBC $1375.00
Total = $24,580.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 15th, 2012 at 12:59 am
I took money out of savings and transferred to checking to help cover the large principle payment we made this month. Now we should go back to our normal principle payment so shouldn't have to take anymore out.
Current Balance $24,945.00
+$100.00 to EF from Payday
+$100.00 to Sept 2013 from Payday
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
+$85.00 to retirement hold account
-$1000.00 to checking
New Balance $24,330.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $20,485.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$850.00
HSBC $1375.00
Total = $24,330.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 2nd, 2012 at 01:54 pm
Current Balance $24,355.00
+$100.00 to EF from Payday
+$100.00 to Sept 2013 from Payday
+$85.00 to retirement hold account
+$250.00 Cross Country Pay
-$25.00 to ROTH IRA
+$15.03 ING Interest
+$24.97 ING Even Out Amount
+$40.00 ?? Somewhere my math is off.....
New Balance $24,945.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $21,200.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$850.00
HSBC $1275.00
Total = $24,945.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 14th, 2012 at 03:27 am
Rummage Sale breakdown will come soon, but here is our $20K Update! Loving these numbers right now!!
Current Balance $22,750.00
+$5.00 Staples Rebate to EF
+$5.00 Staples Rebate to EF
+$1000.00 Rummage Sale Money
+$100.00 to EF from Payday
+$100.00 to Sept 2013 from Payday
+$85.00 to retirement hold account
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
+$250.00 Cross Country Pay
New Balance $24,355.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $21,115.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$345.00
HSBC $1275.00
Total = $24,355.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
September 6th, 2012 at 02:30 am
No change to the total,but moved some more money into the ROTH and the EF.
Current Balance $22,750.00
-$112.00 to ROTH IRA
+$85.00 to retirement hold account
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
+$25.00 to EF (just cause)
New Balance $22,750.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $19,610.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$345.00
HSBC $1175.00
Total = $22,750.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 3rd, 2012 at 05:04 pm
Once all the deposit go through I will need to check this and make sure I have all of my numbers correct, but for now this is my best recollection of where we are at.
-We only had $130 at home that I always thought I would put more money into for the mortgage payoff, but it wasn't growing at all so I just put it towards the mortgage for September and deleted that as one of the accounts that we had money saved in.
-Somehow I underestimated our Cruise Account (HSBC account) by $205.00, so I added that to the challenge.
-We had a rummage sale last weekend (I will do a seperate post for that) and did well. Made $376, so transferred $375.00 to EF savings for that.
-DH had a little surprise bonus money, so I spread that between Vegas account (to get it to $3K), the EF (to get it to $2K) and my retirement hold account, to continue to pay back the money I borrowed from that account in June.
Current Balance $21,745.00
-$113.00 to ROTH IRA
-$130.00 to Mortgage Principle for September
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
+$15.07 ING Interest
+$19.93 Even Out Amount
+$70.00 DH bonus to EF
+$160.00 DH bonus to Vegas Account
+$205.00 Correcting HSBC Balance
+$375.00 6/24/12 Rummage Sale to EF
+$400.00 DH bonus to payback retirement hold account (now only owe $200.00 to have this all paid back)
New Balance $22,750.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $19,610.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Home Improvements(cash)$345.00
HSBC $1175.00
Total = $22,750.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 30th, 2012 at 02:59 am
Oh my I haven't updated my $20K Challenge all month! Took out the $1800 we have been saving for this time frame where DH does not get paid for a month inbetween summer job and school. He gets paid from school on 9/15/12 and will start saving the $100 per paycheck again for that account for Sept 2013.
Well here is where we are at:
Current Balance $23,300.00
-$112.00 to ROTH IRA
+$85.00 to retirement hold account(8/3/12) paycheck
+$85.00 to retirement hold account(8/17/12) paycheck
+$85.00 to retirement hold account(8/31/12) paycheck
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
-$1800.00 from Sept 2012 savings account to checking
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
New Balance $21,745.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $18,680.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$345.00
HSBC $970.00
Total = $21,745.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 2nd, 2012 at 02:41 am
Current Balance $23,265.00
+$13.46 ING Interest
+$21.54 Even Out Amount
New Balance $23,300.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $20,335.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$345.00
HSBC $870.00
Total = $23,300.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 1st, 2012 at 04:10 am
Current Balance $23,065.00
+$200.00 Paying back ING Savings
New Balance $23,265.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $20,300.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$345.00
HSBC $870.00
Total = $23,265.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 29th, 2012 at 07:27 pm
Sometimes if I need to "borrow" from savings I just keep track of it on my own and pay it back asap without updating it on here. But once it starts to get to be too much to easily pay back then I need to update it to keep myself honest and my totals correct. I had actually borrowed $800 more then this, but was able to put $800 back already. $25K was short lived, but I know once school starts we will really be able to go up a lot again.
Current Balance $25,005.00
+$85.00 ING Retirement Hold Account
-$28.00 to ING ROTH IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
-$2000.00 from savings to checking
New Balance $23,065.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $20,100.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$345.00
HSBC $870.00
Total = $23,065.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 15th, 2012 at 10:52 pm
Last week I asked for opinions on if I should keep saving or put more towards the mortgage. I appreciate everyone's opinions so I could make a good decision. For now I decided to keep savings, mostly because my car has been acting up (taking it in on Wed) and we have so many home improvements/repairs that will need to be done in the next year or two. I will keep paying about $300 extra on the mortgage each month and maybe throw some extra now and then. But will mostly be focusing on savings still. Someday I will be comfortable putting all the extra towards the mortgage, just not there yet.
Posted in
Saving Money,
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
$20K challenge
July 14th, 2012 at 02:44 pm
Wow I can't believe we are at $25K!! What a milestone!
Current Balance $24,815.00
+$190.00 To get to $25K
New Balance $25,005.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $22,040.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$345.00
HSBC $870.00
Total = $25,005.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 8th, 2012 at 11:36 pm
OK please weigh in and let me know what you think.
We have met all of our goals for the year (see left side of screen). It shows the cushion still not met, but I put $10 a week towards that and only have about $40 left, so it will be met very soon.
So my question is now that we have met all of the goals for the year...Should we:
A) Set some new/additional goals
-Beefing up the EF
-Beefing up the new car fund
-Saving for specific home improvements (We NEED a new patio door, new garage door...we WANT to put in a sprinkler system...and our AC is on the fritz)
B) Since we've met all the goals for the year, put all extra funds to the mortgage, and use the existing savings for the above projects as needed. Then make new savings goals for 2013 and start saving again then.
The reason I want to even look at option B is because as many of you may know....there is ALWAYS something to save for! And now seemed like a good time to break from savings and make a dent in the mortgage since we surpassed the $20K challenge and are nearly to $25K (not counting retirement or our HSA).
Please let me know any thoughts you have as any extra input or suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you!
Posted in
Saving Money,
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
$20K challenge
July 6th, 2012 at 03:16 am
Current Balance $24,785.00
+$12.30 Interest
+$17.70 Even Out Amount
New Balance $24,815.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $21,850.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$345.00
HSBC $870.00
Total = $24,815.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 4th, 2012 at 03:30 am
Well a week after we got back from the cruise we flew to Wendover, Nevada to go on a casino getaway with my aunt and uncle. Everyone did great on the slots. We had this great win of $1,071.30!! My husband also did really well on roulette and we ended up coming home up $1200! The money we took with was the money for May's mortgage payment that we didn't have to pay since we refinanced...so it was all extra money. So I saved $500 for this next weekend when FIL is in town, and have $2200 for savings!! I put $1400 in the EF to meet that goal for the year and the other $800 into Home Improvements as we are planning on getting a sprinkler system put in soon.

Current Balance $22,585.00
+$2,200.00 Casino Win
New Balance $24,785.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $21,820.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$345.00
HSBC $870.00
Total = $24,785.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
June 25th, 2012 at 05:21 am
Current Balance $21,850.00
-$112.00 to ING ROTH
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
+$845.00 Money we brought back from cruise
New Balance $22,585.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $19,620.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$345.00
HSBC $870.00
Total = $22,585.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
June 12th, 2012 at 02:24 am
Current Balance $23,765.00
+$85.00 to retirement hold account
-$2000.00 Cruise Spending Money
New Balance $21,850.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $19,730.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$345.00
HSBC $25.00
Total = $21,850.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
June 5th, 2012 at 02:19 am
I decided not to keep the menards rebates in my savings total anymore since I will want to use those as they come in. Also the ING balance was off by $90 somehow, so I made the correction to that.
Current Balance $23,700.00
-$25.00 Menards Rebate
+$90.00 Correct ING Balance
New Balance $23,765.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $19,645.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$345.00
HSBC $2,025.00
Total = $23,765.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
June 3rd, 2012 at 02:15 am
Well this will probably be the last update going up in awhile. During the summer DH makes much less ($1800 a month less!) so we will not be making deposits into savings unless it is unexpected monies (BD money, rummage sale, recycling etc). We just try to make it through without taking too much out of savings and planning ahead as best we can. I have to take $2K out of savings in the next week or two for our spending money for our anniversary cruise.
We did meet the goal for the Sept 2012 savings!
Current Balance $23,145.00
+$140.00 to Sept 2012 Savings
+$250.00 to Home Improvements
+$130.00 Rummage Sale Money to EF
+$11.95 ING Interest
+$23.05 ING Even Out Amount
New Balance $23,700.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $19,555.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$370.00
HSBC $2,025.00
Total = $23,700.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge
May 26th, 2012 at 03:32 am
Current Balance $22,885.00
+$85.00 to retirement hold account
+$70.00 to EF (DH work reimbursements)
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
-$28.00 to ROTH IRA
+$8.00 Even Out Amount
-$1000.00 Home Improvements cash transferred to ING
+$1000.00 to ING Home Improvements
+$25.00 Menards rebate into Home Improvements Jar
New Balance $23,145.00
Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $19,250.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$120.00
HSBC $2,025.00
Total = $23,145.00
Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93
Posted in
$20K challenge