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$20K Update - Payday

May 15th, 2012 at 03:39 am

Current Balance $22,535.00
+$100.00 to September 2012
+$250.00 to Home Improvements
New Balance $22,885.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $18,115.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$1095.00
HSBC $1,925.00
Total = $22,885.00

Bingo Money
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93

$20K Update - New Car Account - Goal Met!

May 14th, 2012 at 02:06 am

Got my last Bingo paycheck....made $5623.93 working there for about 7 months. Never spent a penny of it! Smile All in savings for whatever we may need it for. I'm proud that I was able to do what I said I was gonna do with that money and not let that extra work go to waste. Sometime this week I will try to get the last $1620.00 ready to take to the bank and will transfer it to ING.
Also transferred enough extra to the New Car Account to get it to $5K! Yeah another goal met! New goal is the EF!

Current Balance $22,020.00
+$265.00 Bingo Wages (last paycheck)
+$85.00 to Retirement Hold Account
+$30.00 School Reimbursement to New Car Account
+$135.00 to get New Car Account to $5K
New Balance $22,535.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1620.00
ING $18,015.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$845.00
HSBC $1,925.00
Total = $22,535.00

Added $265.35 to Bingo Wages
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3617.32
Total Bingo Money - $5623.93

$20K Update

May 10th, 2012 at 04:36 am

Got a surprise refund from our previous mortgage carrier of $990! YEAH! So I rounded it up to $1000 and tossed it into the New Car fund...almost got that puppy up to $5K! Also got the Bingo money over $5K...I will get my last paycheck from Bingo on Friday and then I will transfer it all into ING.

Current Balance $20,305.00
+$155.00 Bingo Tips
+$255.00 Bingo Wages
+$35.00 Overtime pay to EF
+$30.00 Chase CC Rewards Check
+$1000.00 Mortgage Refund
+$100.00 ING Sept 2012
+$250.00 Home Maintenance
-$140.00 to ROTH IRA
+$9.39 ING Interest
+$22.61 Even Out Amount
New Balance $22,020.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1355.00
ING $17,765.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$845.00
HSBC $1,925.00
Total = $22,020.00

Added $252.42 to Bingo Wages, $69.50 and $87.25 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $2006.61
Wage total - $3351.97
Total Bingo Money - $5358.58

$20K Update

April 23rd, 2012 at 01:59 am

Current Balance $20,245.00
+$60.00 Bingo Tips
New Balance $20,305.00

Bingo Money (cash) $945.00
ING $16,710.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$595.00
HSBC $1,925.00
Total = $20,305.00

Added $63.65 Bingo Tips
Tips total - $1849.86
Wage total - $3099.55
Total Bingo Money - $4949.41

$20K Update - Paid for Anniversary Cruise :)

April 21st, 2012 at 05:21 pm

Hate to see if go down that much in one swoop, but I am sooooo excited for our 5 Year Anniversary Cruise!! YEAH! We are gonna book our excursions today or tomorrow! Smile

Current Balance $23,145.00
+$15.00 HSBC Interest
-$3000.00 to pay for Anniversary Cruise
New Balance $20,245.00

Bingo Money (cash) $885.00
ING $16,710.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$595.00
HSBC $1,925.00
Total = $20,245.00

Added $0 Bingo Tips
Tips total - $1786.21
Wage total - $3099.55
Total Bingo Money - $4885.76

$20K Update

April 17th, 2012 at 11:42 pm

Got Bingo tips and threw an extra $20 in the EF just because. So now that we had met the $20K challenge we were going to throw our extra money (recycling, rummage sale, gifts ect) at the mortgage. But after talking it over with DH he would prefer to keep putting money in the New Car Fund for awhile. Both of our cars have over 100K miles on them, so that is probably the best plan. We have over $3K marked for a new car, plus the Bingo Money is almost to $5K and has no set purpose yet. HAPPY SAVINGS!

Current Balance $23,145.00
+$20.00 ING EF
+$65.00 Bingo Tips
+/-$1000.00 from Bingo Money (cash) to ING Bingo
New Balance $23,230.00

Bingo Money (cash) $885.00
ING $16,710.00 ($4000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$595.00
HSBC $4,910.00
Total = $23,230.00

Added $61.55 Bingo Tips
Tips total - $1786.21
Wage total - $3099.55
Total Bingo Money - $4885.76

$20K Update!

April 14th, 2012 at 12:53 am

Today was payday for my full time job, DH's full time job, Bingo, track and cross country! Smile DH gets to do what he wants with his track and CC money so should have some more to add once he lets me know how much I can use from his money for savings.

Current Balance $21,940.00
+$50.00 Bingo Tips
+$85.00 Retirement Hold Account
+$195.00 Bingo Wages
+$100.00 September 2012 Savings
+$100.00 Anniversary Cruise
+$275.00 Home Improvements
+$200.00 Casino Win to Vegas Fund
+$200.00 Casino Win to New Car Fund
New Balance $23,145.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1,820.00
ING $15,690.00 ($3000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$595.00
HSBC $4,910.00
Total = $23,145.00

Added $195.90 to Bingo Wages and $48.75 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $1724.66
Wage total - $3099.55
Total Bingo Money - $4824.21

$20K Update!

April 9th, 2012 at 02:06 am

Whoo hoo, lot of deposits! Our refinance is finally done, and we don't have to pay the mortgage for April or May. So we put Aprils mortgage payment into our car savings. We also went out of town for Easter and stopped at a casino for a few hrs. Came home $300 ahead, so I stuck $200 in the Vegas fund for next time we go.

Current Balance $20,000.00
-$111.00 to Roth IRA
+$125.00 to Patio Door Savings (cash)
+$125.00 Bingo Payday
+$70.00 Bingo Tips
+$5.48 ING Interest
+$25.52 Even Out Deposit
+1500.00 April Mortgage Payment - to New Car Account
+$200.00 Casino win - to Vegas Fund
+/-$1000.00 Moved Bingo cash to ING
+/-$1000.00 Moved Patio Door cash to ING
New Balance $21,940.00

Bingo Money (cash) $1,575.00
ING $15,105.00 ($3000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash)$320.00
HSBC $4,810.00
Total = $21,940.00

Added $126.66 to Bingo Wages and $70.75 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $1675.91
Wage total - $2903.65
Total Bingo Money - $4579.56

$20K Update - WE MADE IT!!!

March 29th, 2012 at 02:57 am

We made our goal of $20K!!!! YEAH! Plus I get paid from Bingo on Friday (won't be much since we were gone in Vegas) so that will get added in there too. This is so crazy that we made it already!
Don't have a definite plan for our next financial move, but will be talking it over soon.
Also tomorrow we finally sign for our refi...everything is falling into place!

Current Balance $19,680.00
+$85.00 to retirement hold account
-$28.00 to Roth IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
+$40.00 Bingo Tips
+$100.00 Sept 2012 Savings
+$55.00 to Correct ING Balance
+$65.00 to get to $20K!!!!!!
New Balance $20,000.00

Bingo Money $2,380.00
ING $11,485.00 ($2000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash) $1,195.00
HSBC $4,810.00
Total = $20,000.00

Added $37.30 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $1605.16
Wage total - $2776.99
Total Bingo Money - $4382.15

$20K Update

March 26th, 2012 at 12:25 am

Once all of my deposits clear I will have to go back and make sure all the numbers match up. It is so hard to keep straight when I don't update it on a regular basis. The $20K goal is soooo close! We don't have to pay the mortgage for April, so I'm hoping we will get over the goal....until we have to pay for our cruise.

Also I did get that check from the Chase Freedom Credit Card for $300.00, all I had to do was use the credit card once and they sent me a check for $300.00. No fees, no annual charge, no strings! Smile

Current Balance $19,235.00
+$6.18 March ING Interest
+$30.82 March Even Out Amount
+$420.00 Bingo Payday (3/2/12 and 3/16/12)
+$30.00 Bingo Tips (3/19/12)
-$112.00 to Roth IRA
+$85.00 to retirement hold account (3/6/12)
+$85.00 to retirement hold account (3/20/12)
-$2600.00 Vegas
+$2000.00 Brought back from Vegas
+$300.00 Free check from Chase credit card
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
+$100.00 to Sept 2012
New Balance $19,680.00

Bingo Money $2,340.00
ING $11,205.00 ($2000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash) $1,195.00
HSBC $4,810.00
Total = $19,680.00

Added $244.53 and $167.81 to Bingo Wages and $38.00 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $1567.86
Wage total - $2776.99
Total Bingo Money - $4344.85

$20K Update

March 14th, 2012 at 03:02 am

I am super far behind on my blog! Been so busy and we leave for Vegas on Saturday, so no entires next week either. If I have time Saturday before we leave I will try to get some more entires up.

Current Balance $19,140.00
+$45.00 Last weeks Bingo Tips
+$50.00 This weeks Bingo Tips
New Balance $19,235.00

Bingo Money $1,890.00
ING $11,310.00 ($2000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash) $1,195.00
HSBC $4,710.00
Total = $19,235.00

Added $97.75 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $1529.86
Wage total - $2364.65
Total Bingo Money - $3894.51

$20K Update - Over $19K for a minute or two

February 28th, 2012 at 11:09 pm

Current Balance $18,765.00
+$90.00 Last weeks Bingo Tips
+$60.00 This weeks Bingo Tips
+$100.00 Sept 2012 Savings
+$125.00 Home Improvements
New Balance $19,140.00

Bingo Money $1,795.00
ING $11,310.00 ($2000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash) $1,195.00
HSBC $4,710.00
Total = $19,140.00

Added $149.40 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $1432.11
Wage total - $2364.65
Total Bingo Money - $3796.76

$20K Update

February 19th, 2012 at 04:08 am

Looks like we are going to be right up close to our goal when we go to Vegas in March.....and then we will be taking about $2K out of savings for the trip.....shoot! Oh well, either way we will be there soon. Then I need to sit down with DH and decide exactly what we are going to do with savings vs the mortgage.

Current Balance $18,485.00
+$195.00 Bingo Payday
+$85.00 to retirement hold account
New Balance $18,765.00

Bingo Money $1,645.00
ING $11,210.00 ($2000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash) $1,070.00
HSBC $4,710.00
Total = $18,765.00

Added $197.36 to Bingo Payday
Tips total - $1282.71
Wage total - $2364.65
Total Bingo Money - $3647.36

$20K Update!! Over $18K!!!

February 15th, 2012 at 12:26 am

Got our federal tax return yesterday!! Our return was $1476.00, so I transferred $1500.00 to savings. I paid back the last $450.00 back to my retirement hold account, so glad to have that paid back! Then I stuck the other $1050.00 to the EF. We are cruising to our goal right now!!

Current Balance $16,585.00
+$75.00 Bingo Tips
+$1500.00 Federal Tax Return
($450.00 to payback retirement hold account in full and $1050.00 to EF)
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
+$100.00 to Sept 2012
+$125.00 to Home Improvements
New Balance $18,485.00

Bingo Money $1,450.00
ING $11,125.00 ($2000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash) $1,070.00
HSBC $4,710.00
Total = $18,485.00

Added $71.35 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $1282.71
Wage total - $2167.29
Total Bingo Money - $3450.00

$20K Update - State Tax Return

February 10th, 2012 at 03:38 am

Got my state tax return today! It was $293, so I transferred $300 to savings. I decided to put it into my retirement hold account because I still owe it $750 that I borrowed a few months ago. I will use the federal return to pay the last $450 and then focus on the EF.

Current Balance $16,285.00
+$300.00 State Tax Return to payback retirement hold account
(Still owe $450.00)
New Balance $16,585.00

Bingo Money $1375.00
ING $9525.00 ($2000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash) $945.00
HSBC $4610.00
Total = $16,585.00

Added $0 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $1211.36
Wage total - $2167.29
Total Bingo Money - $3378.65

$20K Update - Bingo Tips

February 9th, 2012 at 04:26 am

Current Balance $16,230.00
+$55.00 Bingo Tips
New Balance $16,285.00

Bingo Money $1375.00
ING $9225.00 ($2000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash) $945.00
HSBC $4610.00
Total = $16,285.00

Added $54.00 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $1211.36
Wage total - $2167.29
Total Bingo Money - $3378.65

$20K Update

February 4th, 2012 at 08:40 pm

Had a really nice Bingo paycheck cause I picked up about 10 extra hours at Bingo this week.
ETA - Went back and adjusted the numbers cause I needed to move another $500 from Bingo money to ING.

Current Balance $16,000.00
+$310.00 Bingo Wages
+$5.44 ING Interest
+$24.56 Even Out Amount
+$5.00 to Mortgage Payoff Account
-$112.00 to 401K
-$3.00 Never got transferred to ING from last post
-$500.00 from Bingo Money
+$500.00 to ING
New Balance $16,230.00

Bingo Money $1320.00
ING $8725.00 ($2000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $130.00
Home Improvements(cash) $945.00
HSBC $4610.00
Total = $16,230.00

Added $311.83 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $1157.36
Wage total - $2167.29
Total Bingo Money - $3324.65

$20K Update - $16K!!!

February 1st, 2012 at 03:58 am

Finally got my $25 reimbursement for paying for my gaming fee for Bingo back in September so stuck that in the EF. Lots of misc little deposits since we get paid from all of our jobs this week....and we hit $16K!!!
I am pumped, I can see the end of the $20K Challenge! Between our taxes and not having to pay the mortgage for 2 months (seperate refi post to come soon) we should hit $20K in March or April!! YEAH! Then we can throw all of our extra money including the bingo money to the mortgage......say bye bye mortgage, your days (ok years) are numbered!!

Current Balance $15,670.00
+$90.00 Bingo Tips
+$25.00 Gaming License Reimbursement to EF
-$28.00 To ROTH IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
+$100.00 To September 2012
+$125.00 To Home Improvements
+$15.00 To EF to get to $16K!!!!
New Balance $16,000.00

Bingo Money $1510.00
ING $8810.00 ($1500.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $125.00
Home Improvements(cash) $945.00
HSBC $4610.00
Total = $16,000.00

Added $91.15 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $1157.36
Wage total - $1855.46
Total Bingo Money - $3012.82

$20K Update - Bingo Tips

January 25th, 2012 at 03:48 am

Current Balance $15,585.00
+$85.00 Bingo Tips
New Balance $15,670.00

Bingo Money $1420.00
ING $8695.00 ($1500.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $125.00
Home Improvements(cash) $820.00
HSBC $4610.00
Total = $15,670.00

Added $86.60 to Bingo Wages
Tips total - $1066.21
Wage total - $1855.46
Total Bingo Money - $2921.67

$20K Update

January 21st, 2012 at 05:17 pm

Moved another $500 from my at home Bingo money to ING Bingo money. Trying to get as far away from $14K as we can before we go to Vegas in March.

Current Balance $15,185.00
+$215.00 Bingo Wages
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
+$85.00 to Retirement Hold Account
-$500.00 Bingo Money from home
+$500.00 Bingo Money to ING
New Balance $15,585.00

Bingo Money $1335.00
ING $8695.00 ($1500.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $125.00
Home Improvements(cash) $820.00
HSBC $4610.00
Total = $15,585.00

Added $213.82 to Bingo Wages
Tips total - $979.61
Wage total - $1855.46
Total Bingo Money - $2835.07

$20K Update

January 16th, 2012 at 05:32 pm

Current Balance $15,125.00
+$60.00 Bingo Tips
New Balance $15,185.00

Bingo Money $1620.00
ING $8110.00 ($1000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $125.00
Home Improvements(cash) $820.00
HSBC $4510.00
Total = $15,185.00

Added $58.10 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $979.61
Wage total - $1641.64
Total Bingo Money - $2621.25

$20K Update - $15K!!

January 14th, 2012 at 09:38 pm

Current Balance $14,905.00
+$100.00 to Sept 2012 Savings
+$120.00 to Home Improvements
New Balance $15,125.00

Bingo Money $1560.00
ING $8110.00 ($1000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $125.00
Home Improvements(cash) $820.00
HSBC $4510.00
Total = $15,125.00

Added $0 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $921.51
Wage total - $1641.64
Total Bingo Money - $2563.15

$20K Update

January 11th, 2012 at 04:28 am

Last night we went to the casino and came home $40 ahead, so I rounded it up to $50 and sent it to payback the retirement account. ING is now over $8K! Whoo hoo! I need to transfer another $500 from Bingo money to ING, but will wait a little while for that.
Can't wait for our tax documents so we can get our refund into savings!

Current Balance $14,785.00
+$70.00 Bingo Tips
+$50.00 Casino win
(payback retirement account, still owe $750.00)
New Balance $14,905.00

Bingo Money $1560.00
ING $8010.00 ($1000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $125.00
Home Improvements(cash) $700.00
HSBC $4510.00
Total = $14,905.00

Added $72.00 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $921.51
Wage total - $1641.64
Total Bingo Money - $2563.15

$20K Update

January 8th, 2012 at 09:55 pm

DH got $200 for Christmas, I would like to do something fun with that, but we only have $5 in our EF right now. So I stuck that money in the EF for now. Also got Bingo tips and Bingo payday.

Current Balance $14,285.00
+$200.00 Christmas Money
+$45.00 Bingo Tips
+$155.00 Bingo Payday
+$85.00 to Retirement Hold Account
+$100.00 to Sept 2012 Savings
-$112.00 to ROTH IRA
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
+$25.00 Cash to Home Improvements
New Balance $14,785.00

Bingo Money $1490.00
ING $7960.00 ($1000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $125.00
Home Improvements(cash) $700.00
HSBC $4510.00
Total = $14,785.00

Added $45.10 to Bingo Tips and $153.08 Bingo Wages
Tips total - $849.51
Wage total - $1641.64
Total Bingo Money - $2491.15

$20K Update - Interest

January 2nd, 2012 at 09:35 pm

Current Balance $14,215.00
+$5.22 ING Interest
+$34.78 Even Out Amount
+$30.00 paying back Retirement hold account
(still owe $800)
New Balance $14,285.00

Bingo Money $1290.00
ING $7685.00 ($1000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $125.00
Home Improvements(cash) $675.00
HSBC $4510.00
Total = $14,285.00

Added $0 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $804.41
Wage total - $1488.56
Total Bingo Money - $2292.97

Moving funds around

December 29th, 2011 at 07:46 pm

I had been keeping the Bingo money at home, but it is just too much to have in the house, so I renamed one of my ING account to Bingo Money and put $1000 of it in there. I also moved my Mortgage payoff account home since it was only $115.00, and stuck $10 more in there.

Current Balance $14,230.00
+$10.00 to Mortgage Payoff
-$28.00 to Roth IRA
+$3.00 Even Out Amount
New Balance $14,215.00

Bingo Money $1290.00
ING $7615.00 ($1000.00 Bingo Money)
Mortgage Payoff $125.00
Home Improvements(cash) $675.00
HSBC $4510.00
Total = $14,215.00

Added $331.41 to Bingo Wages and $81.30 and $31.35 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $804.41
Wage total - $1488.56
Total Bingo Money - $2292.97

$20K Update - Nice Bingo check!!

December 29th, 2011 at 07:26 pm

I picked up a couple of shifts last week and it really helped out my bingo paycheck!

Current Balance $13,700.00
+$85.00 to retirement hold account
+$330.00 Bingo Paycheck
+$80.00 Last weeks tips
+$35.00 This weeks tips
New Balance $14,230.00

Bingo Money $2290.00
ING $6755.00
Home Improvements(cash) $675.00
HSBC $4510.00
Total = $14,230.00

Added $331.41 to Bingo Wages and $81.30 and $31.35 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $804.41
Wage total - $1488.56
Total Bingo Money - $2292.97

Good-bye $15K.....nice knowing you.....

December 19th, 2011 at 01:16 am

Current Balance $15,000.00
-$1300.00 to checking to cover bills
New Balance $13,700.00

Bingo Money $1845.00
ING $6670.00
Home Improvements(cash) $675.00
HSBC $4510.00
Total = $13,700.00

Added $0 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $691.76
Wage total - $1157.15
Total Bingo Money - $1848.91

We only had $470 in the EF....I transferred all of that so the EF is at $0. The other $830 I borrowed from my retirement hold account. So when we have more to put in savings that needs to be the first thing to be paid back....but I know we will go down more before we go up since this doesn't even include the car repair/Christmas bills yet. 2 steps forward, one step back is ok with me as long as we are going in the right direction in the long run.

Car repairs......sad!

December 17th, 2011 at 08:04 pm

My heater had not been working in my car for a few weeks and my radio wasn't working again. I paid over $500 back in June to have my body control module replaced. Now I needed a new thermastat, intake manifold and water pump. Frown Nice Christmas gift huh! $900 later my heat and radio are working....but I am going to have to get a new radio because there is something wrong with this one and it keeps sucking my battery and now the CD player is not frustrating! So we just got to $15K, but it will be very short lived due to Christmas and this massive car repair. Why can't we get away from 14K! It's baffling!

$20K Update - $15K.....for a minute anyways!

December 17th, 2011 at 07:51 pm

Current Balance $14,640.00
+$100.00 to September 2012 Savings
+$100.00 to Anniversary Cruise
+$160.00 Cross Country Money to HomeImprovements
New Balance $15,000.00

Bingo Money $1845.00
ING $7970.00
Home Improvements(cash) $675.00
HSBC $4510.00
Total = $15,000.00

Added $0 to Bingo Tips
Tips total - $691.76
Wage total - $1157.15
Total Bingo Money - $1848.91

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