Viewing the '$20K challenge' Category
January 4th, 2019 at 01:36 am
Continuing to stay busy to try to keep myself sane. Lucky for me I like being busy and productive. I got my Christmas decorations down today which was good, it’s one of my least favorite jobs but MO was out of town coaching basketball so it was a good time to tackle it. Hoping to take a relaxing hot shower and go to bed early.
I cleaned my office on New Years Eve including dusting and sweeping. Purged a lot of paper and random junk that was cluttering my desk. I got my new calendar (Christmas gift) up, new planner filled out and got my new address book (Christmas gift) all filled out. I gave my old address book away on FB as it was a 3 ring binder style so I could just take out the used pages. In my office I had a huge plastic Coca-Cola piggy bank. I suppose it was about 2 - 2 1/2 feet tall. It was my grandmas and I wanted to fill it completely with pennies, I only had it about 1/5 of the way full, but it was getting pretty old and had cracked. Pennies were starting to fall out of the bottom. So when I cleaned my office I dumped the pennies into a bucket and took them to the bank. Good thing I did it now as the bottom started falling apart in pieces and that would have been almost 3000 pennies to clean off the floor! My total was $27.97. I put $25 into savings and the rest back in a different change jar for next time.
I’m hoping to work in the “store” room more soon and get my oldest inventory items out of there. I also want to clean out the bathroom cupboards as they are a mess and I know there is lots to toss in there. Maybe this weekend.
Today was Day 32 of P90X and I’m actually looking forward to my workouts and I try to do my best on each one. I’m down 22lbs since I gave birth and about 12lbs from last New Years. It’s one of the only things that ever keeps my mind off the babies.
Current Balance $13,020.00
+$25.00 Pennies
Balance $13,045.00
Local Savings $5255.00
GC Savings $1315.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3050.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1075.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $13,045.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $0
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 2nd, 2019 at 04:07 pm
Current Balance $12,895.00
+$125.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (1/4)
+$3.18 Cap360 Interest
+$56.82 Even Out Amount
+$6.22 Local Savings Interest
+$3.78 Even Out Amount
+.03 GC Interest
+$4.97 Even Out Amount
Balance $13,020.00
Local Savings $5230.00
GC Savings $1315.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3050.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1075.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $13,020.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $0
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 28th, 2018 at 08:02 pm
Current Balance $12,770.00
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (12/28)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (12/28)
Balance $12,895.00
Local Savings $5220.00
GC Savings $1310.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2905.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1110.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $12,895.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $0
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 26th, 2018 at 05:47 pm
We had a nice Christmas Day at my MIL's house and one the way home we stopped at the casino that is only about 5 mins from her house. We weren't there too long and we hit this awesome win for over $1000! We played a bit more and then headed home with our pockets full! The holidays have been really terrible missing our babies so it was nice to have a fun surprise and to not think about how sad we are for awhile. Most of our recent savings money went to our home insurance bills for our 2 rentals houses, but at least that is less that was taken out of savings in the long run. Our home insurance bill was actually about $2500 but we had some extra in checking to help cover it.

Current Balance $12,280.00
+$210.00 FB Sales
+$1378.00 52 Week Challenge
+$622.00 Casino Win/Even Out Amount
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (12/21)
+$30.00 Cell Phone Savings
-$1800.00 Home Insurance on two houses
Balance $12,770.00
Local Savings $5220.00
GC Savings $1310.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2855.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$1035.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $12,770.00
52 Week Challenge
2019 Total = $0
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 17th, 2018 at 09:20 pm
Current Balance $11,910.00
+$245.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (12/14)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (12/14)
Balance $12,280.00
Local Savings $3010.00
GC Savings $3080.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2855.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$985.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $12,280.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 11th, 2018 at 10:29 pm
Current Balance $11,390.00
+$470.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (12/7)
Balance $11,910.00
Local Savings $2765.00
GC Savings $3080.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2805.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$910.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $11,390.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 4th, 2018 at 04:45 pm
Current Balance $10,950.00
+$440.00 FB Sales
Balance $11,390.00
Local Savings $2295.00
GC Savings $3080.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2755.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$910.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $11,390.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 3rd, 2018 at 08:15 pm
Just some small deposits, I had a ton of sales this last week, so should have a good deposit tomorrow or the next day to add to this.
Current Balance $10,810.00
+$9.06 Interest
+$5.94 Even Out Amount
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (11/30)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (11/30)
Balance $10,950.00
Local Savings $1855.00
GC Savings $3080.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2755.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$910.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $10,950.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
November 28th, 2018 at 10:17 pm
I'm not going to try to figure out all the additions and subtractions from while I was in the hospital. But I did manage to get the totals figured out.
Local Savings $1855.00
GC Savings $3080.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2700.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$825.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$850.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $10,810.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 22nd, 2018 at 03:50 pm
Nice little bump to savings!
Current Balance $11,070.00
+$90.00 FB Sales
+$96.73 Dividend Check
+$3.27 Even Out Amount
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (10/19)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (10/19)
Balance $11,385.00
Local Savings $945.00
GC Savings $1190.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2450.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4750.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$550.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $11,385.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 16th, 2018 at 05:29 pm
Alright I think we are back to being accurate on our total now. We took two trips in the last two weeks. One to Minneapolis to watch the second to last MN Twins game of the season. While we were there we also got to visit some of my in-laws and they gave us a changing table, swing and some other baby gear! Then last weekend we went to Deadwood with my BIL and some friends. We took the new truck both times to fit all the people and all the stuff and gas really adds up on that as opposed to my little Malibu! We are trying to get what trips we can in now before baby time! Planning for one more long weekend trip in November and then after that I don't plan to travel anymore as I will be almost 7 months with the twins by then!
Current Balance $12,760.00
+$300.00 Partial Deposit for Rental #1
-$1990.00 From Cap360 US Savings for trips/gas/hotels and rental repairs
Balance $11,070.00
Local Savings $755.00
GC Savings $1190.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $2400.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4675.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$550.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $11,070.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 15th, 2018 at 03:55 pm
Lots of little snow flakes adding up!
I was called for Jury Duty, and did make it onto the Jury, but there were about 5 extra jurors, so once everyone was seated, they let the last 5 in the row go. I was excited for jury duty, I thought it would be really interesting! I was happily surprised that I got a check even though I didn't actually have to serve.
We finally got the rent check from Rental #2, so I will get money moved around and be able to update savings soon once I get everything situated.
Current Balance $12,500.00
+$111.00 FB Sales
+$93.00 Property Management Pay
+$15.00 Vaccine Rebate for Puppies
+$40.26 Jury Duty Pay
+.74 Even Out Amount
Balance $12,760.00
Local Savings $755.00
GC Savings $1190.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $4390.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4675.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$250.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $12,760.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 11th, 2018 at 06:01 pm
We have some things up in the air right now, so this isn't completely accurate, but I wanted to track as best I can until everything is square. One of our renters pays by automatic payment through their bank, so typically we get their rent check from their bank around the 2nd of the month. We never got the check this month, so we are waiting for them to send us a replacement check. In the meantime we had to pull from savings to cover the missing rent so that we could pay our mortgages. We also have a $300 check for a partial payment for one of our other renters deposits, but they asked us to hold the check for now, hopefully we can get that cashed and into savings soon.
Current Balance $12,270.00
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (10/12)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (10/12)
+$90.00 FB Sales
+$.08 GC Interest
+$4.92 GC Even Out Amount
+$2.21 Mom Loan Interest
+$2.79 Mom Loan Even Out Amount
+$1.49 US Interest
+$13.51 US Even Out Amount
Balance $12,500.00
Local Savings $495.00
GC Savings $1190.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $4390.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4675.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$250.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $12,500.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
October 3rd, 2018 at 02:50 pm
Current Balance $11,950.00
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (9/28)
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (10/5)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (10/5)
+$45.00 FB Sales
+$100.00 Mini Rummage Sale
Balance $12,270.00
Local Savings $405.00
GC Savings $1185.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $4335.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4595.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$250.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $12,270.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 24th, 2018 at 02:11 pm
Egress Window for Rental #1 is finally done and we are finishing up some painting and cleaning to get our new renter in there by October 1st. I hate savings being this low, hopefully we can get it moving back up soon!
Current Balance $15,745.00
+$6.00 Mike's Hard Lemonade Rebate
+$19.00 FB Sales
+$30.00 Phone Savings
-$250.00 Return Deposit to Rental #1 (DM)
-$3600.00 Egress Window for Rental #1
Balance $11,950.00
Local Savings $260.00
GC Savings $1185.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $4235.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4520.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$250.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $11,950.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 18th, 2018 at 03:16 pm
I won football picks the first week! Whoo hoo! Egress Windows are getting put in today at Rental #1, so we will need to take out of savings for that, but otherwise doing good. We are going to have a small rummage sale this weekend so hopefully will get a little bump from that if the weather isn't too cold.
Current Balance $15,260.00
+$40.00 FB Sales
+$60.00 Football Picks
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (9/21)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (9/21)
+$3.26 Cap360 Interest
+$6.74 Even Out Amount
+$250.00 New Renter Partial Deposit
Balance $15,745.00
Local Savings $3235.00
GC Savings $1755.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3285.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4520.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$1450.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $15,745.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
September 10th, 2018 at 08:20 pm
Here is our after Vegas update. We didn't have much luck on the slots but had a lot of fun together and enjoyed vacation!
Current Balance $18,000.00
+$35.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (8/31)
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (9/7)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (9/7)
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (9/14)
-$3000.00 Vegas Vaca
Balance $15,260.00
Local Savings $3135.00
GC Savings $1755.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $3230.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4440.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$1200.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $15,260.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 24th, 2018 at 05:29 pm
Whoo hoo we made it to $18K! Things are crazy here and I am worried about savings. It looks great now, but we are having a lot of trouble with the renter in Rental #1 who is breaking their lease and moving out early since they bought a house. We are working to find a new renter, but if we don't find someone for the same monthly rent, the previous renter will be responsible for the difference until the end of their original lease term. They are not happy about that and seem to not understand that breaking their lease has consequences for them. We had a promising showing yesterday, so hopefully that works out and we can get past this unpleasantness.
Since our Jeep was totaled out a few weeks ago we are using the car and the truck. My car has over 225K miles on it and has been iffy at best lately. With us living an hr away from the closest "big city", I am not very comfortable driving it that far anymore (especially as temps will begin to change soon). The truck has 100k+ miles on it, and of course is a gas hog, do it's not reasonable to drive that to town unless we actually need to transport something. So we need to find a new vehicle sooner then later and get rid of my car.
We are also putting in an egress window and a cement patio on Rental #1. Just the window is over $4K which is crazy to me, but apparently $3K-$4.5K is the estimates we are getting and the lower estimate we got back in March and STILL, 5 months later, they have not showed up to do the work, so we are moving on to a different vendor so we can get that done before it gets cold out. Hoping MO and some friends can do the cement patio to save some money there.
Oh and we leave for Vegas in 2 days....we have had this trip planned for awhile, and it is the last one we will have for some time, unfortunate that all of these other expenses came up right before we leave, puts a damper on the getting out of town to relax concept when you know you shouldn't be spending money.
Current Balance $17,900.00
+$25.00 FB Sales
+$30.00 Phone Savings
+$45.00 To get to $18K!
Balance $18,000.00
Local Savings $3100.00
GC Savings $1755.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $6080.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4365.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$1200.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $18,000.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 22nd, 2018 at 07:56 pm
The Jeep check came in quickly which was nice. It was $4846.33. The majority of it went towards bills that we would have had to take money out of savings for....over $2000 in medical bills, several hundred in rental repairs/updates, and several hundred in vet bills (one of our dogs has a lot of ear and allergy issues, and the other needed yearly checkup). That was the end of the medical bills for the year, we met our OOP Max back in May and we have now received and paid all of the bills. So that is a relief to be done with those for this year. We should have some money left from the Jeep check after the bills are paid, but we are going on vaca in a few days, so I am going to wait for the dust to settle before I move more to savings. We are almost to $18K!!!
Current Balance $17,725.00
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (8/17)
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (8/24)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (8/24)
Balance $17,900.00
Local Savings $3075.00
GC Savings $1680.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $6080.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4365.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$1200.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,900.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 13th, 2018 at 09:10 pm
Well the Jeep is totaled. We are still waiting to hear how much we will get back for it. Also our renter in Rental #1 is looking at buying a house which stinks as they have only been in there for a few months. If we don't find someone new right away they would lose their security deposit, but we would much rather have a good renter then have to deal with all of that again.
Current Balance $17,570.00
+$140.00 FB Sales
+$8.33 Cap 360 Interest
+$6.67 Even Out Amounts
Balance $17,725.00
Local Savings $3075.00
GC Savings $1680.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5980.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4290.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$1200.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,725.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 8th, 2018 at 05:16 pm
Current Balance $17,385.00
+$60.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings
Balance $17,570.00
Local Savings $2935.00
GC Savings $1680.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5970.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4285.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$1200.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,570.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
August 3rd, 2018 at 08:49 pm
Current Balance $17,335.00
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings
Balance $17,385.00
Local Savings $2875.00
GC Savings $1680.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5920.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4210.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$1200.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,385.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 30th, 2018 at 05:54 pm
Just a little drop in the bucket!
Current Balance $17,310.00
+$15.00 FB Sales
+$7.72 Local Savings Interest
+$2.28 Local Savings Even Out Amount
Balance $17,335.00
Local Savings $2875.00
GC Savings $1680.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5870.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4210.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$1200.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,335.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 24th, 2018 at 04:43 pm
Nice deposit with the FB Sales money!
Current Balance $17,005.00
+$100.00 FB Sales
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (7/20)
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (7/27)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (7/27)
+$30.00 Phone Savings
Balance $17,310.00
Local Savings $2850.00
GC Savings $1680.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5870.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4210.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$1200.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,310.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 17th, 2018 at 05:09 pm
A little extra bump to savings, and we also got our 52 Week Challenge Money up to date. Almost up to $1000 in there now!
Current Balance $16,795.00
+$10.00 FB Sales
+$200.00 Extra Cash at home
Balance $17,005.00
Local Savings $2750.00
GC Savings $1650.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5770.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4135.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$1200.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $17,005.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $970 (Weeks 1-30, 35-39, 41-45, 52-53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 12th, 2018 at 03:42 pm
We took in our change and added a nice little bit to savings!
Current Balance $16,215.00
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (7/13)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (7/13)
+$455.00 Coin
Balance $16,795.00
Local Savings $2540.00
GC Savings $1650.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5770.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4135.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$1200.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $16,795.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $601 (Weeks 1-21, 25, 37-39, 41-43, 52 and 53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 10th, 2018 at 04:02 pm
Current Balance $16,140.00
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (7/6)
+.19 GC Savings Interest
+$9.81 GC Even Out Amount
+$3.21 Mom Loan Interest
+1.79 Mom Loan Even Out Amount
+$4.52 Our Savings Interest
+.48 Our Savings Even Out Amount
+$5.00 FB Sales
Balance $16,215.00
Local Savings $2085.00
GC Savings $1650.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5720.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4060.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$1200.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $16,215.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $601 (Weeks 1-21, 25, 37-39, 41-43, 52 and 53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
July 3rd, 2018 at 04:03 pm
Current Balance $15,955.00
+$50.00 My Payday to Our Savings (6/29)
+$75.00 My Payday to Mom Loan Savings (6/29)
+$60.00 FB Sales
Balance $16,140.00
Local Savings $2080.00
GC Savings $1640.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5665.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$4055.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$1200.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $16,140.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $601 (Weeks 1-21, 25, 37-39, 41-43, 52 and 53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
June 26th, 2018 at 03:14 pm
Current Balance $15,835.00
+$90.00 FB Sales
+$30.00 Phone Savings
Balance $15,955.00
Local Savings $2020.00
GC Savings $1640.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5615.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$3980.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$1200.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $15,955.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $601 (Weeks 1-21, 25, 37-39, 41-43, 52 and 53)
Posted in
$20K challenge
June 22nd, 2018 at 12:11 am
Ouchie!!! Lots of bills came due and also some fun money spent too. Taking a big hit. Hoping we can put most of the $1700 that is on hold in checking right now back into savings soon.
We also have about $2000 in medical bills that will be coming in soon. So thankful for having squirreled all this away to pay these bills! Also the new renter for Rental #2 is moving in July 1st, so that will be a HUGE help to the cash flow and hopefully we will be back to normal with savings soon.
Current Balance $22,585.00
+$50.00 MO Payday to Our Savings (6/22)
-$600.00 Hubby Bachelor Party in Deadwood
-$600.00 Casino Weekend
-$1500.00 New fridge for Rental #2
-$425.00 Paddle Boat
-$1075.00 New carpet for Rental #2
-$400.00 Truck Repairs
-$500.00 New Hot Tub Cover for our house
-$1700.00 Holding in checking till bills are all settled
Balance $15,835.00
Local Savings $1930.00
GC Savings $1610.00
Capital 360 Savings (US) $5615.00
Capital 360 Savings (Mom Loan Payback Account)$3980.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #1)$1200.00
Capital 360 Savings (Rental Deposit Account #2)$1500.00
Total Savings = $15,835.00
52 Week Challenge
2018 Total = $601 (Weeks 1-21, 25, 37-39, 41-43, 52 and 53)
Posted in
$20K challenge