Viewing the 'CVS' Category
November 19th, 2011 at 04:49 pm
Found a money maker at CVS this week:

Gillette Fusion Shave Gel 2.5 oz
Regular Price $2.37
-$1.00 mfr coupon
*Received $2 EB
Final Price FREE +.63 Money Maker!!!
*ETA - Sold this for $1.00 at our 6/23/12 rummage sale
I used my Mom's card so that I could do his deal twice and made a total of $1.26 just for buying them! I them marked both of them $1.00 a piece for the rummage sale.
Also found 2 other good deals:
Ivory Bar Soap 3 pk
Regular Price $2.27
-$1.28 Sale Price
-.50 mfr coupon
Final Price .49!
*Marked this for $1.50 for the rummage sale
*ETA - Sold for $1.50 at 9/7/12 rummage sale - $1.01 profit
I scanned my CVS card and got a coupon for $2.00 off
Kellogs Crunchy Nut Cereal
Crunchy Nut Cereal 14.1oz
Regular Price $2.50 per box
-$2.00 CVS coupon
Final Price .50 for a box of cereal!!
(and it's yummy!)
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
November 14th, 2011 at 12:25 am
Was pretty productive today, put away the Halloween decorations, made my weekly trip to CVS, took a 2 1/2 hr nap , and marked a bunch of stuff I had gotten cheap from CVS for the rummage sale.

Scope Sample Size (Paid $0 - Marked .50)
*ETA - Sold for .50 at the 5/18/12 sale
Gillette Bodywash (Paid $1.49 - Marked $2.50)
Lint Rollers (Paid .25 - Marked $1.00)(2)
Old Spice Bodywash (Paid $1.25 - Marked $2.50)(2)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $2.50 at the 5/18/12 sale
Suave Bodywash (Paid .80 - Marked $1.50)(3)
*ETA - Sold all 3 for $1.50 each at the 5/18/12 sale
Covergirl Blush (Paid $0 - Marked $2.50)(2)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $2.50 at 9/4/14 rummage sale
1 left to sell
Ivory Bar Soap 3pk (Paid .49 - Marked $1.50)(2)
Glade Sense & Spray(Paid .67 - Marked $4.00)(2)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $4.00 at the 5/18/12 sale
Wiper (Paid $1.00 - Marked $2.50)(2)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 9/4/14 rummage sale
1 left to sell
Bag Holder (Paid $1.00 - Marked $2.50)(2)
Gillette Shave Gel (Paid .37 - Marked $1.00)(2)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $1.00 each at the 5/18/12 sale
Prevacid 24hr 28ct (Paid $0 - Marked $10.00)
If I sold everything I would make a profit of $38.55!
Pretty good for doing something that I think is fun! Plus since anything I got with my free giftcard was completely free, it's really like making $46.00!
Posted in
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
November 13th, 2011 at 10:51 pm
Week of 11/6/11

Bowl Appetit Dinners - Bought 9
Regular Price $2.19
-$1.19 Each Sale Price
Saved $10.71 on 9
Final Price $1.00 Each
American Greeting Cards - Bought 3
Regular Price .99
*Received $3.00 EB for buying 3
Final Price +.03!!
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers 2pk - Bought 3 boxes
Regular Price $3.59 per box
-$1.09 Each Sale Price(Raincheck from last weeks sale)
-$2.50 mfr coupon (Buy 2 get 1 free)
Saved $5.77 on 3 boxes
Final Price $5.00 for 3 boxes - Just $1.20 per eraser!
Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion 2.5oz
Bought 2 Tubes
Regular Price $3.69 Each ($7.38)
Sale - Buy 2 Aveeno Products, get $7 EB
*Received $7 EB
Final Price .38!! Just .19 cents per tube!!
Week of 11/13/11

Suave Bodywash 12oz - Bought 5 Bottles
Regular Price $2.77 Each
-.77 Each Sale Price
-$3.00 mfr coupon (cashier rang up coupon wrong, it was Buy 2, get 1 free, so she should have only taken off $2.00, but she took off $3.00)
Sale - Buy $10 worth of Suave, receive $3 EB
*Received $3.00 EB
Final Price $4.00 for 5 Bodywashes - Only .80 per bottle!!
*ETA - Sold all 3for $1.50 each at 5/18/12 rummage sale
Ivory Bar Soap 3pk (Bought 2)
Regular Price $2.27
-$1.28 Sale Price
-.50 mfr coupon
Final Price .49 each!!
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 8/24/12 rummage sale = $1.01 profit
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 9/7/12 rummage sale = $1.01 profit
Gilette Fusion Shave Gel 2.5 oz
Regular Price $2.37
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price .37!!
*ETA - Sold for $1.00 at 6/23/12 rummage sale
Orbit Gum 14ct - Bought 2 packs
Regular Price $1.37
-$1.37 Sale Price (BOGO Free)
Final Price .69 per pack
Posted in
Free Stuff,
November 9th, 2011 at 02:59 am

Well here it is!! Here is everything I got with my FREE $50 giftcard for CVS!
.99 Candy Corn 8oz
$2.49 Pumpkin Carving Tool
$7.99 Olay Body Wash 23.6oz
$8.98 Scope Mouthwash 1 Liter (2)
Free Scope Mouthwash Sample Size
$2.77 Edge Shave Foam 7oz
$3.59 Skintimate Shave Cream 10oz
$9.98 Cover Girl Blush (2)
$6.29 2pk Crest 6.2oz each
$2.00 Lint Roller (2)
$2.57 St. Joseph's Aspirin 36ct
$1.37 Suave Deoderant 1.4oz
$4.99 Mitchum Clinical Strength Deoderant 2.5oz
$5.97 Dawn Hand Renewal Dishsoap 9oz (3)
$8.79 Almay Mascara
$2.27 Ivory Bar Soap 3pk
$5.00 Grout-It-Out Pen
$5.00 CD Renewal Kit
$6.38 Speedstick Deoderant 3oz (2)
$9.48 Old Spice Body Wash 18oz (2)
$3.99 Crest Complete Tootpaste 4oz
$2.97 American Greeting Cards (3)
$7.18 Mr. Clean Magic Erasers 2pk (2)
$2.37 Gillette Shaving Foam 2.5oz
$15.00 Bag Holder (3)
$10.00 Car Wiper (2)
$22.79 Prevacid 24hr 18ct
$23.92 Progresso Soup (8)
$19.99 Pur-Absorb Iron Supplement 28pk
$33.87 Glade Sense and Spray Starter Kits (3)
$10.95 Bowl Appetite Dinners (5)
$13.29 Venus Embrace Razor, 2 refills and holder
Total $268.21
! ! ! ! ! ! ! A M A Z I N G ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
So I got a FREE giftcard from my Discover Card Rewards and used it to score $268.21 worth of free toiletries, food and household supplies from CVS!
Love my Discover Card and CVS!
Posted in
Saving Money,
Free Stuff,
November 3rd, 2011 at 08:04 pm
Speed Stick Deoderant3 oz
Bought 2
Regular Price $3.19 Each
-.19 Each Sale Price
*Received $4.00 EB
Final Price $1.00 Each!
Gillette 16oz Mens Body Wash
Regular Price $4.99
-$1.50 Sale Price
-$2.00 mfr coupon
Final Price $1.49
*ETA - Sold this for $2.50 at our 6/23/12 rummage sale
*Profit of $1.01!
Old Spice 18oz Mens Body Wash
Bought 2
Regular Price ($4.49 to $4.99)
-$1.50 Sale Price
-$1.00 Sale Price
-$1.00 mfr coupon
-$3.49 mfr coupon (BOGO free)
Final Price $1.25 Each!
*ETA - Sold one for $2.50 at our 5/18/12 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold one for $2.50 at our 6/23/12 rummage sale
*Profit of $2.50!
Crest Complete Toothpaste 4oz
Regular Price $3.99
-$1.00 Sale Price
-$1.00 mfr coupon
*Received $1.00 EB
Final Price .99!
Dawn Hand Renewal Dishwashing Soap 9oz
Regular Price $1.99
-$1.00 Sale Price
-.50 mfr coupon
Final Price .49!
3 American Greeting Cards
.99 Each
*Received $3.00 EB
Final Price - MADE .03!!
2pk Magic Erasers
Bought 2
Regular Price $3.59 each
-$1.09 Each Sale Price
Final Price $1.25 per Magic Eraser
(I had a coupon for buy 2 get 1 free, but they only had 2 boxes left, so I will have to use that later)

Saved over $25!
My husband uses bar soap, so all 3 of the Mens Bodywashes will go in the rummage sale. Can probably sell them for $2 - $2.50 each.
Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
October 29th, 2011 at 07:02 pm
Got a little behind with all of the hours I put in at my second job this week, but I got some great deals at CVS!
Progresso Soup - Bought 8 cans
(Limit 4, but I used my Mom's CVS card and got 8)
Regular Price $2.99 per can
-$1.74 Per Can Sale Price
*Received $2.00 EB on 8
Final Price $1.25 Per Can ($1 per can after EBs!)
Saved $15.92 on 8
Gillette Fusion Shave Gel 2.5oz
Regular Price $2.37
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price .37!!
*ETA - Sold 2 for $1.00 each at 5/18/12 rummage sale - $1.26 profit
Halloween Pumpkin Carving Tool
Regular Price $2.49
*Received $2.49 EB
Final Price - FREE!!
Candy Corn 8oz
Regular Price .99
*Received .99 EB
Final Price - FREE!!
And here is the deal I am really proud of: 
Glade Sense and Spray Starter Kits
Bought 3
Regular Price $11.29 Each
-$6.29 Each Sale Price ($18.87 saved on 3!)
-$3.00 mfr coupon
-$3.00 mfr coupon
-$3.00 mfr coupon
*Received $4.00EB for spending $12 on Glade
Final Price .67 each!! Only $2 for all 3!
Saved $31.87!!!!
So excited about the Glade deal! I will probably keep 1 or 2 of them and sell the other one for $3-$4 at the rummage sale.
*ETA - Sold for $4.00 at 5/18/12 rummage sale - $3.33 profit
*ETA - Sold 1 for $4.00 each at 9/7/12 rummage sale - $3.33 profit

Posted in
Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
October 20th, 2011 at 01:04 am
Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner
Regular Price $3.79 each
-.29 Sale
-$3.00 mfr coupon
-$1.50 Target coupon
Final Price $2.50 ($1.25 per bottle)!
Saved $5.08 on 2
Hand Wiper (for shower, mirror, car, etc) Bought 2
Regular Price $5.00
-$4.00 Clearance
Final Price $1.00
Saved $8.00 on 2
"Grout it out" Pen
Regular Price $5.00
-$4.00 Clearance
Final Price $1.00
Saved $4.00
Handy Bag Holder - Bought 3
Regular Price $5.00
-$4.00 Clearance
Final Price $1.00
Saved $12.00 on 3
*ETA - Sold 1 at the 8/24/12 rummage sale for $2.50 = $1.50 profit
*ETA - Sold 1 at the 9/7/12 rummage sale for $2.50 = $1.50 profit
Almay Mascara
Regular Price $8.29
-$2.30 Sale Price
Final Price $5.99
*Received $4.00 EB
Prevacid24hr 28ct
Regular Price $21.99
-$3.00 Sale Price
-$3.00 mfr coupon
Final Price $15.99
**Received mail in rebate for full cost of Prevacid, already mailed rebate in yesterday.**
*ETA - Sold for $10.00 at 9/7/12 rummage sale - $10.00 profit
Saved $57.06!!! (including Prevacid rebate)

I gave one of the bag holders to my Mom. I plan on selling the other 2 bag holders, at least 1 of the hand wipers and the Prevacid.
Posted in
Free Stuff,
October 17th, 2011 at 12:54 am
First Purchase (Earlier this week)
2 Lint Rollers
Regular Price $1.00 each
On clearance 75%
Final Price .50 (.25 each)
-I already marked both of there for $1 a piece and put them in the rummage sale box.
*ETA - Sold 2 for $1.00 each at 9/7/12 rummage sale - $1.50 profit
St Joseph's Aspirin 36ct (raincheck purchase)
Regular Price $2.57
-.57 Sale Price
-$1.00 mfr coupon
Final Price $1.00
*Received $1.00 EB for purchase
Total OOP was $1.65 on CVS giftcard and got $1.00EB
Second Purchase (Today)
Suave Deoderant 1.4oz
Regular Price $1.37
-.37 Sale Price
-.25 mfr coupon
Final Price .75
Mitchum Clinical Strength Deoderant 2.5oz
Regular Price $4.99
-$3.00 Sale Price
-.75 mfr coupon
Final Price $1.29
Venus Embrace Razor (Razor, 2 refills and wallholder)
Regular Price $13.29
-$4.30 Sale Price
-$1.00 mfr coupon
Final Price $7.99
*Received $4.00 EB for purchase
Dawn Hand Care Dishsoap 9oz (Bought 2)
Regular Price $1.99
-$1.02 Sale Price
-.50 mfr coupon
-.25 mfr coupons
Final Price $1.20 Just .60 each!
Bowl Appetite Lunchs (Bought 5)
Regular Price $2.19
-$1.19 Sale Price
Final Price $5.00 Just $1.00 each!

Used my $15.99 EB from last week
Total OOP was .18 after the EB, then .84 tax
So I used my CVS card for $1.02 
Total Saved was $37.47
Still have the $1EB from the aspirin and $4EB from the Venus Razor.
My CVS challenge is going very well. I have $35 left between the GC and the EBs and have been keeping everything we got in a box so we can see how much we really got for the FREE $50GC. I am excited to see the end result!
Posted in
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
October 9th, 2011 at 08:24 pm

First Purchase
2 pack of Crest 6.2oz Toothpaste
Regular Price $6.29
-$1.00 mfr coupon
-$1.50 EB
-$2.00 EB
Total OOP $2.05 ($1.03 per tube) (CVS giftcard)
Received $2.00 EB
Second Purchase
Pur-Absorb Iron Supplements 28 pack
Regular Price $19.99
-$4.00 Sale Price
-$2.00 EB from last purchase
Total OOP $14.95 (CVS giftcard)
Received $15.99 EB
So I spent $17 on my CVS giftcard today, and I still have a $15.99 EB, so I go both items for total spent of $1.01 if you figure back in the EB.
Then I went to Target because I had a bunch of items that I could get with both a mfr coupon and a Target coupon.
Glad Odor Shield Garbage Bags 84ct
(this will last us YEARS!)
On sale for $13.00
-$1.00 Target coupon
-.75 mfr coupon
OOP $11.25
Venus 4ct Razor Refills
Regular Price $10.99
-$3.00 mfr coupon
OOP $7.99
Garnier Fructis Leave in Conditioning Cream
Regular Price $2.99
-$1.00 Target coupon
-$1.00 mfr coupon
OOP .99!!
Tampax Pearl Compak 18pk (2 boxes)
Regular $3.99 per box
-$3.99 (BOGO Free mfr coupon)
-$1.00 Target coupon
-$1.00 mfr coupon
OOP $1.99 for 2 boxes = less then a $1 a box!!
I got to use 3 coupons on one purchase! Whoo hoo!
So at Target I saved $13.53 just by using coupons, and these were all needs. Gonna go add them to my stockpile.
I think I am going to put a cap on a few things in my stockpile unless then are absolutely rock bottom prices. I think toothpaste, tampons, bar soap and shampoo/conditioner are going to be on hold for now, unless I can get them for insanely cheap. It is hard for me to pass up a good deal, but I don't want to be one of those crazy people on TV that keep TP under their kids beds....lol....as long as I can keep it contained to the bathroom cupboard and linen closet storage I should be good!
Posted in
October 8th, 2011 at 05:35 pm
Had a great week at work. They treated us to free lunch and breakfast all week and also had lots of prizes and games all week.
-Slingback backpack
-Soup mug and spoon
-3 Candy bars
-Fruit snacks
-$5 Giftcard to Schlotskys Deli
-$3 Gift Certificates to McDonalds

Also a coworker brought free pumpkins, so now we have some for Halloween decorations, which is awesome cause pumpkins are expensive.
Lastly I went to CVS and they had Covergirl products BOGO 50% off. I don't usually wear much for makeup (HUGE moneysaver), but because of that sale and I had an $8 coupon from the newspaper, I decided to use it to my advantage.
I bought 2 blushes (9.98) $4.99 a piece
-$2.50 for the 50% off
-$8.00 mfr coupon
*ETA - Sold 1 for $2.50 at 9/7/12 rummage sale - $2.50 profit
*ETA - Sold 1 for $2.50 at 6/15/13 rummage sale - $2.50 profit
Total Profit - $5.00
What a great deal! So I saved $10.50 and paid $0 OOP!
Posted in
Free Stuff,
October 3rd, 2011 at 01:14 am
I scanned my EB Card and received an extra $1.50 EB from my Quarterly EB rewards!
1st Purchase
23.6oz Olay Body Wash
Regular Price $7.99
-$1.00 Sale Price
-$2.00 mfr coupon
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price $2.99
*ETA - I had bought this to keep, but I had a buyer, so sold on 3/17/14 for $5.00 to a coworker = $2.01 Profit!
1 Liter Scope Mouthwash + a free sample mouthwash
Regular Price $4.49
-.40 Sale Price
-$2.00 mfr coupon
-$7.00 EB from last week
Total OOP $1.17
Received $2.00 EB from Olay
Received $1.50 EB from Scope
2nd Purchase
7oz Edge Shave Foam
Regular Price $2.77
-.78 Sale Price
-.55 mfr coupon
10 oz Skintimate Shave Cream
Regular Price $3.59
-$1.60 Sale Price
-$1.50 Quarterly EB
-$1.50 EB from last purchase
Total OOP .58
3rd Purchase
1 Liter Scope Mouthwash
Regular Price $4.49
-.40 Sale Price
-$2.00 mfr coupon
-$2.00 EB from last purchase
Total OOP .76
Received $1.50 EB from Scope

All of this for $2.51 OOP - Plus I still have $1.50 EB for next time.
Posted in
Saving Money,
September 29th, 2011 at 01:30 am
I am setting up 2 new challenges for DH and I!
October Discover Card Challenge
I am challenging DH and I to see how low we can get our Discover card for our Oct statement (Sept 28 - Oct 27). No "extra" purchases, limiting eating out, fast food and fuel as much as we can. Last month our statement $1900 and this month was $1600.....according to our "budget" we should be around $1200. Hmm. So I am challenging us to get it as close to the $1200 as we can. I would really like to see it under $1300.
CVS Giftcard Challenge
I cashed in $45 of our Discover card cashback rewards for a $50 CVS giftcard today. I am going to see how long I can make that last with EBs and how much merchandise I can get for FREE with this FREE $50 giftcard!
Posted in
Saving Money,
September 29th, 2011 at 12:57 am
1st Purchase
ThermaCare Heat Patch $3.79
Total OOP $3.79
Received $3.79 EB (FREE!)
2nd Purchase
Re-nu Contact Solution
Regular Price $9.99
-$1.00 Sale Price
-$2.00 mfr coupon
-$3.79 EB from last purchase
Total OOP $3.20
Received $7.00 EB
So I got both items for $6.99 OOP, and I still have a $7.00 EB, so I actually made .01 by purchasing these items in this way! Whoo hoo! Hope I can keep finding deals where CVS pays me to take their merchandise home. 
I will use the contact solution, but not the Therma Care Heat Patch. My Dad uses those, so I just gave it to him since it was free other then tax.
Posted in
Free Stuff,
September 25th, 2011 at 06:35 pm
First Purchase
8ct Excedrin .99
8ct Excedrin .99
Total OOP $2.10
Received $1.98 EB
Second Purchase
4 cans Progresso Soup Regular $2.99 per can ($11.96)
On sale for 4 cans/$5
-$1.00 CVS coupon
-$1.98 EB from last purchase
Total OOP $2.02
Total saved $9.94
2 bottles of Excedrin and 4 cans of Pregresso for $4.12 OOP!

There were a few other things I wanted to get that were on good sale, but the coupons I need for them are at work, so I will try to get them tomorrow.
Posted in
Free Stuff,
September 18th, 2011 at 10:33 pm
I went back to JCP today and bought the rest of the flip flops.....another 15 flip flops for .17 per pair. They did not have the extra 15% off today. Total saved on this purchase was $147.45 and total spent was $2.70!
Then I went to CVS to pick up a few things.
4 boxes of Cheerios
-Regular $3.39 per box
-On sale for $2.50 per box
-Minus $1.00 off of 4 mfr coupon
-End price is $2.25 per box
-Savings of $4.56
Scanned our CVS card and got a BOGO Free coupon on 5 Gum
-Regular $1.57 per pack
-On sale for $1.00 per pack
-Minus $1.57 BOGO coupon
-End price of .21 cents per pack!!
-Savings of $2.71
3 cases JBT 24 pack of Bottled Water
-Regular price $3.99 per case
-On sale for $2.22
-Savings of $5.31
Then I used $3.69 EB I had from last week, so my total OOP was $12.40.
Total spent between CVS and JCP was $15.10 and total saved was $165.32!
All of this for just $15.10!
Posted in
Saving Money,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
September 13th, 2011 at 02:07 am
1st purchase:
18 pack Brilliant PH tampons $6.79
Used free giftcard from last week -$4.98
$2.24 paid OOP
Got $6.79 EB
2nd purchase:
(3) 24 pack cases of JTB Water $2.22 per case (raincheck from last week)
Total $6.66
-$6.79 EB from last purchase
$0 paid OOP
3rd purchase
Scanned our CVS card and got a coupon for a FREE box of Newtons Fruit Thins - Cranberry Citrus Oat.
Total $2.50
-$2.50 CVS coupon
$0 paid OOP
$16.26 saved today and only $2.24 paid OOP
We don't drink bottled water, but we can sell the bottles at the rummage sale for $1 a piece, which would be a profit of $66 - last weekend we did that with 2 cases of water, sold every single bottles we had for a profit of $45!!
St Josephs Aspirin - Free after sale, coupon and EB
CVS brand Allergy Medicine - Free after EB
Posted in
Saving Money,
Free Stuff,
September 6th, 2011 at 12:55 am
Stopped at CVS, they had a deal for Carefree 20 pack panty liners.
Regular Price $1.56
-On sale for $1.00
-Earned $1.00 EB on purchase
-Cost after tax .06 ($1.06 OOP, but earned $1.00 EB)
I don't use this product, but since it was virtually free I did purchase it and marked it for $1.50 for the rummage sale.
**ETA** I did sell this for $1.50 at our rummage sale the next weekend, so got it for free and made $1.50 on it!
The also had Progresso soup on sale for BOGO free. I bought 4 cans of soup.
Regular Price $2.99 per can
-On sale BOGO Free
-Minus $1.00 Extra Buck
-Minus $1.00 mfr coupon
Final Price = $3.98, .99 per can
Saved $7.98
Plus I used the gift card I earned last week so didn't have to actually pay anything OOP.
Rummage Sale Items
I looked up the Gillete Plus Razors that we had to sell on Walmarts website. They were selling the specific ones we had for 10 razors for $18.59. I had 3 sets of 13. I marked them for $10.00 for 13, so if we sold all of them that would be $30.00. Plus whoever buys them would get a really good deal.
Posted in
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
August 31st, 2011 at 11:20 pm
I went back to CVS to purchase the last $12.01 to get my $10 giftcard.

Herbal Essences 12oz Shampoo and Conditioner
-I bought 2 bottles
-Regular price $3.99, on sale for $3.00
-Minus $1.00 mfr coupon
-Final price $2.48 per bottle, Saved $5.49
Duracell AAA batteries 16 count pack
-Regular price $14.49, on sale for $9.99
-Final price $9.99, Saved $4.50
Orbit Gum 14 piece pack
-Regular price $1.37
-Minus $1.00 CVS coupon
-Final price .37! Saved $1.00
The coupon for the gum I got at CVS just for swiping my card at their coupon kiosk.
I also used the $1 EB that I got with my last purchase, so I saved another $1 with that too!
So I saved another $11.99 on products we need, PLUS got the $10 CVS giftcard for next time we go in to get some great deals! YEAH!
Posted in
August 30th, 2011 at 12:50 am
Lots of awesome deals at CVS this week!
Here are the ones I took advantage of:

Gatorades 32oz bottles
-I bought the limit of 8
-Regular price $1.99 per bottle, on sale BOGO Free
-Final price .99 per bottle, Saved $7.96
Lay's Potatoe Chips 10oz bags
-I bought the limit of 4
-Regular price $4.29 per bag, on sale BOGO Free
-Final price $2.15 per bag, Saved $8.56
Puffs 100ct boxes (same price as the 56 count boxes)
-I bought 3 boxes
-Regular price $1.99, on sale for .99
-Minus .25 mfr coupon
-Final price .91 per box, Saved $3.25
Crest Complete 4oz tube
-Regular price $3.99, on sale for $2.99
-Minus $1.00 mfr coupon
*Got $1 Extra Bucks Reward for this purchase
-Final price 1.99, Saved $2.00
Herbal Essences 12oz Shampoo and Conditioner
-I bought 2 bottles
-Regular price $3.99, on sale for $3.00
-Minus $1.00 mfr coupon
-Final price $2.48 per bottle, Saved $5.49
Tampax 20ct box
-Regular price $3.99, on sale for $2.99
-Minus $1.00 mfr coupon
-Final price $1.99, saved $2.00
Febreeze 27oz bottle
-Regular price $6.29, on sale for $4.99
-Minus $1.00 mfr coupon
-Final price $3.99, Saved $2.30
Duracell AAA batteries 16 count pack
-Regular price $14.49, on sale for $9.99
-Minus .75 mfr coupon
-Final price $9.24, Saved $5.25
Dawn Dishwashing Soap 10.3oz
-I bought 2 bottles
-Regular price $1.99, on sale for .99
-Minus .75 mfr coupon and .50 mfr coupon
-Final price .37 per bottle!! Saved $3.24
CVS Daytime/Nighttime Cold/Flu Relief Double Pack
(2)10oz bottles per pack
-I bought 2 packs
-Regular price $9.79 (compared to $15 for the brand name Nyquil pack), on sale for BOGO 50% off
-Final price $14.68, Saved $4.90
Total saved $44.95!!!
The only thing I bought that we did not "need" was the Lays Chips. Everything else was a household necessity, so very happy with the trip.
They also had a promotion where if you spend $30 in select products you get a $10 gas card. I asked the cashier about this and since we do not have the gas stations the cards were for they just give you a $10 CVS giftcard. I wasn't planning on doing that promotion, but after I checked out I saw on my receipt that if I buy $12.01 more in select products in the next week I get a the giftcard, so since I only have to spend $12.01 to get a $10 giftcard I will do that since it would only equate to me spending $2.01 more OOP. I just need to figure out the best products to purchase to get the most savings and use out of this deal.
There were 2 other deals that I was not able to get because they were sold out, but I did get rainchecks for them.
-24 case of bottled water, on sale for $2.22
-Pace Picante sauce, on sale for 2/$4, plus I have a .75 coupon
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