Viewing the 'Free Stuff' Category
November 19th, 2011 at 04:49 pm
Found a money maker at CVS this week:

Gillette Fusion Shave Gel 2.5 oz
Regular Price $2.37
-$1.00 mfr coupon
*Received $2 EB
Final Price FREE +.63 Money Maker!!!
*ETA - Sold this for $1.00 at our 6/23/12 rummage sale
I used my Mom's card so that I could do his deal twice and made a total of $1.26 just for buying them! I them marked both of them $1.00 a piece for the rummage sale.
Also found 2 other good deals:
Ivory Bar Soap 3 pk
Regular Price $2.27
-$1.28 Sale Price
-.50 mfr coupon
Final Price .49!
*Marked this for $1.50 for the rummage sale
*ETA - Sold for $1.50 at 9/7/12 rummage sale - $1.01 profit
I scanned my CVS card and got a coupon for $2.00 off
Kellogs Crunchy Nut Cereal
Crunchy Nut Cereal 14.1oz
Regular Price $2.50 per box
-$2.00 CVS coupon
Final Price .50 for a box of cereal!!
(and it's yummy!)
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Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
November 13th, 2011 at 10:51 pm
Week of 11/6/11

Bowl Appetit Dinners - Bought 9
Regular Price $2.19
-$1.19 Each Sale Price
Saved $10.71 on 9
Final Price $1.00 Each
American Greeting Cards - Bought 3
Regular Price .99
*Received $3.00 EB for buying 3
Final Price +.03!!
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers 2pk - Bought 3 boxes
Regular Price $3.59 per box
-$1.09 Each Sale Price(Raincheck from last weeks sale)
-$2.50 mfr coupon (Buy 2 get 1 free)
Saved $5.77 on 3 boxes
Final Price $5.00 for 3 boxes - Just $1.20 per eraser!
Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion 2.5oz
Bought 2 Tubes
Regular Price $3.69 Each ($7.38)
Sale - Buy 2 Aveeno Products, get $7 EB
*Received $7 EB
Final Price .38!! Just .19 cents per tube!!
Week of 11/13/11

Suave Bodywash 12oz - Bought 5 Bottles
Regular Price $2.77 Each
-.77 Each Sale Price
-$3.00 mfr coupon (cashier rang up coupon wrong, it was Buy 2, get 1 free, so she should have only taken off $2.00, but she took off $3.00)
Sale - Buy $10 worth of Suave, receive $3 EB
*Received $3.00 EB
Final Price $4.00 for 5 Bodywashes - Only .80 per bottle!!
*ETA - Sold all 3for $1.50 each at 5/18/12 rummage sale
Ivory Bar Soap 3pk (Bought 2)
Regular Price $2.27
-$1.28 Sale Price
-.50 mfr coupon
Final Price .49 each!!
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 8/24/12 rummage sale = $1.01 profit
*ETA - Sold 1 for $1.50 at 9/7/12 rummage sale = $1.01 profit
Gilette Fusion Shave Gel 2.5 oz
Regular Price $2.37
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price .37!!
*ETA - Sold for $1.00 at 6/23/12 rummage sale
Orbit Gum 14ct - Bought 2 packs
Regular Price $1.37
-$1.37 Sale Price (BOGO Free)
Final Price .69 per pack
Posted in
Free Stuff,
November 9th, 2011 at 02:59 am

Well here it is!! Here is everything I got with my FREE $50 giftcard for CVS!
.99 Candy Corn 8oz
$2.49 Pumpkin Carving Tool
$7.99 Olay Body Wash 23.6oz
$8.98 Scope Mouthwash 1 Liter (2)
Free Scope Mouthwash Sample Size
$2.77 Edge Shave Foam 7oz
$3.59 Skintimate Shave Cream 10oz
$9.98 Cover Girl Blush (2)
$6.29 2pk Crest 6.2oz each
$2.00 Lint Roller (2)
$2.57 St. Joseph's Aspirin 36ct
$1.37 Suave Deoderant 1.4oz
$4.99 Mitchum Clinical Strength Deoderant 2.5oz
$5.97 Dawn Hand Renewal Dishsoap 9oz (3)
$8.79 Almay Mascara
$2.27 Ivory Bar Soap 3pk
$5.00 Grout-It-Out Pen
$5.00 CD Renewal Kit
$6.38 Speedstick Deoderant 3oz (2)
$9.48 Old Spice Body Wash 18oz (2)
$3.99 Crest Complete Tootpaste 4oz
$2.97 American Greeting Cards (3)
$7.18 Mr. Clean Magic Erasers 2pk (2)
$2.37 Gillette Shaving Foam 2.5oz
$15.00 Bag Holder (3)
$10.00 Car Wiper (2)
$22.79 Prevacid 24hr 18ct
$23.92 Progresso Soup (8)
$19.99 Pur-Absorb Iron Supplement 28pk
$33.87 Glade Sense and Spray Starter Kits (3)
$10.95 Bowl Appetite Dinners (5)
$13.29 Venus Embrace Razor, 2 refills and holder
Total $268.21
! ! ! ! ! ! ! A M A Z I N G ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
So I got a FREE giftcard from my Discover Card Rewards and used it to score $268.21 worth of free toiletries, food and household supplies from CVS!
Love my Discover Card and CVS!
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Saving Money,
Free Stuff,
November 3rd, 2011 at 08:04 pm
Speed Stick Deoderant3 oz
Bought 2
Regular Price $3.19 Each
-.19 Each Sale Price
*Received $4.00 EB
Final Price $1.00 Each!
Gillette 16oz Mens Body Wash
Regular Price $4.99
-$1.50 Sale Price
-$2.00 mfr coupon
Final Price $1.49
*ETA - Sold this for $2.50 at our 6/23/12 rummage sale
*Profit of $1.01!
Old Spice 18oz Mens Body Wash
Bought 2
Regular Price ($4.49 to $4.99)
-$1.50 Sale Price
-$1.00 Sale Price
-$1.00 mfr coupon
-$3.49 mfr coupon (BOGO free)
Final Price $1.25 Each!
*ETA - Sold one for $2.50 at our 5/18/12 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold one for $2.50 at our 6/23/12 rummage sale
*Profit of $2.50!
Crest Complete Toothpaste 4oz
Regular Price $3.99
-$1.00 Sale Price
-$1.00 mfr coupon
*Received $1.00 EB
Final Price .99!
Dawn Hand Renewal Dishwashing Soap 9oz
Regular Price $1.99
-$1.00 Sale Price
-.50 mfr coupon
Final Price .49!
3 American Greeting Cards
.99 Each
*Received $3.00 EB
Final Price - MADE .03!!
2pk Magic Erasers
Bought 2
Regular Price $3.59 each
-$1.09 Each Sale Price
Final Price $1.25 per Magic Eraser
(I had a coupon for buy 2 get 1 free, but they only had 2 boxes left, so I will have to use that later)

Saved over $25!
My husband uses bar soap, so all 3 of the Mens Bodywashes will go in the rummage sale. Can probably sell them for $2 - $2.50 each.
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Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
October 29th, 2011 at 07:02 pm
Got a little behind with all of the hours I put in at my second job this week, but I got some great deals at CVS!
Progresso Soup - Bought 8 cans
(Limit 4, but I used my Mom's CVS card and got 8)
Regular Price $2.99 per can
-$1.74 Per Can Sale Price
*Received $2.00 EB on 8
Final Price $1.25 Per Can ($1 per can after EBs!)
Saved $15.92 on 8
Gillette Fusion Shave Gel 2.5oz
Regular Price $2.37
*Received $2.00 EB
Final Price .37!!
*ETA - Sold 2 for $1.00 each at 5/18/12 rummage sale - $1.26 profit
Halloween Pumpkin Carving Tool
Regular Price $2.49
*Received $2.49 EB
Final Price - FREE!!
Candy Corn 8oz
Regular Price .99
*Received .99 EB
Final Price - FREE!!
And here is the deal I am really proud of: 
Glade Sense and Spray Starter Kits
Bought 3
Regular Price $11.29 Each
-$6.29 Each Sale Price ($18.87 saved on 3!)
-$3.00 mfr coupon
-$3.00 mfr coupon
-$3.00 mfr coupon
*Received $4.00EB for spending $12 on Glade
Final Price .67 each!! Only $2 for all 3!
Saved $31.87!!!!
So excited about the Glade deal! I will probably keep 1 or 2 of them and sell the other one for $3-$4 at the rummage sale.
*ETA - Sold for $4.00 at 5/18/12 rummage sale - $3.33 profit
*ETA - Sold 1 for $4.00 each at 9/7/12 rummage sale - $3.33 profit

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Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling,
October 20th, 2011 at 01:04 am
Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner
Regular Price $3.79 each
-.29 Sale
-$3.00 mfr coupon
-$1.50 Target coupon
Final Price $2.50 ($1.25 per bottle)!
Saved $5.08 on 2
Hand Wiper (for shower, mirror, car, etc) Bought 2
Regular Price $5.00
-$4.00 Clearance
Final Price $1.00
Saved $8.00 on 2
"Grout it out" Pen
Regular Price $5.00
-$4.00 Clearance
Final Price $1.00
Saved $4.00
Handy Bag Holder - Bought 3
Regular Price $5.00
-$4.00 Clearance
Final Price $1.00
Saved $12.00 on 3
*ETA - Sold 1 at the 8/24/12 rummage sale for $2.50 = $1.50 profit
*ETA - Sold 1 at the 9/7/12 rummage sale for $2.50 = $1.50 profit
Almay Mascara
Regular Price $8.29
-$2.30 Sale Price
Final Price $5.99
*Received $4.00 EB
Prevacid24hr 28ct
Regular Price $21.99
-$3.00 Sale Price
-$3.00 mfr coupon
Final Price $15.99
**Received mail in rebate for full cost of Prevacid, already mailed rebate in yesterday.**
*ETA - Sold for $10.00 at 9/7/12 rummage sale - $10.00 profit
Saved $57.06!!! (including Prevacid rebate)

I gave one of the bag holders to my Mom. I plan on selling the other 2 bag holders, at least 1 of the hand wipers and the Prevacid.
Posted in
Free Stuff,
October 8th, 2011 at 05:35 pm
Had a great week at work. They treated us to free lunch and breakfast all week and also had lots of prizes and games all week.
-Slingback backpack
-Soup mug and spoon
-3 Candy bars
-Fruit snacks
-$5 Giftcard to Schlotskys Deli
-$3 Gift Certificates to McDonalds

Also a coworker brought free pumpkins, so now we have some for Halloween decorations, which is awesome cause pumpkins are expensive.
Lastly I went to CVS and they had Covergirl products BOGO 50% off. I don't usually wear much for makeup (HUGE moneysaver), but because of that sale and I had an $8 coupon from the newspaper, I decided to use it to my advantage.
I bought 2 blushes (9.98) $4.99 a piece
-$2.50 for the 50% off
-$8.00 mfr coupon
*ETA - Sold 1 for $2.50 at 9/7/12 rummage sale - $2.50 profit
*ETA - Sold 1 for $2.50 at 6/15/13 rummage sale - $2.50 profit
Total Profit - $5.00
What a great deal! So I saved $10.50 and paid $0 OOP!
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Free Stuff,
September 29th, 2011 at 12:57 am
1st Purchase
ThermaCare Heat Patch $3.79
Total OOP $3.79
Received $3.79 EB (FREE!)
2nd Purchase
Re-nu Contact Solution
Regular Price $9.99
-$1.00 Sale Price
-$2.00 mfr coupon
-$3.79 EB from last purchase
Total OOP $3.20
Received $7.00 EB
So I got both items for $6.99 OOP, and I still have a $7.00 EB, so I actually made .01 by purchasing these items in this way! Whoo hoo! Hope I can keep finding deals where CVS pays me to take their merchandise home. 
I will use the contact solution, but not the Therma Care Heat Patch. My Dad uses those, so I just gave it to him since it was free other then tax.
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Free Stuff,
September 25th, 2011 at 06:35 pm
First Purchase
8ct Excedrin .99
8ct Excedrin .99
Total OOP $2.10
Received $1.98 EB
Second Purchase
4 cans Progresso Soup Regular $2.99 per can ($11.96)
On sale for 4 cans/$5
-$1.00 CVS coupon
-$1.98 EB from last purchase
Total OOP $2.02
Total saved $9.94
2 bottles of Excedrin and 4 cans of Pregresso for $4.12 OOP!

There were a few other things I wanted to get that were on good sale, but the coupons I need for them are at work, so I will try to get them tomorrow.
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Free Stuff,
September 24th, 2011 at 03:31 am
My Mom's friend had brought a ton of stuff for the last rummage sale, and when it was over she said we could have what we wanted from her stuff and donate or toss what we didn't want.
I finished going through everything as well as weeding out our old stuff that wasn't selling. I ended up taking 4 boxes to donate. I also took 4 prom/bridesmaids dress and 2 graduation gowns and donated them to a local charity that helps homeless teams with normal teenage activities like prom etc.
I found several items that I wanted to keep for myself to wear.
4 Tanktops
2 T-shirts
1 Cardigan
4 Long Sleeve shirts
1 Sweater
1 Pair of shorts
2 Skirts
So I then went through my closet and picked out all the same items to get rid of of my own. A perfect exchange, I got 15 new items for FREE and got rid of 15 of my old clothes that I don't wear anymore. This is a great way to keep the clutter down in your closet when you get new clothes.
Then I went through everything she had left and marked them for the next rummage sale.
60 Shirts
35 Pairs of Pants
5 Dresses
3 Skirts
3 Coats
Should make a pretty nice profit on all of it at the next sale!
*ETA - Here is what I have sold so far from this stuff:
5/18/12 $7.50
6/23/12 $11.25
8/24/12 $20.50
9/7/12 $57.75
6/15/13 $9.00
Total made so far - $106.00 Free!!
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Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
September 13th, 2011 at 02:07 am
1st purchase:
18 pack Brilliant PH tampons $6.79
Used free giftcard from last week -$4.98
$2.24 paid OOP
Got $6.79 EB
2nd purchase:
(3) 24 pack cases of JTB Water $2.22 per case (raincheck from last week)
Total $6.66
-$6.79 EB from last purchase
$0 paid OOP
3rd purchase
Scanned our CVS card and got a coupon for a FREE box of Newtons Fruit Thins - Cranberry Citrus Oat.
Total $2.50
-$2.50 CVS coupon
$0 paid OOP
$16.26 saved today and only $2.24 paid OOP
We don't drink bottled water, but we can sell the bottles at the rummage sale for $1 a piece, which would be a profit of $66 - last weekend we did that with 2 cases of water, sold every single bottles we had for a profit of $45!!
St Josephs Aspirin - Free after sale, coupon and EB
CVS brand Allergy Medicine - Free after EB
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Saving Money,
Free Stuff,
August 8th, 2011 at 05:26 am
We received a $10 giftcheck in the mail today from Taco Johns for filling out a secret shopper survey.
I redeemed our Discover Card cashback rewards. We had $55.50 banked. I redeemed $45 for a $50 Applebees giftcard. We eat out at Applebees a lot during softball season because it is close to the diamonds and is usually happy hour (half price apps and taps!) by the time we get done playing.
I entered all of my coke points on the coke rewards website....I have 39 pts, not enough to get anything of interest yet...but at least I have them all entered now instead of all over in the bottom of my purse.
DH got a $10 giftcard from a parent (he is a teacher) for Barnes and Noble, and also a $5 giftcard to Dairy Queen. The Barnes and Noble card I think we will use to get a book for his niece. DH doesn't read too much, and I read a lot, but prefer to just get books from the library as I rarely read the same book twice, so it would just be taking up space. Have not used the DQ giftcard yet....but that's really only a matter of time.
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Free Stuff
July 24th, 2011 at 12:32 am
We got a bunch of free snacks from my Dad. He got a ton free from his work and was nice enough to share with us. They are "best if used by" the end of July, so they got them for free.
7 bags of Sweet and Salty Chex Mix
2 bags of Peanut Butter Chex Mix
2 bags of chips
2 Mounds Bars
1 Fruit Pie
1 bag Corn Nuts
1 bag Corn Chips
1 Pack of Orbit Gun
1 Pack of Trident Layers
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Free Stuff
June 23rd, 2011 at 07:38 pm
I took in our aluminum cans today. We had 53lbs at .65 a lb = $34.45. I will hold on to that check to add to the mortgage payment for July. Doing pretty good on my list, sad that my time off is almost over! This afternoon I am going to clean out the hot tub, I already drained it. Also planning to file and maybe work on the garage.
My Birthday was on Tuesday, my Mom and Dad got me a new softball glove which I really needed and also a new chest freezer since ours died. In the process of moving the new freezer in I found out that we have 4 sets of outlets in our house that do not work. Hoping my brother or a friend we have that is good with electrical can fix them for us.
(X)1)Dentist Apt
(X)2)Donate Blood
(X)3)Take in recycling
(X)4)Take back library books
(X)5)Clean out car
( )6)Organize garage
(X)7)Call chiro to check on DH's bill
( )8)Clean out study
(X)9)Wax eyebrows
(X)11)Clean bedroom
(X)12)Organize Tupperware cupboard
( )13)Clean out kitchen closet
( )14)Clean out hottub
(X)15)Boys Softball
(X)16)Girls Softball
(X)17)Go to BD lunch with Mom
(X)18)Go through purses for rummage sale
( )19)Work at trailer
( )20)File
(X)21)Create resume for Dad
( )22)Clean out new freezer
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Saving Money,
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To Do Lists,
Home Improvements,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
May 21st, 2011 at 09:45 pm
Victoria Secret (VS3/2011)
-Free Lace HipHugger $8.50
Total spent = $0
Total saved = $8.50
Venus 4ct Razors - $2.00 coupon
1 Bottle Herbal Essences - $.50 coupon
2 Bottles of Pantene - $3.00 coupon
-Plus both bottles I bought came with a FREE 6.7oz bottle of conditioner, and $10 in additional coupons
2 Boxes Tampax - $3.00 mfr coupon AND $2.00 store coupon
Totals coupons = $10.50
This was the first time I had ever done the "double couponing". Most of the stores here do not let you double coupon an item. So with the Tampax I got one of the boxes free and one $1 off.
We went to Menards to get a fire pit for my Mom for her BD. While we were in the checkout DH saw that they had 3 packs of lint rollers for $5.09 and they had a rebate for $5.00 each. So we bought the limit of 4 and got the rebate. I will send the rebate in Monday and then they will have cost .09 each pack (.03 per roll). I figure I can open the 3 packs and sell each individual roller in the rummage sale for $1.00 each. So that would be a profit of $.97 each x 12 rollers = $11.64.
ETA - Sold all of these lint rollers for $1.00 each = $11.64 profit
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Saving Money,
Free Stuff
March 17th, 2011 at 10:55 pm
I got a couple of good coupons in the mail that I will need to use:
$10 off a purchase of $50 or more at Famous Footwear
-DH and I both need new tennies for summer, so we will watch for a good sale (FFW sometimes has but one get one free or other good sales) and go get some new shoes.
$10 off at Red Lobster when you use your Discover Card. The lobsterfest commercials on TV are killing me right now! So I am super happy we got a coupon/reason to go now! 
Free travel size item of your choice at Bath and Body works, no purchase necessary.
Guess I better hit the mall soon!
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Free Stuff
March 10th, 2011 at 02:45 pm
I went and used my Victoria's Secret coupons. Good for 1 Free Incredible Hip Hugger, the 2nd coupon was for $10 off any purchase. So the first pair was free, $11.50, then I used the $10 off coupon on another pair for $11.50. So I got 2 prs for $1.50 OOP!
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Free Stuff
February 26th, 2011 at 12:07 am
(VS1/2011) Got my first free undies coupon of the year from Victoria's Secret. Good for 1 Free Incredible Hip Hugger, so I will have to go in the next week or 2 to get my free chonies. Normally these coupons come with a 2nd coupon good for $10 off any bra, but I never use that because I don't buy my bras at VS, they are way to expensive, and can get just as good or better quality at department stores. But this time the 2nd coupon was for $10 off any purchase! So I will probably use that one too, try to find some undies for $12 or so then I can get 2 prs of undies for $2. That is the plan, we'll see what I can find!
Also I have been seeing some commercials for P&G Brand Saver coupons coming out in Feb 27th newspaper. We don't get the paper (free online) so I am going to try to get to the gym early on Sunday so I can get the coupons from their newspaper.
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Free Stuff
February 1st, 2011 at 01:22 am
Got our yearly rebate from our Menards card today, $3.64! Whoo hoo! LOL. So we will probably save that for next time we go to the movies. Not sure if you know, but Menards has $1 boxes of movie candy, which sure beats the $3+ they charge at the theater. So check it out!
DH got paid today and is was $250 more then usual. Since our checking is not as high as I would like I am just leaving the extra in checking for now.
I also did my little bros taxes today, so I am glad I could do that for him. He gets a whopping $105 back between both federal and state. But when you are 19 y/o $105 can make a big difference!
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Free Stuff
January 2nd, 2011 at 06:20 am
A friend of mine had clothes of her husbands that he no longer wanted. She knows that we do several rummage sales every year and asked if I wanted the clothes to sell at the rummage sale. She does not want any money back, she just wanted the clothes out of the house and said if I store them and mark them I can keep any money we make from selling them. Well I *finally* finished marking them all. There was a lot more then I expected! It was almost all mens XL, XXL, and XXXL polo and dress shirts. All in very nice, new condition. There were also several coats including a brand new (tag still on) Columbia fall jacket and a leather jacket from Wilson's Leather. I marked most of the shirts at $1.50 and the coats at $5.00. I am not sure yet what to put on the leather jacket.....it is kinda hard in the elbows like maybe something got spilled on it? I am going to have my Mom look at it and see what she thinks. All total there were 47 items, and if I sold all of them it would be $70 - that's not counting the leather jacket since I haven't marked it yet. Hopefully we can make a few bucks off of it! There was also 1 shirt that I gave to my Uncle (Steelers), 1 for my older brother (Jeff Gordon) and 1 for my little brother and 1 for my husband. None of them are XL+, but there were a couple of styles that would work for them.
ETA - Here is how we have done on this stuff in the sale:
8/27/11 $39.25
9/10/11 $56.10
5/18/12 $17.00
6/23/12 $2.00
8/24/11 $3.50
9/7/12 $10.00
6/15/13 $10.50
Total $138.35 FREE!!
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Free Stuff,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
November 7th, 2010 at 02:09 am
Used my free Vickie's underwear card today, the free pair is priced at $11.50. Then I had a coupon for Bath'n'Body Works. I don't usually shop there either cause I always have a lot of lotion that I get for gifts, but one of the coupons was a really good deal. I had 2 coupons, one for "Buy any item, get one lotion free up to $12" and one for "Spend $30 and get $10 off". So I bought a $1.50 hand sanitizer that I can stick in with someone's Christmas present and got a free bottle of lotion, priced $10.50. The other coupon I left on the shelf for some other shopper to find and use. So I got undies, lotion and hand sanitizer, grand total was $1.59! Yeah! Also walked to the mall so no money on gas and DH found a penny on the way. 
I got a P & G Brandsaver add in the mail today with $42 in coupons in it. Most are for products that we don't use, but there are a couple I will keep, and the rest I will put in the coupon box at work.
We also went to the casino yesterday with a friend and came home up $2! Ha ha! Always happy if we don't lose.
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Free Stuff
November 2nd, 2010 at 12:53 am
Got another free coupon for Victoria Secret undies today. I believe this is my 6th free undies this year.
Also got a good sale on soup today. The grocery store had the large cans of Progresso Soup on sale for .99! They are normally $2.65 a piece, so I bought 30 cans and saved $49! Whoo hoo! I love Progresso and they are really good for lunch, especially in the winter. I like to have half a can for lunch, nice and light and cheap.
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Saving Money,
Free Stuff
September 4th, 2010 at 10:48 pm
We went to the bar down the street yesterday to play Bingo. It is only a $1 a card and we only play one card per game (3 games) and a nice way to relax on Friday after work. But we never ever win at Bingo. They have good jackpots (up to $1200) if you hit the blackout within so many numbers. Yesterday the blackout prize was $600 if you hit it in like 58 numbers. Nobody got it, but DH did get the consolation blackout Bingo.....$21! Which he had to share with another person....LOL! YEAH $11! Oh well he was happy anyways just to finally get to say BINGO!
After Bingo we went with a friend to the casino. We were not going to go today, (we have not gone since we won the $800 over a month ago) but a coworker was talking about it all day and really gave me the casino itch. So we went for a few hours. I ended up hitting $270 betting .90 cents on a penny machine! Yeah! So had about 4 hrs of free entertainment yesterday and even came out ahead.
And lastly we got another comp flyer from the Hooters Hotel and Casino in Vegas. We got :
4 night free stay
$100 in free play
8 free breakfast buffets
Unfortunatley the freebies are only good until 10/31/2010 and we will not being going to Vegas again until next August. But we were excited that we got more comps, hopefully we will get more closer to our visit.
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Free Stuff
July 1st, 2010 at 11:58 pm
Happy to report we made it all the way through June without turning on the air! It's been rough since it has been extremely humid here and in the mid 90's. Yesterday was horrible as it was 97 degrees and we had softball! So I was dying at night from heatstroke. But since we met our goal of making it through June I did turn it on today and it is over 95 again so I am holed up with the air on!
FIL is in town to visit and brought DH 8 bars of soap, 2 cans shaving gel, pack of 52 disposable razors, 3 tubes toothpaste, laundry detergent, new tennis shoes, pack of socks, toilet paper, paper towels, shampoo, dishwashing soap, mayo and salsa. He takes such good care of us! Tonight he is taking us to Red Lobster and Saturday we are taking a little trip to the casino!
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Free Stuff
May 20th, 2010 at 04:13 am
We got a comps letter from Hooters Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas today. I am very excited since we are going to Vegas again in August!
Here is what we got:
4 Free Nights
2 Nights for $9.99 each
4 Free Poolside Drinks
$100 in Free Play
8 Free Show tickets
20 Free wings
We are waiting to book our flights till they are a little cheaper. Right now they are $99 per person one way. We have seem them around $59 per person one way so we are gonna wait for awhile and see if a better deal comes along.
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Free Stuff
April 22nd, 2010 at 11:32 pm
I referred my little bro to my bank a few months ago so was eligible for a free gift. They didn't have any gifts that I wanted at the time, so I hung on to the coupon till now. They had an 18 piece barbeque set that I picked up and am really happy with it! It came with the cleaning brush, tongs, large barbaque knife and fork, corn on the cob holders, cabob skewers, basting brush, and spatula, they all have nice wooden handles and came in a plastic case with a handle.
We were waiting to pick up a cleaning brush and some utensils for a grill, so I am happy we got something so useful for free!
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Free Stuff
January 24th, 2010 at 05:30 pm
This week I won a free "Like it" size ice cream from Coldstone from a radio trivia contest. I also got a coupon for a free pair of underwear from Victoria Secret, I will have to go pick those up this week. I have not used my VS card in years so I am always happily surprised when I get free items or coupons.
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Free Stuff
January 7th, 2010 at 12:35 am
I have not signed up for any free samples in a while but have still been getting some here and there in the mail. Today I got:
Free sample of the new poptart flavor....GRAPE!? I will try them and let you know what I think, but a little nervous about it....
2 Free makeup samples from Revlon
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Free Stuff
November 26th, 2009 at 04:58 pm
Free diaper from Pampers
Free Dove shampoo and conditioner samples
Also won $200 at the casino which will all go towards the Jan principle payment on the mortgage.
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Free Stuff
November 19th, 2009 at 01:09 am
Free in the mail today
-Fischer Price Princess Movie on DVD
Not sure what I am going to do with that yet...probably put in the rummage sale.
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Free Stuff