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December 31st, 2015 at 03:13 pm
I don't check in on my retirement accounts as much as I should, here is where I am at for all accounts:
Local Savings $2630.00
GC Savings $240.00
Capitol 360 - US $3100.00
Capitol 360 - Mom Payoff $4050.00
Capitol 360 - Rental Deposit $1250.00
52 Week Challenge (2015) $1081.00
52 Week Challenge (2016) $0
Total Regular Savings = $12,351.00
Rollover 401K $800
401K $43,735.04
IRA $10,180.19
Total Retirement = $54,715.23
HSA Savings = $9,798.38
Total Regular Savings $12,351.00
Total Retirement Savings $54,715.23
HSA Savings $9,798.38
Total Savings = $76,864.61
My overall total savings is down about $10K from the same date last year, I am pretty happy with that considering I gained a lot of equity during that time on my home, and also acquired 2 more homes. So overall my net worth is up!
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Monthly Savings Updates
February 23rd, 2015 at 08:23 pm
So I just realized I didn't do my savings update for Feb! Oops! Well I will just do it today. Significantly higher then January 1st due to some good savings deposits and my HSA employer deposit etc.
Local Savings $2155.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,810.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1260.00
Total Regular Savings = $27,225.00
Rollover 401K $800
401K $40,660.93
IRA $10,234.29
Total Retirement = $51,695.86
HSA Savings = $10,810.38
Total Regular Savings $27,225.00
Total Retirement Savings $51,695.86
HSA Savings $10,810.38
Total Savings = $89,731.24
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Monthly Savings Updates
December 29th, 2014 at 03:41 pm
Local Savings $1610.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,625.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $690.00
Total Regular Savings = $25,925.00
Rollover 401K $800
401K $39,028.87
IRA $10,161.59
Total Retirement = $49,990.46
HSA Savings = $10,376.38
Total Regular Savings $25,925.00
Total Retirement Savings $49,990.46
HSA Savings $10,376.38
Total Savings = $86,291.84
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Monthly Savings Updates
December 10th, 2014 at 06:16 pm
Total Regular Savings $24,455.00
Total Retirement Savings $48,916.63
HSA Savings $10,376.38
Total Savings = $83,748.01
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Monthly Savings Updates
October 9th, 2014 at 10:58 pm
October 2014 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Capitol 360 Savings $25,425.00
Local Savings $1,575.00
HSA $10,375.00
Total Regular Savings = $37,375.00
Retirement Savings:
Roth IRA $9855
Rollover IRA $820
401K $37,115.00
Total Retirement Savings = $47,790.00
Total Savings $85,165.00
Estimated Home Equity $234,000-$168,000 = $66,000.00
Net Worth
Regular Savings $37,375.00
Retirement $47,790.00
Home Equity $66,000.00
Total Net Worth = $151,165.00
My estimated Net Worth is over $150K! Yippee!
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Monthly Savings Updates
September 14th, 2014 at 09:58 pm
Got behind on this cause of the big rummage sale, but here is my savings update for 9/1/14.
September 2014 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Capitol 360 Savings $21,235.00
Local Savings $1,465.00
Total Regular Savings = $22,700.00
HSA $10,300.00
Retirement Savings:
Roth IRA $9900
Rollover IRA $820
401K $37,730.00
Total Retirement Savings = $48,450.00
Total Savings $81,450.00
Estimated Home Equity $234,000-$168,500 = $65,500.00
Net Worth
Regular Savings $22,700.00
HSA $10,300.00
Retirement $48,450.00
Home Equity $65,500.00
Total Net Worth = $146,950.00
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Monthly Savings Updates
August 4th, 2014 at 01:25 pm
*ETA - I realized about a week after I posted this I had neglected to include my HSA! That is $10K more to my networth! So here are the correct numbers. 
August 2014 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Capitol 360 Savings $18,050.00
Local Savings $1,3010.00
HSA $10,800.00
Total Regular Savings = $30,160.00
Retirement Savings:
Roth IRA $9845
Rollover IRA $820
401K $36,875.00
Total Retirement Savings = $47,540.00
Total Savings $66,900.00
Estimated Home Equity $234,000-$168,500 = $65,500.00
Net Worth
Regular Savings $30,160.00
Retirement $47,540.00
Home Equity $65,500.00
Total Net Worth = $143,200.00
Hard and sad to see my numbers drop by 50%, however very happy to say that after losing half of my assets I am still over $100K in networth!
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Monthly Savings Updates
July 5th, 2014 at 05:45 pm
July 2014 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintenance ING $4260
Cushion $3350
HSA $10,940
Escrow $2165
September 2014 $1830
Short Term Emergency Fund $1030
Long Term Emergency Fund $2030
New Car $410
Vacation $3160
My Savings $8010
XH Savings $8010
Total Regular Savings = $45,195.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1360
Roth IRA $9930
Rollover IRA $820
401K $37,150
403B $24,700 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $73,960.00
Total Savings $119,155.00
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Monthly Savings Updates
June 2nd, 2014 at 01:06 am
June 2014 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintenance ING $6115
Cushion $3350
HSA $10,800
New Patio Door (cash) $440
Escrow $2160
September 2014 $1825
Short Term Emergency Fund $1025 - Complete
Long Term Emergency Fund $2025 - Complete
New Car $10,310 - Complete
Vacation $3155 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $3500
Total Regular Savings = $44,700.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1775
Roth IRA $9220
Rollover IRA $815
401K $35,000
403B $24,700 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $71,510.00
Total Savings $116,210
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Monthly Savings Updates
May 17th, 2014 at 11:15 pm
May 2014 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintenance ING $6110
Cushion $3350
HSA $10,800
New Patio Door (cash) $440
Escrow $2155
September 2014 $1820
Short Term Emergency Fund $1020 - Complete
Long Term Emergency Fund $2020 - Complete
New Car $10,300 - Complete
Vacation $3150 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $3400
Total Regular Savings = $44,565.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1700
Roth IRA $9100
Rollover IRA $815
401K $33,500
403B $24,700 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $69,815.00
Total Savings $114,380
Up $2305 from last month!
Confused on how savings is up this last month...but I'm not gonna argue!
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Monthly Savings Updates
April 7th, 2014 at 01:41 am
April 2014 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintenance ING $6005
Cushion $3280
HSA $10,290
New Patio Door (cash) $440
Escrow $1450
September 2014 $1810
Short Term Emergency Fund $1010 - Complete
Long Term Emergency Fund $2010 - Complete
New Car $10,290 - Complete
Vacation $3135 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $3300
Total Regular Savings = $43,020.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1615
Roth IRA $8925
Rollover IRA $815
401K $33,200
403B $24,500 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $69,055.00
Total Savings $112,075
Up $1035 from last month!
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Monthly Savings Updates
March 8th, 2014 at 02:13 am
March 2014 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintenance ING $5160
Cushion $3240
HSA $10,800
New Patio Door (cash) $440
Escrow $1435
September 2014 $1805
Short Term Emergency Fund $1005 - Complete
Long Term Emergency Fund $2000 - Complete
New Car $10,280 - Complete
Vacation $3130 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $3200
Total Regular Savings = $42,495.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1655
Roth IRA $8675
Rollover IRA $815
401K $33,000
403B $24,400 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $68,545.00
Total Savings $111,040
Up $1795 from last month!
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Monthly Savings Updates
February 24th, 2014 at 03:56 am
Got behind on the monthly update, but here it is for February. We got a $800 deposit to our HSA which was a great bump, but then had $1100 in medical bills, so washed that out as soon as we got it. Overall another great month though. Excited for Marchs Savings Update next weekend now that the Deadwood/Tax Return Money is in savings too. 
February 2014 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintenance ING $4675
Cushion $3210
HSA $10,800
New Patio Door (cash) $440
Escrow $2830
September 2014 $1425
Short Term Emergency Fund $210
Long Term Emergency Fund $1160
New Car $10,265 - Complete
Vacation $3125 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $3100
Total Regular Savings = $41,240.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1590
Roth IRA $8500
Rollover IRA $815
401K $32,900
403B $24,200 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $68,005.00
Total Savings $109,245
Up $3235 from last month!
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Monthly Savings Updates
January 1st, 2014 at 08:27 pm
January 2014 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintenance ING $4670
Cushion $3110
HSA $10,750
New Patio Door (cash) $440
Escrow $2475
September 2014 $1220
Short Term Emergency Fund $205
Long Term Emergency Fund $1155 - Complete
New Car $10,260 - Complete
Vacation $3120 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $3000
Total Regular Savings = $40,405.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1420
Roth IRA $8370
Rollover IRA $815
401K $31,000
403B $24,000 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $65,605.00
Total Savings $106,010
Up $865 from last month!
Happy with that increase especially with the holidays! Cheers to a prosperous 2014!
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Monthly Savings Updates
December 1st, 2013 at 10:31 pm
December 2013 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintenance ING $5365
Cushion $3090
HSA $10,580
New Patio Door (cash) $440
Escrow $2470
September 2014 $1115
Short Term Emergency Fund $200
Long Term Emergency Fund $1150 - Complete
New Car $10,250 - Complete
Vacation $3115 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $2900
Total Regular Savings = $40,675.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1350
Roth IRA $8205
Rollover IRA $815
401K $30,200
403B $23,900 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $64,470.00
Total Savings $105,145.00
Up $1385 from last month!
Regular savings hit $40K! Continuing to move up the ladder. I need to get my focus back on specific goals. Seeing goals met for different accounts really helps my motivation, so need to stop chucking random amounts to random accounts and focus on one goal at a time.
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Monthly Savings Updates
November 3rd, 2013 at 06:31 pm
November 2013 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintenance ING $6060
Cushion $3060
HSA $10,315
New Patio Door (cash) $680
Escrow - $1765
September 2014 $905 - Complete
Short Term Emergency Fund $180
Long Term Emergency Fund $1135 - Complete
New Car $10,150 - Complete
Vacation - $3010 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $2575
Total Regular Savings = $39,835.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1280
Roth IRA $8030
Rollover IRA $815
401K $30,000
403B $23,800 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $63,925.00
Total Savings $103,760.00
Down $1850.00 this month due to paying the yearly home insurance. But we are getting a refund of about $600 since we changed insurance companies, so should be back up in no time!
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Monthly Savings Updates
October 6th, 2013 at 06:59 pm
October 2013 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintenance ING $6055
Cushion $3010
HSA $9999
New Patio Door (cash) $680
Escrow - $3305
September 2014 $3310 - Complete
Short Term Emergency Fund $175
Long Term Emergency Fund $1130 - Complete
New Car $10,135 - Complete
Vacation - $2735 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $2475
Total Regular Savings = $43,010.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1100
Roth IRA $7925
Rollover IRA $815
401K $29,530
403B $23,230 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $62,600.00
Total Savings $105,610.00
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
September 2nd, 2013 at 08:36 pm
Very exciting! Regular Savings hit $40K! Retirement Savings hit $60K! And TOTAL SAVINGS hit $100K!! WHOO! We got DHs yearly retirement statement, and my "estimate" of what was in his 403B was $4500 short, so that was a big bump up to the totals! SMILING TODAY!
September 2013 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintenance ING $6050
Cushion $2900
HSA $9375
New Patio Door (cash) $680
Escrow - $3305
September 2013 $1800 - Complete
Short Term Emergency Fund $100
Long Term Emergency Fund $1125 - Complete
New Car $10,125 - Complete
Vacation - $2225 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $2375
Total Regular Savings = $40,060.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1135
Roth IRA $7600
Rollover IRA $815
401K $28,000
403B $23,430 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $60,980.00
Total Savings $101,040.00
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
August 1st, 2013 at 07:32 pm
August 2013 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintenance ING $6040
Cushion $2860
HSA $9390
New Patio Door (cash) $680
Escrow - $2600
September 2013 $1830 - Complete
Short Term Emergency Fund $40
Long Term Emergency Fund $1115 - Complete
New Car $10,110 - Complete
Vacation - $2210 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $2275
Total Regular Savings = $39,150.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1155
Roth IRA $7540
Rollover IRA $815
401K $28,160
403B $18,900 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $56,570.00
Total Savings – $95,750.00
Up $1055.00 from last month, almost entirely because of a nice little jump in my 401K. Regular savings is down due to Vegas trip, and having to take some out of the Short Term EF to cover summer spending. One more month, one more month, one more month, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming……
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Monthly Savings Updates
July 3rd, 2013 at 12:33 am
July 2013 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintanence ING $6035
Cushion $2830
HSA $9125
New Patio Door(cash) $680
Escrow - $2225
September 2013 $1825 - Complete
Short Term Emergency Fund $835 - Complete
Long Term Emergency Fund $1110 - Complete
New Car $10,100 - Complete
Vacation - $3000 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $2175
Total Regular Savings = $39,940.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1180
Roth IRA $7330
Rollover IRA $815
401K $26,600
403B $18,800 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $54,725.00
Total Savings - $94,665.00
Up about $500 from last month. Tomorrow I am taking out the money for the Vegas trip, so will have a big drop....but hopefully we bring a bunch more back! If not we know we will have fun trying!
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Monthly Savings Updates
June 3rd, 2013 at 11:13 pm
June 2013 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintanence ING $6030
Cushion $2780
HSA $8760
New Patio Door(cash) $680
Escrow - $1870
September 2013 $1820 - Complete
Short Term Emergency Fund $1030 - Complete
Long Term Emergency Fund $1075 - Complete
New Car $10,085 - Complete
Vacation - $2845 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $2075
Total Regular Savings = $39,050.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1115
Roth IRA $7230
Rollover IRA $815
401K $27,000
403B $18,800 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $54,960.00
Total Savings - $94,010.00
Up $1290.00 from last month!
Very happy with our progress, very possible to be over $100K in total savings by the end of the year!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
May 1st, 2013 at 11:32 pm
May 2013 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintanence ING $6025
Cushion $2740
HSA $8425
New Patio Door(cash) $1050
Escrow - $1860
September 2013 $1815 - Complete
Short Term Emergency Fund $1025 - Complete
Long Term Emergency Fund $1070 - Complete
New Car $10,075 - Complete
Vacation - $2840 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $1975
Total Regular Savings = $38,900.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1050
Roth IRA $7070
Rollover IRA $800
401K $26,300
403B $18,600 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $53,820.00
Total Savings - $92,720.00
Up $1935.00 from last month!
May will probably be the last month we go up until the summer is over. Hopefully can sock another grand into savings this month to help the cushion for the summer!
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Monthly Savings Updates
April 3rd, 2013 at 12:55 am
April 2013 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintanence ING $6020
Cushion $2700
HSA $8035
New Patio Door(cash) $1100
Escrow - $1505
September 2013 $1810 - Complete
Short Term Emergency Fund $1020 - Complete
Long Term Emergency Fund $1025 - Complete
New Car $10,065 - Complete
Vacation - $2635 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $1875
Total Regular Savings = $37,790.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $980
Roth IRA $6900
Rollover IRA $800
401K $25,815
403B $18,500 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $52,995.00
Total Savings - $90,785.00
Up $2345 from last month!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
March 2nd, 2013 at 05:39 pm
March 2013 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Home Maintanence ING $5015
Cushion $2650
HSA $7900
New Patio Door(cash) $1600
Escrow - $1155
September 2013 $1805 - Complete
Short Term Emergency Fund $1015 - Complete
Long Term Emergency Fund $1015 - Complete
New Car $9855 - Complete
Vacation - $3025 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $1775
Total Regular Savings = $36,810.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $900
Roth IRA $6735
Rollover IRA $870
401K $24,725
403B $18,400 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $51,630.00
Total Savings - $88,440.00
Up $3370 from last month! WOO!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
February 2nd, 2013 at 05:00 pm
February 2013 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $1000
Home Maintanence ING $5010
Cushion $2610
HSA $7695
New Patio Door(cash) $850
September 2012 $945
Short Term Emergency Fund $1010
Long Term Emergency Fund $525
New Car $9670 - Complete
Vacation - $3025 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $1675
Total Regular Savings = $34,015.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $820
Roth IRA $6580
Rollover IRA $870
401K $24,585
403B $18,200 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $51,055.00
Total Savings - $85,070.00
Up $3820 from last month! WOO!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
December 31st, 2012 at 08:00 pm
January 2013 Savings Update - End of 2012 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $1000
Home Maintanence ING $5005
Cushion $2560
HSA $6895
New Patio Door(cash) $600
September 2012 $740
Short Term Emergency Fund $1005
Long Term Emergency Fund $225
New Car $9660 - Complete
Vacation - $3020 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $1575 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $32,285.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $615
Roth IRA $6360
Rollover IRA $890
401K $23,100
403B $18,000 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $48,965.00
Total Savings - $81,250.00
Up $1,410.00 from last month and hit $80K! YEAH! 
This same post last year we were at $57,890. So in one year we went up $23,360.00! And that is with a week long trip to Vegas, a 7 day Carribean Cruise, a weekend getaway to Wendover, a $3000 knee injury, refinancing the mortgage and paying extra principle payments every month! Wow, it's amazing what you can do penny by penny!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
December 3rd, 2012 at 02:39 am
December 2012 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $5660
Home Maintanence ING $3460
Cushion $2520
HSA $6645
New Patio Door(cash) $1600
September 2012 $635
Emergency Fund $1855
New Car $5035 - Complete
Vacation - $3015 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $1475 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $31,900.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $615
Roth IRA $6235
Rollover IRA $890
401K $22,400
403B $17,800 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $47,940.00
Total Savings - $79,840.00
Not much of a change this month.....and sometimes that is a good thing...
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
November 3rd, 2012 at 02:41 pm
November 2012 Savings Update
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $5660
Home Maintanence ING $3455
Cushion $2460
HSA $6395
New Patio Door(cash) $1350
September 2012 $430
Emergency Fund $1630
New Car $5030 - Complete
Vacation - $3010 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $1375 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $30,795.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $2080
Roth IRA $6205
Rollover IRA $890
401K $21,985
403B $17,800 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $48,960.00
Total Savings - $79,755.00
Closing in on $50K for retirement savings, and nearly to $80K for the total savings.
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
October 2nd, 2012 at 05:51 am
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $5625
Home Maintanence ING $3450
Cushion $2420
HSA $6145
New Patio Door(cash) $850
September 2012 $225
Emergency Fund $3415
New Car $5025 - Complete
Vacation - $3005 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $1275 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $31,435.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1960
Roth IRA $5980
Rollover IRA $890
401K $21,765
403B $17,660 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $48,225.00
Total Savings = $79,390.00
Yeah! Over $75K!!
Posted in
Monthly Savings Updates
September 3rd, 2012 at 04:37 pm
Regular Savings:
Bingo Money $5625
Home Maintanence ING $3440
Mortgage Payoff Account (cash) $130
Cushion $2360
HSA $5640
New Patio Door(cash) $370
September 2012 $20
Emergency Fund $1930
New Car $5020 - Complete
Vacation - $2840 - Complete
Anniversary Cruise $1175 - Complete
Total Regular Savings = $28,550.00
Retirement Savings:
Retirement Hold Account $1320
Roth IRA $5810
Rollover IRA $890
401K $20,850
403B $17,560 (est)
Total Retirement Savings = $46,430.00
Total Savings = $74,980.00
HSA went down $3000 when I paid DH's medical bills for his knee...so that was a big blow. But at least we had the money in the HSA to pay for it.
On the flip side we got DH's yearly retirement statement and it went up $3760 from my last estimate...so all in all the numbers came out ok.
After all that moving around we are up $95 for the month!
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Monthly Savings Updates