Viewing the '$20K challenge' Category
May 12th, 2015 at 05:27 pm
I took money out to pay for my new desk (which I love)! I will post a pic of it soon! 
Current Balance $25,625.00
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Savings
+$25.00 Payday to My Savings
-$350.00 New Desk for Home Office
Balance $25,325.00
Local Savings $1660.00
Capital 360 Savings $22,075.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1590.00
Total Savings = $25,325.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 19 $171(total) + $19(deposit) = $190
Posted in
$20K challenge
May 3rd, 2015 at 11:49 pm
Current Balance $25,565.00
+$25.00 BF Payday to Joint Savings
+.89 Interest on Joint Savings
+$4.11 Even Out Amount on Joint Savings
+$13.51 Interest on My Savings
+$16.49 Even Out Amount on My Savings
Balance $25,625.00
Local Savings $1660.00
Capital 360 Savings $22,400.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1565.00
Total Savings = $25,625.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 18 $153(total) + $18(deposit) = $171
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 27th, 2015 at 09:24 pm
DF took in his aluminum cans and the ones from my house as well and we got $25 for that so we put it in joint savings. I spent $500 (Yes you read that right....NO I am not impressed with myself) at the casino in the last month or so.....Grrrr! I also have a $330 bill for my new desk, $430 bill for tickets to concerts at our State Fair this summer to cover....I def have the money for it but hate big expenses! Plus 2 trips in the next 2 months....oh well, we gotta live too! For now I am just taking the $500 out of savings, hopefully can swing the other bills out of checking. My OT has gone up a lot (30 hrs of OT in the last 2 weeks) and our eating out has gone done tremendously since we live in the same place.
Current Balance $25,990.00
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Savings
+$25.00 Payday to My Savings
+$25.00 Recycling to Joint Savings
-$500.00 Casino Losses
Balance $25,565.00
Local Savings $1660.00
Capital 360 Savings $22,370.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1535.00
Total Savings = $25,565.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 17 $136(total) + $17(deposit) = $153
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
April 20th, 2015 at 03:27 pm
Current Balance $25,965.00
+$25.00 DF Payday to Joint Savings
Balance $25,990.00
Local Savings $2160.00
Capital 360 Savings $22,345.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1485.00
Total Savings = $25,990.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 16 $120(total) + $16(deposit) = $136
Normally I would put another $10 in to get to the next $1000 mark, but I have several FB sales to log, and those will get me over that hump!
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 12th, 2015 at 09:05 pm
Current Balance $26,315.00
-$350.00 Hot Tub Repair
Balance $25,965.00
Local Savings $2160.00
Capital 360 Savings $22,345.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1460.00
Total Savings = $25,965.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 15 $105(total) + $15(deposit) = $120
Posted in
$20K challenge
April 9th, 2015 at 10:23 pm
Yikes I haven't done a $20K Update since 3/15/15! Sooooooo busy with everything but specifically moving to WAH....tomorrow is my last day in the office! I am so excited!!!
Current Balance $26,275.00
+$25.00 BF Payday to Joint Savings (3/23/15)
+$25.00 BF Payday to Joint Savings (4/6/15)
+$25.00 Payday to My Savings (3/30/15)
+$25.00 Payday to My Savings (4/10/15)
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Savings (3/30/15)
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Savings (4/10/15)
+$13.30 March CapOne Interest (Me)
+$1.70 CapOne Even Out Amount (Me)
+$.84 March CapOne Interest (Joint)
+$3.16 CapOne Even Out Amount (Done by BF)
+$.08 Local Savings Interest
+$4.92 Even Out Amount
+$16.00 BF sold some of the batteries we found!
-$150.00 Fix A/C in car
Balance $26,315.00
Local Savings $2160.00
Capital 360 Savings $22,695.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1460.00
Total Savings = $26,315.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 12/13/14 $66(total) + $12 + $13 + $14(deposits) = $105
Posted in
$20K challenge
March 15th, 2015 at 10:27 pm
Current Balance $25,100.00
+$25.00 BF Payday to Joint Savings
+$25.00 Payday to My Savings
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Savings
+$1100.00 Money from Laughlin/Vegas Trip
Balance $26,275.00
Local Savings $2155.00
Capital 360 Savings $22,780.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1340.00
Total Savings = $26,275.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 10/11 $45(total) + $10 + $11(deposit) = $66
Posted in
$20K challenge
March 2nd, 2015 at 03:57 pm
We leave for our trip to Laughlin/Vegas on Sunday, so I transferred the money out of savings so I can get it out of the bank this week.
Current Balance $27,225.00
+$25.00 Payday to My Savings
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Savings
+.70 Joint Savings Interest
+$4.30 Joint Savings Even Out Amount
+$13.63 My Savings Interest
+$1.37 Even Out Amount
+$5.00 Even Out Deposit
-$2200.00 Laughlin/Vegas Money
Balance $25,100.00
Local Savings $2155.00
Capital 360 Savings $21,655.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1290.00
Total Savings = $25,100.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 9 $36(total) + $9(deposit) = $45
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 23rd, 2015 at 04:01 pm
I had to take money of savings to cover all the fuel costs, and also other general overspending. The last 2 weeks I have been filling gas almost everyday or everyother day. Thank goodness I am moving soon so I can stop this fuel bill and also the wear on my vehicle from so many miles! The next 2 weeks are going to be terrible as well as BF's basketball team has made it to regionals and I want to go watch their games, which are all 90 minutes away. Booooo!
Current Balance $28,200.00
-$1000.00 To Checking to cover bills
+$25.00 BF Payday to Joint Savings
Balance $27,225.00
Local Savings $2155.00
Capital 360 Savings $23,810.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1260.00
Total Savings = $27,225.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 8 $28(total) + $8(deposit) = $36
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 18th, 2015 at 07:24 pm
Got my tax returns! YEAH! Nice little bump! Going to Laughlin in 3 weeks so that will go back down, but nice to see for now! 
Current Balance $26,495.00
+$1590.00 Federal Tax Return
+$113.00 State Tax Return
+$2.00 Even Out Amount
Balance $28,200.00
Local Savings $3155.00
Capital 360 Savings $23,810.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1235.00
Total Savings = $28,200.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 6/7 $15(total) + $6 +$7(deposit) = $28
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 15th, 2015 at 11:03 pm
Current Balance $26,445.00
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Savings
+$25.00 Payday to My Savings
Balance $26,495.00
Local Savings $1450.00
Capital 360 Savings $23,810.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1235.00
Total Savings = $26,495.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 6/7 $15(total) + $6 +$7(deposit) = $28
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 6th, 2015 at 09:31 pm
I checked my Capital 360 account today and see that my total of all of my accounts was only $35 away from $25K after BF's Payday deposit....so I tossed another $35 in there.
I had to pay my Property Taxes, $2309.00, so I took $2300.00 out of savings to cover that. I was planning on paying this with my credit card so that I get my rewards, plus get an extra month of interest on the money in savings, but I forgot if you pay with a CC they charge you a $50+ convenience fee! UGH! So definitely not doing that. I did save $116 for paying now in one lump sum rather then paying in 2 payments.
$20K Update
Current Balance $28,685.00
+$25.00 BF Payday to Joint Account
+$35.00 Just because deposit to My Savings
-$2300.00 Property Taxes
Balance $26,445.00
Local Savings $1450.00
Capital 360 Savings $23,785.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1210.00
Total Savings = $28,445.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 5 $10(total) + $5(deposit) = $15
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 2nd, 2015 at 07:03 pm
$20K Update
Current Balance $28,655.00
+$.64 Interest on Joint Savings
+$15.03 Interest on My Savings
+$4.36 Even Out Amount
+$9.97 Even Out Amount
Balance $28,685.00
Local Savings $3750.00
Capital 360 Savings $23,750.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1185.00
Total Savings = $28,685.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 5 $10(total) + $5(deposit) = $15
Posted in
$20K challenge
February 2nd, 2015 at 04:09 pm
This weekend BF and I went to visit his Mom, she lives about 2 hours away. The town she lives in had a casino so after lunch we stopped there for a few hrs. I had by far the best casino night of my life! I won $819 betting .90 on a penny machine! I was so excited! Since I then had a little seed money (that put my ahead about $600) I decided I could bet a little bit more....I bet $3.70 (max bet) for 2 spins....the 2nd spin I hit the bonus and won 330 free spins!! Very shortly into the free spins I retriggered the bonus for another 200 free spins!! I ended up at $2575!! I have never ever had a handpay in my life, I was ecstatic!
About 2 hrs later, I was playing a different game and got the bonus betting $3.00 and won $1511! WHAT?! I have never had a handpay before and then had 2 in 1 night!! Such a crazy night!! After playing for about 13hrs, tips and drinks, I went home up $3800. YEAH!!
I gave $800 to BF, $1000 to the mortgage and $2000 to savings since I have to pay my property taxes this week. So excited!!!
$20K Update
Current Balance $26,655.00
+$2000.00 Casino Winnings!!
Balance $28,655.00
Local Savings $3750.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,725.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1180.00
Total Savings = $28,655.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 5 $10(total) + $5(deposit) = $15
Mortgage Update
Principle Payment to Mortgage
Balance $166,000.00
-$1000.00 Principle Payment
New Balance $165,000.00
Very very excited about the progress of my mortgage paydown lately!!
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
$20K challenge
January 29th, 2015 at 08:45 pm
In anticipation of Payday tomorrow.....
Current Balance $26,605.00
+$25.00 Payday to My Savings
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Savings
Balance $26,655.00
Local Savings $1750.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,725.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1180.00
Total Savings = $26,655.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 4 $6(total) + $4(deposit) = $10
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 27th, 2015 at 02:56 pm
I tallied up my FB sales and I have $471 to dispurse!
Since my mortgage is at $166,350.00 I am going to put $350.00 towards that, and then the remaining $121.00 I will round up to $125.00 and put into savings.
Principle Payment to Mortgage
Balance $166,350.00
-$350.00 Principle Payment
New Balance $166,000.00
$20K Update
Current Balance $26,475.00
+$125.00 From FB Sales
+$5.00 to get Local Savings to next even $ amount
Balance $26,605.00
Local Savings $1750.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,700.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1155.00
Total Savings = $26,605.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 4 $6(total) + $4(deposit) = $10
Posted in
Mortgage/Debt Payoff,
$20K challenge
January 25th, 2015 at 10:20 pm
Current Balance $26,450.00
+$25.00 BF Payday to Joint Savings
Balance $26,475.00
Local Savings $1620.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,700.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1155.00
Total Savings = $26,475.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 4 $6(total) + $4(deposit) = $10
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 18th, 2015 at 11:03 pm
Current Balance $26,400.00
+$25.00 Payday to my savings
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Savings
Balance $26,450.00
Local Savings $1620.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,700.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1130.00
Total Savings = $26,450.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 3 $3(total) + $3(deposit) = $6
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 12th, 2015 at 12:30 am
BF and I went and played Bingo on Friday night and he won twice, would have been more, but he had to split one of them. Added that to joint savings a well as auto-deposit for BF's payday. BF and I also decided to do that 52 Week Savings Challenge where you add $1 for week 1, $2 for week 2, etc. for the whole year and end up at $1378. This is Week 2 so we are up to $3.00. I am not including this in my $20K Updates.
Current Balance $26,310.00
+$60.00 Bingo Win
+$25.00 BF Payday
+$5.00 to get to next $100 mark
Balance $26,400.00
Local Savings $1620.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,675.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1105.00
Total Savings = $26,400.00
52 Week Challenge
Week 2 $1(total) + $2(deposit) = $3
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 8th, 2015 at 02:35 pm
My joint savings with BF has reached $1000! It is really amazing how fast you can save with 2 people adding to the pot!
I helped do inventory at BF's grocery store, and they paid me $80 for my assistance. BF matched my deposit. 
Current Balance $26,150.00
+$80.00 Working inventory at store
+$80.00 BF Matched my deposit
Balance $26,310.00
Local Savings $1615.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,675.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $1020.00
Total Savings = $26,310.00
Posted in
$20K challenge,
Extra Jobs and OT
January 5th, 2015 at 06:20 pm
Just a little baby update for my interest at my local bank.
Current Balance $26,145.00
+$.06 Local Bank Interest
+$4.94 Even Out Amount
Balance $26,150.00
Local Savings $1615.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,675.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $860.00
Total Savings = $26,145.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
January 1st, 2015 at 11:36 pm
BF won his football pool again! Sweet! So I matched his deposit into savings again and also had some normal payday deposits and monthly interest.
Current Balance $25,925.00
+$14.67 Capitol 360 Interest
+$10.33 Even Out Amount
+.46 Capitol 360 Interest Joint
+$4.54 Even Out Amount Joint
+$70.00 BF Football Pick Win
+$70.00 My match deposit for Football Picks
+$25.00 Payday to My Savings
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Deposit
Balance $26,145.00
Local Savings $1610.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,675.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $860.00
Total Savings = $26,145.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 28th, 2014 at 11:33 pm
Went for a last hurrah for the year casino trip with BF and came home up $400! Not sure how many gamblers are on savings boards (LOL) but I was playing Incan Chief, which is a penny game, I was betting .90 a spin and I got 360 free spins! I ended up about $700 ahead, I played $200 more the rest of the night so was $500 ahead. I gave $100 to BF just because, and the rest to savings!
I also got $100 as part of my Christmas gift from my parents, I think this is the first time ever that I got any cash! The $100 bill was in an envelope that said Garage Door, so I stuck it in savings to go towards that repair
Current Balance $25,400.00
+$400.00 Casino Win
+$100.00 Christmas Present
+$25.00 BF Payday to Joint Deposit
Balance $25,925.00
Local Savings $1610.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,625.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $690.00
Total Savings = $25,925.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 21st, 2014 at 08:46 pm
I have been doing a lot of little things to get my finances on auto pilot, and wrapping up small ends from the divorce.
-I changed my internet banking user name (it was previously my married last name).
-I changed my text alerts to my personal checking account so I can check by balance from my phone (it was previously set to check the balance of the joint checking).
-I changed my credit card due date to the 22nd of the month. My mortgage is automatically taken out of my checking account on the 10th, so now I will have one paycheck for the mortgage and one for the credit card. Months when I get 3 paychecks should have an extra paycheck.
Since the change on the due date for my credit card isn't going into effect till next month, I have a decent surplus in my checking account now. So I am transferring that to savings.
Current Balance $24,540.00
+$800.00 Checking Surplus
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Deposit
+$25.00 Payday to Personal Deposit
+$10.00 to get to next even $100 amount
Balance $25,400.00
Local Savings $1610.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,125.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $665.00
Total Savings = $25,400.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 15th, 2014 at 03:48 pm
My BF coaches Girls High School Basketball team so I went and watched them play this last weekend. During halftime they play Bingo for $1 a card as a fund raiser. I paid my $1 and won! I won $33.50! So I put that in joint savings for us and added $1.50 to even out the account.
Current Balance $24,505.00
+$33.50 Bingo Win
+$1.50 Even Out Amount
Balance $24,540.00
Local Savings $800.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,100.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $640.00
Total Savings = $24,540.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 12th, 2014 at 03:44 pm
Current Balance $24,455.00
+$25.00 BF Payday to Joint Savings
+$25.00 Even out Amount to get to next $500 mark
Balance $24,505.00
Local Savings $800.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,100.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $605.00
Total Savings = $24,505.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 8th, 2014 at 07:13 pm
I decided to add a new auto-deposit of $25 per paycheck to my personal savings. That way my savings is going up $50 a month, and my joing savings with BF is going up $100 a month ($50 from me and $50 from him).
Also I had a GAZILLION sales on FB this weekend! Between me, my Mom, 1 sale for my SIL's sister, and 1 sale for BF, we made $390! I made $174! I will post a breakdown of my sales later this week.
I also worked at BF's grocery store for a few hrs yesterday, they are short staffed and behind with the holidays, so I came in and made meat and cheese trays! It was pretty fun and I made $30, so putting that in savings too! 
BF made $80 in a football pick'em game, so he is going to put that in the Joint Savings and I am matching it, so added that as well.
Current Balance $24,100.00
+$30.00 Working at Deli - Personal Savings
+$25.00 Payday to Personal Savings
+$25.00 Payday to Joint Savings
+$174.00 FB Sales ($80.00 to Joint and $94.00 to Personal)
+$80.00 BF Football Pick'em Winner - Joint
+$10.00 BF Extra Deposit
+$6.00 Even Out Amount
+$5.00 (Some how my Personal Savings total got off by $5, so this is correcting that)
Balance $24,455.00
Local Savings $800.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,075.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $580.00
Total Savings = $24,455.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 2nd, 2014 at 09:22 pm
Gosh I am having a lot of $20K Updates lately! Unfortunately this one is to go down...boo! I was hoping to skate through and not have to take any money out of savings, but a lot of non-monthly items have added up and I can't cover out of checking account like I was hoping to do. I had 3 birthdays (BF ($200), brother ($25) and niece ($20)) as well as the new hot tub cover ($300) and bi-yearly car insurance ($135), plus Christmas gifts. For now I am going to take out $1000, but if I don't need it all after payday I will put back what ever I can.
Current Balance $25,100.00
-$1000.00 Christmas, BDs, Insurance, Hot tub cover
Balance $24,100.00
Local Savings $700.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,015.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $385.00
Total Savings = $24,100.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 2nd, 2014 at 06:22 pm
Current Balance $25,000.00
+$14.44 Capital 360 Interest
+$10.56 Even Out Amount
Balance $25,100.00
Local Savings $1,200.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,515.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $385.00
Total Savings = $25,100.00
Posted in
$20K challenge
December 2nd, 2014 at 02:53 am
Added my FB Sales to savings!
Current Balance $25,000.00
+$67.50 FB Sales
+$7.50 Even Out Amount
Balance $25,075.00
Local Savings $1,200.00
Capitol 360 Savings $23,500.00
Joint Capitol 360 Savings $375.00
Total Savings = $25,075.00
Posted in
$20K challenge