Viewing the 'Shopping' Category
November 29th, 2010 at 12:16 am
I had a bunch of coupons for household and hygiene products that will expire at the end of the year. So off to Target I went!
$1 off Herbal Essences product (already .30 on sale)
$2 off Venus Embrace Razor Cartridges
-They had a 4 pack for $15 ($3.75 per razor) or 6 pack for $20 ($3.33 per razor). So I got the 6 pack and used the coupon which made it $3.00 per razor.
$2 off deoderant
$1.50 off batteries
$1.00 off any Target product - I got cleaning wipes
$2.00 off Tampax and $1.50 off Tampax
-Also received a $5.00 gift card for Target for purchasing 2 boxes. So that came to $8.50 off the 2 boxes. Which came to .07 cents each, normally .19 each.
So total coupon savings was $11, plus $5 giftcard. So $16 in total savings, and that doesn't count the cheaper per unit prices for buying the larger quantity packages.
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November 15th, 2010 at 05:37 am
Well we got our Wii today with my award money. We were going to wait till Black Friday sales, but honestly I don't feel like getting up at 4am to stand in the cold for a Wii when I am getting it for free anyways. So we got the Wii for $199, it was the special edition red one that comes with a controler with Motion Plus ($40), numchuck ($20), Mario Bros game ($50), and Wii Sports ($50), so $160 worth of stuff comes with it. Then we got the Wii Fit Plus game with the Wii Balance Board for $100. So all of that was covered by my $300 award checks. Then out of pocket we got a second controller $40, second numchuck $20, and a charger so we don't have to buy batteries for the controllers $20. So about $100 out of pocket, ($80 plus $20 in taxes). We are really enjoying it, played it for 3 hours when we got home. I hope it will be a nice little extra to my workouts and much better for me and DH then sitting on the couch watching TV or playing on the laptop.
I also signed up for a personal trainer. I go to sign the papers tomorrow, but already called and confirmed I am ready for a change. It will be once a week for 6 months and a discounted price of $160 a month. Plus I can bring a friend for free.....too bad none of my friends live here and my Mom is in Mexico for the winter......I may see if DH wants to go since it is free just to check it out. The Wii told him he needs to GAIN 20lbs......wth......lol. They train you once a week and give you assignment workouts for the week and also weigh in and do measurements each week. I am excited for all the new positive things! Back to work tomorrow, but only a 4 day week and then I have 10 days off! Whoo hoo!
I did a free trial day with the personal trainer on Wednesday and still HURT 5 days later! Oh my!
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Biggest Loser
November 2nd, 2010 at 12:53 am
Got another free coupon for Victoria Secret undies today. I believe this is my 6th free undies this year.
Also got a good sale on soup today. The grocery store had the large cans of Progresso Soup on sale for .99! They are normally $2.65 a piece, so I bought 30 cans and saved $49! Whoo hoo! I love Progresso and they are really good for lunch, especially in the winter. I like to have half a can for lunch, nice and light and cheap.
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Saving Money,
Free Stuff
September 29th, 2010 at 11:43 pm
Went grocery shopping today for lots of healthy foods and snacks to help me start of right! Got grapes, apples, bananas, celery, lettuce, tomatoes, baby carrots, yogurt, cottage cheese, skim milk, orange juice, crystal light, chicken breast to grill and halibut filet. Hoping that with all this yummy fresh and healthy food around I won't crave the naughty stuff so much.
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September 4th, 2010 at 10:33 pm
I went to buy some gifts today at Target. I got a diaper genie for my brother's baby, it was one of the things that no one got them from the registry, so I figured I would pick it up. Then I have a friend who is getting married in November, so I figured we might as well get her gift today too before everything was off the registry. I usually spend about $30 for a friend's (not a super close friend) wedding gift. The only thing on her registry for around $30 was a Brita water pitcher. It was $30.79, so we went to find it and it was $5 off, plus you get a $5 gift card to Target for buying it! Yeah! So got a $30 present for $20. Happy with that deal.
I went to Kohl's this week to buy rugs for our bathroom that is FINALLY finished! I will post pictures soon, I just need to find a picture to put on the wall and then it is ALL done! Anyways.....I bought 3 black rugs, they were all on sale for 50% off, but still came to $40. I was also going to buy a small black garbage can for the bathroom, but this teeny tiny black garbage can was $26! Ummm no way! I figured I could go find one at Target for cheap, but my Mom actually suggested the Dollar Store, so I will have to go check there first.
I had an extra lavender rug from our other bathroom that I had received as a house warming gift when we moved into this house in 2007. They gave us 3 rugs, but only 2 fit nicely in the bathroom. I had it sitting in the linen closet since then cause I was not sure what to do with it. Since I was going to buy those new rugs for the other bathroom I figured I would just return this one. But they told me they could only give me $2 for it since they clearanced out that color. So I told them I would just keep it. Not sure what I should do with it....I would try to sell it at the rummage sale but the person that gave it to us helps my Mom with the rummage sale, so I wouldn't want her to see that and feel bad. Hmmmm...
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May 19th, 2010 at 02:07 am
Got another free coupon for VS undies. That is the 4th one I have gotten this year and I have still not bought anything from there. I just walk in, get my free undies, and walk out. The pair they gave this time cost $7.50.
Also picked up my Mom's BD present. I had a GC that I had bought for her for Christmas, but then I found a better gift, so I saved the GC till now, and used it to buy her BD present so only had to pay $1.97 for the difference.
Had my ring cleaned and inspected for free to keep my warranty active.
Also went to Target, I was out of body wash. I had found a $5.00 coupon in the coupon box at work. $5.00 off 2 Nivea body washes, they were $3.99 each, so after coupon came to $1.50 each! Then also saw some clearance and found 2 Pantene conditioners, Liter bottles reg $8.29, on clearance for $4.14, 50% off! And for a liter bottle that is a great price! So bought both of those too.
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April 27th, 2010 at 01:07 am
I had some coupons I snagged from the coupon box at work and think we did pretty darn good!
$1.00 off Herbal Essences
-Bought the economy size bottle that is cheaper per ounce, plus used the coupon to save even more
Buy a 36-60ct Tampax, get a 18-20ct box FREE
-Bought the 54ct economy size box and got $3.99 20ct box FREE
DH has been needing new jeans for some time, he alwasy rips the butt pockets out from keeping his wallet in that pocket! I also have been trying to keep a pair of flipflops I have had since highschool....they are my FAVORITE....cause they are so comfy, but the heel of it is literally worn down to the ground so I have been looking for some that look comfy for a long time.
2 pr jeans
-Reg $30 each, on sale for "2 for $38", plus a $10 off coupon....Total came out to $13.16 a piece so really even better then if they were BOGO free
4 pr flipflops
-Reg $12 per set of 2 pr flip flops. On sale for $5.99 per 2 pr set, plus a $10 off coupon...came out to $1.97 total for 4 prs flipflops! .48 per pair!
Really happy with the shopping today! How can you beat .48 cents a pair for cute flipflops!
Total cash savings today = $60.81
and we only spent $43.80!
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Saving Money,
April 11th, 2010 at 08:31 pm
DH and I have been slowly converting all of our VHS movies to DVD. Usually we watch for them at Walmart for $5 or less or rummage sales, if we see a movie we have on VHS then we buy the DVD and put the VHS tape in our rummage sale box. Since we have just been doing this one movie at a time it has been a slow process and have not noticed the $ since it is only $5 or so at a time. Well I think we may have gone a little overboard......one of our local video stores is having a going out of business sale. We went to check it out, all of their DVDs were on sale for $5, and we found 20 movies we have been wanting to switch to DVD, 2 movies for Christmas gifts, and 19 new movies that we wanted.....that's right.....we bought 41 movies and spent $210 on movies yesterday. I know that was a good price for DVDs, but we really went too crazy....should not have bought so many! Guess we are done buying movies for the next few years! Well there are no returns so buyers remorse will not help me now and either way I am happy with the movies I got, just a shot in the gut to spend so much on movies at once. I have already wiped them all down and put them on the DVD rack. I also took all the VHS we had replaced off the rack, wiped them down, marked them for the rummage sale, and boxed them up and put in the closet.
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April 3rd, 2010 at 02:50 am
I went through the big pile of mail we aquired while we were in Mexico. Paid all the bills and threw away all the junk.....sometimes I wonder how much garbage would be saved if we would just stop getting so much junk mail! Anyways....got everything squared away and I got ANOTHER coupon for a free pair of undies at Victoria Secret!? That is the 3rd free pair in as many months....so about $30 in free undies....and I absolutley never ever shop there so I don't get it. But if they want to restock my underwear drawer I am cool with that! 
I also went to get a BD present for my little bro. He wanted a season of Scrubs on DVD. At first I could only find the newest season which was $35 - ouch! But we kept looking and found a value pack of season 1 and 2 together for $29! All right!
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March 4th, 2010 at 01:00 am
Ran some quick errands today and got some amazing deals.
First I got bags of frozen chicken breast for 50% off, limit 2. Also Progresso soups $1 per can s got 10 of those. I see that sale frequently, but it really is a good deal for very yummy and healthy soup.
I had another free coupon for VS undies. This is the 2nd free pair i have gotten in a month and I NEVER shop there?! But free undies I will take, so picked those up for free, reg price $8.50.
Lastly DH got a coupon for $5 towards a $5 or more purchase from Famous Footwear. We have gotten these in the past also and try to find cheap shoes or socks that we can get for free since we have no need to spend any money with these coupons. Well we found some $5 shoes in the womens, but nothing that I would have wanted and could not find any sock packs for around $5-$6 so we ended up buying some boys sport cleets. They were regular $45, on clearance for $5, so we did not have to pay anything! We do not have any kids, but we can sell the cleet in our rummage sale. Brand new $45 cleets still in the box I am sure we can get at least $5 - $10. Feel like we did really good with the free shoes and free undies!
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Rummage Sales and Recycling
February 6th, 2010 at 05:10 am
Had a crummy day at work, and was sooooo happy it was finally Friday. I planned on going home and relaxing. But then I remembered that DH and I both had coupons for free appetizers at a local resteraunt. So we went and had our free appetizers, and only had to pay for drinks. While out to eat I remember I had a coupon for a free pair of underwear (the lacey thong.....oooohhh aawwwww!) from Victoria Secret, so I went and picked those up for nothing OOP. Then a friend called me and said she had free tickets to our local (AAA I think?) basketball teams game tonight....so I went to the game with her and only paid for a drink and an ice cream. So very fun evening, free meal, free underwear, and free entertainment! Sweet Deal!
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January 16th, 2010 at 07:48 pm
I went to the jewelry store where my husand had purchased my wedding ring 3 1/2 years ago to get my every 6 month cleaing. The cleaning is free and as long as I bring it in every 6 months for inspection and cleaning the warranty remains active. Well.....during the inspection they told me that my main stone is loose and they need to have the prongs tightened....ok that is fine, should be covered under my warranty... Nope....she tells me the warranty on the band/prongs etc was only for 2 years, the warranty for the diamonds is lifetime. Ugh! So to get a lifetime warranty on the full ring was another $200! So irritated about it. I did pay the $200 to get the lifetime warranty on the whole ring because I will have this ring for the rest of my life, but I am very irritated because the original 2 year warranty was $120, and at that time they did not offer a lifetime warranty.....so I feel like we got ripped off by having to pay that much for only 2 years.....blah. Not a good start to your day when you plan on spending $0 and end up spending $200! I really want this money leak we have going on to quit!
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December 12th, 2009 at 10:33 pm
I got a free $10 coupon for Kohls - spend $10 get $10 off. I found tanktops on sale for $4.99 each (regularily $12.00 a piece) since 2 of them only comes to $9.98 before tax I had to get 3 to get the $10 off. So they ended up being $5.27 total for 3 tanktops - that's only $1.75 per tanktop, and a savings of $31.01! I am excited and now I have some new cute clothes for Mexico.
Well I finally finished up my Chrismas Shopping and I had a $5 off a $75 purchase at Target coupon so was able to use that when I bought $100 worth of gifts for my husband.
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December 8th, 2009 at 12:59 am
Coupon time at Target again - I didn't need any of this right now, but it is all stuff I will use, so wanted to use my coupons up before they expire.
Checked all the prices against the brand name, but generic was better sale for everything, and the coupons I had were for Target brand.
$1.50 off toilet paper
$1.50 off Laundry detergent
$1 off Disinfectant wipes
$1 off Dishwasher soap
$1 off Puffs
$.75 off dryer sheets
$.75 off tampons
Also bought batteries - on sale $2.10 off
Saved almost $12 on house hold products we will use.
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November 22nd, 2009 at 10:14 pm
Saturday was a very expensive day.....
Pair of jeans and TP $32
2 Christmas presents $37
Oil changes for 2 cars, plus new wiperblades on one $60
Milk and Eggs $5
Burger King $5
Service on DHs car, new brake pads for both brakes and new battery $360
So about $500 - UGH
Everything was necessities - except for the Burger King. Still hard to spend that much in one day though....
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November 15th, 2009 at 12:40 am
Coupon time at Target again - I didn't need any of this right now, but it is all stuff I will use, so wanted to use my coupons up before they expire.
$1 off Aussie leave in conditioner
$1 off Skintamit shave gel
$1 off Febreeze
$2 off Venus Razor with 2 razor cartridges
The Aussie was also on sale and for some reason one of my coupons took off $1.65 instead of a $1. So a little extra savings there.
DH won $6 playing blackjack yesterday....into the Mortgage Bucket!
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October 28th, 2009 at 10:58 pm
Got some good use of coupons today
1)Always Infinity Panty Liners - 16 count
-Coupon for Free Box (savings $3.99)
2)Puffs Tissues - 3 box pack
-3 Super size boxes for same price as 3 Regular size boxes
- $1 off coupon (savings $1.00 plus extra tissues from super size boxes)
3)Gain Fabric Softner 120 sheets
- Checked price againest store brand and cost was the same
- $1 off coupon (savings $1.00)
Plus we got a $1 off coupon for Skintimate shave gel when we checked out. I will definitely use that as well (I hate the generic shave foam....that stuff kills my skin!)
Think we did ok!
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October 26th, 2009 at 12:32 am
My husband had Friday off from work. He went shopping for himself for some much needed jeans. Here is how he did:
-2 pairs of jeans
Reg $30.00 - on sale for $14.99 a piece!
-2 polo shirts
Reg $30.00 - on clearance for $1.97 a piece!
-Christmas Gift for his grandmother
Womens Vest - Reg $54.00 - on sale for $32.40
Very proud of hubby for getting some great deals and also for knocking one off of the Christmas shopping list!
Oh by the way these deals were at JCP so if you are looking for clothes/gifts right now they have a lot of good sales and clearance.
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Christmas Shopping
October 23rd, 2009 at 02:11 am
Last week I brought a little index card box to work. I put the few coupons I had that I would not use in it. And I wrote COUPONS on the top. Then I sent out an email to my dept that anyone could bring or take coupons as they pleased. I was a little worried that some would look down on this, or think it was silly. I was very surprised to immedicatley get a positive reaction! I got a few "Thank you" and "That's a great idea" emails! And the next day several coworkers brought coupons in. Now the box is very full, over 100 coupons! I have used over $8 in coupons for household/beauty products that I would normally buy anyways. I have seen 4 others take coupons too, I hope others are checking it too, as there are TONS of coupons for all kinds of products and I am sure that there is someone that could benefit from them. Anyways it is working great so far and an added bonus is that I can first dibs since it is on my desk heehee!
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Saving Money,