June 20th, 2011 at 06:47 pm
I got a few things off my list all ready this morning. Went to the dentist (no cavities again, YEAH!), donated blood, called the chiro office, organized the tupperware cupboard, and went through my bin of purses. I only found 2 to get rid of, thought I would find more. But got those in with the rummage sale box. Also found 3 chapsticks, a nail file and .90 cents.
Should get a few more things done today, including fun items of reading, taking a nap and watching The People's Court (my guilty pleasure!).
(X)1)Dentist Apt
(X)2)Donate Blood
( )3)Take in recycling
(X)4)Take back library books
( )5)Clean out car
( )6)Organize garage
(X)7)Call chiro to check on DH's bill
( )8)Clean out study
(X)9)Wax eyebrows
( )10)Laundry
( )11)Clean bedroom
(X)12)Organize Tupperware cupboard
( )13)Clean out kitchen closet
( )14)Clean out hottub
( )15)Boys Softball
( )16)Girls Softball
( )17)Go to BD lunch with Mom
(X)18)Go through purses for rummage sale
( )19)Work at trailer
( )20)File
Posted in
To Do Lists
June 20th, 2011 at 02:03 am
I have this whole week off from work! YEAH! Normally when I have time off it is always for a trip/vacation, so I am very excited to have some time off to just chill out and get some work done around the house.
Here is my to do list for my week off:
( )1)Dentist Apt
( )2)Donate Blood
( )3)Take in recycling
(X)4)Take back library books
( )5)Clean out car
( )6)Organize garage
( )7)Call chiro to check on DH's bill
( )8)Clean out study
(X)9)Wax eyebrows
( )10)Laundry
( )11)Clean bedroom
( )12)Organize Tupperware cupboard
( )13)Clean out kitchen closet
( )14)Clean out hottub
( )15)Boys Softball
( )16)Girls Softball
( )17)Go to BD lunch with Mom
( )18)Go through purses for rummage sale
( )19)Work at trailer
Posted in
To Do Lists
June 1st, 2011 at 12:50 am
Feeling pretty productive today.
I went to work even though many were not there due to the flooding issues. I thought of staying home to move more stuff upstairs, or going to volunteer sandbagging again, but decided I should hold onto my PTO as long as possible in case things get really bad and then I don't know how much work I would have to miss.
After work I picked up 2 sweatshirts I had taken to the tailor to get repaired. Went to the discount bread store to get bread and hot dog buns for cheap.
I FINALLY took my car in to get the radio fixed, you may remember several months ago my radio got wet and died, I bought a new radio and a friend put it in. It worked for a few months, then stopped working....friend fixed it...happened again a few weeks later...etc. And apparently it is sucking the life out of my battery cause if I don't drive it for a few days then my car is dead. So I came back from our trip to a dead car. So we took it in to get the radio fixed today and to make sure it is right and not sucking the battery anymore. Hopefully it won't cost too much.
When we were in NV I bet on a Braves game (MY TEAM!) at one of the casinos. But by the time the game was over the sports book was closed, so I had to mail in my ticket. I bet $10, and they will mail me $17.35. Once I get that back I will put $20 in savings. I also got the change and cash together from the NV trip to put into the bank.
I also payed the mortgage and mailed in another Menards Rebate for lint rollers for $20.
Now watching a movie with the hubster and then more moving and organizing out of the basement.
Posted in
To Do Lists
April 9th, 2011 at 03:45 pm
DH is gone for the long weekend. He got sent to TX for work trip, JEALOUS! So I made a huge to do list to get some stuff done and get some spring cleaning done.
(X)1)Mail Netflix
(X)2)Write up calender
(X)3)Wash Dishes
(X)4)Clean out fridge
(X)5)Clean out freezer
(X)6)Wipe down fridge/freezer
(X)7)Dinner with Mom
(X)8)Clean out microwave
(X)9)Wash laundry
(X)10)Put away clothes in bedroom
(X)11)Wash bedding
(X)12)Walk electric bill to drop box
(X)14)Pay DH's medical bill
( )15)Clean off landing
( )16)Wrap wedding present
( )17)Write MOH speech
( )19)Put rugs in bathroom
( )20)Pick up bedroom
( )21)Pick up living room
( )22)Sweep floor
( )23)Mop floor
( )24)Clean out garbage closet
( )25)4/9/11 Workout
( )26)4/10/11 Workout
(X)27)Order free Coke shirt
(X)28)Renew vehicle registration
(X)29)Update 100K Club on WIR
(X)30)Organize tupperware cupboard
(X)31)Clean and pluck grapes
(X)32)Pay Discover Card
ETA - Added a few more to do and crossed off quite a few already this morning!
Posted in
To Do Lists
November 25th, 2010 at 04:41 am
Well I am really happy with all I got done in the last 3 days. Only 2 things left on the list, and I did not get all my reps done for working out, but still really happy. My room is clean and sparkling, my Christmas tree and decorations are up and ready for the hoidays. I don't have to go back to the dr for the year, or the dentist for 6 months and my behind is killing me from the personal trainer.
We will be gone for 3 days for Thanksgiving and hope to not spend too much money while we are out of town.
Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL, HAPPY, SAFE AND FRUGAL Thanksgiving! 
Done - 1)Wrap BD present for brother
Done - 2)Take coin and gift checks to bank
Done - 3)Buy groceries for Thanksgiving salad
Done - 4)Make Thanksgiving salad
Done - 5)Pack for Thanksgiving trip
Done - 6)Laundry
Done - 7)Clean living room
Done - 8)Shovel driveway
Done - 9)Shovel deck
Done - 10)Clean kitchen
Done - 11)Balance checkbook
Done - 12)Clean bedroom
13)Clean bathroom
Done - 14)Put up Christmas tree
Done - 15)Decorate inside of house
16)Decorate outside of house
Done - 17)3 miles on treadmill
100 situps done - 18)150 situps
10 pullups done - 19)30 pull ups
Done - 20)3 Drs apts
Done - 21)Go to DHs basketball game (cancelled)
Done - 22)Blog
Done - 23)Personal trainer apt
Done - 24)File
Done - 25)Wrap BD present for cousin
Done - 26)Cable guy apt
Done - 27)Donate Blood
Posted in
To Do Lists
November 24th, 2010 at 04:23 pm
Yikes, lsat day and I still have 11 things left! I better get my butt in gear!
Done - 1)Wrap BD present for brother
Done - 2)Take coin and gift checks to bank
Done - 3)Buy groceries for Thanksgiving salad
4)Make Thanksgiving salad
5)Pack for Thanksgiving trip
Done - 7)Clean living room
Done - 8)Shovel driveway
Done - 9)Shovel deck
Done - 10)Clean kitchen
Done - 11)Balance checkbook
12)Clean bedroom
13)Clean bathroom
Started - 14)Put up Christmas tree
Started - 15)Decorate inside of house
16)Decorate outside of house
Done - 17)3 miles on treadmill
100 situps done - 18)150 situps
10 pullups done - 19)30 pull ups
Done - 20)3 Drs apts
Done - 21)Go to DHs basketball game (cancelled)
Done - 22)Blog
Done - 23)Personal trainer apt
Done - 24)File
Done - 25)Wrap BD present for cousin
26)Cable guy apt
Done - 27)Donate Blood
Posted in
To Do Lists
November 23rd, 2010 at 02:34 am
Done - 1)Wrap BD present for brother
2)Take coin and gift checks to bank
3)Buy groceries for Thanksgiving salad
4)Make Thanksgiving salad
5)Pack for Thanksgiving trip
Done - 7)Clean living room
Done - 8)Shovel driveway
Done - 9)Shovel deck
Done - 10)Clean kitchen
Done - 11)Balance checkbook
12)Clean bedroom
13)Clean bathroom
Started - 14)Put up Christmas tree
Started - 15)Decorate inside of house
16)Decorate outside of house
1.20 miles done - 17)3 miles on treadmill
50 situps done - 18)150 situps
10 pullups done - 19)30 pull ups
20)3 Drs apts
Done - 21)Go to DHs basketball game (cancelled)
Done - 22)Blog
23)Personal trainer apt
Done - 24)File
Done - 25)Wrap BD present for cousin
26)Cable guy apt
27)Donate Blood
Posted in
To Do Lists
November 22nd, 2010 at 03:54 pm
Well I got a jump start last night and got a few things done. But I also thought of a few more....
5 out of 27 done
Done - 1)Wrap BD present for brother
2)Take coin and gift checks to bank
3)Buy groceries for Thanksgiving salad
4)Make Thanksgiving salad
5)Pack for Thanksgiving trip
7)Clean living room
8)Shovel driveway
9)Shovel deck
10)Clean kitchen
11)Balance checkbook
12)Clean bedroom
13)Clean bathroom
14)Put up Christmas tree
15)Decorate inside of house
16)Decorate outside of house
17)3 miles on treadmill
18)150 situps
19)30 pull ups
20)3 Drs apts
Done - 21)Go to DHs basketball game (cancelled)
Done - 22)Blog
23)Personal trainer apt
Done - 24)File
Done - 25)Wrap BD present for cousin
26)Cable guy apt
27)Donate Blood
Posted in
To Do Lists
November 22nd, 2010 at 02:11 am
Well my time off is going by quickly already and I have LOTS to do before we go out of town again for Thanksgiving. Here is my list to help keep me motivated:
1)Wrap BD present for brother
2)Take coin and gift checks to bank
3)Buy groceries for Thanksgiving salad
4)Make Thanksgiving salad
5)Pack for Thanksgiving trip
7)Clean living room
8)Shovel driveway
9)Shovel deck
10)Clean kitchen
11)Balance checkbook
12)Clean bedroom
13)Clean bathroom
14)Put up Christmas tree
15)Decorate inside of house
16)Decorate outside of house
17)3 miles on treadmill
18)150 situps
19)30 pull ups
20)3 Drs apts
21)Go to DHs basketball game
22)Blog (working on now
23)Personal trainer apt
25)Wrap BD present for cousin
UGH. So hopefully I wont think of anything else.... I have 3 days and 25 things, so I better get cracking asap!
Posted in
To Do Lists
April 19th, 2010 at 11:38 pm
Some progress made this weekend!
1) Get patio furniture out of the shed - DONE 4/17/10
2) Clean out garage
3) Repair lattice
4) Paint lattice
5) Take old hot tub cover to curb for clean up week - DONE 4/19/10
6) Clean out garden
7) Plant garden
8) Clean hot tub and put in new filter
9) Rake yard
10) Fix porchstep
11) Weed rockbeds
12) Weed driveway
13) Install new shower
14) Install new linoleum - Currently working on getting the old linoleum all pulled up and the floor prepped for new linoleum
15) Leather wash furniture
16) Put up blinds - DONE 4/18/10
17) Clean off grill - DONE 4/17/10
18) Clean out and wash my car
19) Clean out and wash DH's car
20) Get out our bikes and get tires fixed etc
Posted in
To Do Lists
April 10th, 2010 at 04:41 pm
1) Get patio furniture out of the shed
2) Clean out garage
3) Repair lattice
4) Paint lattice
5) Take old hot tub cover to curb for clean up week
6) Clean out garden
7) Plant garden
8) Clean hot tub and put in new filter
9) Rake yard
10) Fix porchstep
11) Weed rockbeds
12) Weed driveway
13) Install new shower
14) Install new linoleum
15) Leather wash furniture
16) Put up blinds
17) Clean off grill
18) Clean out and wash my car
19) Clean out and wash DH's car
Whoo that is a lot! I will be getting started today by going to pick out linoleum.
Posted in
To Do Lists
November 2nd, 2009 at 11:47 pm
(X)Put spare tire away
(X)Put extra tire in shed
( )Rake yard
(X)Make hotel reservations
(X)Watch HSBC double transfer (they corrected it)
(X)Waiting for dental EOB
-(X)DOS 10-10-09
( )Waiting for medical EOB
-(X)DOS 10-18-09
-( )DOS 10-21-09
-( )DOS 10-22-09
-( )DOS 11-03-09
I will update with (X) when each is completed.
ETA - Did good this week on the ole to do list.....also rocked today on getting stuff done.
Posted in
To Do Lists
October 26th, 2009 at 02:00 am
(X)Mail utility bill - due 11-5-09
(X)Mail BOFA bill - due 11-17-09
( )Put spare tire away
( )Put extra tire in shed
( )Rake yard
(X)Buy Halloween Candy
(X)Call Dr
( )Waiting for dental EOB
-( )DOS 10-10-09
( )Waiting for medical EOB
-( )DOS 10-18-09
-( )DOS 10-21-09
-( )DOS 10-22-09
(X)My Payday 10-30-09
-(X)$50 to EF
-(X)$50 to vacation fund
-(X)$70 to Roth
-(X)6% to 401K
(X)DH Payday 10-30-09
-(X)$50 to EF
-(X)$50 to vacation fund
-(X)10% to 403B
( )No eating out - FAILED
I will update with (X) when each is completed.
Hmmmm.....Wednesday already and have only checked off 2......well I do have flu like symptoms....so I will blame those!
Posted in
To Do Lists
October 22nd, 2009 at 05:43 am
Ok - only 2 days left in the week, but still feeling the need to make a list because I am feeling a little overwhelmed.
(Also on a side note, my planner is my BFF and if you don't use one you should give it a try, it has changed my life!)
1) Print out open enrollment forms for 2010 Health Insurance and enroll - DONE
2) Call Health Insurance and see if they have a deductible carryover option (we switched from DH's insurance to mine in Sept 09) DONE - No deductible credit 
3) Call Health Insurance and find out what is happening with $74 reimbursement I sent in 3 weeks ago. DONE - Not getting it 
4) Make photo copies of $10 rebate for UV Vodka (gift for my 21 y/o cousins BD, only $5 after rebate!) and send in rebate. DONE
5) Buy storage file for end of 2009. Every year I use a small portable file to file throughout the year and then I get a larger storage file that I can fit 3-4 years of files in and put away at end of year.
Hmm..that should do it for now....I better get crackalackin tomorrow.
Posted in
To Do Lists