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February 10th, 2020 at 09:56 pm
I got an awesome deal on Whole Blends Shampoo and Conditioner last week at CVS! I am going to try these and if I like them I will keep them for personal use. If I don't care for them I will add them to my shop!

Whole Blends Shampoo and Conditioner (Bought 8)
Regular Price $4.29 each
-$2.00 CVS Coupon Machine, $2 off 2(4)
-$4.00 Mfr Coupon, $4 off 2 (4)
*Received $3.00 EB for every 2 purchased ($12 in EB received)
Final Price + Tax = $.97 Money Maker Each!!
Beauty360 Headbands 12pk (Bought 5)
Regular Price $6.59 each
-$4.94 each (75% off clearance)
Final Price + Tax = $1.77 each
(Marked $3.00 each for rummage sale)
*Kept 1 for myself
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Saving Money,
Reselling Buys
December 28th, 2019 at 09:00 pm
We found a number of awesome giftcard deals over the holidays to cash in on!
CVS Black Friday Deal - Buy $75 in Applebees GC, get $25 EB back. We did this deal twice so made $50 free!!
McDonalds - Buy $100 in GC, receive card for one free Big Mac or Egg McMuffin, one per week for all of 2020. We did this deal twice, we kept the GCs and 1 of the free sandwich cards. We gave the 2nd free sandwich card to my FIL as a bonus in his Christmas present. We have done this deal in the past, and it works really good for when MO drives down to softball in the summer time and is getting done late and is hungry. He can just go through the drive-up and get his free sandwich on his way home.
Ruby Tuesdays - We went to get a GC for my brother's GF for Christmas and they had a deal, buy $50 in GC, get $15 free! So we bought $50, and gave $25 to the GF. Nice little bonus while Christmas shopping.
Texas Roadhouse Black Friday Deal - Buy $100 in GC, get free appetizer card that is good EVERY DAY of 2020 for one free app per day with purchase of one entrée. While we were there getting that deal, we found out that you could get $50 more in GC and get a free steak knife set, so we did that too since if we are going there a lot for the free apps, we would use up the extra GC too. We did the deal for the free app card and free knife set twice. We "sold" one of the $100 GC, app card, and knife set to a family member for $100. So we ended up with $200 in GC, a free app card, and a free knife set.
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Saving Money,
December 28th, 2018 at 08:17 pm
Since I got home from the hospital we have been doing awesome on eating at home and have saved a ton of money! We charge everything on our Discover Card each month and pay it off in full each month, so it's easy to see how much our are spending on different categories like eating out. Our statement cut yesterday and the difference just in line items is staggering!
Since we have been eating at home I have been cleaning out the pantry and freezers to get stuff used up. We completely cleaned out our main freezer that is connected to our kitchen fridge and threw some things away, took everything out and washed it all out. Now it is nice and organized and I can actually see what we have in there. I still have two more chest freezers that I need to get cleaned out, but it's a good start.
We have been using up lots of deer sausage and brats from last year before they get too old. I also made pheasant stir fry which used up 2 bags of pheasant that MO shot last year, an entire bag of frozen broccoli, a bag of frozen rice that a friend dropped off for us with homemade eggrolls when I got home from the hospital, plus leftover carrots, onions, mushrooms, celery, spinach, and peapods from the fridge. All of the fresh veggies only had a day or two left of life in them so I was happy to get them all used up in a yummy dish and not waste them. I also used up two old packages of ramen noodles for MO as he doesn't like rice, so I ate the rice with mine and serviced his with ramen. Made a huge healthy pan and tons of leftovers too.
Hopefully we can keep up the minimal eating out into January and have another low credit card bill to start out the year.
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Saving Money
October 26th, 2018 at 05:40 pm
We had our gender reveal party last night and we are having one BOY and one GIRL!!!

We are so excited, everyone was hoping for one of each, but I am shocked that it turned out that way!
Everything went great and we all had a wonderful time!
I also signed up for a Red card with Target as they do free shipping (which is great cause I am an hr away from the nearest Target) and you get 5% back on Target purchases! When I signed up I got a coupon for $25.00 off a $100.00 purchase coupon. I combined that with a baby sale they were having for $20 Target GC when you spend $100.00, plus the 5% back on the Red Card, plus free shipping, plus $65 in giftcards that we got as gifts....and I got 1000 diapers for only $24!!! That's only .02 per diaper! I made sure to stay away from the teeny tiny sizes and got a few boxes each of the bigger sizes. Hopefully they work for my babes, but if for some reason they don't, they were cheap enough that I should be able to get my money back if I need to sell them on FB.
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Saving Money
October 18th, 2018 at 05:33 pm
Yesterday was a long day of medical apts. From 7:45am till 3:00pm we were in and out of Drs. apts allllll day!
We had extensive ultrasounds for both babies and everything looked great! They are both measuring about the same size (roughly the size of a can of pop each) so that is also wonderful news. Both babies were dancing around a lot. We got the envelopes with the babies genders, they are sealed and we will be doing a small gender reveal next week with immediate family. We are so excited!!
I had diabetic training (major family history of diabetes, so no surprise I am a prime candidate for gestational diabetes). My Dr. let me know there wasn't anything I could have done differently to prevent this so that made me feel better. I am 20 weeks now and have only gained 9lbs (with twins!) so I am happy with my weight gain so far, and they were not concerned with my weight at all, but only with my blood sugar levels. All we can do is do our best with diet and exercise to treat it to keep me and babies healthy. So I got my meter and also went to the pharmacy for test strips and lancets. We met our OOP Max for the year way back in May, so won't have to pay anything for the visits or Rx.
I also got my flu shot for the year too, again free. We took MO to CVS to get his flu shot, but they were out, so he will need to wait till next week. We had some time to kill between apts so we went to Goodwill and MO was able to find 2 pairs of shorts for next year for $3.50 each and one pair of workpants for $5.00. I have been looking for maternity coat options, but did not want to spend a ton of money on a coat I would only be wearing for a few months. I was super excited to find a really cute coat that I can wear this winter to cover up the babes. My current coat is getting a bit hard to zip! The coat probably won't last me for the whole pregnancy as it is still a regular coat, just a much bigger size, not maternity, but it was only $6.99 so I was very excited!
I also found a Peanuts PJ set that was new with tags for $14.99, and it was only marked for $1.99 ($2.12 after tax) so I got that for resell. I plan to mark that for $6.00.
*ETA - Sold for $6.00 on FB on 11/25/18
Profit = $3.88
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Saving Money,
July 9th, 2018 at 11:27 pm
I did some shopping a few weeks ago and found some amazing 90%+ off clearance at JCP and Kohl's!!!

Jrs Mudd Jean Shorts (Bought 1)
Original Price $32.00
Clearance to $2.00
Final Price + Tax = $2.10
(Marked $10.00 for rummage sale)
SO Puffer Vest (Bought 1)
Original Price $60.00
Clearance to $6.00
Final Price + Tax = $6.10
(Marked $20.00 for rummage sale)
Mixit Beanie (Bought 1)
Regular Price $28.00 each
Clearance to $1.97
-$.40 JCP Rewards
Final Price + Tax = $1.67
(Marked $6.00 each for rummage sale)
Mixit Boot Toppers (Bought 6)
Regular Price $16.00 each
Clearance to $1.60 each
-$.31 JCP Rewards Each
Final Price + Tax = $1.37
(Marked $5.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 2 for $5.00 each at 9/22/18 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 4 for $5.00 each on FB on 12/2/18
Profit = $21.78
Okie Dokie Sandals (Bought 1)
Regular Price $30.00
Clearance to $3.00
-$.58 JCP Rewards
Final Price + Tax = $2.58
(Marked $12.00 for rummage sale)
Totes Snowboots (Bought 10)
Regular Price $60.00 Each
Clearance to $6.00 Each
-$1.00 Each JCP 20% off coupon
Final Price + Tax = $5.33 Each
(Marked $20.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $20.00 on FB on 9/16/18
*ETA - Sold 1 for $20.00 at 9/22/18 rummage sale
*ETA - Sold 3 for $20.00 on FB on 9/30/18
*ETA - Sold 3 for $20.00 each on FB on 10/7/18
*ETA - Sold 1 for $20.00 on FB on 10/13/19
Totes Snowboots (Bought 5 - Same items as above but used Rewards instead of coupon)
Regular Price $60.00 Each
Clearance to $6.00 Each
-$1.16 JCP Rewards
Final Price + Tax = $5.15 Each
(Marked $20.00 each for rummage sale)
Totes Snowboots (Bought 1)
Regular Price $70.00 Each
Clearance to $7.00 Each
-$1.36 JCP Rewards
Final Price + Tax = $6.00 Each
(Marked $25.00 each for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $20.00 on FB on 9/30/18
Profit = $14.00
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Saving Money,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
July 9th, 2018 at 04:00 pm
Famous Footwear Clearance was BOGO 50% off, plus I had a 15% off coupon! I got over $370 worth of shoes for just $24.44!!!

Girls Oshkosh B'gosh Boots (Bought 1)
Regular Price $44.99
Clearance to $8.00
-$1.20 for 15% off coupon
Final Price + Tax = $7.24!!
(Marked $20.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $20.00 on FB on 8/13/18
Profit = $12.76
Girls Sketchers (Bought 1)
Regular Price $54.99
Clearance to $8.00
-$4.00 BOGO 50% Clearance
-.60 for 15% off coupon
Final Price + Tax = $3.62!!
(Marked $20.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Gave to my niece for BD present.
Girls Steve Madden White Cut-Out Flats (Bought 1)
Regular Price $39.99
Clearance to $5.00
-$2.50 BOGO 50% Clearance
-.37 for 15% off coupon
Final Price + Tax = $2.26!!
(Marked $12.00 for rummage sale)
Women's Kenneth Cole Black Boots (Bought 2)
Regular Price $89.99 each
Clearance to $5.00 each
-$2.50 BOGO 50% Clearance on one
-.75 and .38 for 15% off
Final Price + Tax = $4.56 for one and $2.26 for one
(Marked $25.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold 1 for $25.00 on FB on 2/10/19
Women's New Balance Tennis Shoes (Bought 1)
Regular Price $?
Clearance to $5.00
-.75 for 15% off coupon
Final Price + Tax = $4.50!!
(Marked $20.00 for rummage sale)
*ETA - Sold for $20.00 on FB on 11/3/19
Profit = $15.50
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Saving Money,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
December 30th, 2017 at 12:23 am
McDonalds has this awesome deal right now! Buy $100 in McDonalds Arch Giftcards and get this punchcard free!! You get a Big Mac or Breakfast Sandwich free every week all year! That’s like $300+ in free food! Sweet!!!
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Saving Money
October 26th, 2017 at 05:56 pm
I got my Iphone 6-S(my first smart phone!) in October 2015 and it was on a 0% interest payment plan through my monthly cell phone bill. Now it's been 2 years so my phone is paid off and my bill went down $28.81!
Starting off the Gazelle Savings right I set up a new auto transfer of $30 per month to savings. Every little bit helps!
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Saving Money
March 23rd, 2017 at 04:58 pm
We have 2 English Springer Spaniel girls, they are our babies! Here are a couple pics of their unbelievable cuteness!
Reigny and Suneigh Nap Time!

Suneigh Bunny!

Spa day for the girls is $100+ each which includes a bath, haircut, nail trim, etc. MO decided to buy a pet trimmer and try to do the haircuts himself, which would save us a LOT of money. The trimmer was $65 + $15 for a two year warranty. Hoping it works for him to do the trimming as that would save us about $800 a year! We shall see how it goes.
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Saving Money
December 31st, 2016 at 03:07 am
My Mom and I did some SERIOUS after Christmas shopping the last few days and got TONS of stuff for our rummage sale inventory. I will post my deals for resale over the next few days, but here are the items I scooped up for personal use.

McCormick Pumpkin Spice
Regular Price $4.69 Each
Clearance 50% off to $2.34
Dog Toys (Bought 5)
Regular Price $6.99 Each
Clearance 70% off to $2.09 Each
Gift Wrap 4pks (Bought 2)
Regular Price $6.00 Each
Clearance 70% off to $1.80 Each
Gift Wrap Single Roll
Regular Price $3.00
Clearance 70% off to .90
Bags of Bows (Bought 2)
Regular Price $5.00 Each
Clearance 70% off to $1.50 Each
JCP had soooooo many super clearance deals PLUS I got an extra 32% off for signing up for a Penneys card, AND I've already earned $20 in rewards on my card!!!
Dockers Belt Set (Present for my Dad)
Regular Price $60.00
-$42.01 Clearance Price
-$5.76 New Card Discounts
Final Price = $12.23
AZ Boys Tee (Present for my nephew)
Regular Price $14.00
-$12.03 Clearance Price
-$.63 New Card Discounts
Final Price = $1.34
AZ Boys Cargo Shorts (Present for my nephew)
Regular Price $34.00
-$32.03 Clearance Price
-$.63 New Card Discounts
Final Price = $1.34
Belt (For myself)
Regular Price $26.00
-$7.80 Sale Discount
-$5.82 New Card Discounts
Final Price = $12.38
Gildan Boxer Brief 4pk (Bought 2pks for hubs)
Regular Price $26.00
-$11.71 Clearance Price
-$4.57 New Card Discounts
Final Price = $9.72 per pack
Posted in
Saving Money,
December 30th, 2016 at 11:01 pm

Since I moved to my small town in 2014 I have been living off my stockpile and have not had to buy any TP or paper towels (amongst other stockpile items). We finally ran out of paper towels this week and are on our last pack of TP....so time to find a deal!
I found this great deal at CVS, paired with an additional $4 back from Checkout 51 app and final price is only .25 per double roll of TP and .58 per mega roll of paper towels. This deal is only good until closing on Saturday so hurry in!!
Also I used a CVS giftcard that I received free from my Discover Cashback Rewards, so it was all actually FREE!!!!!
Scott Toilet Paper - 18 Double Rolls(Bought 5)
Regular Price $11.29 each
-$4.30 Sale Price Each
*Received $10 EB for spending $30 on Scott Products
*Received $2 credit with Checkout 51
*Received .50 credit for first purchase with Checkout 51
Final Price = $4.49 per pack (.25 per double roll or .13 per single roll)
Scott Paper Towels - 6 Mega Rolls (Bought 6)
Regular Price $7.79
-$2.30 Sale Price Each
*Received $10 EB for spending $30 on Scott Products
*Received $2 credit with Checkout 51
Final Price = $3.49 per pack (.58 per mega roll)
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Saving Money,
December 30th, 2016 at 09:54 pm
I just started using two new (to me) money saving apps!
Checkout 51
Checkout 51 offers you cash back when you purchase specific grocery and household items, even beer! I downloaded the app a few days ago, and already made $4.50 on items I was purchasing anyways! Once you earn $20 in your online account, you can then cash out either via paper check or Paypal account. I am loving it so far! By stacking this with existing sales and coupons you can get some crazy good deals!!
Raise is an app to buy and sell giftcards. At this time I don't have any giftcards that I want to sell, but they offer GC discounted up to 17.2% for purchase right now! I am not sure how deep the discounts go, but this is a GREAT way to get instant savings if you know you are shopping at a specific store, you can save money before you even hit the aisles! Tons of popular shopping and eating destinations including CVS, Target and McDonalds!!! I have not made a purchase from them yet, but plan to soon!!
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Saving Money,
December 26th, 2016 at 04:51 am
Today is the last Sunday of the year, so for those of us that did the 52 Week Challenge, that means your last $52 deposit for the year! We finished ours pretty early this year, so had the $1378 sitting waiting for a plan. We still don't have any plans for this money, so we added a bit more to it to get it to a nice even amount of $1400 and for now are just setting it aside. We also had a good stash of cash to start the 2017 Challenge. We were able to pay weeks 1-8 plus 50-52, $188 already! So a very good start for next year!
If you did the 52 Week Challenge what are you using your final pot for????
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Saving Money
January 27th, 2016 at 10:20 pm
I made a goal for this year to write down whenever we throw away any food to see how many dollars we are throwing in the garbage. Today is day 27 and I haven't thrown away anything yet!
That means we ate the leftovers of some soup I made that was supposed to be Beer Cheese Soup, but tasted ONLY of onion (YUCK!). I put my turning brown bananas into my daily Shakeology even when they are D E A D. I have also been putting in some skim milk to try to use it up as well as 0% Greek Yogurt, both past the expiration dates.
I have never been one to follow expiration dates much, but I do use common sense to make sure me or my family doesn't get sick.
I think I can use the rest of the Greek Yogurt up in the next week or so in my shakes. The skim milk is probably ready to be dumped so I will have to jot that one down.
The goal of not wanting to have to write anything down has really helped with making sure that things get used up. I know if we weren't doing this there would have been a LOT more waste, so I am super happy with how it is going so far!
*ETA - Today I ate the last of our celery for a snack. Tonight I noticed that a lot of salad supplies were looking pretty close to the end of their days, so I made 4 salads. One for me, one for MO and two I put in tupperwares for tomorrow. This finished off an expired bag of salad, an expired bag of spinach, and a bag of snowpeas. Also put a good dent in our peppers and carrots.
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Saving Money
January 25th, 2016 at 08:57 pm
Oh my that is a LOT! The good news is I saved almost $70!
The cost for the food for our dog is $16.24 for a 15.5lb bag at our local store (there is only a grocery store and a hardware store to buy dog food in our small town).
I just ordered (8) 31.1lb bags from jet.com, total was $237.44, I got $10.64 off for ordering a larger quantity, and then 15% off ($34.08) for placing a new order today (I assume this is for everyone?). No shipping and no tax! So total for 248.8lbs of dog food was $192.72! (Instead of $260 at the grocery store!) Plus MO will be happy he doesn't have to lug the bags of dog food home all the time. I believe this will last us about 10 months.
I don't think jet.com is always the cheapest option, but it is working good for us for dog food!
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Saving Money,
December 18th, 2015 at 12:41 am
My husband coaches girls basketball and I love going to games. We live in a small community and it's a great way to get out of the house and see everyone and Class B towns have so much energy and love for their teams! So I go to every home game and a lot of the away ones too. What stinks is it costs $6 for admission, even for the B and C games. As someone from a Class A school growing up, they never charged admission and still don't and I think $6 EVERY game is pretty steep when you go to 2-3 games a week. Sometime I would like to get a drink or snack but can't bear to spend more after admission. They also have fund raising activities at most games, bingo, raffles etc so more $$ there too. I had asked about getting an athletic pass but they only sell ones for the entire sports season (boys and girls bball, football, etc.) so it doesn't pay if you are only using it for one sport. I had asked MO a few times about getting a pass since we are married now and he even asked the athletic director but they said no one gets free passes, not even spouses of coaches. Well today I showed up at the game and the head coach somehow got me a pass! Yeah!!! So now I will save $6 every time I go to a game! I am going to put the $6 aside every game I go to and put it in our local savings account!😄
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Saving Money
December 4th, 2015 at 03:53 am
VistaPrint is running a special for 60% off right now! Just enter "Cyberweek" as your promo code at checkout! I assume this runs for just the rest of this week, but if you want to put in an order later, you can use the promo code "bright" for 50% off, that one is good until 12/31/15! I saved more then I spent!
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Saving Money,
December 1st, 2015 at 09:23 pm
They are running an awesome deal at restaurant.com right now, $25 gift certificates for just $3! Just find a restaurant of your liking that offers the $25 GC, use promo code "cyber" and the cost is just $3! I just downloaded the app on my phone, so now I don't even have to worry about the paper gift certificate, I can just use it right off of my phone, sweet! I bought 4 so for just $12 I have $100 worth of gift certificates!
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Saving Money,
October 7th, 2015 at 01:10 am
Has anyone else checked out jet.com? It is supposed to be a site where you can get big savings on everything from toilet paper to TVs. I had seen commercials for it, but didn't check it out till today when I got a flyer in the mail for $15 off a $50 purchase. I browsed the site, mostly for the kinds of items I resell (HBA) since I am most familiar with price points for those items. Everything seemed to be about the same as Target prices....has anyone else used this site or had thoughts on their prices? The only item I found for cheaper then I could get buying locally was Beneful Dry Dog Food. MO is the one that buys that, and he said he pays $15+ per bag, it was $13.35 on the website. On the site, the more you buy, the more you save (I am not sure what the equation is for that), so I got an extra $1+ off for buying 4 bags, I used the $15 off $50, and also got free shipping. So for 4 bags of 15.5lb Beneful it came to $37.05, $9.26 per bag! So we saved over $6 per bag which is a great deal for a product we need, but without the flyer/coupon prob wouldn't have ordered from them.
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Saving Money,
June 9th, 2014 at 12:10 am
Today is one week without cable, and it went great!
I am not home too much between work, OT and softball. When I am home I have lots of cleaning, reorganizing and yard work to do, and I prefer to listen to music rather then watch TV. I did watch 4 movies this week, and season 1 of The Office(I have all of The Office, Friends and Sex and the City on DVD, so just those would keep me occupied). I have Netflix still but didn't watch it much other then a few episodes of Frasier before bed. But that will for sure keep me busy when I do feel like watching TV shows.
I also have finally been getting to read more which is nice too. 
I am super happy I decided to cancel it, this will save me $50 a month!
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Saving Money
May 8th, 2014 at 06:18 pm
Well this made me happy!
Got an email from CVS that said I am in the TOP 1% of savers at CVS! And it listed my savings from sales, coupons, and CRTs! COOL!
So that is my trophy for the day.
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Saving Money,
December 26th, 2013 at 10:48 pm
Today is day 4 of my Eleven Day No Spend Challenge. I haven't spent a penny! YEAH! I will have to fill gas before the eleven days are up, I have about 1/4 of a tank left and 7 days to go. Otherwise doing great, not eating out and been entertaining myself at home with internet, cleaning the house and a puzzle!
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Saving Money
December 22nd, 2013 at 06:10 pm
I have seen many on the blogs and on FB talking about the 52 Week Dollar Challenge. If you have never heard of it, it is a pretty simple concept to help you save a little money at a time and have a nice chunk at the end. Every week you save the amount of that week in dollars. So week 1 you save $1, week 2 you add $2, and continue on till week 52, you add $52. If you complete each week all year, you will have $1378 at the end of the year. I would like to try this with DH, and then use the funds at the end of the year to make a large principle payment at the beginning of 2015.
I love little games/strategies to help save money!!
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Saving Money
December 14th, 2013 at 05:13 pm
I got 3 separate coupons for $10 off a $10 purchase, one for Kohls, one for Aeropostale, and one for Herbergers! Between Christmas sales and the $10 coupon I killed it!
My total spent out of pocket was $12.72, and I got $106.50 worth of merchandise!!
1) Aeropostale

Regular Price $24.50
One day only sale price = $12.00!
-$10.00 Coupon
Final Price = $2.00!!
2) Kohls (Christmas presents for my brand new niece!)

"Sweetest of them All" Bodysuit
Regular Price $12.00
-$6.01 Sale Price (50% off)
-$5.00 Coupon
Final Price = .99!!
Baby Girl Jeans
Regular Price $12.00
-$6.01 Sale Price (50% off)
-$5.00 Coupon
Final Price = .99!!
White Flower Dress
Regular Price $30.00
-$27.00 Clearance (90% off)
Final Price = $3.00
Got $54.00 worth of clothes at Kohls for only $4.98!! Saved $49.02!!

Relativity Lacy Teal Tank
Regular Price $28.00
-$7.01 Marked Down Price
-$5.25 Additional 25% off
-$10.00 Coupon
Final Price = $5.74!!
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Saving Money,
November 18th, 2013 at 04:49 pm
I got a mailer from Discover advertising their mortgage services. It said just for calling in and speaking with a Discover Mortgage Officer you get $5. I was pretty sure they wouldn't be able to beat our rate, since we are in a 10 year loan for 2.75%, but figured I would check it out and get the free $5. I called them, it took 3 minutes total for him to verify that they wouldn't be able to beat that rate and the free $5 is on it's way to me! Once I get that I will put it in the mortgage checking!
They also asked if we needed to consolidate any debt (don't have any) or if we needed any money for home improvements or major purchases (that is what savings is for). Bet he doesn't hear those answers too often.
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Saving Money,
Free Stuff
November 16th, 2013 at 05:08 pm
I went and redeemed my Discover Card rewards, which were quite high since I paid our home insurance on it for the year. I redeemed $90 in cashback rewards for $100 in CVS giftcards!
Also I recently got a Citi Thank You card that was offering a promotion of 12 months 0% interest and 15,000 bonus points for spending $1000 in the first 3 months.
My lil bro needed to pay his tuition for school and needed a credit card, so I paid the tuition on this card ($3745.00), and he gave me a check for the total. The 15,000 in pts I got equals $150 in giftcards, so I got another $150 in CVS giftcards (thought about getting different stores/restaurants, but wasn't seeing anything I really liked and I know I will eventually use the CVS ones). Also since the card is 12 months no interest, I will put the $3745 in savings for 12 months and make interest on it and then pay it off before the 0% expires!
Always thinking of a way to save a buck!!
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Saving Money,
Free Stuff
November 3rd, 2013 at 05:16 pm
I recently posted about how I had paid our Home Insurance for the first time on our own rather then through an Escrow Account. That went well, we had saved much more then enough to make the payment, however I found out through some great commentors on here and through my mother, that I was paying way too much for Home Insurance.
This week I called my parents home insurance guy and was able to get a much, much lower quote for the same coverage! He also offered to give me a quote on car insurance, which I was skeptical about since we had a very low rate through Geico, however with the bundling discount from having our home insurance with him, the car insurance came out cheaper too!
So the auto went from $75 a month, to $64 a month (full coverage on 2 cars). And the home insurance went from $1875 a year to $1200 a year!
So I am super excited to be saving about $700 a year between the 2 switches.
I paid the new bills on the Discover, so getting cash back rewards again (which is sweet since I just paid the $1875 last month on the Discover and got the cash back on that) and now just waiting for the refund on the home insurance. Once I get that refund check, we will use it to pay the Discover bill for the new insurance premium and then put the difference back into savings. Good day on the financial front!
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Saving Money
October 22nd, 2013 at 08:12 pm
So my husband is a huge Red Sox fan and when we were in Vegas back in August he bet $20.00 that they would go to the World Series. Well here we are in October and they made it! So the ticket pays out $100! I mailed it in a few days ago and DH said I can put that money into savings since that is what we did with the rest of the winners from our trip. So as soon as the check gets here that is where it will go.
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Saving Money
August 1st, 2013 at 08:01 pm
I received a mailer yesterday from Verizon advising that I need to re-validate my employement status to keep my discount on the account. I went on to their website and completed the validation to keep my 21% discount! If you have Verizon be sure to check with them if your employer offers any kind of discount through them, I believe they have 100's of businesses that they give discounts to (discount varies by employer), and all you have to do is validate your employement with them occasionally (I think the last time I had to do this was at least 2-3 years ago).
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Saving Money