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January 28th, 2019 at 10:08 pm
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To Do Lists
June 20th, 2017 at 09:02 pm
When I got remarried in 2015 I also moved to another town, and bought a new house, all basically at the same time.....filing took a back seat to staying on top of normal duties, unpacking, etc. and eventually got too unmanageable to catch up.
This last week I FINALLY tackled it and got all of my filing done for 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. I got rid of a massive pile to shred, made new files for new categories (like Puppies!) and backfiled everything that wasn't for this year. Plus got everything together for this coming years taxes so we won't have to dig around for anything.
Feels so good to cross that off the ole "To Do" list!
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To Do Lists
January 20th, 2016 at 03:50 pm
I started a "Never-Ending" To Do List back in July when I was getting ready for the wedding.
I absolutely love it and it helps me get things completed that I pushed off for a long time.
I have always been a big "list" person, and would have little lists all over the place and typically would get the easier tasks done and then the list gets thrown away and the junk I didn't want to do would never get done. Now with my never-ending list, I have a smaller size notebook and every day I write the date and every time I think of something I need to do I write it down even if I have no intentions of doing it today, or even this week or this month, at least it is on the list to eventually get done. Then the next day the same thing, etc. Many of the items are crossed off within the same day or week that I write them down (laundry, dishes, making a recipe, print off a form, renew library books, etc.) and then there are many that stay on there for weeks or even months (change name on passport, get MO a passport, use label maker, etc.).
The reason this works so good for me is because eventually every item that I have ignored will one day be the oldest item on the list....and I want to get the oldest items done....so once something is the oldest item I really work to get it done instead of leaving it. Right now the oldest 2 items on my list are change name with new mortgage company (9/6/15) (they gave me a laundry list of paper work to submit with it, so I am working on getting all of the papers together, relying on MO for some of them) and selling my old wedding ring set (9/19/15).
The name change I definitely would have done right away had it not come with about 20 hoops! When I changed my name on the mortgage for my bank, I just showed them my marriage cert and they changed it right away. With our new mortgage, they gave me a list of 10 items they need including my new SSN Card, a $10 fee (for a name change?!) and many other items.....super frustrating!
The ring I had tried to take around to several jewelry shops to see what they would offer. Unfortunately the best offers I was getting was around $400 (this was a $5000 set, 14K white gold, 2 ctw diamonds) because they all said they would take it all apart and make new jewelry out of it. I want to get rid of it, but I don't NEED the money and if they are only going to give $400 then I am just going to hold onto it for now. I did put it on a local selling site for $2500 so hoping to at least get some interest there...I think the lowest I would take would be $1000-$1500 and that is really sad as it is a beautiful ring, but I certainly understand people not wanting a "used" set.
So if you are like me and always have certain items that you just keep putting off this has helped me a lot to focus and get that old junk done!!
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To Do Lists
March 2nd, 2015 at 08:19 pm
I got a few more things done this weekend for moving.
*Bought and installed 2 key locking doorknobs for my bedroom and my stockpile extra room.
*Bought key locking doorknob for my office at BF's house. (He will take that home to install)
*Moved some items out of roommates bedroom and into the extra bedroom (not finished yet though).
*Made house key for roommate.
*XH picked up his box of stuff, so that is gone.
*My giveaway coffee table was picked up.
*I took several bags of items that needed to go to my Mom's house up to her house, so that is another load of stuff out of the house.
*Scheduled eye apt, wanted to get that done before I moved so I don't have to make a seperate trip back to town for it. Need to use my yearly allowance for contacts. I had my dental apt last week, so won't have to worry about that for 6 months. (30 years, never had a cavaty!)
I was hoping to get more done, but just didn't happen. Oh well, progress is progress!
I am going to Laughlin/Vegas in 6 days, so switching from moving mode, to vacation mode. I need to get packed, get my house cleaned up, and make arrangements for bills etc., while I am out of town. So here is my To Do List for the week:
-Pack carry on bag
-Pack suitcase
-Pay electric bill
-Pay dental bill
-Clean kitchen
-Clean out fridge
-Empty dishwasher
-Take out garbage
-Pick up living room
-Vacuum living room
-Clean off kitchen table
-Clean out closets in extra bedroom
-Clean bedroom
-Take out bathroom garbage
-Make March 2015 Calander
-Wax Eyebrows
-Paint toenails
-Pick up cash for trip
-Hair cut/color
-Visit friend and new baby!
-Pick up newspapers
-Menards Rebates
-Get library book for book club to read on plane
Ofta....In addition to that, I am hoping to work about 10hrs OT this week (since I won't have any next week) and also BF has State Darts tournament as well. Going to have to be diligent to get everything done!
Posted in
To Do Lists
October 14th, 2014 at 01:45 pm
Continuing to get things done on the post-divorce "To Do" List. Got XH removed from my health insurance. I was waiting until he had his own coverage in place before I removed him, and due to the untimely deaths of his grandmother and mother that was delayed, but he finally had coverage as of 10/1/14, and so I had his termination backdated to that day and I will get a small refund in my paycheck for the premium. Now my health insurance is just me so will completely free. The only thing I pay is for vision and that is $4 a month which is well worth it for my glasses or contacts each year.
Last night was my and BFs last night of coed softball, we ended the season at 9-3! Good year and a very fun team! We plan on having a softball party at my house next weekend so that will be fun!
I went pheasant hunting for the first time this weekend. No one in my family hunts, so BF is introducing me to a lot of new things! It was pretty fun and very nice weather considering it is October. We got one (he actually shot 2, but one landed in a sun flower field and we couldn't find it) and BF make me "pheasant nuggets" (as opposed to chicken nuggets). It was very tasty!
Posted in
To Do Lists,
August 7th, 2014 at 07:02 pm
My mom and I cleaned out the garage yesterday. Ended up with quite a large pile of stuff for XH, he is coming today to pick-up.
So that is good, the garage is ready now for the BIG rummage sale and another baby step towards everything done with XH. I thought he only had a few things in there, so I am glad we cleaned it good cause I didn't realize he had so much stuff out there.
I am constantly on the move right now, even busier then before. Between work, OT, 2 nights a week of softball, getting ready for the rummage sale, and dating someone that lives an hr away, I never have a second to sit down!
However I do think staying this busy is helping me a lot so I don't have my mind wondering so much to the sad/mad parts.
A few more things I need to get done:
-Close HSBC Account
-Change Midcontinent to auto pay on my CC
-Register my new Discover Card for an online account
-Change the checking account my Chase card pays from
-Pay XH's medical bill (this was already agreed by both of us that I would it out of the HSA account)
-Cancel the auto payments on XH's CC
Posted in
To Do Lists
June 19th, 2014 at 10:58 pm
I have all of next week off of work (I always take the whole week of my birthday off ).
So time to get some junk done again! I have a lot of things left to do from my last list, but it just seems to NEVER end right now! So here is what I have so far....
( )Laundry
( )Clean out/vacuum XH closet
( )Move summer clothes into MY 2nd closet
( )Reorganize my fall/winter clothes closet
( )Take out garbage
( )Take out items for XH to take from medicine cabinet
( )Re-oragnize MY extra cabinets
( )File
( )Move 2013 files to permanent file
( )Finish cleaning toys
( )Finish marking toys
( )Enter Coke Points
( )Enter Special K Points
( )Vacuum
( )Wash Dishes
( )Clean off counters
( )Clean off table
( )Clean out fridge (I just did this, but just reorganize and keep clean)
( )Clean off top of fridge
( )Sweep Floor
( )Mop Floor
( )Organize recycling bins
( )Wash new dishes
( )Pack up old dishes for XH
( )Go through/separate small kitchen appliances
( )Make Calendar for July
( )Put away shoes
( )Sweep
( )Mop
( )Clean out
( )Sweep
( )Spray out garage
( )Mow Lawn
( )Mow Lawn Again
( )Clean Hot Tub (I have to do this again because XH ordered the wrong cover, which is too small, so now dirt already blew in there, but now I have a tarp to put under the cover so it won't get dirty fast again)
( )Clean out rock bed and lay plastic
( )Take garbage and recycling to curb
( )Trim bushes in front yard
( )Trim tree in backyard
( )Al-Anon Meeting
( )Wax Eyebrows
( )Paint toe nails
( )$50K - $100K Updates for WIR
( )$100K Updates for WIR
( )Get bike in working order
( )Pick out new glasses
( )Dental apt - Monday
( )Take back library books and get new ones
( )Blog CVS Deals
( )Blog FB Sales
Extra Bedroom #1
( )Pick up room
( )Throw out broken dresser
( )Dust
( )Vacuum
Extra Bedroom #2
( )Pick up extra bedroom
( )Organize closet in extra bedroom
( )Vacuum extra bedroom
Workout Everyday
( )Saturday -
( )Sunday -
( )Monday -
( )Tuesday - Softball
( )Wednesday -
( )Thursday - Softball
( )Friday
( )Saturday - Softball
( )Sunday
( )Go play Bingo
( )Go to some rummage sales
( )Go to a movie
( )Eat Ice Cream!
Posted in
To Do Lists
May 30th, 2014 at 10:36 pm
Continuing on with cleaning out the garage, after taking the cans to recycling, I cleaned out the chest freezer. It was a mess because it has TONS of bags of ice in it in the bottom (save ice during the year to use for snow cones at the rummage sale). I put all of the bags of ice in neat stacks now under the tray section since I won't need it at all unless it's rummage sale time. I have an ice maker in the freezer in the house, so that is what I use for daily ice use.

And After

Now I can actually see what food is in there! All the bags of candy are for Halloween (NOT for me! LOL!). Got a super deal on them last year, only $1 a bag at CVS! So I stocked up since we get 300+ trick-or-treaters.
I found 3 more bags of fish from Mexico (my Mom goes there every year and brings back fish she catches) that I will cook soon. Also some deer sausage, chicken, and frozen pizzas. Now that I actually know what is in there again I can start planning some meals accordingly. Will also need to go through the pantry cupboards soon too....but I think my list is big enough for now!
Posted in
To Do Lists,
May 29th, 2014 at 08:10 pm
I am so bad at adding more things to the list as I go..so even though I have checked off a lot..I have added several...oops! Tomorrow I will be running errands and getting those items crossed off.
(X)Clean Mirror
(X)Dust Furniture
( )Shower
( )Toilet
( )Sink
( )Mirror
( )Sweep
( )Mop
( )File
( )Move 2013 files to permanent file
( )Clean toys
( )Mark toys
( )Enter Coke Points
( )Enter Special K Points
(X)Wash and pack new storage bins
( )Vacuum
(X)Wash Dishes
(X)Clean off counters
( )Clean off table
(X)Clean oven
(X)Clean microwave
(X)Wash Towels
(X)Clean out fridge
(X)Organize Freezer
( )Sweep Floor
( )Mop Floor
Living Room
( )Pick up
( )Use furniture wash on chairs and couch
( )Wash end tables and TV Stand
( )Vacuum
( )Make Calendar for June
( )Put away shoes
( )Sweep
( )Mop
( )Clean out
(X)Get pop cans organized
( )Take pop cans to recycling
( )Sweep
( )Spray out garage
( )Organize Chest Freezer
(X)Mow Lawn
(X)Clean Hot Tub
( )Clean out rock bed and lay plastic
(X)Take garbage and recycling to curb
(X)Al-Anon Meeting
( )2nd Al-Anon Meeting
(X)Cancel Trip
(X)Buy Coke at CVS
(X)Pay MDU bill
(X)Wax Eyebrows
(X)Paint toe nails
( )Take short and jeans to tailor
( )$50K - $100K Updates for WIR
( )$100K Updates for WIR
(X)Pay mortgage
(X)Grocery shopping
( )Count change and take to bank
( )Get bike in working order
( )Pick out new glasses
( )Oil Change
Workout Everyday
(X)Saturday - Run to Al-Anon
(X)Sunday - Run
(X)Monday - Shape DVD
(X)Tuesday - Softball
(X)Wednesday - Kayaking
( )Thursday - Softball
( )Friday
( )Saturday
( )Sunday
( )Go play Bingo
( )Go to some rummage sales
( )Go to a movie
(X)Watch and mail 3 Netflix
(X)Read Book on deck
( )Eat Ice Cream!
Posted in
To Do Lists
May 26th, 2014 at 04:22 am
Lots left to do, but made good progress on a few items. Hitting the hay early tonight and hopefully can get a lot done tomorrow.
( )Laundry
( )Clean Mirror
( )Dust Furniture
( )Shower
( )Toilet
( )Sink
( )Mirror
( )Sweep
( )Mop
( )File
( )Move 2013 files to permanent file
( )Clean toys
( )Mark toys
( )Enter Coke Points
( )Enter Special K Points
(X)Wash and pack new storage bins
( )Vacuum
(X)Wash Dishes
(X)Clean off counters
( )Clean off table
( )Clean oven
( )Clean out fridge
( )Organize Freezer
( )Sweep Floor
( )Mop Floor
Living Room
( )Pick up
( )Use furniture wash on chairs and couch
( )Wash end tables and TV Stand
( )Vacuum
( )Make Calendar for June
( )Put away shoes
( )Sweep
( )Mop
( )Clean out
( )Get pop cans organized
( )Take pop cans to recycling
( )Sweep
( )Spray out garage
( )Organize Chest Freezer
(X)Mow Lawn
(X)Clean Hot Tub
( )Clean out rock bed and lay plastic
( )Take garbage and recycling to curb
(X)Al-Anon Meeting
(X)Cancel Trip
(X)Buy Coke at CVS
(X)Pay MDU bill
( )Wax Eyebrows
(X)Paint toe nails
( )Count change and take to bank
( )Get bike in working order
( )Pick out new glasses
( )Oil Change
Workout Everyday
(X)Saturday - Run to Al-Anon
( )Monday
( )Tuesday - Softball
( )Wednesday
( )Thursday - Softball
( )Friday
( )Saturday
( )Sunday
( )Go play Bingo
( )Go to some rummage sales
( )Go to a movie
( )Watch and mail 3 Netflix
( )Read Book on deck
( )Eat Ice Cream!
Posted in
To Do Lists
May 24th, 2014 at 10:25 pm
Well yesterday I worked 10.5 hrs, carried 24 12pk of pop from my car to my basement, then I used a sump pump, lawn mower, extension cord, and fuse box by myself....then I crushed a beer can on my head.
Haha JK, but I did have several delicious Cheladas while I cleaned the hot tub.
So pretty and clean!!!

So after work I found the correct switch in the fuse box and turned off the hot tub (I have never touched the fuse box before). I got out the sump pump (which I have never used before) and put it in the hot tub so that it could pump out the tub while I was mowing the lawn. I had some trouble getting it to work...so I am holding it in the water for several minutes and messing with it trying to get it to kick on...one of the hoses came off while I was doing that, and then suddenly it decides to kick on before I get the hose back on and COMPLETELY soaks me from head to toe! Sprays everywhere, mostly in my face...I am fighting with it trying to get a grip so I can get the hose back on and after the initial shock of getting rocked in the face I am laughing so hard the neighbors probably thought I lost my mind...damn that was funny. Def could have been on AFHV.
So I got that going and while its pumping the tub I mowed the yard. Once I was done with that I went and got my suit on and cleaned the tub which was nice cause it was a beautiful 83 degrees here last night. Brought out some tunes and listened to the Beach Boys Greatest Hits and enjoyed my adult beverages. It was enjoyful. 
All that took a few hours and I felt very studly when I was done! Plus was a good start to the Monster To Do List.
Posted in
To Do Lists
May 24th, 2014 at 09:36 pm
I was hoping to just take a pic of my list to put it on here but it's too tiny of print....I only work 2 of the next 9 days so here is the PLAN! (It's a little ridiculously thorough...but I love checking things off when they are done. 

Here we go...
( )Laundry
( )Clean Mirror
( )Dust Furniture
( )Shower
( )Toilet
( )Sink
( )Mirror
( )Sweep
( )Mop
( )File
( )Move 2013 files to permanent file
( )Clean toys
( )Mark toys
( )Enter Coke Points
( )Enter Special K Points
( ) Wash and pack new storage bins
( )Vacuum
( )Wash Dishes
( )Clean off counters
( )Clean off table
( )Clean oven
( )Clean out fridge
( )Organize Freezer
( )Sweep Floor
( )Mop Floor
Living Room
( )Pick up
( )Use furniture wash on chairs and couch
( )Wash end tables and TV Stand
( )Vacuum
( )Make Calendar for June
( )Put away shoes
( )Sweep
( )Mop
( )Clean out
( )Get pop cans organized
( )Take pop cans to recycling
( )Sweep
( )Spray out garage
( )Organize Chest Freezer
( )Mow Lawn
( )Clean Hot Tub
( )Clean out rock bed and lay plastic
( )Take garbage and recycling to curb
( )Al-Anon Meeting
( )Cancel Trip
( )Buy Coke at CVS
( )Pay MDU bill
( )Wax Eyebrows
( )Paint toe nails
( )Count change and take to bank
( )Get bike in working order
( )Pick out new glasses
( )Oil Change
Workout Everyday
( )Saturday - Run to Al-Anon
( )Sunday
( )Monday
( )Tuesday - Softball
( )Wednesday
( )Thursday - Softball
( )Friday
( )Saturday
( )Sunday
( )Go play Bingo
( )Go to some rummage sales
( )Go to a movie
( )Watch and mail 3 Netflix
( )Read Book on deck
( )Eat Ice Cream!
Posted in
To Do Lists
November 21st, 2013 at 04:25 pm
Didn't get too much done yesterday off the list because I was helping DH with an online class and also had a BD party to go to. And today I think I may just relax. But will still have Friday and the weekend to get some more done.
X Get new tires on my car (called and got estimate)
X Enter my Coke points
X Make a plan for Thanksgiving CVS deals
X $50K Update on WIR
-$100K Update on WIR
X Call for underground sprinkler estimates (left messages with 6 different places)
X File
X Pick up living room
X Vacuum living room
-Make the calendar for December
-Sweep Kitchen Floor
X Wax Eyebrows
X Take jeans to the tailor
X Call Discover to get free $5 giftcard
X Pay Citicard
X Organize Coupons
X Grocery Shopping
-Go to gym 8 times (went five times so far)
X Count change and take it to the bank
X Make packing list for Thanksgiving
X Pay water bill
X Buy wine for Thanksgiving
X Buy pop for Thanksgiving
X Get free stuff from Menards
X Take back library books
X Balance checkbook
X Activate new Credit Card
X Make dessert for friend's BD party
Christmas Stuff
X Put up Tree
X Decorate Tree
X Put up decorations
X Hang Snowflakes
-Outside Decorations
-Print Christmas Cards
-Buy Presents (Made list of 14 people for Christmas presents, 2 birthdays, and 1 newborn (SIL is due any day now!))
--Got 2 Christmas presents, 2 birthdays and the newborn gift done.
-Wrap Presents
Posted in
To Do Lists
November 19th, 2013 at 04:31 pm
DH said he is gonna take care of the oil change on his car, so got to remove that one from the list. Trucking along!
X Get new tires on my car (called and got estimate)
-Enter my Coke points
X Make a plan for Thanksgiving CVS deals
X $50K Update on WIR
-$100K Update on WIR
-Call for underground sprinkler estimates
X Pick up living room
X Vacuum living room
-Make the calendar for December
-Sweep Kitchen Floor
X Wax Eyebrows
X Take jeans to the tailor
X Call Discover to get free $5 giftcard
X Pay Citicard
X Organize Coupons
-Grocery Shopping
-Go to gym 8 times (went three times so far)
X Count change and take it to the bank
X Make packing list for Thanksgiving
X Pay water bill
X Buy wine for Thanksgiving
X Buy pop for Thanksgiving
X Get free stuff from Menards
X Take back library books
X Balance checkbook
X Activate new Credit Card
Christmas Stuff
X Put up Tree
X Decorate Tree
X Put up decorations
X Hang Snowflakes
-Outside Decorations
-Print Christmas Cards
-Buy Presents (Made list of 14 people for Christmas presents, 2 birthdays, and 1 newborn (SIL is due any day now!))
--Got one Christmas present and the newborn gift done.
-Wrap Presents
Posted in
To Do Lists
November 18th, 2013 at 04:01 pm
-Get DH's oil changed
-Get new tires on my car (called and got estimate)
-Enter my Coke points
X Make a plan for Thanksgiving CVS deals
X $50K Update on WIR
-$100K Update on WIR
-Call for underground sprinkler estimates
X Pick up living room
X Vacuum living room
-Make the calendar for December
-Sweep Kitchen Floor
-Wax Eyebrows
-Take jeans to the tailor
-Call Discover to get free $10 giftcard (already called, but mortgage officer was not available so they will call me back on Monday)
X Pay Citicard
X Organize Coupons
-Grocery Shopping
-Go to gym 8 times (went three times so far)
-Count change and take it to the bank (counted)
-Make packing list for Thanksgiving
X Pay water bill
-Buy wine for Thanksgiving
X Buy pop for Thanksgiving
Christmas Stuff
X Put up Tree
X Decorate Tree
X Put up decorations
-Outside Decorations
-Print Christmas Cards
-Buy Presents (Made list of 14 people for Christmas presents, 2 birthdays, and 1 newborn (SIL is due any day now!))
-Wrap Presents
Posted in
To Do Lists
November 17th, 2013 at 08:00 pm
Going well so far. Happy to say I went to the gym 3 days in a row! Unfortunately I love to sabotage my To Do lists by continuously adding on more items....therefore they never get finished...oh well, progress!
-Get DH's oil changed
-Get new tires on my car
-Enter my Coke points
X Make a plan for Thanksgiving CVS deals
X $50K Update on WIR
-$100K Update on WIR
-Call for underground sprinkler estimates
X Pick up living room
X Vacuum living room
-Make the calendar for December
-Sweep Kitchen Floor
-Wax Eyebrows
-Take jeans to the tailor
-Call Discover to get free $10 giftcard (already called, but mortgage officer was not available so they will call me back on Monday)
X Pay Citicard
X Organize Coupons
-Grocery Shopping
-Go to gym 8 times (went three times so far)
-Count change and take it to the bank
-Make packing list for Thanksgiving
-Pay MDU
-Pay water bill
-Buy wine for Thanksgiving
X Buy pop for Thanksgiving
Christmas Stuff
-Put up Tree
-Decorate Tree
-Put up decorations
-Outside Decorations
-Print Christmas Cards
-Buy Presents (Made list of 14 people for Christmas presents, 2 birthdays, and 1 newborn (SIL is due any day now!))
-Wrap Presents
Posted in
To Do Lists
November 16th, 2013 at 10:17 pm
I have off until 11/25/13! YEAH! Nothing special planned, just some PTO to use up before the end of the year and I thought now would be a great time so I can get my Christmas stuff in order and also last week I worked 12.5 hours of OT, so I could really use a lil break! As usual I have many things I want to get done. So here we go....
-Get DH's oil changed
-Get new tires on my car
-Enter my Coke points
-Make a plan for Thanksgiving CVS deals
-$50K Update on WIR
-$100K Update on WIR
-Call for underground sprinkler estimates
-Pick up living room
-Vacuum living room
-Make the calendar for December
-Sweep Kitchen Floor
-Wax Eyebrows
-Take jeans to the tailor
-Call Discover to get free $10 giftcard (already called, but mortgage officer was not available so they will call me back on Monday)
-Pay Citicard
-Organize Coupons
-Buy tortillas
-Go to gym 8 times (went once so far)
Christmas Stuff
-Put up Tree
-Decorate Tree
-Put up decorations
-Outside Decorations
-Print Christmas Cards
-Buy Presents (Made list of 13 people for Christmas presents, 2 birthdays, and 1 newborn (SIL is due any day now!))
-Wrap Presents
Posted in
To Do Lists
June 27th, 2013 at 05:16 pm
I spent all day yesterday at the waterpark with my Godson, 2 cousins and my friends cousin. Me and 4 boys...Ahhhh! But it went really good and had fun. I know my 3 year old Godson had a blast! Needless to say I didn't get a single thing done on my list yesterday, but Monday and Tuesday I did good, and I plan on finishing it up today.
Oh and at softball on Tuesday night I hit a home run! Enjoying my time off! 
Here is where I am at:
(X)Transfer money for Vegas
( )Make packing list for Vegas
(X)Call to set up apt for sprinkler installation
(X)Update rummage sale inventory notebook
( )Update rummage sale inventory on blog
(X)Get DH's windshield wiper fixed
( )Find a cardholder for Vegas
(X)Clean out kitchen closet
( )Order snowcone cups
(X)Clean out hot tub
( )Clean out car
( )Wash car
(X)Get glasses adjusted
(X)Use JCP Coupon
(X)Clean shower
(X)Clean up extra bedroom
(X)Put away rummage sale clothes
(X)Put away rummage sale drinks
(X)Take back library books
(X)Get Free Menards Tool and Grass Seed
(X)Balance Checkbook
( )Use Free coupons from Coupon Book
(X)Sweep Floor
(X)$100K Update
(X)Buy present for Godson
(X)Deposit rummage sale money
(X)Write out mortgage checks
(X)BD Dinner
(X)Godson BD Party
( )Trim Bushes
(X)Pick up Kitchen
(X)Clean out Purse
(X)Mortgage Update
(X)Pay MDU
(X)Put new insurance cards in car
(X)Pick up bedroom
( )Cut down tree
( )Mow Lawn
(X)Take saw to brothers house
(X)Pay Discover Card
(X)Buy Milk
(X)Take boys to waterpark
Posted in
To Do Lists
June 24th, 2013 at 03:26 pm
I got a lot more then I thought I would over the weekend! Just need to keep up the momentum for a few more days! I also added a bunch more things....
(X)Transfer money for Vegas
( )Make packing list for Vegas
( )Call to set up apt for sprinkler installation
(X)Update rummage sale inventory notebook
( )Update rummage sale inventory on blog
( )Get DH's windshield wiper fixed
( )Find a cardholder for Vegas
( )Clean out kitchen closet
( )Order snowcone cups
(X)Clean out hot tub
( )Clean out car
( )Wash car
( )Get glasses adjusted
(X)Use JCP Coupon
(X)Clean shower
( )Clean up extra bedroom
(X)Put away rummage sale clothes
(X)Put away rummage sale drinks
(X)Take back library books
( )Get Free Menards Tool and Grass Seed
( )Balance Checkbook
( )Use Free coupons from Coupon Book
( )Sweep Floor
(X)$100K Update
(X)Buy present for Godson
( )Deposit rummage sale money
( )Write out mortgage checks
(X)BD Dinner
(X)Godson BD Party
( )Trim Bushes
( )Pick up Kitchen
( )Dishes
(X)Clean out Purse
(X)Mortgage Update
(X)Pay MDU
(X)Put new insurance cards in car
( )Pick up bedroom
Posted in
To Do Lists
June 21st, 2013 at 03:01 am
I have all of next week off! YEAH! I wanted to just relax and do nothing, but of course, there is lots to do and lots of things planned. It is my BD, my Godson's BD and a softball tournament (largest in the USA!). So here is what I have planned so far:
-Transfer money for Vegas
-Make packing list for Vegas
-Call to set up apt for sprinkler installation
-Update rummage sale inventory notebook
-Update rummage sale inventory on blog
-Get DH's windshield wiper fixed
-Find a cardholder for Vegas
-Clean out kitchen closet
-Order snowcone cups
-Clean out hot tub
-Clean out car
-Wash car
-Get glasses adjusted
-Use JCP Coupon
-Clean shower
-Clean up extra bedroom
-Put away rummage sale clothes
-Take back library books
-Get Free Menards Tool
-Balance Checkbook
-Use Free coupons from Coupon Book
-Sweep Floor
-$100K Update
-Buy present for Godson
-Deposit rummage sale money
-Write out mortgage checks
-BD Dinner
-Godson BD Party
Posted in
To Do Lists
May 28th, 2013 at 03:20 pm
I made good use of the extra day off this Memorial Day Weekend, and DH was a huge help to me as well.
I used our furniture wash and leather conditioner on our leather furniture, vacuumed in the couch, vacuumed the floor and scheduled the carpet cleaning for this week. So the living room is all done with the purging/cleaning /organizing!
DH cleaned the kitchen counters, did the dishes, and cleaned the microwave for me! YEAH! He also filled the hot tub, did countless loads of laundry and helped me crush the pop cans for recycling. Such a good one I have.
Then I cleaned the small entryway landing, got all the extra shoes that collect down there put away in my nice clean shoe closet. Got some junk put/thrown away and swept and mopped the floor. Then vacuumed the stairs so they are ready for the carpet cleaners.
All in all a very productive weekend. Very busy this week and going out of town this coming weekend, so won't be working on the purging/cleaning/organizing this week, but plan to start on the kitchen closet the week after and then move on to the kitchen. Once the kitchen is done I will have completed that whole floor of my house!
Posted in
To Do Lists,
May 25th, 2013 at 06:31 pm
Been pretty productive with the old "To Do" List this week.
-Scheduled the carpet cleaning for next week
-Got my bi-yearly ring cleaning and inspection done
-Exchanged a CD for DH that he got for his BD
-Took a bin of newspapers to the recycling
-Hit up CVS everyday for my free/cheap Revlon
-Opened a mortgage checking account
-Took change to the bank and put into new account
-Took back and got new library books
-Contacted Lawn Care service to start first treatment
Hoping to tackle the garage this weekend. Get it cleaned up, swept out, and take our aluminum cans in for recycling(more money for the mortgage!). Have to get it ready for rummage sale time, we are planning on having our first of the year in 3 weeks!
Posted in
To Do Lists
April 18th, 2013 at 02:45 pm
Got a few things done yesterday that made me feel productive.
As I was cleaning out that extra room, I was trying for the most part, to mark things for the rummage sale as I found them, so most things were already marked and put away when I got done. But I did end up with a small box of maybe 20 random items in the end that needed to be marked, so I marked them all yesterday and put them away in a box for the rummage sale.
Also when I was cleaning out that room I found a folder of checks I had ordered maybe a month or two ago and put in my desk. I had pulled them out when I was organizing and realized that even though I had requested no changes, they had for some reason taken my husband's name off of the check blanks. So I called the bank and reordered. We get free checks for our bank and I still have 2 pads left, so no big deal. Odd though, that they randomly removed him from the checks....
And lastly I finally got DH's CVS card signed up for the Beauty Club. I had been trying to do this for awhile, but was having trouble. You used to be able to activate it with the cashiers at CVS, but when I asked them to do that they said they can't anymore, you have to go online. I had trouble with DH's login info, so I finally just called CVS EB line and had them activate it that way. So now I can start earning extra rewards on his card.
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To Do Lists
November 11th, 2012 at 03:05 am
Last night we had freezing rain and then today it snowed alllllllll day here. Not sure how many inches yet, but I know it was a lot. My FB friends were all talking about sliding down their icy driveways and apparently all the fastfood joints are closed due to the weather. The only time I left the house was around noon and the roads were ok, but the visibility was horrible. The driveway is so full of snow you can't even see the tracks where we left, so tomorrow will be a fun day of shoveling.
But today was productive. I counted our change, $90.00! So that will go with my BL money ($40) to be added to the Dec mortgage payment. I went to the gym (first time in months-ugh), bought a few groceries, and cleaned out my toiletries closet! We also watched like 4 movies on Netflix, this made DH happy cause he feels like he is productive when he gets things out of our instant que...lol, and DH tried a new recipe, cauliflower mac'n'cheese. Waiting to eat some now.
Posted in
To Do Lists
August 1st, 2012 at 04:15 am
Felt very productive today:
-Re-ordered my mail order rx
-Made an eye apt so I can use my yearly eyewear allowance
-Paid DH's Medical bills for his knee injury(will post more on that later)
-Entered Staples rebate online
Posted in
To Do Lists
April 21st, 2012 at 04:20 pm
I FINALLY finished putting away my 2011 paperwork. I have one of those plastic file boxes with a handle that I use through out the year and file all of our bills etc in and then at the end of the year I bundle and staple everything together in the different files, and transfer it and our tax return to a permanent file. Cleared out a huge pile of papers we don't need anymore and took them to work and put them in the recycling/shred and then moved everything else into the permanent file.
-Paid for DHs car registration for the year
-Paid AAA membership dues for the year (that thing has paid for itself so many times already!)
-Paid electric/heat bill (it was down $50 from last month...guess my frozen toes were worth it!)
-Transferred the cruise money from savings to checking and set up the payment for the cruise online.
I also bought some lotion at Menards, it is Vaseline Sheer Infusion 6.8oz bottles. They are free after $5 rebate. So I bought the limit of 5, sent in the rebate and marked them for $2 each for the rummage sale. So that would be $10 free dollars if we sell them all.
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Free Stuff,
To Do Lists,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
August 23rd, 2011 at 12:52 am
Another productive day, went to work and then......
Took in our pop cans again
20lbs at .55/lb = $11.00
Piece of siding = .41
Total is $11.41. So I transferred $15 to savings.
-Went to the bank
-Got the battery changed in my car starter remote ($8)
-Picked up a ring that I had taken to the jewelry store to get saudered together ($40)
-Bought a case of beer for our friend that did all of those home repairs ($20)
Posted in
To Do Lists,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
June 26th, 2011 at 09:23 pm
Here is the final on my to do list. Vacation is over, but I did good and also got a lot of relaxing in!
I played in a softball tournament this weekend and even hit a homerun! YEAH!
(X)1)Dentist Apt
(X)2)Donate Blood
(X)3)Take in recycling
(X)4)Take back library books
(X)5)Clean out car
(X)6)Organize garage
(X)7)Call chiro to check on DH's bill
( )8)Clean out study
(X)9)Wax eyebrows
(X)11)Clean bedroom
(X)12)Organize Tupperware cupboard
( )13)Clean out kitchen closet
(X)14)Clean out hottub
(X)15)Boys Softball
(X)16)Girls Softball
(X)17)Go to BD lunch with Mom
(X)18)Go through purses for rummage sale
( )19)Work at trailer
(X)21)Create resume for Dad
(X)22)Clean out new freezer
Posted in
To Do Lists
June 23rd, 2011 at 07:38 pm
I took in our aluminum cans today. We had 53lbs at .65 a lb = $34.45. I will hold on to that check to add to the mortgage payment for July. Doing pretty good on my list, sad that my time off is almost over! This afternoon I am going to clean out the hot tub, I already drained it. Also planning to file and maybe work on the garage.
My Birthday was on Tuesday, my Mom and Dad got me a new softball glove which I really needed and also a new chest freezer since ours died. In the process of moving the new freezer in I found out that we have 4 sets of outlets in our house that do not work. Hoping my brother or a friend we have that is good with electrical can fix them for us.
(X)1)Dentist Apt
(X)2)Donate Blood
(X)3)Take in recycling
(X)4)Take back library books
(X)5)Clean out car
( )6)Organize garage
(X)7)Call chiro to check on DH's bill
( )8)Clean out study
(X)9)Wax eyebrows
(X)11)Clean bedroom
(X)12)Organize Tupperware cupboard
( )13)Clean out kitchen closet
( )14)Clean out hottub
(X)15)Boys Softball
(X)16)Girls Softball
(X)17)Go to BD lunch with Mom
(X)18)Go through purses for rummage sale
( )19)Work at trailer
( )20)File
(X)21)Create resume for Dad
( )22)Clean out new freezer
Posted in
Saving Money,
Free Stuff,
To Do Lists,
Home Improvements,
Rummage Sales and Recycling
June 20th, 2011 at 06:47 pm
I got a few things off my list all ready this morning. Went to the dentist (no cavities again, YEAH!), donated blood, called the chiro office, organized the tupperware cupboard, and went through my bin of purses. I only found 2 to get rid of, thought I would find more. But got those in with the rummage sale box. Also found 3 chapsticks, a nail file and .90 cents.
Should get a few more things done today, including fun items of reading, taking a nap and watching The People's Court (my guilty pleasure!).
(X)1)Dentist Apt
(X)2)Donate Blood
( )3)Take in recycling
(X)4)Take back library books
( )5)Clean out car
( )6)Organize garage
(X)7)Call chiro to check on DH's bill
( )8)Clean out study
(X)9)Wax eyebrows
( )10)Laundry
( )11)Clean bedroom
(X)12)Organize Tupperware cupboard
( )13)Clean out kitchen closet
( )14)Clean out hottub
( )15)Boys Softball
( )16)Girls Softball
( )17)Go to BD lunch with Mom
(X)18)Go through purses for rummage sale
( )19)Work at trailer
( )20)File
Posted in
To Do Lists